View Full Version : Fairly Famished (Xazor and Sene Open)

Hadrian Invicta
Dec 9th, 2002, 06:40:50 PM
Hadrian had followed his master and the Knight Xazor to Yog's Bar and Grill, his stomach growled at him as the aroma of sizzling flesh filled the air. It had been quite some time since he'd eaten.

Slowly he picked a table to sit at, he despised booths, they were too confining for him, an aspect of his life as a shepherd, he was used to open spaces and not comfortable in tight spots.

He waited for the others to sit as well, before he did, he removed his ragged shepherds cloak from his body and folded it placing it under his chair as he sat. His muscular chest and shoulders were appearant under his long-sleeved tee-shirt. They were not defined though in the sense that he had worked on making his body look like that, rather they were the result of many years of physical labor. He bowed his head in meditation as he sat, thanking the universe for it's bounty and the force for supplying it.

The server droid came up and asked for their orders, Hadrian responded quickly his thirst almost as large as his hunger:

"A glass of whole milk and then a pitcher of Ice water please."

He drank nothing other than Ice Water and milk, occasionally during celebrations partaking in a glass/bottle of wine.

The server droid then turned to the others at the table:

"And for you?"

Sene Unty
Dec 10th, 2002, 09:06:01 AM
Sene had made his way quickly to the bar and grill, his stomach making growling noises in an aparent sign of hunger. He smiled as Hadrian picked a table and made his way towards it. Sene always preferred booths.....

After they had all sat down Sene took a glance at his menu. It was only out of habit as he knew everything that was written there. After selecting a hamburger Sene watched as Hadrian bowed his head and gave thanks for his meal. It was a curious practice and something he wasn't accustomed to....oh well to each there own.

The serving droid turned towards Sene after Hadrian placed his drink order:

"Just water please, no ice."

Sene looked at Xazor and waited for her selection.....

Hadrian Invicta
Dec 20th, 2002, 08:35:17 AM
Hadrian glanced over the menu fleetingly, it had many delicacies deemed worthy of kings, but he was not interested in delicacies.

"A large bowl of mutton and potato stew?" He asked humbly.

The server droid glanced at the cold eyes of the new padawan and returned: "Anything else?"

"Yes, sweetbread rolls and apple butter, please."

"Very good choice sir."

Hadrian then looked at his new master, a young man, younger even then Hadrian.

"Master where am I to live? I just now realized that I'm no longer living on the range, I will need quarters of some sort will I not?"

Xazor Elessar
Dec 22nd, 2002, 12:23:49 PM
"I'll have the chicken breast lightly sauteed in Corellian Red Wine, and a salad with French dressing on the side. I would have to drink a mug of your finest spiced Garou Ale."

With that, she handed the waiter her menu and smiled gently before looking to Hadrian.

"Thank you for inviting us out."

She said thoughtfully and then before Sene could answer the Padawan's question, the Garou Knight piped up.

"Oh yes, we have the Living Quarters set aside for the Jedi. It is quite beautiful and I do suggest the East wing. There you can see the suns, moons, and stars rise. Some even set it the East. It overlooks a beautiful part of the City too. My room is up there."

Her voice was filled with cheer and her eyes beamed as she spoke of her home.

Hadrian Invicta
Dec 22nd, 2002, 09:36:57 PM
"It is my pleasure, m'lady," Hadrian replied warmly. His grey-green eyes shone brightly, but they were cold, emotionless.

The moons' and the suns', Hadrian remembered being home in the open, sleeping under the stars, watching them fall towards the sea (his planet was near an asteroid field), the moons were beautiful during the winter nights and though the air was cold, the glow of the moons' seemed to warm him.

"The east wing sounds wonderful, but may I ask if there would be a room with a glass cieling so that I may sleep under the stars?"

As he finished speaking he lifted his glass of ice water up to his thick red lips and sipped, the ice kept out of his mouth by his teeth.