View Full Version : Staring down the Gates of Hell

Chikami Darkwynd
Dec 9th, 2002, 05:53:21 PM
Chikami Darkwynd walked casually towards the gates of hell. Well at least it could prove to be his eternal hell, of that he was not sure yet. Pulling his crimson cloak around him with hood up Chikami proceeded. A small lock of silver hair whisped out from around his hood as he neared the gate.

Chikami stopped before the gates admiring their craftsmanship cold metal glinting in the moonlight. As he stood there snow began to fall around him reminding him of the bitter cold. Tonight he would find his answers or his death either way he would find something.

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 9th, 2002, 11:44:14 PM
"Dalamar there is a man at the gate."the Shrine Guard said. "Very well." came the Warlord's reply. The Merchant tried to cheat the Shrine, his body dropped soudlessly to the floor. Speaking into the com. "I'm finished here Nala bring my weapon's and greet our guest with all due courtesy."

Chikami Darkwynd
Dec 10th, 2002, 10:36:29 PM
Chikami pulled a small notebook from within his cloak. Its pages tattered and worn with a touch of yellowing on the edges. Opening the notebook Chikami flipped to near the center and began scanning the book. It only took him a few moments to finds what he wanted. He had pagged through this notebook enough times that he had memorized its contents but for some reason he found himself returning to it just to make sure.

Snapping the notebook shut Chikami tucked it back behind his belt again. While his hand was back there he unsconciously made sure his ringsword was still there.

Chikami did not feel the need to press his luck any more than he already was, and so he waited to see if someone was going to greet him or destroy him where he stood.

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 11th, 2002, 08:47:18 PM
Dalamar walked to the outer gate where the Shrine Guardians were keeping there new arrival company. His crimson cloak billowed in the cold winds that surrounded the Shrine. The mist floated around the newcomer enshrouding him in the greyness. With a gesture of the force the Warlord opened the beautifully wrought gates. "I am Warlord Dalamar Lord of the Shrine, do you know where you are?" His dark armor glistened even in this dim light. Black as ebony his twin swords appeared over each shoulder like to vipers ready to strike. The Guardian's where tense ever alert for even the smallest signal from there master.

Chikami Darkwynd
Dec 12th, 2002, 01:39:15 AM
"Greetings Warlord Dalamar. My name is Chikami Darkwynd, and yes I know exactly where I am."

Chikami let down the hood on his crimson cloak to reveal his long silver hair, and to let the wind cool his tension. Chikami made a mental note concerning his hosts armor and weaonry. "Apparently they don't like to have company. Not that I can blame them.

"I am a student of the occult, and i seek many things. Knowledge, power, and certain character traits that can only be found in and around this Shrine.

ooc: Malice told me to tell you that he refered me to you. :)

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 14th, 2002, 09:23:00 PM
Well if you are willing to risk your soul you may enter. Do not touch anything inside without my permission. The Shrine is home to the Vampyre and many things are too dangerous for mortals. Many enter few return, are you willing to pay this price know full well you may not exit untainted? The Warlord did not wait for the answer he turned and walked back toward the large doors leaving the man to follow if he would.

ooc. Coooooollllllll........

Lord Soth
Dec 14th, 2002, 11:45:39 PM
The Death Knight stood silently within the dark recess's of an abandoned temple rune that resembled a large sepulcher. It's worn masonry stone bore testimony to countless year's of neglect. Dense undergrowth and heavy vine's snaked there way around the ancient structure as if claiming it for it's own; threatening to pull the building down into the soft Roon soil at any given moment. Some of the elaborate pillar column's that supported the once magnificent temple entrance had toppled long ago, giving the casual viewer at first glance the severity of it's degradation.

The harsh element's on the constantly darkened side of Roon's hemisphere offered no safe haven to the weak at heart and to the foolish explorer's that braved it's landscape. And for the few hardened inhabitant's of this desolate region of Roon, the environment was less then hospitable, showing no mercy to any living thing that existed here...

The low murmur's from the two men that stood in conversation at the Shrine gate's were muffled by the whipping wind's that Roon was known for, however, the implicit word's from the outlander whereas clear as Sadoian Crystal to the dreaded Death Knight as he listened to the man's inner most thought's. The inky blackness about Soth coupled with the pitch black apparel that he wore, blended perfectly with the shadow's he concealed himself in.

"They come to the land of death, yet they know not what they venture into." Soth thought to himself as his stark blue eye's studied the wayward man intently.

Chikami Darkwynd
Dec 18th, 2002, 12:17:30 AM
Chikami once again pulled his cloak around himself as he followed Dalamar into the shrine. He had a feeling that Roons eternal darkness would be blanketing him for a long while, and inwardly Chikami smiled and welcomed the darkness.

Chikami followed along behind Dalamar for awhile admiring the decorations of the shrine. Feeling his throat drying up Chikami spoke up.

"Warlord Dalamar might there be an establishment around here where I could go to get something to drink. It has been quite a journey getting here, and I am finding myself a bit parched."

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 18th, 2002, 09:33:39 AM
They walked between the massive decaying pillars that lead up to the Shrine. Dust billowed and was carried in the wind with each footstep of the Dark Lord. The silver worked door of the Shrine where held open by what appeared to be two servant's. Even these where massive and imposing dressed in crimson and threaded in gold dragons running up there sleeves. There silver bells jingled on there turned down boots as they stood at attention. Dalamar turned at the door looking at his guest his vampyre eye's flashed a crimson neon in the dim light. "Enter of your own free will and we will attend to your needs."

A sinister smile played across Dalamar's face. Chikami seemed to shift nervously. The wind whipped him mercilessly as he considered the Dark Lord's words.....

Chikami Darkwynd
Dec 18th, 2002, 02:37:38 PM
Pushing away any stray thoughts that might be plagueing him Chikami inhaled deeply. Putting on a face of stoicism Chikami made his way past the impressive guards and through the massive silver doors. "I have made it." Were the only thoughts inside Chikami's head at this glorious moment.

Chikami paused briefly once through the doors. He felt the need to just stand and examine the area, get a feel for the place. Satisfied Chikami again lowers his hood, it was rude to leave it up inside a building.

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 20th, 2002, 09:00:48 PM
Dalamar reached the main attendance room. The doors where opened by servants in livery of Crimson with gold embrodiery. Stone death Guardians in black flanked the long hall watching the Vampyre and his guest with cold black eye's. Unhooking his swords off of his back he handed his two silver worked Katana's to his body servant. Sitting down he gestured to his guest. "Come Chikami let us discuss what the Lords of the Shrine can do for you." The braziers lit the room as the Vampyre's words echoed....

Chikami Darkwynd
Dec 29th, 2002, 09:01:49 PM
Chikami followed Dalamar as he led the way through the grand halls. Upon reaching the attendace room Chikami took a seat across from Dalamar nodding to the vampyre. Chikami's voice didn't carry the same commanding prescence as Warlord Dalamar. His voice was cold, heartless, and he tended to linger on the s's.

"Thanks Warlord Dalamar. As I have stated I am seeking knowledge and power. Being a student of the occult one can find many things, even those that are well hidden, you just need to have the dedication and the guts to go forth and claim that information. That is what brought me to your shrine."

ooc: sorry about the lateness in posting. the holidays happened and my traveling got delayed.

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 29th, 2002, 11:43:52 PM
"Information? That is all you require from the Shrine?" Dalamar's Crimson eye's seemed to burn to Chikami." All the wonders of the universe are laid before you and you wish to study." Standing the Dark Lord walked with his hands clasped behind his back he seem irritated but there was no way to tell for sure.

"I think Nathan would appreciate you company being somewhat of Scholar himself. It's really not my fortay. But before I address that. I'll ask what you offer in return for this knowledge that you would have?" His back still turned from Chikami the fire seemed to blaze higher casting shadows across the room.

Chikami Darkwynd
Dec 30th, 2002, 02:20:11 PM
Chikami could feel that his answer wasn't exactly what the warlord wanted to hear, but Chikami was not a very straight forward person. He prefered to keep his business low and hidden.

"It is not entirely knowledge that I come here for. A few lessons in combat can help anyone be they scholar or fighter. As to what I can offer in return I will pledge my services to the shrine. I will be your ally in life...or death."

The reference to death carried a meaning that Chikami knew Dalamar would pick up on. Chikami held no delusions that he would ever leave this place alive.

As the shadows crepts higher throughout the room Chikami eased into the chair relaxing a little.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 2nd, 2003, 09:49:21 PM
A deep laugh echoed in the room. "You wish to be like me?" the question lingered in the air. Like death on wings the visitors life flashed before him fleeting and brief compared to the eternity he would soon inherit if chosen." Few are accepted at the Shrine only individuals of exceptional quality and tenacity do you think you are one such person."

Chikami Darkwynd
Jan 2nd, 2003, 10:44:48 PM
The laugh chilled Chikami to the bone, something about it was dark, sinister, even moreso than he expected. Regaining his composure Chikami looked at Warlord Dalamar.

"SImply put yes I desire to be like you and your kind. As to my tenacity I would dare say there are few that rival my resolve. Who else but a crazed person would walk into your prescence uninivited."

Chikami let the warlord ponder those thoughts as he again silenced himself.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 3rd, 2003, 11:25:09 PM
"Very well Chikami. We shall put you to the test to make sure your resolve matches your words." Leave this place and find another that will be your 'second' in your turning. This person is to be a witness to your resolve. They must be uninflicted with vampyrsm. Find this witness, and return."

WIth that the Dark Lord swept his cloak around him and left the room. On the table before Chikami a letter written in blood and marked with a gold seal. A line was left blank for the witness to sign at the turning. The last words of the vampyre echoed in the room.

"Find this witness, and return."