View Full Version : Double, Triple, I lost count... (Zeke, Wei, Kindo, Maia, Dios, and jedi)
Dec 9th, 2002, 04:53:20 PM
:: I sat in the bar with several of my "comrades." All of them were laughing about some crude joke and there red eyes refelceted the blazing fire within my own. I sat back and just listened to them talk. I abruptly laughed but its not like they noticed, they were used to it. After weeks of conditioning and programming, they had been finished. It was a masterpiece, beautiful, straight from the Savage Garden.
I got up and walked to the bar and got more drinks. The entire bar was dank and smelled like stupid sweating humans. But it would smell like stupid dead humans soon. I closed my eys, listening to the noise of everything else but the voices at my table. I listened to the people enter the bar, I listened to the noise of the couple near the back kissing vigorously, the noise of the music box playing some alien tune with words that I didn't care about, and then it was silent...
I opened my eyes and looked at the several glasses before me. The reflection in them was distorted but I didn't need even the faintest to see what was going on, I knew, because I was the moment now, thats all I was, the moment now.
My fellows were now standing and there white hair slowly moved with the damp air conditioning from the room. There eyes were closed but the dim glow of there red eyes could be seen through small slits. I turned about with a smile and opened my arms.::
People, people, welcome to my feast of Sins, confess if you want, youre damned either way!
:: My eyes closed and with a silent push of the force, I blasted a painful call to Maia... she would hear it, but I wanted her to bring them all. All of them would be required to have the most of the experience.::
Fiend Zeke
Dec 9th, 2002, 05:01:16 PM
:: I stood with a smile as my body began to pull at me without my thinking. It felt so good to get that rush again. Master had said something about cells or somthing but it didn't matter to me, it just felt good. The five secrets to truth of beauty and pain; Sin, Lust, Murder, Death, and Beauty. These were the values taught to me by Master. Life was simple, all I had to do was complete these things and I was truly happy! I stretched and flipped a bit but stopped as Kindo snorted. He was always in a bad mood, but then weren't we all?
But I think I got the most fun out of killing people than anyone else, except for Master, he taught us it all. When I woke up, all I could remember was hating the light but Master gave me a way to focus it all. And he gave me a saber and said it was called Defection. But when exactly was the fun going to start, we'd been joking about for so long, now were we going to get serious?
I shuddered as I felt the sending of Master, he was summoning someone and I felt my body tug towards him, as if my own cells were acting by their own. But someone was coming, I could feel him... and I could feel the hate swelling within me as this person approached.::
Dec 9th, 2002, 08:55:02 PM
Zeke enters the bar, stomach gurgling loudly, pocketing the sabers he's been fidgeting with and waves at Fiend Zeke.
"Hey Zeke."
Whoa, whoa whoa! Just a second here!
"You're ME!"
And behind himself he could see Fiend and his friends...but not. They all had blood red eyes and white hair, matching Fiend. Zeke slides his hands in his pockets and takes a stable stance.
"What's going on here?"
Wei Wu Wei
Dec 9th, 2002, 11:33:13 PM
Wei had entered the Bar. It wasn;t Yog's but beggars can't be choosers. Wei stopped as Zeke shouted.
"What? What are you talking about?" Wei asked, spinning around so fast that he almost fell down.
Maia Tharrinn
Dec 10th, 2002, 01:25:35 PM
Maia cried out in pain as Feind's call blasted through her mind. She staggered slightly before she gained control. Her face twisted in worry. He was close to her, to her friends and she could feel he was up to something.
Maia pulled her light saber from her belt loop and made her way to the bar and grill. A look of utter determination on her face. She sent a call via the force to all of her friends and one to Dios telling him what was going on.
"I'm on my way Feind and this time you will not get away with hurting others." Her voice was cold and empty.
Dec 10th, 2002, 04:04:43 PM
:: I looked up to se Wei and Zeke enter at the same time. Beautiful... just on time, I sat back down at my stool. I was far enough away from the others that we had plenty of room. My comrades were on the other side of the room and the two jedi knights were between us. I closed my eyes and nodded. Let it begin.::
welcome friends, well... you know what I mean... But I would be concerned with your friend Kindo!
Fiend Kindo
Dec 10th, 2002, 04:15:20 PM
:: I arced in pain and hit the floor as black lightning raced acoss my body. I could feel the change we had been preparing for, but we had always knew it would hurt when we were closer to our counterparts. I slammed my fist into the ground and watched the concrete crack around the indent. I could feel it all change, my eyes changed to blue and my hair to black. I kew I now looked like Kindo, the real one, the stupid one, the fake one... I will be the real one once I kill Kindo, once they're all dead! But now to the acting...
I fell face first to the ground and then looked up to the real Wei and Zeke, both who had just entered, being the reason of the Master's will to change me. I looked up, tears welling in my eyes, expelling a light side signature known to Kindo. I reached a hand to the two as I lied between my true evil companions, Fiend Wei and Fiend Zeke.::
My friends! Help me! Please...! They caught me unaware... Zeke, please!
Fiend Wei
Dec 10th, 2002, 04:21:17 PM
:: I looked up and my eyes flared as my good counterpart entered the bar. I pushed up my glasses and then turned away as Fiend Kindo began the first part of the plan. I used the force to slowly mask my presence as I moved ito the clutter of people attracted to the screaming man on the floor.::
Wei wu Wei... follow me...
:: I slowly moved through the crowd and then quickly moved through the back door. My part was easy and I had been dissapointed when it had been desribed to me but I would have my simple fun nonetheless, simple is all I wanted. If he would just come, he would die, that simple.
Wei Wu Wei
Dec 10th, 2002, 04:39:23 PM
Wei heard his name and saw someone who looked like him head out the back door. "Well what do you know?"
Wei had heard Fiend Kindo's cries for help. That didn't seem right somehow. Kindo was better than to get himself ambushed.
"So, what do we do?" Wei asked Zeke and Maia. "There's one guy getting away out the back door. He looks familiar."
Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 10th, 2002, 07:00:24 PM
Just then, the door to the tavern opened wide, letting in a man unable to be recognized through the crowds, who began to gasp at the sight of whoever walked in. At last, the startled customers stepped aside, revealing the strangely familiar man.
" And just who do we have here? "
It was Ki Adi Kindo, the real Ki Adi Kindo, and despite everything going on around him, his eyes were locked on his look-alike sprawled out across the bar floor, crying out for help.
" You may look like me, talk like me, walk like me, but I assure you... there's only one Ki Adi Kindo, and he's yours truly. "
He began taking short steps forward, slowly drawing closer to his phony counterpart.
Dec 10th, 2002, 07:55:54 PM
Zeke wasted no time. Now that there were two Kindos, one of which was on their side, the other "ambushed", it was clear who was who. Zeke addressed his false self.
"Time to showdown! C'mon, FAKER!"
Wei Wu Wei
Dec 10th, 2002, 11:44:53 PM
Wei followed his double. He was curious. He wondered how the copy had come into being.
"I wonder..."
Wei went out the door and called after the clone. "Hey, wait! Come back!"
Maia Tharrinn
Dec 12th, 2002, 10:51:47 AM
Maia's eyes scanned the room. There seemed to be clones of her friends wandering around and she also had no doubt that it was Fiends doing. Maia did not waste any time with the clones, she trusted that Wei, Zeke and Kindo would take care of them.
Maia had eyes only for one person in the room, if he could be called a person. "Fiend it ends today. You will face Dios and I and all of your evil will stop." Her words were cold and the fear she had once felt when facing him was gone. He had hurt her terribly and it had haunted Maia. Now she knew all of the GJO was in danger and she needed to protect her beloved Jedi...
Dec 12th, 2002, 11:40:53 AM
I stepped from behind my master, "Sire may I ask that I take care of the girl when she arrives, or at least have some fun with her if you don't mind?" I smiled as my sash flew in the air. It was time to show my new skills to my lord. "Well?"
Dec 12th, 2002, 03:40:34 PM
:: I looked ahead at Maia wth a smile. I turned my head so tht I could see my nija in the corner of my eye. What a twisted servant I had. And how fun it would be to see this all play out.::
Have at her Ansatsu. But please make it a good show for me.
:: I turned my attention away as Ansatsu stepped forward andI started to watch my Zeke andKindo engage wih the real Zeke and Kindo. Ahhh... These would be the days to remember. I closed my eyes and lightning began to rickle from the tips of m eyes and finger tips. Let it begin... And where was Dios? I sent a force blast of painful energy to Maia, demanding that Dios appear!::
Dec 12th, 2002, 04:17:17 PM
I stepped out, "Too bad my master is not fortunate enough to let me kill you. It would have been less painless through me, but that is not my decision." I lifted my arm and my shredders clicked on. I jumped at her, my claws behind me. I came down hard with my claws bearing down on her.
Fiend Zeke
Dec 12th, 2002, 05:47:51 PM
:: I wasn't even going to bother with drawing my weapon. Who needs it to beat somehing that could never be as good as I was.
They hadn't bought the whole Kindo thing because the real one had been stupid enough to show up. What a party pooper. I lauhed shortly before flipping backwards onto the side of a booth where two people were making out. The black lightning raced across me as I changed into the look of my goody too shoe counterpart.
I tapped the guy on the head and he stopped his lovemaking long enough to see my foot come in and kick his head off. I laughed as the girl screamed and th body hit the ground. I pulled the girl up to me and kissed her before snappin her neck with a swift movement. I turned around and faced the real Zeke.::
That woud be all of the five secrets there, lust, murder, sin, death, and beauty. Trust me, they were all there. But anyways... So how are you Zekey? I mean, whats it like to watch yourself kill someone and then another just for kicks?
Fiend Wei
Dec 12th, 2002, 05:52:33 PM
:: I turne around now, I had already changed and facing what I now looked like was as if I was staring into a mirror. I pushed up the glasses before I looked at my counterpart. My eyes flashed red for a moment as Master fed me more knowledg of the jedi before me, the original before me.::
What do you require of me Wei?
Fiend Kindo
Dec 12th, 2002, 06:05:10 PM
:: I got up with a sadistic smile on my face as the Real Ki Adi entered.::
That's right there is only one Kindo, one weak, pathetic, Jedi Kindo. A failure to Sorrenno and a poor excuse to the GJO. But I'll save them any further disgrace by finising you off and taking your place.
:: My ice cold saber came up to my hand and the dark blue blade sizzled out and with a swift movement, each bystander within my range fell apart from there midsections. I wasn't smiling anymore. My othe hand went down and I pulled out ablaster and fired off several lances of energy at the feet of Kindo. Before the lances could really even get away from my pistol, I lunged and my saber came through the dank darkness of the bar.::
Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 12th, 2002, 07:56:49 PM
Kindo immediately jumped backwards, barely missing the blaster shots. Just has soon has he could look up, a deep-blue lightsaber was lunging out at him.
The Jedi sidestepped the oncoming blade quickly, but while his clone followed through with the attack, he reached out and got a firm grip on the side of Fiend Kindo's hilt. Using most of his strength, he yanked the saber forward, its owner coming with it. Right has the newly-created darksider came by, Ki Adi belted him right between the eyes.
" I'll be the judge of who's a failure or not. "
Wei Wu Wei
Dec 12th, 2002, 11:06:32 PM
Wei smiled. "Well, I just wanted to know who you were. You look an awful lot like me. Are you a clone, or just some guy who looks like me?"
Wei was curious, that's all there was to it. "And why are you hanging around Fiend? I figured anyone who was just like me would have better taste in friends..." This comment was said without scorn or malice. Wei's voice had a tone of wondering to it.
Dec 12th, 2002, 11:19:37 PM
"Man, if that's true happiness what you just did, I'll be miserable for the rest of my days!"
Zeke launches himself at his false being, making a perfect arcing kick, an exact duplicate of the one used by Fiend Zeke. The clones were made well.
Fiend Kindo
Dec 13th, 2002, 04:19:51 PM
:: I took the hit and fell to the ground on purpose. I was just as strong, even stronger, and just as fast, even faster. I flipped down and around and then uppercutted the stupid human. My eyes flashed red as black lightning escaped my mouth and nose as I took in a deep breath. I lunged with my saber and fired off a volle of shots before kicking out. Kindo hadn't even hit the ground by this time so the kick hit him first and I watchedas the lasers fired off and my ice cold saber came in like lightning, he would die or get burned.::
Fiend Zeke
Dec 13th, 2002, 04:23:32 PM
:: I smiled as y counterpart flew at me, foot first. t was lke trying to hurt myself but I was meaner. I just bent one way and grabbed him by the shin, pulling his momentum and throwing him into a crowd. I lunged, grabbing a large man and throwing him at Zeke before charging in, ready to deal my own damage.::
Fiend Wei
Dec 13th, 2002, 04:30:20 PM
I am a clone. That is now undersoodbetween us. I understad that I was made to cause chaos and destroy in the name of Fiend. I would masquerade as you and ruin your repuation as a jedi and I would hurt those you love the most, but I am also trained to kill you. My main goal, to kill you and take your place. Replacing light with darkness, that was Fiend's ideals I think. I tell you all this because I know you, as much as Fiend knows Dios but I know you.
I am a clone, made by Fiend, I owe him my existence. ned no friends but those given to me by Fiend and only require an enemy to fight and kll. you are my enemy, and for that I live as th darkside of Wei. But Fiend wared me, as he told me that you encroached upon the edge of the darkside, I might touch the light, and he warned me, that I should kil you efore that ever hapens, because the lightside would torture my fiend cells, my body. Do not make me suffer Wei. Just die and liberate me from the torture that you create as a jedi.
:: I made no move to attack. If he would just give into my logic, we would both be freed, him from the pain of living on and me fom the pain of him living on.::
Dec 13th, 2002, 04:40:29 PM
Zeke squirts under the flying man's carcass as he stands, pulling his hands from his pockets, but leaving his sabers where they were. He comes up with a fist in his clone's gut.
Wei Wu Wei
Dec 15th, 2002, 10:42:43 AM
Wei listened to his clone talk. "Take my place? But if you're the Darkside version of me, then you can't really take my place cause I have the lightside in me, right? And since your only purpose is to kill me, what happens when you succeed? You won't have a purpose anymore."
Wei really didn't feel like having these kinds of discussions. Certain types of subject matter confused him, and this subject matter was confusing enough.
"So, why are you wasting your time, when you could already be fulfilling your purpose?"
Maia Tharrinn
Dec 15th, 2002, 12:52:31 PM
Maia grimaced and staggered back from the mind blast Fiend sent. She barely kept her balance. Maia closed her mind off from him ensuring that he would hinder her no further.
As Asatsu jumped at her, his claws extended. She brought her saber up and blocked most of his attack. His right hand sank deeply into her shoulder. A cry of pain was wrenched from her lips. She kicked upward using a force push to drive him up and away from her. Calling on the force she began to heal her shoulder before he attacked again.
Dec 15th, 2002, 05:27:21 PM
I jumped back and got in an attacking stance. "Come on Maia. I want to hear you scream for me." I lunged at her again. One of my claws coming close to the right and the other coming to the left.
Maia Tharrinn
Dec 18th, 2002, 04:54:55 PM
Maia grimaced in distaste at Ansatsu's comment. He had once been a close friend, and now he was just a pawn of Fiend. "As I will hear you plead for mercy Ant." She whispered under her breath, juimping back from his attack. She had inadvertently called him by the nickname she had always used. A sense of sadness washed over her.
Her lightsaber was extended in front of her, and her feet were planted wide so she was steady. She swung at his outstretched arms. Her heart breaking for the friend she once knew...
Dios Kane
Dec 18th, 2002, 05:05:20 PM
:: Before her swing came in he was blown to the side with a strong force blow. I stod in the door way and another figure moved from behind me and placed himself between Maia and Ansatsu. I came forward and stood next to my wife, my revoler drawn and my saber ignited in my other hand.
I could sense Maia' agitation of Fiend, she always seemed to grow darker when Fiend showed up. But wasn't that human? Fiend had tortured both of us and it was just instinct t get defensive, at all costs.
He was more dangerous then some would give him and I wasn't surprised at what he was trying to do. There was the clone of Zeke and Kindo, and I could sense to Weis but that made no sense other than another clone. He was trying to get even further inside our heads and it was starting to pull in our friends.::
Maia... sorry I'm late, I met up with someone who's been MIA for a while. I found him though. You remember Wyvern don't you?
Fiend Wyvern
Dec 18th, 2002, 05:24:49 PM
:: I silently nodded to Dios and Maia and drew the lightsaber, holding it backwards like I always had. I stood there in a open stance and right as Ansatsu started to get up, my metal boot fle into his face.::
Sorry I've been gone master.
:: I really didn't have good explanation of where I had been. I just remember leaving one day an then it goes black. Then I woke up and I was standing right in front of Dios. My padawan buddy from the academy. But something had been wrong. Dios had looked older somehow, in the eyes. He had filled me in on everything for about two hours but I was caught up. I would find out what had happened to me later. I was here now and I was back! I smiled to my teacher Maia Tharrin before looking back to the twisted ninja named Ant or something like that.::
Maia Tharrinn
Dec 18th, 2002, 05:36:09 PM
Maia's mouth literally dropped open at the sight of Wyvern. He had been her Padawan, one of her first to be exact, and when he had disappeared she had worried about him. She looked over to Dios, and gave him a small confused smile. Not knowing what was going on at all. So much seemed to be out of place now that Fiend had entered there lives. Maia cocked her head to the side as she watched Wyv hold his saber in the familiar style of another Padawan of hers.
"Hello Wyv. It is truly wonderful to see you again. You um wouldn't happen to be related to someone named Krieger would you?" Maia was at a total loss for what was going on. All she knew is that she had friends to protect...
Dec 18th, 2002, 06:04:45 PM
I felt the boot hit my face. I stood up completly awed. "You bastard! Where did you come from? No matter, I will kill you anyways." I jumped forward and lunged down with my claws.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 19th, 2002, 04:51:16 PM
Kindo fell backwards from the sturdy kick he had received from his counterfeit twin while a series a blaster shots flew overhead. Luckily, he fell backwards before the shots could tag him, but on the other hand, a blue lightsaber was coming at him from above. It was aimed to kill.
Rolling a few feet to his side, he was able to avoid Fiend Kindo's strike. Spinning on his side and stretching his leg, he hit his opponent's lower hind legs with plenty of power. As his look-alike went down, he quickly sprung to his feet. With the flick of his wrist, Fiend Kindo's lightsaber was thrown from his grip as it skidded across the restaurant floor.
" You're not worth my time, much less my saber. "
He'd had enough of his blemished imitation. He thought nothing more of the clone than the result of some ridiculous scientific experiment, and he wasn't about to stand there and let him murder defenseless bystanders, and neither would his so-called master, Fiend, a being he had heard a great deal about from his Dios. This lab creation may have looked and spoke just like him, but only Kindo possessed the real skill.
Fiend Wyvern
Jan 8th, 2003, 05:16:43 PM
:: I smiled to Maia and shook my head.::
Sorry... I don't know that name. But-
:: I suddenly turned asthe ninja came back again, I smiled wryly and with a twist and curve, my foot met the ninja in the chest, sending him back where he had come from. I stood in front of Maia, her protection the only thing in my mind.::
Jan 8th, 2003, 05:29:58 PM
:: I lowered my eyes to the ground it as done. They were known and the seed was planted. I looked up and smiled, my teeth bared in a grinding grin. I was done for the night but I knew they would've wanted more. They burned for more carnage but I would feed the kids later. One of them wouldn't be coming home tonight... He would be staying over at a friend's for some time.
My eyes flared and they all heard my call. Even the ninja got te message that we were done.::
We are not prevailing! Childen of the darkness... the light has taken its advantage and grown through and through our blight. Take yourselves and follow me!
:: I threw a flash grenade into the room, it burst rightas my sunglasses went on. Ki Adi Kindo was suddenly knocked to the ground strongly and a fist was thrown to the side of his head. Zeke was thrown into the wall and the sound of a knife hittin right next to his face was heard. The real Wei saw Fiend Wei's eyes blaze red for a moment and Wei blinked, when he opened his eyes, Fiend Wei was gone and the faint words were carried on the wind to Wei's ears of a return. The flash dimmed and the jedi were left alone, all of them, Maia, Kindo, Zeke, Wyvern, Dios, and Wei, every other bystander was dead, slaughtered and massacred but no sign of the clones or Fiend was present.::
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 8th, 2003, 06:39:12 PM
Wei was stumped. "Where did they go?"
Wei thought about it for a second, and threw the idea away. They would be back, that's all that mattered. Now to go see how his friends were.
Wei re entered the bar and looked about at his friends. "Is everyone ok? No injuries, I hope?"
Jan 8th, 2003, 06:41:07 PM
Zeke plucks the knife from the wall by his left ear.
"None at all..."
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