View Full Version : COS is falling fast, is Harry Potter a 'dying franchise'?

Dec 8th, 2002, 10:38:05 PM
NO! It is not. It has millions of loyal fans eager to read the fith book, and watch the rest of the movies, I know it because I am one of them myself.

But the reason for posting this is that AOTC made less than TPM, although it made a lot more than what HP2 will pull in, but the media blasted it as being a dissapointment, a meningless movie that fail to appeal the masses. EXCUSE ME??? This was the fith movie in a 25 year old saga, and it still managed to make 300 million in the US only? How can this be a dying franchise. Yet we have not seen a single article stating this fact, if you read some places , *cough* EW*cough* you might think that Chamber of Secret is on it's way to beating AOTC.

If we are going to use the same lens to judge BO perfomance, then why not state that the 2nd installment of a fresh series that has sold millions of books worldwide and will fail to make 300 million is dying? I mean the movie was beaten by the 20th BOND MOVIE! A 40 year old franchise.

Just more proof that the Media is full of <smallfont color=#9DE0F9>-Censored-</smallfont>.

Figrin D'an
Dec 8th, 2002, 10:47:44 PM


That's all I've got to say about that.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 8th, 2002, 11:24:48 PM
I completely agree, the media is full of crap. Also I like both films, I have all sudden gotten into Harry Potter (I started reading the books after I saw COS, I had already read the first one) but I have no clue what the media is that way maybe because HP is new, they might not treat it that way when it reaches its fifth film.

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 8th, 2002, 11:49:39 PM
Sensationalism: Page One

Corrections: Page Twelve

My scheme on how to make money very easily.

Dec 9th, 2002, 12:37:10 AM
Hasn't the media always loved tearing down what they've built up?

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 9th, 2002, 01:43:22 AM
Heck ya they have--look at Micheal Jackson!


Loki Ahmrah
Dec 9th, 2002, 06:16:15 AM

Dec 9th, 2002, 06:17:03 AM
It's a dying franchise, but so slow that they can make the rest :)

Dec 9th, 2002, 06:22:38 AM
I just think the falling BO sales are because it's not quite as good as the first one, and thus a bit of a disappointment.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 9th, 2002, 06:50:32 AM
Not as good? No way. COS was much better and honesty, it's no kids movie. COS will scare kids badly at times. It's not as kid friendly.

Be that as it may, COS is no where near "dying". What your seeing is that HP1 over achived by quite some margin - especially Intl, which was extraordinary. This time around, COS is performing a bit more normally, still making shed loads with a sequelitis fall off in overall numbers being evident. Whatever the final number, both HP1 and HP2 will be within an acceptible band.

Now... AOTC. I know that if you look at the raw numbers, it was a hit. 303 mill USA, 337 Intl. But when you begin comparing to its predessors, (In adjusted terms) it is signifigantly down. SW is simply was the most bankable franchice. It's loved and adored - and in the OT, still is. But by it's own lofty standards, the fifth movie fell short. Well short. No one expected AOTC to make less than 350 mill in the USA, 400 million was thought to be a given.

What's more, I dont think any SW movie has been, within the space of 12 months, been beaten convincingly in the B.O. charts by not just one, but three films. Again, it's all relative, but you have to admit in May, this was unthinkable. You would have been laughed out of here for suggestiong Spiderman AND HP1 AND LOTR:FOTR would be ahead of AOTC in the USA. And by at least 100 million in Intl charts.

So, to summarise -

HP francise is nowhere near dead.

AOTC did very well.

AOTC did not do well compared to it's precessors.

Dec 9th, 2002, 06:54:32 AM
The plot of COS was much better than TPS. But the movie, overall, lacked that same kind of "magic" which made the first one special. It seemed almost formulaic: They break the rules to perform a good deed, have a quidditch match, have the big dinner at the end, etc.

Dec 9th, 2002, 06:57:02 AM
What's more, I dont think any SW movie has been, within the space of 12 months, been beaten convincingly in the B.O. charts by not just one, but three films
Had LOTR been able to be made in 1980, and a story that has become a WORLDWIDE sensation between kids and adults, then ESB would have been beaten too. Oh, and the comic thats been running for 40 years too.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 9th, 2002, 07:08:50 AM
The plot of COS was much better than TPS. But the movie, overall, lacked that same kind of "magic" which made the first one special

From my POV, TPS lacked "magic" It fell flat to me. I had no desire to see it again. COS OTOH, for me was much more alive and just plain better. I'd be happy to see COS again.

MAybe it's because COS was easier to convert into a movie.

No 3, Prisioner of Azarbbin (sp) wont be too easy but potentially could be better again - I have no idea how Goblet of Fire will be done. Therein will be the Potter franchise's probelm. GOF, is goign to take somethign special to get right. I'd be finding someone fo the skill of a Peter Jackson real quick.

Sene Unty
Dec 9th, 2002, 10:02:57 AM
Prisoner of Azkaban will be a fantastic movie. It as all the makings of a genuiely great film. It will also be scary as hell and very dramatic. I think the HP movies will only get better as they make new ones....hell the books have! :D

Dec 9th, 2002, 10:50:39 AM
What's more, I dont think any SW movie has been, within the space of 12 months, been beaten convincingly in the B.O. charts by not just one, but three films. Again, it's all relative, but you have to admit in May, this was unthinkable. You would have been laughed out of here for suggesting Spiderman AND HP1 AND LOTR:FOTR would be ahead of AOTC in the USA. And by at least 100 million in Intl charts.

So, to summarise -

HP francise is nowhere near dead.

AOTC did very well.

AOTC did not do well compared to it's precessors.

Yep, what he said.

Had LOTR been able to be made in 1980, and a story that has become a WORLDWIDE sensation between kids and adults, then ESB would have been beaten too. Oh, and the comic thats been running for 40 years too.

ESB and ROTJ would have beaten FOTR and HP. There's no way a convincing LOTR could have been made around 1980. I don't think they could have done the story justice, that's why no one made a seroius attempt. ESB and ROTJ dominated the years in which they were released. If you adjusted their BO takes for inflation they would BOTH have beat FOTR and HP in the U.S. Like Marcus said, AOTC performed around 100M (adjusted for inflation) less than all previous SW sequels. I've run the numbers before but you can do the math if you don't believe me.

Dec 9th, 2002, 11:00:29 AM
You cant compare like that. Compare ESB and ROTJ in a market including a popular comic character for 40 years which has been made well, then we can compare. And even then the environment is different.

Dec 9th, 2002, 11:24:59 AM
AOTC was just a HUGE blockbuster and not a phenomenal success like the past 4 SW films, but who cares? It is part of a lasting phenomenon and is widely considered either the 2nd or 3rd best Star Wars movie. Only a few people would disagree that AOTC is better than all but ESB and maybe ANH. Fans rank it behind just ESB, so the money isn't really the issue because in the long run you know these films will be adding a lot more through re-releases.

"I just think the falling BO sales are because it's not quite as good as the first one, and thus a bit of a disappointment."

Well the second movie sucked compared to the first one. I still gave it 3 stars, but the plot was terribly convoluted and the direction was erratic, at best. The acting was forced and of much lower quality than the first film and the film felt way too long even though it was only about 10 minutes longer than the first film. Pacing was well off. Special effects were very good, I thought, the movie was still fun overall, I enjoyed it, and thus it is a B-, but the first film was just so much better.

The second film was so little kiddie compared to the first too, how disappointing! The first movie was pure fantasy, not a little kiddie tale, at least the filmmakers never told it like that, and then in the second movie all of the sudden we're expected to forgive the numerous plot holes and inconsistencies because, after all, "it is just a kids story" -- well the first one never asked me to make excuses for it! It was a much more sound, much better crafted film.

I hope the third is an improvement on the second and more like the first, otherwise Harry Potter really is doomed. This little fad is going to lose steam just like all of the rest of the fads.

Lord of the Rings isn't a fad, it's been around for decades, Star Wars isn't a fad, it has survived near death and lived for 25 years as history's most popular and greatest film series. Even Star Trek is not a fad as it's obviously been around forever, same goes with Bond.

As far as I can see, people are very much tiring of the Harry Potter craze, even though I enjoy both films so far (despite my disappointment in the second, it was "good"), and I don't believe this will be anything more than a Pokemon type fad or a Ghostbusters craze or anything else like that. Beanie Babies. They all come and go, this is no different. There is only room for a few lasting franchises and those are things like Bond, Star Wars, LOTR, Star Trek. The staples of sci-fi/fantasy.

Say what you will, ten years from now, I am 80% confident I'll be right. My friends got sick of Harry Potter before the first movie even came out, and they actually called me a traitor for seeing the first two films, LOL, but I told them I'm a critic and that I actually really enjoyed the first one. I cannot let my annoyance with a fad cloud my judgment of what was actually a really fun, really enjoyable film! Of course, HP 1 was no FOTR, TPM, AOTC, Star Wars, or anything else, but it was very good. A welcome fantasy film series that should be a lot of fun when all is said and done.

Dec 9th, 2002, 11:44:45 AM
If you can make a comparison with no more than "Had LOTR been able to be made in 1980, and a story that has become a WORLDWIDE sensation between kids and adults," then I sure as heck can make my comparison. At least mine has some numbers to back it up. :)

Remember, TPM's numbers were right around ESB and ROTJ first run numbers, (it was actually a bit higher, but within $50M) so the environment didn't stop TPM from performing like a typical SW sequel. So again, my point still stands.

Dec 9th, 2002, 12:34:52 PM
Just in case anybody's wondering how a well made 80's comic book movie, that set BO records, would have fared against ESB and ROTJ you can look at 89's Batman. It's 1989 $251M gross would have brought in around $327M in 2001 dollars. A figure close to $100M below ESB and ROTJ's first runs. Again, Marcus' point stands, the 3 previous sequels did better BO business, regardless of the competition.

Dec 9th, 2002, 12:36:00 PM
Yeah, but DC sucks :)

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 9th, 2002, 12:39:18 PM
All will say about AOTC's box office is that things are different now, back then Star Wars was it, it was the main deal there was no other movie that capture's people like it did now their is not just one more but three more (HP,LOTR, and Spiderman). There wasn't another series back than that rivaled SW, if there had been I don't think ROTJ and ESB would have made as much.

Now about Harry Potter, I don't see it as a fad, actually the box office of the second movie proves its not, its going to make 260-280 in the U.S and 750-850 WW that is incredible really, if it had dropped off more than that then I would say otherwise. Also the next book comes out in early 2003 which will revitalize the fan base, I am certain that it will be a #1 best seller and probably be the #1 book of 2003. Around the same time the DVD for HP 2 will come out and it could be either #1 or #2 title of the year (depending on how TTT does), the next Harry Potter movie I think will do similar to the second make 250-290 somewhere in that range and over 700 WW. The problems for it are like Marcus said GOF is going to be hard. I mean the book is awesome, I finished reading it recently and it is the best book in the series so far but it is very long and have no clue how they will adapt it. You also have a second problem with the actors growing up, if they have 4 and 5 come out 2005, and 2006 it won't be a problem any more because they aren't old enough yet that it will be a problem. After 5 it won't matter any more because they can have them older because its hard to tell the difference between a 20 year old and 16-18 year old (Buffy and one). Still can they make GOF into one movie without butchering it, they could make it two movies, film the both at the same time and have one come out in Aug of 2005 and the other Nov 2005 (like the Matrix here) but can the divide into two there really isn't a good half way point. Hopefully Columbus will come back and direct 4 he has done the a great job with 1 and 2 and he knows the series the best so I think he should be the one to do the next one.

Sene Unty
Dec 9th, 2002, 12:50:49 PM
I think GOF can be managed, but nothing must be left out! I don't mind sitting in a theater for 7 hours......WHO'S WITH ME!!!

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 9th, 2002, 12:57:20 PM
I think you would be one of the few, if they are going to include just about everything (there are always things left out, the deathbed part in COS comes to mind) then they will have to do two movies. If they did one it would have to be 3 hours, but I am not sure if you cut that much and still make it work.

Dec 9th, 2002, 12:58:41 PM
Yeah, but DC sucks
That's weak. :zzz

All will say about AOTC's box office is that things are different now, back then Star Wars was it, it was the main deal there was no other movie that capture's people like it did now their is not just one more but three more (HP,LOTR, and Spiderman). There wasn't another series back than that rivaled SW, if there had been I don't think ROTJ and ESB would have made as much.

There were other franchises, they just didn't come close to making the same kind of money or generating the same kind of excitement. ESB & ROTJ even had their own Titanic they were incapable of toppling, ET. The environment is different, there's no disputing that, but we still should have been able to consistently hit the $400M mark. The reaction just hasn't been as strong this time around. The prequels certainly have more entertainment competition to contend with than the OT's, but they should have been able to handle other movie franchises. After all, those movies (LOTR & HP) have to compete with video games and cable as well. It all goes back to our pre-AOTC BO expectations. None of us were expecting it to topple Titanic, but we thought we'd stay in TPM's range. Most of us even expected a little boost.

But this is all money talk. Yoda drawing back his robe and taking on Dooku is what I really care about. I've got no complaints there. :D

As for HP, I think it still has some steam. But we're not going to see any other $300M grosses unless those subsequent sequels get a big inflation boost. I wonder what this bodes for TTT. How hard will it get hit by 'sequelitis'? Is it going to get outdone by HP again? Say it isn't so! I liked HP1, but FOTR was something special. I could see that movie over and over again. I would think that if TTT doesn't crack the $300M barrier, it should at least be able to out gross HP2.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 9th, 2002, 01:03:19 PM
I am thinking it will right now my guess is that TTT will do 280-300 and Hp 2 will make 265-280. I think they could end up close maybe the difference being as little as 5 million (it will depend on how high Hp 2 goes for that though) more likely there will be a ten million difference. Now Overseas, I think it could be closer Harry Potter is doing really well over there, I am now certain that it will pass Spiderman, the question is will TTT pass HP2?

Dec 9th, 2002, 01:09:09 PM
I still can't fathom HP1's Japanese BO? Not that it won, but by how much. The total is just staggering. What the hell were the Japs thinking? ;)

I wonder how TTT will open. I don't expect a big opening, just a solid one. It's the legs that will carry it to $300M if it makes it. FOTR had stronger legs than HP, they just couldn't make up the difference in their openings. I wonder how strong TTT's legs will be. I sure as heck don't expect to see it drop over 60% in its 3rd or 4th weekend.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 9th, 2002, 01:18:36 PM
I am guessing it will make around 80-100 for the five days, the only problem is that that weekend is going to be huge 4 films open that weekend, TTT on Wed, Two Week notice (Sandra Bullock chick flick which I know will do well) a Denzel Washington Movie (can't remember the title) and Gangs of New York, which I am not certain what it will do yet. I also have no clue how the competition will effect TTT. Two Week Notice will not effect it, I know that. Gangs could depending on how many people want to see it.

Dec 9th, 2002, 01:25:30 PM
For Gangs of New York just find out how much Scorsese's other NYC period piece, The Age of Innocense, did and I think you'll see the same kind of gross. I really enjoyed TAoI and I think Scorsese and Lewis will give another solid effort. I don't think it'll bring in much money however. I would be surprised if it made more than $100M.

Dec 9th, 2002, 01:33:55 PM
I think Gangs will bomb. When I saw the trailer with those huge hats, I laughed. Nothing particularly made it look good.

Oscar wise it might do well though.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 9th, 2002, 01:37:43 PM
Its got a bigger cast though and more ad time. I think it will depend on how does critically and what happens with Oscars, it could make it pass 100 if it gets Oscar nods.

Dec 9th, 2002, 01:39:06 PM
I don't know guys, but I got a feeling that COS will outperform TTT. I just made a census in my office, and almost everyone has/will see COS, and only 1 out of 8 will see TTT. I think this is a fair census because none of them is a fantasy/sci-fi fan.

The thing is that TTT is a lot more complicated than HP2, is not very kid-friendly, and will have basically the same ending that FOTR had. Fans will watch a couple of times, I know that if I liked it as much as Fellowship I'll see it three times, but fan viewing don't affect that much (AOTC for example).

But TTT does has something in it's favor, that many ppl missed FOTR on the big screen and fell in love with it on DVD, so maybe since the fan base has expanded they will have better numbers.

Who knows, I hope I'm wrong. My guess is between 250-270 million.

Dec 9th, 2002, 01:43:10 PM
and will have basically the same ending that FOTR had.
Boromir dies again? Is he the LOTR version of Kenny? :)

I do agree about the expanded fan base.

Dec 9th, 2002, 01:45:44 PM
Boromir dies again? Is he the LOTR version of Kenny?


Well not that, but it ends with a big orc beating, and Frodo and Sam looking at Mordor. Remember, there is no Shelob yet, so I guess it will end when they enter Minas Morgul.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 9th, 2002, 01:49:07 PM
:lol I can see it now

"Boromir your alive."
"Well if Gandalf can come back, why can't I."
Whoosh, three arrows hit him
"No you killed Boromir. You Bastards."

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 9th, 2002, 02:50:58 PM
Though this thread has gotten away from me, I would still like to apologize to Loki for the Micheal Jackson quote--it was not a quote of preference, but with the recent, negative media attention that the King of Pop has recieved, I thought it to be a rather humorous, satirical statement.

My apologies for any offense that was taken.


Diego Van Derveld
Dec 9th, 2002, 04:13:01 PM
Well, I can't imagine COS outperforming TTT. Sorry, but I just don't see HP in the same league as LotR. While I'm looking forward to TTT, I've no desire to see CoS in theaters. Guess I'm one of the outliers, according to the survey.

Dec 9th, 2002, 05:14:25 PM
Only when ROTK finishes its run will people realize how great TPM's run was.


Jedi Master Carr
Dec 9th, 2002, 08:20:01 PM
I know considering that neither Harry Potter nor Spiderman were able to make it as high it is hard to believe how much TPM made.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 9th, 2002, 08:44:54 PM
I read this on IMDB, I have no clue where they got it, maybe some magazine article (Columbus has said in several places he wants to do GOF)

As of November 2002, Chris Columbus has not ruled out returning to direct this movie. In order to balance the attention spans of young viewers and the length of the book (and resulting richness of information needed to put the story on-screen), Columbus has talked about filming this movie in two 2-hour acts. Act 1 would be released around Thanksgiving 2005, and would end in a cliffhanger. Act 2 would be released a month later, around Christmas 2005, picking up where Act 1 left off.

That sounds like a very good idea, though I wonder if WB would allow it to happen, neither would probably take in more than about 200 -250 at the most, I was thinking if they went that way it would be August for Part 1 and Nov for Part 2 though this way there wouldn't be a huge wait. Also they might do this since LOTR won't be there anymore and there probably won't be another fantasy type film to challenge it.

Dec 9th, 2002, 09:14:04 PM
Awhile back at Box- office mojo I predicted that HP2 would only do about 240-260 Mil and LOTR 2 or tt would only do 250-270 . But have stong feeling that HP will out do TT. I think TT will do well the first 2 weeks than drop like a rock . Harry Potter is a fad, In 2 years it will be an after thought. the books MIGHT sale well for another year But after that , the books will be used for starting fires on a cold night just like the goose bumps books(which I liked :D ). I for one will be glad when the Harry Potter crap fest is over. It Bored me to tears at first and Now it just ticks me off. But Do keep in mind that is my OPINION, and if you like Harry Potter it's not ment as an insult to you.

I DO NOT TRUST THE BOX OFFICE !!Never will. Now with that said, I Really hate to picture HP out doing TT. Sure I'm no fan Of LOTR but atleast the LOTR had/has some fine actor's (other than that woods dork). ever be, and a beutifully made film. It just bugs me (don't know why) that something as crappy as HP could out do an albeit boring film, a film of much better qulity.I just hope I can atleast stay awake during TT unlike LOTR :(

But of course I really Loved Jason X, so what do I know:D

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 9th, 2002, 10:41:21 PM
I disagree, I don't think it will be a fad at least not any time soon. A fad is something that only last a year like New Kids on the Block or Cabage Patch Dolls. Harry Potter has been popular for around 5 years or so and it hasn't dwindled at all. I have gone to the library the books check out faster than anything I have seen. Now sure it might not stick around like LOTR and be considered a classic or have the fandom of Star Wars but I equal the books to C.S. Lewis great trilogy the Chronicles of Narnia which aren't popular now but where popular for years especially as they were written and just became less popular as the years passed after the last novel (oddly enough this series might get a boost if the movies they are going to make will be any good). Sure I think after the last novel and maybe last movie the popular will defintely start to dwindle. But I have a feeling that the same will happen to Star Wars, I doubt in 20 years it will be as nearly as popular as it is now.

Dec 9th, 2002, 11:03:14 PM
Though this thread has gotten away from me, I would still like to apologize to Loki for the Micheal Jackson quote--it was not a quote of preference, but with the recent, negative media attention that the King of Pop has recieved, I thought it to be a rather humorous, satirical statement.

My apologies for any offense that was taken.

Michael Jackson is a child molesting freak ashamed of his own race. No one should EVER apologize for making fun of him. He's earned all the ridicule he's gotten. Like anyone should apologize for making fun of someone stupid enough to dangle babies over railings. :wings

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 9th, 2002, 11:08:42 PM
I am not sure if Loki was upset with that or this thread, I think he is a pretty big Harry Potter fan at least I think he is from his avatar.

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 9th, 2002, 11:09:22 PM
He's also a big MJ fan.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 9th, 2002, 11:12:47 PM
Did not know that. I personally would rather not go there about him, I rather not judge him since he hasn't been convicted of anything yet.

Dec 9th, 2002, 11:21:50 PM
He's been convicted of looking like an opaque FREAK! ;) There's just a ton of stuff that irks me about MJ. The guy just isn't relevant anymore. I could go on and on, but I wouldn't even come close to doing the damage that he constantly does to himself. The man's behavior is simply bizarre.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 9th, 2002, 11:31:01 PM
I admit he is defintely bizarre child thing well the whole incident was wierd you had some unnamed man trying to blackmail him about him, there were rumors for years that it was the Caulkin's father which wouldn't surprise me since that man abused his own kids (not sexually) and tried to get every dime out of them he could, thank god he lost custody to them.

Dec 10th, 2002, 03:34:51 AM
He was not found guilty of that eb, so he is not. I mean jeez, has ANY action of his shown him in that way? Or is it just that he seems to constantly act like a kid? I think the second.

Remember, anyone can get money in the court for any reason in the US.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 10th, 2002, 03:52:25 AM
Remember, anyone can get money in the court for any reason in the US.

Ummm... I like poking fun at the USA and / or be critical, but dotn you think that's stepping a bit far? It's not quit ethat bad.

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 10th, 2002, 04:08:09 AM
Anyone can sue...but you have to win your case to get those fabulous cash prizes.

Anyway...my only issue with him is him dangling his kid over a balcony. They should take the children from him, regardless of whether he intended to harm the baby or not. Social Services takes children away from the stupid, just the same as they take them away from the malicious.

Dec 10th, 2002, 04:08:37 AM
Actually, it really is, DT. You can quite literally sue another person for any reason at all. And a good percentage of the time, you'll win.

Dec 10th, 2002, 10:01:55 AM
Jackson settled out of court Reaper. He wasn't forced to give money by ANY court. He gave money because in all probability he molested a kid. It was hush money, pure and simple. Even if he didn't molest that kid, and it's even money that he did, he's a freak and he's got no business being around kids. (What kind of an <smallfont color=#FF0000>-Censored-</smallfont> dangles his kid out a window so someone can get a picture of him?) I wouldn't let him within a mile of my kids. Bottom line, you molest a child you should burn. I don't care if did make good music a LONG, LONG, LONG, LONG, time ago. He's a joke now and he brought it on himself. No one turned MJ into a punch line, he did it to himself.

As for the lawsuit, if I had that freak's money and someone accused me of child molestation I'd fight that lawsuit and counter sue them for defamation of character. Why the hell would I settle if I were innocent? It was hush money!!! Even without the child molesting, his skin color is enough to irk me. He's whiter than I am for god's sake! That's a lovely message for young black kids. Looks kids, one of the wealthiest and most famous black men on the planet is so ashamed of the color of his skin that he's spent 20 years and a small fortune trying to make himself into a white woman! HURRAY!!!

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 10th, 2002, 11:28:41 AM
Personally, I think we should end this Jackson talk, it looks like there are a couple people here who think a certain way about him, postively and negatively about him so there is no reason to keep this debate up I would not want to see this thread become a flame war or something so maybe we should just drop it. If you guys want get back to the HP2 vs LOTR vs AOTC debate that is a better discussion if you ask me. Speaking of that Hp2 has now passed the 500 million barrier WW, it looks like it will pass 800 now, should make it pass Spiderman and finish 1st or second WW, depending on how well TTT does.

Dec 10th, 2002, 11:46:19 AM
Does HP2 have many markets left to open in? I mean it's got less than $75M in the tank in the US. The same might be true in many international markets. $800M may not be a lock. Just look at how short AOTC fell from Mojo's international predictions.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 10th, 2002, 11:57:39 AM
True but It has been doing terrific overseas so far, also I think those numbers only go back to last week this past week's numbers haven't been announced yet, the international numbers are always so hard to get. I also think it has just opened in some parts South America and some parts of Europe and there might be some places in Asia, Europe, and else where, where it hasn't openedyet . This is the last report from last week

The guy there is saying it will make 674 Int, now I do think that is a bit much this guy overestimated on AOTC by 100 million, so if that is the same here then it might do 575 overseas add 265 at least domestically and that gives about 840 which would put it pass Spiderman for the year. That seems a more realistic number IMO, sure I could see it still make 900 million, it will be intersting, Harry Potter is defintely very popular overseas and could be the more popular outside the US than any other film, including SW and LOTR.

Dec 10th, 2002, 12:01:11 PM
I wonder how it will do in Japan. What was HP1's take, $170M?

Dec 10th, 2002, 12:07:05 PM
Here are the numbers:
HARRY POTTER $170,100,000
LORD OF THE RINGS $71,842,332
SPIDER-MAN $58,925,689

That makes me frightened of Japan. ;)

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 10th, 2002, 12:26:31 PM
Yeah it was unreal in Japan, I think its only been opened there for two weeks and has done very good so far, so it could get up there who knows. I doubt it will do 170 but it could make it to 100 again.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 10th, 2002, 12:42:41 PM
I found this on the Mojo forums, this is where we get 500

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" sold roughly 10.8 million tickets at more than 10,500 screens, amassing an estimated $60.1 million, Warner Bros. reported Sunday. That propelled the foreign cume to $287.7 million and the worldwide total past $500 million.""""
That is a Amazing that it made over 50 million four straight weeks, and the thing is if it is similar to the last one it will be in theaters for another 6 months, so it should make it pass 800, I am guessing between 820-860 for the year, TTT should be close to that too the battle for the WW #1 is going to be very close.

Dec 10th, 2002, 01:01:39 PM
Anyway...my only issue with him is him dangling his kid over a balcony. They should take the children from him, regardless of whether he intended to harm the baby or not. Social Services takes children away from the stupid, just the same as they take them away from the malicious.
Cant disagree there.

Jackson settled out of court Reaper. He wasn't forced to give money by ANY court. He gave money because in all probability he molested a kid. It was hush money, pure and simple.
Saw a documentary about MJ the other month, which said he did this to end it quickly. His lawyers (One of which was being interviewed) had strongly argued against this.

Does HP2 have many markets left to open in?
France 4 December 2002
Kuwait 4 December 2002
Hungary 5 December 2002
Italy 6 December 2002
Czech Republic 12 December 2002
Hong Kong 19 December 2002
Estonia 20 December 2002
Russia 24 December 2002
Poland 3 January 2003

All the big ones ;)

Dec 10th, 2002, 01:30:22 PM
Saw a documentary about MJ the other month, which said he did this to end it quickly. His lawyers (One of which was being interviewed) had strongly argued against this.

A lawyer telling his client that he should keep fighting a case while said client keeps paying him $400 an hour plus court costs! I can't believe it, how shocking! :rolleyes

Lawyer: MJ, look at Von B. and OJ. We can get you out of ANYTHING!!!
MJ: But OJ got stuck with a $30M civil judgement didn't he?
Lawyer: Well yeah, I guess we can settle. I still get paid right?
MJ: Hee, hee!!! Jam on it! (Moonwalks over to checkbook.)

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 10th, 2002, 02:15:36 PM

Jedieb--you make it difficult for me to contain my own MJ humor...but for Loki's sake, I think I will.


Dec 10th, 2002, 06:38:28 PM
well I'll not go deep into the MJ thing. I use to LOVE!!! MJ., I think anyone on this board that knows me would vouch for that . But now I wouldn't wiz in his mouth if his guts were on fire.

anyway, NKOTB a fad??? BAh!!!

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 10th, 2002, 06:41:15 PM
While NKOTB is garbage, its not a total loss...seeing as Mr. Wahlberg and his brother are both VERY good actors. So even bad things can become good, just as good things can become bad. I'm a big fan of MJ's music, up until the album after "Bad". Bad was the last of his albums I could enjoy, and yes, I still do.

Dec 10th, 2002, 06:50:56 PM
Oh I use to love MJ no matter what the album was. On my way to my ill fated trip to indy for the SW convention I did nothing But listen to MJ(thriller) and NKOTB. Of course not long ago I took all my MJ albums/cd's and took a shot gun to them. But If you still Like MJ it's your right, and it still is good music. anyway like Master Carr said Move along buff, move along.

While NKOTB is garbage, :headbash :headbash

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 10th, 2002, 10:20:27 PM
Sorry Buff, I forgot you liked them. I couldn't think of another fad. And Reaper Russia is big, the biggest country in the world next to China, too bad the people are more worried about where their next meal is coming from instead of Harry Potter, Silly Russians :p

Dec 11th, 2002, 05:49:37 AM
I meant market wise. Some small countries are large markets compared to huge countries :)

Dec 11th, 2002, 06:04:51 AM
Saw a documentary about MJ the other month, which said he did this to end it quicklyNot to take a side, but... do you honestly think he would say otherwise? What, did you expect him to go "Yes, I molested a child and I paid his family money to be quiet about it"? Of course he's going to deny it and lionize himself as best he can.

Dec 11th, 2002, 07:59:47 AM
Shawn, MJ wasnt anything to do with it. Think a show that he was involved with would show that he did have some stuff to make your face paler, when he denies using them? :)

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 11th, 2002, 12:01:12 PM
Of course I knew that I was being silly, It will be a long time before Russia is a big market. Now France and Italy are and I read it did very well in both places in its opening weekend. It has also been having very low drops overseas and with that I think it will make over 500 million internationally and probably make between 800-850. Have to say its going to be a close race for #1.

Dec 11th, 2002, 03:20:51 PM
But now I wouldn't wiz in his mouth if his guts were on fire.

If I hear Beat It, Billy Jean, or even Smooth Criminal on the radio I enjoy the songs a great deal. The art and the person are two different animals. Take the degenerate Woody Allen. I'll watch Bananas and laugh myself silly. But personally, Allen should be ashamed of himself. Cheating on your wife is one thing, but doing it with your step daughter makes you one sick puppy. Sadly, MJ doesn't even produce good art anymore. Again, he's just a walking joke now. Ah for the old days when he and Tito actually looked like they were related...

Dec 11th, 2002, 04:25:34 PM
he's just a walking joke now
Correction. Haven't you seen him recently? LIMPING joke ;)

Dec 11th, 2002, 06:00:09 PM
Originally posted by Jedi Master Carr
Sorry Buff, I forgot you liked them. I couldn't think of another fad. Thats alright Master Carr, we all have things we love/hate:cool Just some of us have better taste;) :p :lol

Dec 11th, 2002, 06:03:08 PM
What I don't understand is why, all the plastic??? he was not a bad looking guy, but now:x I mean I know one day I will have a nose job(gotta get rid of the Itl nose) but I will now when to say when. Of course I don't know who is worse MJ or Joan Rivers:eek