View Full Version : The smell of blood...A good night for hunting.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Dec 6th, 2002, 10:06:03 PM
As the Vampire Warrior made his way through the halls and chambers of the Shrine, he finaly came to the place he was heading for. As he made his way outside the Shrine of The Damned, he let the force flow throughout himself. Vampires were the only beings born from the Darkiside, and could never turn good. Even if they wanted to. As Ambrose made his way through the brush and trees atop the surface of the planet known as Roon, he could smell blood.

This will be a night to remember, the young vampire thought to himself.

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 6th, 2002, 10:43:44 PM
Dalamar lounged out under the stars when he saw Ambrose rush by him. Probably going to the villages to hunt. The Warlord had not joined anyone on a hunt for a while prefering to stalk alone. But it had been a while and he thought it would be interesting to go in a pair agian. Strapping his sword to his back he called out to Ambrose to wait.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Dec 6th, 2002, 10:55:08 PM
While running through the brush and trees that lined the woods, he heard a voice. A voice that was all to familiar. It was the voice of Lord Dalamar. Lord Dalamar was a friend of the Sith Warrior's, and so Ambrose stopped and waited for the ancient vampire to catch up to himself. He thought that this should be interesting. He had never gone on a hunt with another Vampire before.

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 7th, 2002, 07:40:02 AM
Dalamar moved into full hunt mode already. Moving with the combined speed of the force and vampyre abilities he seemed to blur past Ambrose. "Now I'm waiting for you." the Dark Lord said with a smile he looked down on Ambrose from the uprise ahead. Ambrose laughed knowing that Dalamar had a peculiar sense of humor from time to time. "Woah, that made me slightly dizzy. I really shouldn't force speed like that when I haven't eaten in three day's." The Vampyre confessed to Ambrose.

"Well we will take of that pressing Shrine buisness has kept me from feeding properly." Ambrose nodded "We will take care of that tonight then and you will be your old self." Joining Dalamar on the rise they both moved with a liquid grace thru the forest. Coming up over the next rise was a small town. Dalamar's mouth already began to water.......

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Dec 9th, 2002, 10:52:53 AM
Ambrose opend his mouth slightly showing his fangs. Something that came with the package deal of being a vampire. He looked at the Shrine Lord and nodded toward the town.

After you, MiLord.

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 9th, 2002, 11:33:10 PM
As they got closer Dalamar could see smoke rising into the sky. Big black vultures circled around the high towers of the town. Ambrose and Dalamar looked at each other as they moved closer. 100 feet from the city they could clearly see there was bodies hanging outside the town wall spread out evenly. Dalamar instantly thought of the plague of 2,000 yrs ago. "Careful young one this may be the work of one of the tainted. Let us proceed ahead carefully." The Dark Lord drew his Katana out with an oiled precision and approached with caution.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Dec 10th, 2002, 09:25:17 PM
Ambrose watched at the vampire lord removed the katana's blade from the sheath. And then he looked down to see that his nails were as sharp as razors. He looked at Lord Dalamar.

What has happened here. Did you not hear anything while you were resting back there Mi'lord?

Walking to the town he could smell the stench of rotting bodies all over. The vampire warrior lost all of his appetite that he had once had.

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 20th, 2002, 09:37:49 PM
"No, I was to far away. Arm yourself and lets go check to see what has happened. " Slowly the pair went down into the town. The Ravens took flight at the prescence of the newcomers. Bodies where hung everywhere.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Dec 20th, 2002, 09:59:12 PM
His vissage looked like a marble statue when Lord Dalamar looked at the Vampire warrior. The sith Lord noticed that he had every emotion on his face. Yet none at all. Unsheathing his highly engraved Ryyk Kertharorr Blades that he had aquirred while visiting the planet of Kashyyyk. The home planet of the species known as Wookies. The blades had Horizontal grips and a verticle blade at the end of the grip. Mainly for the warriors of the clans on Kashyyyk. Wookies could weild these with ease, much like Ambrose could. Although they weighed fifteen kilograms. He looked at his surroundings with his vampiric eyes.

What do you sence Lord Dalamar. My sences are much weaker than yours. But I am sencing a being of evil in the midst. You?

The Vampire warrior looked at Lord Dalamar. Waiting for his reply.

OOC: an image of the blade is here. http://wookiee.8k.com/cgi-bin/i/images/databank/ryyk1.jpg

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 22nd, 2002, 02:48:00 AM
"Your sense's are a credit young one. You are right something is definately here." They moved toward the gate Dalamar used the front of his blade to push the heavy gate open. It swung open easily on well maintained hinge's. Bodie's lay everywhere. Men's heads where on spike's and the ravens where having a feeding frenzy. Some child's play toy lay on the ground never to see it's owner again. Half the buildings still burned. A Loud thump was heard a ways off they proceded carefully.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Dec 22nd, 2002, 04:29:25 PM
Watching the blades push the burnt door open slightly, the hinges creeking, he could smell death. Looking around the place and seeing the heads of the men on the pikes were sickening. But now, he thought that he had seen it all. He wondered what kind of being would do this. Although Vampires were pure evil, he knew that they had better standards than this. Whatever the being was that did this nonscence, he did not know.

Looking at the bodies of the dead, he could tell that they had been burnt to a crisp. You could peel their skin right off of their bones. He remembered one time when he was a younger Vampire. It was on the planet of Roon, the planet he was now on. Men were fighting for their freedom but the Vampire warrior knew them to be doomed. They did not stand a chance. Men were slaughtered in front of their families. Women were rapped in front of their children. And the children where made to watch. It was the worst day of the Vampires life.

Lord Dalamar, what kind of being could do something like this. This is maddness. It is clearly not a Vampire. I am certain. But what it could be, i do not know.