View Full Version : Ascetic Existence... [open to all]

imported_Grev Drasen
Dec 8th, 2002, 11:30:43 PM
It had been some time since Grev had ventured down these halls; the halls that were supposedly his ‘home,’ yet that was hardly the case. He assumed spending as much time within the Palace walls as he would the Jedi living quarters -- some would say it was unhealthy, he would call it normal.

Seeing as it was a little past midnight, the Palace was hardly strenuous. They were either asleep in their beds or tending to their nocturnal cravings of the night life. However, some did not sleep. Rather, they tended to burrying themselves in bookwork or placing themselves into deep meditations to familiarize their relationship with the Force.

Niether were the case for Grev; not even insomnia. Just emptiness.

Malice Draclau
Dec 9th, 2002, 03:03:13 AM
Nighttime, a moment of time for quiet, or so one thought. For within the darkened walls of The Sith Order, night meant hardly any quiet for those whom dwelled here. Quite a few were up tnight, doing whatever it was that they had, or wanted to do.

Such was the case for Malice, who was within the library. He was reading up on his sith sorcery, reading about a few new spells before going to practice them on the training grounds.

ra hath
Dec 11th, 2002, 02:56:25 PM
Ra entered the library. with the prepos of looking for a book on close qurters combat .when he felt his masters presenc in the room. ra trund the corner and there he was reading up on sorcery. ra tryed to keep go about his serch but his master call to him

Malice Draclau
Dec 11th, 2002, 03:17:02 PM
Malice was reading up on a way to control the elements of water and ice, ones which he has never tried before. Then a familiar presense entered the library. It was his apprentice Ra, Malice recognized it immedietly. Through the force, Malice called him over to sit down. As he did so, Malice looked up from the book, questions already bubbling into his mind.

*And what would we be doing this late? need help finding something in here?*

If one needed to find something in the library, all they would have to do is go to Malice, or one of the other senior members. For they, like Malice have spent countless hours, sometimes days at a time sitting in this room reading. Malice's main reason for ever coming into the library was to study up on sith sorcery. An ancient art that fasinated him from the begining.

ra hath
Dec 11th, 2002, 03:25:37 PM
Ra sat down ( well sir I could not sleep i'am insomec i've been one my whole life sinec i wasn't doing any thing i thought i would read up on my close combat.and master may aks a qustion how many jedi have you killed )