View Full Version : Crawling in the Dark...(Open Challenge)

Dec 6th, 2002, 09:35:05 PM
Jedi Mastre Satine Capashen walks through the dark tunnels of the cave systems on Dantooine, his only light a floating ball of silver flames. He had gotten reports of a Sith, or other Darksider terrorizing the locals. Satine had taken it up to hunt down and find it.

He turns a corner, and enters a large cavern, wide enough for him to stretch out his wings, the bio-mech things glistening in the light. He looks around, stretching out his senses...

Jana Silthron
Dec 7th, 2002, 11:54:21 PM
A figure clung to the ceiling of the cavern. It watched the jedi as he walked in and looked around. A soft growl was heard followed but a slight rustling sound.

"Jedi, prepare yourself."

The snap-hiss of a lightsaber sounded and a dark pruple light filled the room. Flaping was heard at the exit to the cavern. Alpha turned around and saw a winged woman hovering there. She quickly flew at him and slashed at his chest with her saber.

Dec 8th, 2002, 08:20:13 AM
The lightsabre bounces off of an incredibly powerful Force shield, with a resounding crack!. Satine jumps backwards, and flares his wings, grabbing his own sabre from his belt. Thumbing it on, the weapon gives a long, drawn out hiss, a black blade shooting out of the hilt. Smiling grimly, Satine blocks another attack, and counters with a slash.

"And who are you, Dark One?"

Jana Silthron
Dec 9th, 2002, 08:37:11 PM
Jana brings her saber up to block his slash. She smirks and kicks him in the stomach while their sabers and caught. She jumps backwards soon after and takes up the defencive possition.

"I am the lost."

Dec 10th, 2002, 09:28:32 AM
Satine ignroes the slight pain form the kick, and looks at Jana.

"The lost? An odd name..."