View Full Version : Long Ago....(Silus Xilarian)

Xazor Elessar
Dec 8th, 2002, 03:50:47 PM
It had been some time since the Jedi Knight Xazor Dawnstrider had seen her friend, Silus Xilarian. She thought of this as passing by a familiar meeting place on Coruscant....a place they had once shared a dinner. Her eyes met the ground momentarily as she wondered what had become of her good friend....she missed him now. Having nearly bumped into an unsuspecting passer-by, she was brought back to her senses and continued walking before stopping at a little diner off to her right. Upon entering, the Knight passed through the crowds to take a seat at the back in a booth near a window. From her white robes came a silver device which she typed in a code and then a brief message.

Dear Silus,

I have not heard from you in some time and I'm beginning to wonder whether you are alive or not. If you are, please confirm that to me by meeting me at Maka' Inn for dinner....my treat.

Your Friend,

With that she pressed the send button and slipped the device back into the folds of her robes. Upon doing so, the young woman folded her hands upon the table and sighed to herself as her eyes went out the window to gaze at the waning day. Soon the moon would take reign over the land and the lights of Coruscant would illuminate the planet. She hoped, with these thoughts in mind, that somehow he would come to her and they could enjoy a nice evening together.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 8th, 2002, 04:36:32 PM
Silus pushed his way through the ever present crowds of Coruscant. He'd just recieved Xazor's message, and was now on his way to the Maka Inn to meet her. She'd chosen the spot well, as it was nearby one of the main docks...

As he reached the Inn, he paused momentarily to let a group of people by, then he nonchalantly made his way in...

As he looked around the room he spotted her in the back of the room. She hadnt seen him yet, as she was staring out a window. With a grin lit across his features, Silus strode up to her seat and plopped down in the booth. As he did he spoke somewhat loudly...

Hello there!

Xazor Elessar
Dec 8th, 2002, 05:37:09 PM
Xazor's eyes shot away from the window to meet those of the one she had not expected so soon, if he was expected at all. Her face lit up with a smile and she could barely say anything as she rose from her seat and went around the table to give him a warm embrace...more like a strangle hold than anything. After having shown her gratitude for his appearance, the Knight resumed her seat once again and looked at Silus intently.

"It's been a while! How are you? I was beginning to worry that you'd gotten yourself killed in an asteroid chase or something, knowing your bad habits of risk taking."

She winked slightly as a server droid approached their table with a few beeps and clicks. Her cyan eyes fell upon the little machine as she thought of what to order.

"I'll have the sauteed chicken breast and a Spiced Garou Ale, please. And you?"

The woman looked over to Silus and let him order whatever he chose to. It would be most interesting to catch up with a dear friend.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 9th, 2002, 07:26:40 PM
Silus smiled a bit as the conversation progressed. He seemed to be in fairly high spirits tonight, and spending an evening with an old friend seemed to help the feeling along...

I dont take risks...Im just more comfortable with unfavorable odds than most, besides, you know my ship is too big to take through an asteroid field..

Silus returned her wink as a server droid came up to the table. Out of politeness, he let Xazor order first. He really wasnt hungry himself..

I'll just have water, thank you

The droid beeped in acknownledgement and scuttled away from the table...

So how is everything?

Xazor Elessar
Dec 30th, 2002, 10:17:32 PM
Xazor yawned and shook her head, shrugging somewhat.

"Everything is well, I've been tired lately though, but that's because of the baby. I swear she doesn't sleep!"

The Knight laughed to herself and shook her head.

"Have you been doing pretty good? You look good, Silus....good to know life isn't wearing on you."

She said softly with genuine care evident in her voice.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 31st, 2002, 09:18:45 PM
"Thanks, I'm glad to see you're doing well also.

He smiled briefly again, before a somewhat stern look crossed his features. Undoubtedly, she knew about Silus' battle with Terran, and it was a bit surprising she hadnt brought it up by now...

"I have something for you...."

He ignored the confused look on her face for a moment as he reached into his coat. his hand emerged holding a lightsaber. One that Xazor would find familar. Halcyon, once owned by Terran Starek, taken by Silus after a grueling fight. The man earned his respect that day, and Silus felt he should have his weapon back. Now though, the subject was out in the open, and Silus would be subject to Xazor's reaction.....

Xazor Elessar
Dec 31st, 2002, 10:13:23 PM
A gasp escaped Xazor's lips as she watched Silus pull a Lightsaber from his coat. She eyed it curiously before allowing herself to reach across the table and take it into her hand.

"Halycon....Terran's saber."

She breathed the words softly as she eyed the beautiful craftsmanship of the saber. Terran had a way with weapons, and this one was no exception.

"I heard of.....the fight then went on between you. Well done on your victory....he learned a lot."

The Jedi Knight said as her hand clasped around the hilt of the weapon. A few sitting around them glanced at the pair and locked their eyes upon the mysterious weapon, but with a quick mindshield, Xazor drove their curiousity away quickly.

"Tell me, Silus.....did you enjoy hurting him?"

Silus Xilarian
Jan 1st, 2003, 06:50:18 PM
Silus leaned forward a bit...

"Id be lieing to you if I said that I didnt instigate the fight, but just know that the wounds I inflicted on Terran were very much self defense. There's no doubt in my mind he would have killed me had I given the chance. But tell me this, do you think I enjoyed hurting him. If so, then tell me why you think I let him live...."

Xazor Elessar
Jan 1st, 2003, 07:11:42 PM
Xazor's face grew solid and stone cold as she eyed Silus. No, she glared at him.....through him.

"He would not have killed you.....no......he is a better man than that."

'Better than you', she thought to herself and pushed the words aside. Sighing inwardly, the Knight locked eyes with him.

"You let him live for the very reason I let all of my enemies escape....to have the pleasure of doing it again someday...."

The words slipped out through a growl and a side of Xazor not seen by Silus before was slowly being revealed. Her eyes glowed with a fire....a fire that said perhaps she could tear his head off at any moment, but wouldn't. Indeed, she wouldn't....he was a friend.....right? At least she used to think so.

"Inflict enough pain so they suffer....then let them heal and get stronger so they challenge you once again. It's like a cat and a mouse that 'play'....."

Still the growl was deep within her voice and she seemed almost....dark. With each word she moved inches foward until now she was across the table, nose to nose with Silus...her eyes burning into his.

"Someday, though....the mouse will learn and the cat's curiosity will end it up.....dead."

She sat back in her seat and eyed the saber in her hands briefly before clipping it to her weapons belt beside her own saber. The woman's hands folded together upon the table and she continued glaring right through Silus....pondering his thoughts and words.

Silus Xilarian
Jan 1st, 2003, 07:44:54 PM
"Thats where you're wrong. Terran acted out of anger. He will admit that himself. He would have killed me. And as hard as it is to believe, I have my honor. I respect Terran now more than I respect some of my peers. He looked me in the eyes as I held a saber to his throat. He was at my mercy, and he knew it. But he showed not one ounce of fear. He would have died for his honor. And if I cross paths with him again, then Id just assume shake his hand rather than draw my weapon and attack..."

Silus eyes narrowed slightly at the look Xazor was giving him. It was her choice whether she would like to believe him or not, but he was being truthful. He knew of her skills. She was well known. But Silus wasnt unnerved by her glare. He too had his skills, and underestimating him would be fatal.

"Im returning his weapon as a show of respect, but you obviously dont see this......good day"

Silus removed a handful of credits and laid them on the table as he got up. With one last look, he turned and walked away...

Xazor Elessar
Jan 1st, 2003, 08:14:16 PM
Xazor sighed and looked down at the credits on the the table.

"Silus! No.....come on.....I wasn't done talking to you!"

She called after him, rising to her feet and folding her arms over her chest. Her eyes looked after him before she sat down in her seat and let a closed fist drop upon the table. Shutting her eyes tightly, the Garou woman leaned back in her chair and drew in a deep breath....wising her friend would just come back.