View Full Version : New Face in the Galaxy

Core Mebuff
Dec 7th, 2002, 01:58:36 PM
The bounty hunter approached the Jedi Bar. He was tall at a little over six-feet, he had a strong build, and adorned standard Mandalorian battle armor. He bore a striking resemblance to the now-deceased Jango Fett. Underneath the armor was a mystery. His identity was unknown.

The hunter saw the guards at the door. They forced him to hand over his blasters and blades. Of course, unbeknownst to them, his armor contained dozens of concealed weapons. He complied with the rules of the bar.

The bounty hunter walked over to a booth and took a seat. He scanned the room using the view screen in his helmet. He saw dozens of wanted beings in the bar. Most of them Jedi. The bounties on the Jedi weren't worth the trouble. But the one that really interested him was Desana Juwana, a Dug. He was wanted by Jerba the Hutt for stealing a crate of rare spice from the Hutt's personal stash and selling it on the black market. Jerba was willing to pay 75,000 credits for Desana.

The hunter smiled underneath his mask as he waltzed over to Desana's table. The Dug was accompanied by two Twi'lek prostitutes. The hunter sat down across from Dasana.

"Good to see you, Dasana."

The Dug looked up from the table, "Who are you?" he snarled.

"I'm your worst nightmare."

The angry Dug jumped up on the table and took a swing at the hunter, who ducked from the attack. The bounty hunter tipped the table over, knocking the Dug onto the floor. Several guards rushed at the hunter. The Mandalorian grabbed the Dug by the throat and rocketed towards the ceiling and smashed through the skylight ...

Core Mebuff
Dec 7th, 2002, 02:09:04 PM
The hunter stood on the roof top the Dug still in his hand. He dropped Dasana on the ground.

"Wha- what do you want from me?"

"From you?" Hunter scoffed, "nothing from you. I want you! Jerba the Hutt has put a pretty little price on your head."

"Damn that Hutt! Look, I'll pay you twice what he's paying you!"

"Twice eh? 150,000 credits?"

"150,000 credit?!?!?!"

"I guess you don't have it then ..."

Dasana gulped. "No! Wait! Please don-"

Before the Dug could finish his sentence a burst of fire emerged from Hunter's wrist gauntlet and set the creature into flames.

The Dug screamed in pain until he fell dead. Hunter grabbed the Dug's corpse and tossed him over his shoulder. The Mandalorian began to head towards his ship.

Core Mebuff
Dec 15th, 2002, 11:54:14 AM
The hunter reached the hangar ... 6765435 ... but something wasn't right ... the space port was too quiet. The bounty hunter dropped the carcass on the floor and searched about the dark room with his visual scanners, then flipped onto infared.

"Ah-ha!" the hunter thought. Several mercenaries we're trying to pull a smash and grab. Kill the hunter and take the prize. Hunter wasn't going to let this happen anytime soon.

Still using the infared, Hunter pinpointed one of the scumbags. He removed a hidden blaster from his boot and fired a quick shot dropping the mercenary. The smell of ozone filled the air as dozens of shots rained from the hangar. The hunter rolled under the loading ramp of his ship The Outlander and picked off two more of the would-be assassins.

There were twelve attackers in all, but the bounty hunter has already killed off three of them. One of them made a dash for Dasana's body ... but Hunter was quick to trip him up using his whipcord and pulled the mercenary to his feet. Hunter quickly slit his throat to prevent any escape.

Two more bounded on top of his ship and tried to drop onto him when the first landed on his back Hunter flipped him onto the ground then broke his neck. The other landed right on top of Hunter's rocket pack ... so he used the concealed missile to launch the creep to the ceiling and blow him to smitherines.

Six more remained. One of them was perched high up on a ledge and taking pot shots at Hunter. The bounty hunter knew he had to dispose of the sniper quickly. So using his jet pack he quickly flew up to the sniper's height and tossed an impact genade at the gunner.

KA-BLAM! All that remained was a burn mark from the grenade's explosion. The sniper was incinerated.

Hunter watched a couple of the mercenaried run off, this was a losing battle for them. The remaining three were a human, a Twi'lek, and Wookie. Hunter scanned all three of them and found that they worked for Jerba the Hutt!

The blasted Hutt wanted Hunter to do the dirty work then wanted to take the Dug for no charge. Never trust a slug.

The Twi'lek attacked first. He held a huge blade which he swung at Hunter. The bounty hunter ducked the first attack then stuck a dagger in the Twi'lek's stomach. He dropped to a crumpled heap.

The human and Wookie charged at the same time. Hunter quickly rocketed into the air and shot the human in the skull. He to fell. The room began to stink of death and ozone.

The Wookie saw the human drop then pulled a huge blaster rifle from his holster and began firing at Hunter. The blasts were huge! That was no rifle ... that was a hand-cannon!!

Hunter quickly dropped behind The Outlander and tried to spot the Wookie in the dark. The infared should have made it easy to spot the behemoth, but Hunter couldn't see him anywhere. Before he could react the bounty hunter heard a growl come from behind him and spun around, blaster in hand, but was jarred hard by the Wookie's punch. Hunter's blaster when spinning across the metallic floor.

As the Wookie approached Hunter used his flame-thrower to ignite the hairy beast. The mercenary ran off in flames attempting to extinguish the fire. Hunter never saw him again.

The bounty hunter jumped in the ship's cockpit and rocketed off to Nar Shadda, home of Jerba the Hutt. A little payback (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=31877) was in order.