View Full Version : What was the agreement

Taylor Millard
Dec 7th, 2002, 05:26:06 PM
Between Vis and the admins when TGE was moved here?

Since it splintered shouldn't the forum be called 'Imperial Groups' with the description saying something like:

Splintered after an attack by the Yuuhan'Vong (or however you spell it), various Imperial Warlords 'fight' for existance around the galaxy.

Just an idea.

Dec 7th, 2002, 09:38:23 PM
Its up to Viscera since he has been the one financially responsible for the TGE's existence at SWFans.Net.

Dec 8th, 2002, 02:05:48 PM
After some PM exchanges between myself, Taylor and Viscera, the forum name can be changed. I will also allow a current member of the Imperial Groups to step forward and pick up the balance of the financial burden of the "Imperial Groups" group forum if they so choose, but it will need to be approved by Viscera as well. If the financial burden is not met before July 2003 then the forums will be closed for posting.

Whomever picks up the financial burden of the "Imperial Groups" forums will be made a moderator of the entire forum and have final say over its subforums, though no past posts will be deleted without a specific request from Viscera.

Dec 8th, 2002, 03:40:19 PM
Sounds good

Khendon Sevon
Dec 8th, 2002, 05:38:36 PM
Ummm... hmm... how much $$ as we talking?

Dec 8th, 2002, 05:49:23 PM
Details can be found here:

<a href=showthread.php?s=&threadid=24530>link</a>

Payments can be sent via paypal, to c_schertz@msn.com or if that is not available I can be PM'd for snail mail details.

Anyone who makes a payment or $10 US or more for either a Forum hosting or just plain SWFans.Net contribution is also entitled to get a yourname@sw-fans.net email address.

Khendon Sevon
Dec 8th, 2002, 08:43:16 PM
so $25 a year, basically. Hmm... I'll see what I can do, but I can't promise anything.

Taylor Millard
Dec 8th, 2002, 09:19:26 PM
I took care of part of the payment.

Dec 8th, 2002, 11:40:47 PM
Originally posted by Khendon Sevon
so $25 a year, basically. Hmm... I'll see what I can do, but I can't promise anything. Read the linked topic a little more carefuly, as that is not correct.

Dec 9th, 2002, 12:07:22 AM
The financial responsibility of the Imperial Groups forum and its subforums has been met for 2003.