View Full Version : Wanna buy...
Chris Poppin
Dec 10th, 2002, 03:58:05 PM
"Hey you wanna buy some death sticks?"
Mr. Happy
Dec 10th, 2002, 04:13:24 PM
"Boy, do I ever!"
I sidled over to the weasely looking guy, slapping him on the back.
"Happy's the name, and drugs are my game. Lets make a deal, Cochese!"
Chris Poppin
Dec 10th, 2002, 07:27:22 PM
"Well how about that our first costomer fancy that he's a clown, but that wont bother me, so what do you need smily".
Slids the man a list.
It reads:
Death sticks
Santherian tenho-root
Tenloss DXR-6 Disruptor Rifle - Disruptor Rifle
Tenloss DX-2 Disruptor Pistol - Disruptor Pistol
Prax Arms Stealth-2VX Palm Shooter - Palm Dart Shooter
Prax Arms Protector PRP-502 Hold-Out Shooter - Dart Pistol
Pacnorval Defense System, Limited, SD-77 Sonic Pistol - Sonic Pistol
Pacnorval Defense System, Limited, SG-82 Sonic Rifle - Sonic Rifle
Merr-Sonn C-22 Flame Carbine - Flame Projector
Merr-Sonn CR-24 Flame Rifle - Flame Projector
Merr-Sonn Munitions PLX-2M - Missile Tube
Golan Arms FC1 Flechette Launcher - Flechette Launcher
OutlawTech Lock Breaker - Lock Breaker
And with that i watch the smily man look over the list
Mr. Happy
Dec 10th, 2002, 08:10:59 PM
"Well gee, it all looks very nice,
Suppose all's left to ask is price.
A thousand clams, its worth to me.
Paint the guns purple for an additional fee!"
I tossed the list over my shoulder, hefting up a large briefcase.
"So, is it a deal?"
Turcyn Rorke
Dec 10th, 2002, 09:38:01 PM
If Poppin hadn't noticed it earlier, he would have by now. Lurking just behind Mr. Happy stood Wallace Tyren, a notorious hitman and 'muscle for hire', with his own established reputation in some parts of the galaxy. If it wasn't the tell-tale stories carried with his name that got you, it was his appearance. Shaven head, broad frame, skin the tone of his heart -- menacing was an understatement when it came to Tyren.
"Let's hope so."
Chris Poppin
Dec 11th, 2002, 11:21:07 AM
"Well well well, what do we have here... A bodyguard huh? Well fancy that and no we dont have a deal its not enough,"clams" that is. I need at least 1500 "clams" and thats for shipping and the paint job you want, it will be done very well but its gonna cost more. I hope this will work for you and baldy here."
As I look Mr. Happy stright in the eyes
"And just make sure we are on the page you want one of everything or just death sticks?"
Mr. Happy
Dec 11th, 2002, 12:56:50 PM
"I'll cut your shipping costs, and pick up the goods myself! 1100 is my final offer...and that's for the whole sha-bang!"
I extended my hand to the man, and a rolled up piece of paper popped from my sleeve. I reached up behind my ear, and removed a big, fluffy quill, as I unrolled the legalese for him to pereuse. The contract spilled onto the floor, and I quickly shuffled the important part up to the table.
"Nevermind all this...just injunctures, jurisdictions, stipulations, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera....but you already knew that, my lad! Just sign on the line!"
Chris Poppin
Dec 11th, 2002, 03:07:58 PM
"All right then"
I take up the Fluffy pen and give the man my john hancock.
"But you know that it will take it while for all the gun to get painted and such. but im sure you can wait, because you will have to."
" Oh and by the way there better not be a funny bussiness going on with this legalese."
And with that I call in my order and ask for the guns to be painted and they said that "I can be done in a week ready for pick up"...
Mr. Happy
Dec 11th, 2002, 10:43:48 PM
"Oh relax! The Faustian Deal is so overdone. Besides, do you know how hard it is to find refillable pens that use human blood? Thats me, being facetious. Don't be such a prude, my lad!"
I turned to my handy-dandy Tall, Dark, and Deadly-for-Hire.
"I feel like ice cream! Come, Brutus!"
Turning back to my business partner with a flourish, I dipped the brim of my fedora in salutations.
"One week, same station. Don't touch that dial! Hi-ho, Silver!"
Chris Poppin
Dec 12th, 2002, 12:25:44 PM
"See ya there"
I turned around and left as tho it never happened ready to return in a week.
"Oh and you better have the money ready too!! And I would like them in small un-marked "clams". "Later"
Mr. Happy
Dec 12th, 2002, 03:49:57 PM
<center><font size=5>One Week Later...</font></center>
Back on the scene again! I'd been a good little boy, and I sure hoped Santa was punctual this year. I'd had enough foresight to stop at the icecream cart before business. I got a triple scoop of bubble-gum, mint chocolate chip, and peach, and though my glum-faced stooge did initially decline, I got him a dish of vanilla, since he lacks the imagination for anything else. There we were, enjoying our ice cream, and waiting to finish business that was started a week ago. I, of course, being the law-abiding do-gooder that I am, had my payment ready and waiting, as stipulated and bound by our contract. Law and order, every time! I'm a regular John Wayne, pilgrim!
Chris Poppin
Dec 12th, 2002, 08:12:43 PM
As i drive up in my shipping van, i see Mr happy waiting with ice cream in hand. I pulled up right next to him and got out extended my hand and said....
"Hows it going my friend. Are we ready for businness?
With a shake of his head and went to the back of the van, he trailed me like a lost puppy, i opened the back up and there they were in there on cases. I opened one up and showed him the color.
"If this is good enough for you we can end this deal!"
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