View Full Version : Discussion between Elders (Figrin)

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 8th, 2002, 06:25:58 AM
He waited in a dark corner for an old, old friend to come by. A message he had left with the Jedi Master Figrin D'An, for a meeting near the Jedi Archives....


Would you be so good as to humour a request from me? I need to talk to you on an important matter and it cant really wait any longer. I need your assistance and your widom


Figrin D'an
Dec 8th, 2002, 01:28:54 PM
It had been some time since Figrin had any lengthy conversation with Marcus. Their duties had taken them in different directions and consumed their time such that they seldom worked with each other. Figrin was a bit surprised by the message left for him, but there was no way that he would turn down the request of an old friend.

The Jedi Master arrived at the Archives. It was quiet, very few walked the halls. He looked around, but seeing no one in the immediate area, he sat down on the marble bench near the Archive entrance and patiently waited.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 8th, 2002, 05:17:16 PM
He didn't see his fellow Jedi Elder come into the Archives. Right now, that was impossible. But he did sense him and knew where he was seated. Marcus thence made sure the eye shades were in place, looking so out of place on his weatherbeaten and lined face. He himself looked out of place, an untidy and rough being in a place of perfect order.

He took a look into the Force, placing all things in the room and the hall, before stepping out with precision, avoiding obstaciles in his way - only a tiny hesitation at a noise was the only marker he could not see where he was going with his eyes.

"Figrin D'An, it is good to sense your presence" he said, coming up to the other Elder and smiling - it had been a long time since they had spoken

Figrin D'an
Dec 8th, 2002, 07:11:54 PM
Figrin turned his head to the sound of the familiar voice. He stood up, and smiled in kind. He slowly approached his old friend.

"It is good to see you, Master Q'Dunn. It has been far too long, my friend."

Figrin looked upon Marcus for moment, clearly noticing the eye shades on his face.

"I heard about the loss of your sight, although I did not hear any of the particulars of the situation. May the Force be with you on your path to recovery."

Figrin paused for a moment before continuing.

"Your message was a bit cryptic, but it seemed urgent," he commented. "What help can I be, Marcus?"

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 8th, 2002, 08:52:34 PM
"You heard of my blindness? But no one other than.... ah. So someone has been talking to others. I wish they had not, I would have rather not have word of that spread. No matter, it is done now. Yes, I am in need of haste."

Marcus paused, then indicated he wanted to walk while he spoke.

"Despite the fact I have been a Jedi here many, many years" he continued, stepping into the quiet of the archives "Few know whom I am. They have instead heard of Turbogeek. The name of Q'Dunn means little, for while I am very thankful, for now that name could endanger others. Figrin, I have had cause to erase my own name from the archives of both the Republic and the Jedi. I need to go further now - and I need help. I know this sounds wrong, but it is the path that I have seen before me - I know this is somethign I have to do. Else, others just will not be safe"

Figrin D'an
Dec 8th, 2002, 11:03:10 PM
The request deeply concerned Figrin. How could it not? Erasing the history of a man... but not just a man, of a Jedi Master? Only the gravest of situations would call for such an extreme action.

He wasn't sure how to react at first.

... others just will not be safe.

This resonated with Figrin... if others, other Jedi, were in iminent danger...

"Marcus... I've known you for many years, and you've been in tight spots before... but I don't think I've ever seen you this concerned about something before, at least not openly. I can't help but be concerned... what is going on?"

Deep down, Figrin wasn't expecting any kind of clear answer... but he had to ask.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 8th, 2002, 11:53:01 PM
Well, if there was one thing his fellow Jedi Master deserved - it was the truth.

"I guess to tell you this and why I must do as I am, I must tell you that I have enemies who have become aware whom I could be. So far, no one outside the Jedi know of the relationship I have with Lady Evenstar - and it would be perilous to her if it was so. I must erase any hint of it. While I have the utmost of confidence in her abilities, I dont have the confidence in mine while she could be used against me. Figrin, This was never suppsed to be - when I came inside the Jedi once again, it was with thinking that there were no ties or relationships.

Plus, she does not need the potential problems of her being associated with a maverick like me in the media. The Jedi dont need a maverick like me either. The media is becoming an enemy of us and I would seek to remove myself as a potential target. "

There was more - but how do you tell someone of the fact your own possible death had been seen and that he could resposible for the shooting death of Oriadin? And that the time of the birth of Xazor's child, he and other Jedi faced possible death against an enemy that no one had identified? How did you explain that he had seen reason that he had to take up the guns of Tohmahawk once again (and he had little choice now the Cheif of State had asked him) and that his path and what he had to do just did not match the Jedi Code? How did you even begin?

Figrin D'an
Dec 11th, 2002, 12:22:43 AM
Figrin frowned. He didn't particularly like the idea of hacking into the Archive database to alter files, nor did he want to ponder just how dire the situation may actually be. But, Marcus had a point. If his identity, revealed to the wrong people, could put other Jedi in danger... then something had to be done.

He sighed. "You put me in a difficult position, Marcus. What you ask would not be easy. And should the council find out about this, they surely will not be pleased."

He turned and looked out of large windows that adorned the hallway. The night of Coruscant could be seen far and wide, and Figrin's gaze wandered into it's expanse. His mind was in turmoil, wondering if he should follow the Code in it's strictest sense, or if he should help his friend and potentially remove others from harms way.