View Full Version : My fleet RP idea: Planet Ratings
Dec 7th, 2002, 07:23:00 AM
Okay, Im posting this here first. If some like, it'll go to Mod forum, and then OOC.
This is in relation to something that has been brought up about fleet RPing. Technically, a group can take all the best planets, then refuse to ever fight for them. Not only does this make having a fleet pointless, but also means some of the best planets in the SW galaxy are completely unusable.
But look the other way. Is it fair that the important planets for a group can be destroyed? No!
So with this, I made the following rough draft idea:
Planet Ratings
Basically, a groups planets much be divided into the following sections:
These mean as follows:
Ok, this is the big one. The number of these depends on the number of planets you control:
1-2 planets = 1 untouchable
3-4 planets = 2 untouchable
5-6 planets = 3 untouchable
Basically, these signify the "big" planets for a group. These may only be attacked under the full permission of the controlling group.
Some planets controlled may have more significance to a person than anything else. This is where this comes in. Basically, any planet that a character within your group has a strong emotional attatchment to, which could affect your RPing if lost, goes here. The reasons for having them here MUST be significant. This means that the planet may only be attacked under the permission of the "attached" people, providing it would actually affect the persons RPs.
The rest. These can be attacked providing the controlling group was warned and have chance to reply.
Will probably change "Emotional Attachments" to "Attachments", as there will be some that fit here that arent emotional :)
Opinions (No doubt negative)?
Master Yoghurt
Dec 7th, 2002, 10:14:42 AM
Hmm.. although the proposal makes sense, do you 1. feel it is really needed, and 2. does not the current rules cover the intention of the proposal?
IIRC, planets can not be taken over or destroyed without permission, so I am not sure why we need ratings anyway :)
Dec 7th, 2002, 10:18:41 AM
1. Yes
2. Not really
Technically, the NR could take every single planet ever known in the GFFA that hasnt been taken, and then refuse to fight. Some cant even use the planets ever, and the others cant do anything about it.
And the point is, #3 doesnt as such need permission, it just needs fairness for them to actually defend :)
Master Yoghurt
Dec 7th, 2002, 11:45:30 AM
Fett and I were talking about it on AIM, and here is what we were thinking/saying about it
Mr Green Dude: Hi there! :-)
ReaperFett: hi:-)
Mr Green Dude: Your proposal sux j/k
Mr Green Dude: ;-)
ReaperFett: lol
ReaperFett: oh, Im not expecting any support for it:-)
ReaperFett: so, any areas you like/dont like/dont understand?
Mr Green Dude: Actually, the idea is nice, but I am not sure how needed it is, or even the posters would want it. I tend to prefer keeping the rules as minimalistic as possible, and stimulate the posters to use common sense whenever possible. No, I think I understand it :-)
ReaperFett: ok
ReaperFett: but its like this
ReaperFett: say if Gue was RPing still
ReaperFett: and noone wanted to RP with him
ReaperFett: roughly, how many NR planets are there?
Mr Green Dude: I dont even know myself any longer, actually
ReaperFett: guess
ReaperFett: 60?
Mr Green Dude: Perhaps
ReaperFett: now, lets say 20 of them have some significance to a NR or GJO member
ReaperFett: take the 3 off too
ReaperFett: there are 37 left
ReaperFett: that are basically a statistic
ReaperFett: and if noone wanted to RP with Gue, there a small statistic that noone can touch
ReaperFett: is it fair that "We were here first" eternally stops someone else from using the planet?
Mr Green Dude: Actually, it does not work like that. You see, NR is a neutral entity. That is why I dont keep any planet count any longer, in order to allow players to roleplay or establish bases wherever they want
ReaperFett: well, replace NR with TS then
ReaperFett: :-)
ReaperFett: TSO
ReaperFett: Im just using the NR as they are large
Mr Green Dude: Well, TSO has Corellia, which is their mainbase and a planet which cant be taken over without permission. Then they have some less significant planets which I doubt anyone would bother to or want to attack anyway :-)
ReaperFett: look, you get my point:-)
ReaperFett: basically, I could create a group, take every known planet as of now untaken, refuse to ever fight, and basically have planets all over
Mr Green Dude: Well, I think there is a limit on the number of planets you can control, 5 or so
Mr Green Dude: You can establish bases and outposts on virtually any untaken planet, but there is a limit on the number of planets which you can claim not to be taken
ReaperFett: well I know nothing about this
ReaperFett: well see
ReaperFett: but still, presently a group can basically refuse to fight, thus making whole systems unusable
Mr Green Dude: It was discussed in the Clean Slate thread, I think Sanis knows the details better than I do :-)
ReaperFett: well, hell disagree anyway
Mr Green Dude: Another thing is, even if you cant attack, destroy or take over a system, that does not actually prevent you from roleplaying on that system
ReaperFett: sure it does, fairly
ReaperFett: no Jedi can step on Corellia
ReaperFett: the hundreds of Sith would notice you
****What followed is unimportant, but its basically me (Fett) saying you cant RP on Corellia. I removed this :)****
ReaperFett: the point with the fleet is so that fleets can keep used, and the unimportant planets arent locked down
ReaperFett: wont affect most major planets, as theyd be the head
ReaperFett: Ill start a discussion about the RPing later:-)
Mr Green Dude: What I think will happen though, there will be more frequent planetary takeovers, because the rules no longer prevents it. It may be a good thing, but there may be some bad effects as well. The foremost is, planetary takeover threads tend to cause OOC brawls
Mr Green Dude: But since it is only a question of unimportant planets, perhaps that wont be such a big problem after all?
Mr Green Dude: Not trying to be devil's advocate btw, just raising some concerns :-)
Auto response from ReaperFett:
"Those who do good things often have many enemies"
-Kyp Durron
ReaperFett: back
Mr Green Dude: Cool :-)
ReaperFett: thats the point
ReaperFett: Group 2 tells group 1 they plan to attack planet A
ReaperFett: group 1 has time to get someone to fight back if they want
Mr Green Dude: So in order to attack a planet not being untouchable, you would have to warn the group in advance?
ReaperFett: oh aye
Mr Green Dude: Ok, that sounds more reasonable. Talking and planning such threads beforehand tends to help avoiding OOC tension :-)
ReaperFett: yeah
ReaperFett: the idea is tha you cantr stop them
ReaperFett: not you dont know
Mr Green Dude: Yeah
ReaperFett: :-)
ReaperFett: and as the rules go, this doesnt happen to important planets
ReaperFett signed off at 6:43:01 PM.
ReaperFett signed on at 6:43:12 PM.
Mr Green Dude: I will give it some thought and see what the others think about it before I say aye or nay. But in the meantime, perhaps we should post this convo in the thread, so the same issues dont get debated twice?
ReaperFett: if you want to, post it:-)
Mr Green Dude: Ok, cool :-)
Dec 7th, 2002, 11:54:48 AM
Just edited out the unimportant part :)
Taylor Millard
Dec 7th, 2002, 05:18:34 PM
Ya know I like this. It would certainly help clear up some things.
I think we also need to figure out which factions have what (and have them be honest about it too).
I'm still trying to understand this "NR is a bit NPC" deal though.
Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 8th, 2002, 06:55:46 PM
If I tried to put my Imperial ships (not many, granted, but Serena is Fleet Admiral, there has to be SOME around she could throw at something) against Corellia, and they refused to RP it, then what? Isn't that violation of the common sense rule?
If there are agressive ships at your door, wouldn't you want to respond to it? And if you didn't, then shouldn't the agressor be able to lay waste?
I understand that groups have "Main planets" but the whole planet mess, esp. with Bakura, which is granted, an emotional attatchment for the Tarkin family. But realistically, using common sense, its simply an unattached planet. What defenses does it have, besides Dale (no offense meant!) yelling at people in OOC?
If someone wanted to take Vjun away from TBH I would have no problem with that. Who cares!?!? Attack us and see what happens! If we get driven to the far corners of the universe, then so be it. Common sense and fair play dictates to ME that it has to be fair to BOTh sides of a conflict, not just the defender.
I have no answers, only questions.
Dec 8th, 2002, 06:58:45 PM
Well, the problem I see with free reign is the screwing up of RPs.
Sanis Prent
Dec 8th, 2002, 09:08:12 PM
Why is there any distinction between this and if there is a personal RP challenge that is refused?
Dec 9th, 2002, 06:20:46 AM
Because personal challenges isnt taking all the best planets, then having noone able to fairly use them?
Sanis Prent
Dec 9th, 2002, 11:54:17 AM
But they have stakes involved, all the same.
I see no reason to require that planets be up for grabs. It should be a "with permission" deal, as it is now. The same reason a player can't take over a planet at will is the same reason he can't cut someone's head off. Consider it killing/maiming...on a planetary scale.
Dec 9th, 2002, 12:14:07 PM
fine. I make a new group, get the members, take every known planet currently untaken, refuse to let anyone RP there on fairness terms, and never defend them. Yeah, that sounds fair.
Dec 9th, 2002, 05:10:04 PM
A group would not be allowed to take every known unclaimed planet since it doesn't fit the common sense guidelines.
Dec 9th, 2002, 05:20:49 PM
But its common sense that the existing groups are in that position right now?
Dec 9th, 2002, 05:23:01 PM
There is no group that has a ridiculous amount of planets in their control. That was part of the "clean slate" agreement.
The clean slate agreement was to make fleet RPG as similar to our regular RPG as possible. This is supposed to be a place for cooperative RP not competitive RP.
Dec 9th, 2002, 05:29:43 PM
Its not the number, its the QUALITY.
Dec 9th, 2002, 05:32:36 PM
And quality is a matter of opinion that differs from person to person.
Dec 9th, 2002, 05:41:39 PM
Corellia is top Quality.
Dec 9th, 2002, 05:43:17 PM
I don't agree.
Dec 9th, 2002, 05:52:30 PM
Why dont you? I mean, it is one of the eight planets chosen in Galaxies, and ask any person for a top 10 SW planets, it'd be there. But NO Jedi can use it? Ever? Not particularly fair methinks
Now, Corellia wouldnt actually be affected, as TSO would choose it as one of their untouchables. But the point is it would limit this.
Dec 9th, 2002, 05:55:44 PM
It has no special interest to me.
I suspect with the proper negotiations that an agreement of some kind could be made to use the planet. But, if I wanted to use it myself as a Jedi, I would as if TSO wasn't even there in the ST forum.
And I highly doubt that "any" prson would name it since not "every" person even knows what Corellia is.
Dec 9th, 2002, 06:00:12 PM
I suspect with the proper negotiations that an agreement of some kind could be made to use the planet. But, if I wanted to use it myself as a Jedi, I would as if TSO wasn't even there in the ST forum.
Well I see that as unfeasable. So I just happen to sneak past any defenses they had? And not one of the many Sith detect me?
And I highly doubt that "any" prson would name it since not "every" person even knows what Corellia is.
Anyone who knows more than the minimum knows Han is Corellian. Heck, I knew when I was 6, and I didnt read the books or anything :)
Dec 9th, 2002, 06:02:33 PM
My son has no clue, so not "any" person would know.
Dec 9th, 2002, 06:22:28 PM
ANy person RPing here.
Sanis Prent
Dec 9th, 2002, 08:35:36 PM
If its not seen in canon, then I'd say its of minor importance.
Dec 9th, 2002, 09:05:57 PM
Canon has about 4 different meanings dependsing on who you ask, and Lucas has never said any.
Anyway, I wont bother arguing for this any more. Argument closed.
Sanis Prent
Dec 10th, 2002, 05:02:30 PM
Well, you have sith and dark jedi RPing on Coruscant all the time, and that's the seat of the New Republic. Why not have good guys RP on Corellia? The Sith aren't omniscient.
Dec 10th, 2002, 05:13:19 PM
Why not have a Sith RPing in the NR HQ? Same thing.
Sanis Prent
Dec 10th, 2002, 06:29:39 PM
Not all of Coruscant is NR HQ, you know.
Dec 10th, 2002, 06:35:42 PM
And? There's no difference
Sanis Prent
Dec 10th, 2002, 06:36:44 PM
I'll drop this, as requested.
Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 10th, 2002, 06:45:09 PM
my 2 cents (came in late as per usual)
If you want to RP there, go for it. Say you came in on regularly scheduled transports, or on your own personal ship if you want. TSO isn't everywhere on the planet. If they wish to respond to your RP, then they will. If not, have fun.
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