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Sabian Malice
Dec 11th, 2002, 10:34:19 AM
He had already stood within the recruiting station for quite some time, yet remained close to the doorway. A hardened face, expressionless and cold, scrutinized each and every passerby.

Most, rushed past the seven foot newcomer, unsure of his intentions and unwilling to linger even for curiosity's sake. A brave few halted long enough to gather questions regarding the man's enormous frame, ridged with muscle and clad in an ice blue matched only by the color of his hair. Still others pondered the origin of a lengthy scar stretching itself from the tops of his forehead, across the right eye, before coming to rest at the brim of a rigid jaw. However, even these inquiring minds scattered once met by the man's unforgiving glare.

Once it seemed his hidden agenda was satisfied, he ventured further in and toward the only stationary individual. Placing a large, coarse palm atop this person's shoulder, he spoke.

"Excuse me...."

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 11th, 2002, 11:01:59 AM
Wei turned around and looked up at the big man with a smile on his face. "Can I help you?"

Wei Wu Wei peered past the small frames of his glasses at the big man. He was unusually tall, and very muscular. A scar decorated his face. He supposed that he should have been afraid of the man, but soon put that idea to rest. Why should he fear someone that he knows nothing about?

The Padawan extended a hand in greeting. "My name is Wei Wu Wei, Jedi Padawan. What's your name?"

Sabian Malice
Dec 11th, 2002, 02:31:00 PM
Taking the Jedi's extended hand into his own, he replied, "Sabian......Sabian Malice..." but then his words abruptly cut off.

The brawny young man eyed his new acquaintance with increasing interest. Several moments of complete silence passed, whilst the examination continued, before being broken by Sabian's question.

"Did you say that you were.....a Jedi?" Bending at the waste, he shrunk from his towering height until both men stood, eye-to-eye.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 11th, 2002, 07:19:22 PM
Wei grinned, unfazed by the sudden change in Sabian's height.

"I sure am. A Padawan, to be more exact. Padawans are students. I suppose you want to become a Padawan too?" Wei half asked, half guessed.

Wei's grin grew broader. "Learning the Force is hard work. A lot of Padawans sometimes lose patience because they feel their training is not going fast enough, and some Padawans get over confident due to their training. Learning and abiding by the Jedi code is not easy feat either. Despite what the Darksiders might tell you, the path of the Jedi is not for the weak."

Sabian Malice
Dec 11th, 2002, 09:57:12 PM
"I sure am... ", though Wei's comments did not end with these three tiny words, Sabian's once stern visage melted giving way to an almost blissful trance. The large man appeared to be oblivious to anything spoken beyond this point.

His eyes took on an odd glint, like unto that of small child waking Christmas morning. A broad, toothy grin split open just beneath his nose forming a bridge between the ears. Then, without warning, Malice's left hand clamped down across the padawan's knuckles; the Jedi's hand now sandwiched into a tremendous vice grip.

"I've waited for three months to actually meet one of you guys!" He said in a tone wrought with joy. Sabian began vigorously shaking Wei's hand, causing fierce quakes throughout the padawan's entire upper body.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 12th, 2002, 08:52:41 AM
Wei laughed when Sabian began to shake him about. "It's good to have met you too!" Wei said. Wei decided to wait until Sabian was settled down before saying anything further.

"He sure is a happy sort of person," Wei thought to himself. Wei was glad he could make the giant's day.

Sabian Malice
Dec 13th, 2002, 09:18:02 AM
"Oh!" came a startled response, once Sabian realized what his good natured greeting was doing to Wei. Both hands then snapped away, freeing the padawan's limb and bringing the vibrations to an immediate halt. Also, perceiving the current close quarters may make the Jedi uncomfortable, Malice rose to regain all seven feet of height.

"Sorry.....sometimes I get carried away." The giant's smile had not faded, but rather, became more sheepish as he nervously scratched the back of his head.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 13th, 2002, 09:35:03 AM
"So do I, Sabian, so do I."

Wei laughed. "But when I get carried away, I tend to bounce off the walls."

Wei pushed his glasses back onto his nose and asked. "Are you here to join the Order? I'm afraid I forgot if I had asked you that before."

Sabian Malice
Dec 13th, 2002, 02:06:43 PM
He could not help but to laugh at thought of a Jedi whom "bounced off the walls". Perhaps he would not feel so awkward amongst them after all.

"Hm....what.....oh yes." Sabian spoke, rattling his head a bit; a symbolic gesture meant to bring his wandering mind back to the matter at hand.

"Yes, that's it exactly! I want to become a Jedi!" Yet, his delight abruptly faded and the smile dropped into a questioning expression of embarrassment. "If that's alright with you guys."

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 13th, 2002, 03:11:56 PM
"Well, I don't really mind it, but the question is, why do you want to be a Jedi?"

Wei knew that all recruits had to be asked that question.

Sabian Malice
Dec 16th, 2002, 01:06:49 PM
With one deep breath, Sabian prepared himself to answer the padawan's question.

"Well....you see....back at home on Cassio, a little moon I bet even the Jedi never heard of,.." his interjection spoken with a slight chuckle, "....I live in a small village, as do most of my people. No one has much money, so whenever someone, or a whole family, is suffering we all come together to help them out. We all know that someday we may be the ones in need of help."

He paused, taking another deep breath.

"Then one day an outlander came to my village. He gave these weird tests to everyone; resulting in me and a few others being called 'sensitive' or something like that. Then the stranger instructed us to come here and find you; the Jedi.

I was the only one willing to do so. The others did not want leave their families and homes; can you blame them? As for me, I had no wife or kids and my parents have been dead for a long time. So I listened to the man's direction and, after three months, found my way here."

The beaming smile returned.

"Sorry, I don't mean to bore you, but I want you to understand my desire to join. I hear you guys use your special abilities to help people and protect the innocent. My father taught me that any man worth his bread thinks of others before himself and strives to live to his greatest potential. If you except me; I will do everything in my power to honor my father's dream as well as remain loyal to those I serve and those I serve with."

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 16th, 2002, 01:44:36 PM
Wei paid Sabian full attention. Sabian's promise to his dad reminded Wei of his promise to his Grandpa.

"Well, Sabian, I think you check out ok, but since I'm a Padawan, I can't accept you into the order. A knight or Master has to do that. I'm sure you'll pass a Knight or Master's inspection without failure."

Wei looked about. "Now where did they get to? There's almost always a Knight or Master around here somewhere."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 19th, 2002, 08:15:35 PM
" Wei! "

A familiar voice greeted the Padawan from behind. Though it was rather pointless, Wei turned around to face one of his best friends and colleague Jedi, wearing that broad grin he was so well known for, none other than Ki Adi Kindo. He continued forward until he stood alongside Wei, giving him a friendly pat on the back.

" I assume it's been a good morning for you. "

Has his stare shifted ahead he could see only one thing; a belly, and a large one at that. His enlarged eyes slowly climbed up the man's unique features until stopping at his face. The Jedi seemed to be in a brief state of shock, in awe of Sabian's towering measurements. Defined and immense muscles matched his height, and his unusual complexion was an icy-blue. It was needless to say that this particular man's race was uncommon, similar to the mysteriousness of Master Yoghurt's.

" Hello? "

The short welcome was all he could muster up.

Sabian Malice
Dec 19th, 2002, 09:28:05 PM
Sabian glanced at the Knight, back to Wei, then once more to Kindo; where he seemed to size the man up much as he had done to the padawan. Once he felt his inspection was thorough enough, the giant spoke.

"Is he a Jedi too?" questioning Wei while carefully analyzing the other.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 2nd, 2003, 11:21:55 AM
"Yes, and a Jedi knight at that. He can accept you into the order. Sabian Malice, meet Ki Adi Kindo, Jedi Knight."

"Kindo, he wants to join the order. Maybe you can talk to him if you can find your voice again?" Wei said with a smile.