View Full Version : In Search Of A Female Companion

Straffe Stormrider
Dec 10th, 2002, 08:26:18 AM
A blond young man had entered the bar. His blue eyes scanned this familiar place that he had been to so many times. He checked his weapons at the front desk and slowly walked into the bar. He ran his fingers trough his thick blond hair. He was in search of beautiful female who he would be able to talk to. He hadnt been with one since his mother died so he thaught it was a time for a change. He needed a womans opinion on himself and any hints they could help him with. He walked to a booth on the side and searched the bar. Hoping to see a woman that would talk with him and maybe even more...

Taataani Meorrrei
Dec 10th, 2002, 03:48:33 PM
Barrrtenderrr...anotherrr Keeja Manji!

Taa winked at the balding man as he walked off to get her drink, muttering under his breath at having to fix the woman her disgusting 'usual'. Taataani Meorrrei, on the otherhand, went back to dancing, shifting her weight from foot to foot as her hips swayed to the song on the jukebox. So what if people stared....she couldn't help herself. Her tail swayed independantly of her motions, and slapped against patrons as they walked nearby.

Jana Silthron
Dec 11th, 2002, 11:43:30 PM
Jana glared slightly at the cat-like woman making a fool of herself in the middle of the room. She then turned her head away and looked around the rest of the room. Her eyes rested on a man siting alone. She narrowed her eyes at him slightly as she sensed the light side within him. She shook her head and sighed. She then reached out with the force and touched his mind.

'Greetings jedi...'

Her wings were folded around her and looked alot like a white cloak from a distance. Her dark blue eyes watched him and he searched for the voice. His eyes finaly found her and she nodded slowly.

Straffe Stormrider
Dec 12th, 2002, 08:21:56 AM
Straffe was sitting quietly when he saw the felion woman start to dance near the juke box. He watched her for a few moments and saw the faces she was getting from passer bys. While he was watching her, he heard some talking in his head. The sweet voice of a woman was soothing but he couldnt find from where it was comming from. He finally found the woman that sent him the message. He smiled gently and replyed back to her trough her own mind

"Greetings...Who might you be?"

He spoke in a soft tone, hoping for her response

Jana Silthron
Dec 12th, 2002, 05:28:50 PM
Jana relaxed her wings, alowing them to come out from around her and extend behind her back. She pauses a moment before telling him her name.

'Jana Silthron.'

She raises to her feet and walks over to his table. The strange looks were then devided between the cat woman and the wings on Jana. She wasn't suprised. By now she was used to it.

"Might I ask your name?"

Kesh Kou
Dec 12th, 2002, 07:55:40 PM
Kesh laughed before strolling over to her favorite spot at the bar and sat down. She glanced agian st Taataani and covered a giggle behind her large white paw. " Hey Taatani been awhile since I last talked to you!"

Straffe Stormrider
Dec 13th, 2002, 10:05:47 AM
Straffe was awstruck. He was in the pressence of an angle. His jaw seemed to drop but he quickly shook it off and regained his cool attitude

"I am Straffe Stormrider. Jedi padawan to Master Lance Stormrider. If you dont mind me asking...Are you truely an angel?"

His blue eyes gazed into hers, a feeling of beeing lost within them had takin over his body

Jana Silthron
Dec 16th, 2002, 09:20:18 PM
She looked at him cooly.

"No. I am what is known as an Ambriel. We resemble angels but some of us are far from it... most of us actualy."

A dark presence was around her as she spoke. She quickly hid it from the jedi.

Straffe Stormrider
Dec 22nd, 2002, 06:40:47 PM
Straffe got the shivers as she spoke. He could easily sense the darkness but decided to disregard it

"What do you mean...Far from it?"

Jana Silthron
Dec 23rd, 2002, 12:31:07 AM
"Many have chosen the path of darkness. The darkside has a strong pull towards the Ambriel race I supose."

She can tell he sensed the darkness around her.

"Yes I am one of the ones that has chosen the path of the dark side. But I am not a full fledged sith. I am a rogue dark jedi. I'm sorry if my presence starteled you."

Aeris Thriner
Dec 23rd, 2002, 11:40:02 AM
I stepped into the bar with my basket of flowers. I smiled, some of the people looked like they could use some cheering up. I walked over to the couple sitting in the corner. I looked at the young man. He was talking to what looked like....an angel! Wow, this place was weird. I looked at the man and asked him, "Would you like to buy a flower for one credit? I bet your girlfriend would like a rose." I said with a soft smile upon my face.

I bent down, and my brown hair fell into my face. I lifted my hand and swept it away. He looked a little shocked at something the woman had just said. "I am sorry. Am I in the middle of a breakup?" I looked over at the woman. I felt a little bad. I waited for an answer from either one of them.

Jana Silthron
Dec 23rd, 2002, 01:50:06 PM
Jana suddenly turned around. She stared coldly into the woman's eyes. The woman could tell that this "angel" was not pleased by her words.

"I sugest you watch your tongue before it is removed for you."

The two around her suddenly felt a cold chill run up their spine. Straffe knew it to be the dark aura around Jana. Jana then remembered that he was back there. She looked back at him.

"Good day to you, jedi. I seem to have over stayed my welcome."

She begins to walk out.

Straffe Stormrider
Dec 26th, 2002, 08:13:04 PM
Straffe quickly got up and grabed Jana's arm


She turned around, ready to pounce on him. Straffe pulled a rose from behind him and gave it to her

"I hate to see a pretty face leave so un-happy"

Straffe casually made 5 credits float to the young lady. She didnt realize that Straffe had takin a flower from her basket without her knowing

Jana Silthron
Dec 27th, 2002, 01:39:57 AM
Jana looked down at the rose then back to Straffe. A small smile came to her face as she accepted the rose.

"Well, I seem to be wrong about all jedi being heartless. Perhaps we shall meet again, Jedi Straffe."

She smiled and nodded a thanks to him. She then turned and left.

Straffe Stormrider
Dec 27th, 2002, 01:17:25 PM
Straffe smiled, woundering when the next time wil be

"Dont worry....Im everywhere"

He said with a smile on his face. He watched as she walked out and into the dark shadows of the night. He sat back down at the table and really woundered if he could find out more information about this mysterious woman