View Full Version : Let it rain, let it rain (open to all)

Valirion Thorn
Dec 6th, 2002, 04:33:09 PM
:: I stood in the middle of the auditorium, my armored claw wrapped about the actress who had been acting only hours before. Her eyes slightly bulged and a trickle of blood ran down her mouth. I could hear her heart beat in time with my own but mine beat just for the purpose to watch her's die.
My armored face peeled away to show my marble skinned face with jet black hair. I pulled her close and my fangs bit into her soft pink flesh. I took her in one whole gulp, as messy as it was, I still wasn't satisfied as her life water became mine. I tossed the pale and dry body to the ground and went in search of the stage crew.::

Malice Draclau
Dec 6th, 2002, 05:04:53 PM
Before he could move, his body suddenly went flying into the wall in the back of the stage. Upon looking around, a voice entered his mind.

(I don't like vampyers......especially onces who ruin my evening)

From behind a curtain on the stage a figure emerged. H was clad in white robes, his face hidden under a hood. Wasit length white hair draped down his shoulders. The man stood about 6 ft 7, and even with all his angelic looks, the darkside filled his very being. The sith slowly walked closer to he undead creature.

*You know for once i actually paid for something....a ticket to this very show. Now that you have ruined it, i'm forced to get my money back. Though i will settle for beating your walking corpse*

Pulling back his hood, Malice revealed his face. His skin tanned, while his dark blue eyes seemed to stare right through the souless body. The sith master waited for the vampyre to rise, grabbing his lightsaber and igniting the double bladed weapon. White beams of darkness shot out, begging to spill blood.

Valirion Thorn
Dec 6th, 2002, 05:23:15 PM
:: I got up and brushed myself off. I smiled, my now pink skin now a little dirtied with the soot from the old building. I put a hand to my shoulder and rolled the arm backwards before I actually looked at the man. He was powerful enough, I could taste it in the air. And I could hear his heart beat also,stronger than most. He was strong and I wuld drink his strength from him. My liviing armor flexed as my helmet drew about my face once more.
The demonic visage upon the helmet hised and the large mettalic fangs protruding from the face gnashed as it stretched across my face. My sword still wasn't drawn as the master drew his weapon, and how ironic for a darksider to use a white blade at that too.::

And I'd almost want to pay to watch your blood fill my goblet for eternity but alas, such is not possible with a weak body as yours.

:: The voice had seemed to come from the air behind him but I was sure that he didn't have any effect to my way of speaking by now. But my armor hissed and spoke its own mind as I stepped into the stage lights, face on the helmet moving and its glowing eyes frowning without my control.::

You stand no chance against ussssssssss. We are Thorn, and we sssssssssssshall show you the power of our transcendence. But my master would have your blood. You may bow and immolate yourself before us or die the death of a mortal and never be able to share the darkness of the Shrine.

:: I cracked my neck before reaching behind me and grabbing the sword that was sheathed within my spine. I drew the blade and the eye upon the hilt swiveled as it awoke. The blade hissed as it saw my opponent and then shrieked into the air as I slung it and my immortal blood was flung to the ground. The blade was twisted and curved like a tongue out of a demon's mouth and the hilt formed a mouth, teeth outward as acidic drool dripped from one of the fangs. The blade hovered for a moment, the light from the ceiling seemed to be absorbed into the blade, making it appear as if it had a shadow of its own. I spoke before I commenced with this man's death.::

You are not a normal Sith. Explain your existence so I might know what was slaughtered by my starving sword.

Malice Draclau
Dec 6th, 2002, 05:40:22 PM
The sith master grinned at the mans words.

*Mortal....you think me a pitiful mortal. Then you are a fool*

Malice tossed his saber to the side, putting is hands close to his side, he stood in a crouching position.

*Your shrine has got my sister.....and for that i shall kill you all*

With that the darkside began to swhirl around him. A black aura forming around his body. Buldges started to form under his very skin. He was changing.....morphing into his true form. He began to grow bigger, the robes and clothes on his back tearing apart at the seems. As he grew, his skin began to change, turning a bluish color, becoming as hard as armor. Dagger like teeth and nails formed, replacing the ones that were once there. From is back a whipe like tail protruded out into the open air, a dark liquid oozed from the newy gained body part. A pair of wings could be seen opening to full length behind him as well.

When all was done....which took but a couple of minutes. The vampyre saw wht he was staring at. It was no mortal indeed. It was a demon, an 8 ft tall demon, a true child of the darkside. Malice flexed his newly grown muscles, his new body far bigger and faster then the old one. The demon sith master glared down at the vampyre, each step he took toward the corpse shook the stage.

*My exsistance you ask......i live for the darkside. The light and any others who get in my way shall fall. I am Malice Draclau, Sith master and bringer of chaos. Come dead one, come and face the eternal darkness*

Malice watched his living armor, as well as the living sword. He cared not, Calling his saber back to him, the sith waited for the vampyre.

Valirion Thorn
Dec 6th, 2002, 06:04:30 PM
:: I watched him transform into a whole other being. My armor had tasted something else, but I had doubted the intensity of its taste. But I smiled underneath my helmet as he grew to my own size, we were eye to eye now. How noble. But this man, an angel of the darkside was a good description. This fallen angel... he had said he would kill the Shrine.
The angel was a tool of Pain no doubt but to challenge the Shrine was stupidity. He would fall to my blade and I would wallow in his demonic blood when this was over.::

Angel, my armor already told you your options. It would be a tragedy to watch your blood spilled by my sword but I am Thorn and you shall be witness to my Godliness. You say I shall face eternity. I sleep in eternity, what makes you any different. I call you mortal beause I already know that you shall die.

:: My armor spasmed and small spike like arms stretched from the liquid like plate. My cape split and flared, looking like wings for a moment before it was drawn into my armor. I looked forward to the pain to be dealt and recieved by this fight. How exciting.::

Malice Draclau
Dec 6th, 2002, 06:10:05 PM
A low growl escaped the demons mouth. He was now only 10 feet from the vampyre.

*You shall face eternal death.....not life Vampyre. Allow me to show you to your final resting place.......within me*

Like the Vampyre, Malice to often fed on blood, and flesh from other beings while in his demonic state. But being called a dark angel, that made him laugh. For he wa anything but an angel, dark or otheriwse. Drawing on the force, and combined with his natural demonic speed, Malice moved with grace and speed that surprised even the vampire. Like a big blue blurr he ended up infront of the vamp.

*Your armor will not protect you in this fight. It shall feel every bit of pain you will feel*

With quick reflexes, Malice sent one of his giant fists straight into his face....armor and all he contacted with the vampyre. His knuckles felt like a strong type of steel a it impacted with the helmet, sending Valirion backwards. Not even waiting for a response, Malice dashed forward, his saber aiming to slice across hismid section.

Valirion Thorn
Dec 6th, 2002, 06:22:51 PM
:: the force of the massive fist into my face dazed me but my armor shot out extra limbs and held me balanced as the demon swung. I did not require just my own eyes to see what was about me...
My sword came up and deflected the attack. The tongue like blade suddenly curled like a whip and then slashed out at the lightsaber handle with incredible speed. I heard a crack and sparks went off but I didn't waste time. Using the tactics I learned from Soth long ago, a large spike formed from my shoulder blade and twisted around like a hydra head and snapped at the demon.
My sword reformed and I brought the sword that was almost as long as I was tall. The huge twohanded sword came down as I used the force to increase my strength and speed. My sword screamed unholy lust as it tasted the moment it would cut this dark angel's flesh.
This sith had sealed his fate when he had declared the deal that my armor would fel every bit of pain. He might be a true bred demon but I had been the human granted darkness and led to feast upon pain, even my own so that I might climb the stairs and create my own hell out of heaven. So let it come, Dark Angel, let the pain be shared and show me a new level of pain so that I might become closer to my Fate of Godliness::

Malice Draclau
Dec 7th, 2002, 11:13:07 PM
The attack from his living sword caused Malice to drop his saber. No matter, he would not need it for what he was planning to do. Then, as the demon sith master looked at Valirion, he saw the sword increase in size, it's length equalling the demons and the vamps height. Malice only grinned as he saw the sword come clashing down at him. Surrounding his body with the force, the darkside created a black aura around the demons body.

*You will suffer.....i'll make sure of that*

As the sword came down, It was suddenly stopped. A force shield had intercepted it's course towards the demons body. Malice concentrated, drawing more on his hate and anger, fueling his darkside energy. With a mighty yell, the force shield expanded, sending the sword, and it's wielder flying backwards. As the shield disappeared, the demon stood within the middle of the stage, awaiting for the Vamp to strike. His blood lust equalling the vamps, the thirst for the red crimson liquid caused his mouth to start salivating. A crazed look was slowly spreading across his face. Malice would unleashe all his power on this vamp. He would show no mercy to the beings that had taken his demon sister.

Valirion Thorn
Dec 8th, 2002, 10:49:05 AM
:: I was knocked back into the wall with a hiss of laughter. The wall broke on my impact and I was standing outside in the street now. I stood and approached the hole I had come through. As I reentered the auditorium, my armor expanded and threw itself in every direction. The hole I came through was now more of a doorway for my large stature as I returned to the Sith demon.
This creature was far stronger in I than the force but that would not hinder his death.
Not at all, I would make sure that this Sith only left for the afterworld. I watched as the demon began to look starved and crazed. I wanted to know if this meant he would let himself fall brash actions or does this mean he's just that good. I would not overestimate him. My armor doubled itself in layers and relfexed its joints for more manueverabilty. I winded my sword to the side and brought it up as I approached Malice.::

Well then beast, come retrieve her from the pits of Hell then, Dance at the gates of Hell and let the watchers watch.

Malice Draclau
Dec 8th, 2002, 05:30:44 PM
Malice also hissed back. He could see the look of pleasure on his face as pain was delt to him. No matter, the deon would show him pain like he never felt before.

*I've lready been to hell thank you. lovely place. Here, let me show you it's "warm" welcome*

Opening his mouth, a dead language could be heard flowing out of it. Malice was using his knowledge of sith sorcery now, delving into the dark arts he started learning many years ago. The words could barely be made out as it was spoken.

*Muug hud udra.......lekyrd vistuis.........dunarde pyronifus*

Within moments, a stream of fire shot forth from the demons mouth. Quickly the fire took the form of a giant serpent as it raced towards Valirion. The serpent, struc it's mark, surrounding as well as lighting Valirion on fire......or at least his armor.

*Feel the firs of hell.....fell it's pain vampyre. Love it, for it will be the last thing you feel*

Malice would have to find a way of getting past this armor....the likes of which he had never seen before in order to beat Valirion.

Valirion Thorn
Dec 9th, 2002, 04:14:29 PM
:: The fiery form shuddered before Malice before it seemed to stretch out and begin to laugh. The pain I now felt was beyond my comprehension, the fire burned my vampiric body from the heat and the living metal of my armor shrieked as it melted at different points not by its own will.
But I knew this pain didn't need comprehension, with each experience where I pushed myself, transcendence was swift and quick. And Malice had been nice enough to push me to the next level with the "fires of Hell."
I fell to one knee as the fire died out and the armor began to draw itself back together. If that fire had been introduced to my skin without the amor, I would've been obliterated. But not having my armor was pointless. I was the armor and the armor was me. The symbiotic relationship we held as Vampyre and Hell Armor was unique and we both knew that all would eventually fall to our combined power.::

I did love that Malice, keep feeding me pain. We Vampyres all have our stretches and abilities. I am Valirion Thorn, The Blood Knight of Pain, and I am destined to be a god, not just immortal.

:: And I still wouldn't tell him that I turned the sensations of the physical realm into Sith power at aan extreme degree. The power rested within me still though, this was a waiting game for now. Just keep drawing him into the snare until it is triggered and I crush him! At the thought, my sword impulsed and my armor was renewed in its efforts. I lunged witht he massive blade and psuedolimbs flung from the armor and spikes launched every which way at the demon master.::

Malice Draclau
Dec 9th, 2002, 08:14:38 PM
Upon hearing the vampyers words, Malice growled in anger. Valirions tauntings only ushered his very painful defeat ever closer. Malice charged in, just as Valirion had charged him.

*You want pain......i'll give you pain*

Just then Valirions armor shot to life. Spike protruding and flying out in all directions. Malice wasn't able to counter in time and a spike lundged into his side. A high pitched scream came from the demon. Not having time to pull the spike out, Malice's wings flared to life, flapping furiously it brought the demon up into the air. Out of harms way for now. Wrapping both of his massive hands around the spike, Malice pulled it out, yelling even louder then before. His anger and hate for the dead creatures erupted now, the negaitve energy washing over his body. The dark emotions, as well as the pain feeding his strength within the force.

Eyeing Valirion, Malce flew towards him. He threw the spike into the wall in the back of the stage. Almost reaching the vampyre, Malice attacked with the force, sending a strong force blast at his sword, surprisinly enough knocking it out of his hand. Not wanting him to get his weapon back, Malice continued his attack. His demonic tail lashed out as he turned 90 degrees, knocking off Valirions Helmet with force.

Seeing the vampyres face, Malice grinned.

*Now i've got you*

Was all he whispered as his tail wrapped around the vampyer's neck, lifting him up into the air. Outstretching a hand, Malice called the vamps sword to him. Holding it within his grasp tight. Finally, he could sense the screams of anger coming from the sword. Screams of pure hate of having been torn from his master's grip and put into an enemies hold. The demon sith merely eyed the vamp, tightening his tails grip around his throat. Being immortal meant nothing to him, he would kill this one if given the chance.

Valirion Thorn
Dec 10th, 2002, 04:37:41 PM
:: The helmet had been hit so hard that it had drawn back within my body... That was the first time that it had ever wanted me not to see the damage done to it, or the pain it felt. It had not shared the sensation with me. What was wrong?! And now my sword screaming with rage as it was held in the grasp of the bleeding demon lord. I could taste blood coming from my mouth as I stayed within the grasp of the demon's tail. He held my sword and this had been seen before with the Warlord Dalamar, who had made the same mistake as Malice just had.
The sword tisted about like a whip lashing at the beholder and tore at the hand holding it. The sword would be more of a pain to him if he held onto it then it would to me if he stabbed me with it. But even if he stabbed me, that would do nothing, the blade just bending about me and then wrapping about me, not letting go but still trying to get the one holding it. I could feel the armor within me, hissing with hate to the creature. It was looking through my eyes to see what went on about it. The tail... The armor exploded with spikes once more and from my breast plate and shoulders came spikes that pierced the tail and continued to as the tail held on. I growled, the pain was enough now...
I fed off the armor's pain and the sword's asphixiation of the emon's hold and my own pain to feul my power hnow. The saved up sensations were unlocked and I unleashed my Sith energy. My ability, to seal sensations away and convert them into power was good enough for now and from what I had learned from Soth, this thing would taste my "Hell Fire." With an immense fiery blast, it flew from my hand and launched at the Sith master. In response to my armor's counterattack, my sword grew thorns on the handle and begna to expand, forming a lean pillar of spikes in the demon's claw.::

I am living pain Malice... Do not trifle with the Shrine!

Malice Draclau
Dec 10th, 2002, 08:51:44 PM
Though the spikes shooting out of the armor and the sword caused the demon lord to cry in agony, he would not let go of his hold. This vampyre would die by his hand.....or tail as it seemed. Blooed began to drip from his hand as the spikes protruded from it, the pain of it felt like exstacy to the demon. Valirion wasnt the only one whom loved pain, as Malice too was very much accustomed to it.

Then something happened he hadn't expected, a fireball came shooting from Valirion's hand aimed at the sith. In quick response, Malice threw the sword infront of him, the spikes jerking out of his hand. The fire engulfed the sword......but still continued on it's path. Hitting the sith master, Valirion was ripped from the demon's grip, falling back to the ground with a thud. While Malice himself was sent flying backwards. His tough skin only able to handle so much as the fire burned into his chest. Malice flew completely off the stage, landing in the fourth row of seats, crashing amongst them, shattering the chairs with ease fom his massive form.

Lying there, The pain enveloped his body. His hand was bleeding, the wound in his side had barley started to heal, stopping the bleeding from it. His tail too was cut up from the spikes. The worst though, it seemed, was his chest. The fire had charred his chest area, the smell of burnt flesh began to fill the big room. Barley being able to stand, Malice eyed the vampyre. His anger had overwhlemed him, taking control. No longer would sensible, years filled with fighting knowledge be judging his actions. No, instead, the anger and pain he felt would dictate what went on from here.

*No......mercy.....YOU HEAR ME!!!!!!*

An enraged roar from the demon caused ain increase of darkside energy within the room. All the pain that had been delt, all the anger that had exploded. All were merely a gateway for Malice. A door, to further reach into the deadly powers of the dearkside. A black aura seemed to form around his body, a cloud of negative energy was appearing over his head. Truth be told, he was begining to get physically weak, but mentally he was never stronger. His mind and body, for the first time focused on one thing. The destruction of this being.


The yelling continued. His black eyes flashing a deep sea blue. Lightning crackled as the black cloud grew even more. Unknowingly Malice had tapped further into his powers then expected. A miniature storm had been created in the result. Gales of wind suddenly appeared, blowing first at a soft 10 mph. But quickly picked up to an astoniching 35-40 mph winds. The cloud by now had grown bigger a well, easily covering over the floor, it's reach almost to the stage. With his mind set on Valirion, Malice let out another ear defening shout, thrusting both hands towards the vampyre.

The broken chair pieces picked up by the wind sped towards the undead darksider, he knew that wooden spikes wouldn't kill him, but it would give him what he wanted......pain. The black lightning that came fromthe dark clouds struck once more, gliding across the floor like a proffesional skater on Hoth. It's evil energy also headed towards the vampyre, furtherig the amount of pain he woudl expect.

All the while, Darkside energy from the demon sith master continued to pour out from his body into the room. Increasing the elemental powers around him. He had learned this attack from a fellow sith long ago. When it was used against him, defeating him. It was a single attack, that involved all the elements combining together. That's exactly what it did. From the lightning, fire spread across the floor in it's wake. The hot, searing flames being picked up by the winds creating a sort of molotov of fire and wind together.

The element of earth was soon introduced as the ground around them began to shake and twist, changing form. Huge pillars of rocks shot up from the ground, destroying anything in it's path. Looks rocks and boulders that fell from the pillars raced towards Valirion. Such an attack, would take it's toll on the caster and not just the victim, as Malice was using all his darkside energy, every bit of force power he could muster to put into this one single attack he felt sure would put the vampyre down for good this time.....and give him victory.

Only time would tell as all four elements raced towards Valirion, threatening to end this battle. The winds carrying the fire and rock expanded in mass, making it unable to simply move around the attack, and the lightning locking on the vampyer's body like heat seeking missles.

Malice Draclau
Dec 10th, 2002, 09:01:11 PM
extra post

Malice Draclau
Dec 10th, 2002, 09:05:00 PM
extra post

Malice Draclau
Dec 10th, 2002, 09:14:50 PM
extra post

Malice Draclau
Dec 10th, 2002, 09:28:15 PM
extra post

Valirion Thorn
Dec 12th, 2002, 04:42:47 PM
:: I began to laugh as the demon just got angrier. I had been startled by the effectiveness of the blast but it hd served its purpose.
My helmet slowly creeped from its hiding place and formed about my head with a grimace. It was about time, the armor retorted with a dumbfounded statement and I only laughed that it had been knocked senseless by this crazed demon. My sword came back into y grasp as I watched a black aura slowl start to form around the sith master. But something was wrong.
The demon yelled something I didn't care to listen but I sensed power beginning to amass at the sourceof the demon. My eyes opened in shock suddenly as the power reached a new level and then a next and then another and it continued to reach higher. I stepped back as seats flew into the air and wooden spikes flew at me. My armor would have noe of that though. It doubled ovr agan with this oncoming attack and the wood split like water as it hit me.
I laughed as Malice flew into the air and a black storm started to mass behind him.::

What exactly do you think you will do to me Malice? Wooden stakes are fairy tales.

:: But I stopped short as lightning flew at me and splayed across me breast plate. I fell to a knee as it hit me... It was Sith energy focused all on me, nothing but me, not even my armor... but me... My armor kept asking what was hurting me, why couldn't it feel the pain? but I had no answer... I just stayed there as the pain flowed through me and into the ground. I could barely feel the wind. Wind at such a small degree had no effectn me but then I stood up with a start as fire raced across the rond before me.
What was this? How? And why was I the only one to feel it, not to share it with my armor?
The fire raced about my body and the lightning gracefully attacked me everytime, never missing. I had never seen a feet of such power... not even from the other council memebers... The pain was excruxiating and this was a level of transcendence I was noteven prepared for. I had not prepared myself ever for such pain.
Memories of my living life flashed before me and my step across the threshold of death was now seen in a quick flash as I came back to the moment. I looked up in time as rocks were hurled at me. My arm came up and one shattered as my fist flew into it. I atopped one but another slammed into my face and then another into my leg and another into my chest. I screamed in rage. I got back up and began to break my way through the rocks and pillars as fire danced upon my feet and lightning raced across my face.::


:: I fought my way through the rocks, reaching my sword. I didn't bother to pick it up but it slithered up my leg and sheathed itself. I slowly put a hand up to my chest as I beat back more rocks. I drew out the gift I had recieved from Soth after y long training with him. I held it out, only a dagger, a foot long, but as rocks came into contact with it, they were cut like paper. Thelightning raced onto the dagger and stopped at the hilt. The only thing I faced now was the fire about me until I reached the demon.
I was given a message from my armor that several of my bones were shattered from the rocks and that my bodyhad sustained several deep gashes ad that my flesh was burned off on most of my body. It was now rotting within my amor and it was taking what time it could to decompose the dead skin and recycle it into my body.
I reached closer to the demon and held the dagger in my hand, the ancient blade cutting through the obtacles like it had been solely mae for thi purpose. I silently thand Soth as I clambered to the demon.::

NOW... come down... and fall to my blade...

:: The blade was ancient indeed and its poisonous effects were instant and fatal. One bare cut and the demon would die, m last resort in such an experience but it would be a tragedy not to turn him into what he wanted to kill so badly... My armor warned me, this attack had demolishe me and another like t would obliterate me past revival.::

Malice Draclau
Dec 12th, 2002, 05:07:33 PM
Malice's anger soared to new heights as the attacks continued. the inner sanctum of the building had been destroyed. Fire raged on all around them, making the building seem like hell. Malice, or rather his uncontrollable rage watched as Valirion was pummeled time and time again by the elements. But, a new twist had been noticed.

Valirion had pulled out some dagger to defend. What the hell can a dagger do against the elements? Well Malice foun out the answer to that when it started to cut the rocks like nothing. The blasted thing even stopped the lightning which had previously been almost unstoppable, even by his armor. The demon got more angry, hich by now seemed almost impossible to do. The vampyre started his trek towards the sith master, the dagger held up infront of him in deffense. Malice's energy would soon be spent, and if Valirion had reached him, it would be the end for the demon. With nothing to protect him, he woud be a sitting duck.

In a fury of rage, the attacks stopped, instead of continually pounding Valirion, it began to gather around Malice. The rocks all fell to the ground as they had already proved useless in this. The fire, wind, and lightning however started to gather infront of Malice. The three deadly elements forming into a ball.

The fire and lightning swhirled around one another, while the winds kept them all together in one shape. Malice was putting the last of his energy into one devastating attack. A move he liked to call, the elemental ball of destruction. Similarto the force bll of destruction, which was created from gathered hate and pure evil energy condensed into one ball. This one would be made using the very elements. Looking up at Valirion, the demon shouted once more in anger.


Te ball was huge. A mass of swhirling lightning, fire, and wind floated infront of Malice. The ball as bigger and wider then even him. Using the last bit of force energy he had, he hurled the ball on a dead set course straight for Valirion. With that, Malice fell back to the ground, his energy gone. All he could do now was watch and wait, seeing what his attack would accomplish. Either way, we would not regret all he had done in this fight. He had shown the vampre pain, and the power of the darkside. Malice would regard this battle as a learning experience for future fights with vampyres.

Valirion Thorn
Dec 13th, 2002, 03:43:40 PM
:: As if the first storm of death hadn't been enough, it stopped as fast as it had buil up but instead of going outwards, things began to be drawn in. I looked up and put my arm away from my face as I watched this huge shere of dark energy come to existence, power oozing from it and te elements used upon me before now being used in this. I hissed as I realized what he intened to do. This was stale mate. All that power! He would kill himself of energy drain woudn't he? And the ball would obliterate me! What were my options? My armor screamed in confusion as it tried to comprehend the power before us and my sword screamed as the ball was suddenly launched at us.
All the pain locked into me from the fire, lightning, and rocks was now unleashed. Obviously the demon had forgotten that with more sensation, I grew stronger in the force than most would.
And the skin that was loosely held to my body by my amor was proof. I was just walking muscle right now, my armor reported that my skin had completely fallen off and that it was slowly decomposing it and returning i to my body. I would be wearing the armor until I could get to a cryogenic tube...
My hand came forward and the enormous ball actually began to slow down... for a moment. It came at me still though and I unlocked more of the power. I had to stop it... Had to.... The ball slowly headed on until it actually was at my finger tips.
A loud piercing scream was heard as my finger tips were slowly but surely twisted and pulled into the ball like water in a whirlpool. I begn to scream as my armor was pulled ad then I saw my own fleshess hand was slowly pulled in also. The pain was tremendous and it was only being recycled into my own force power. But I had to stop it!
With a surge that made lightning crackle across my body, the ball was suddenly reflcted and returned to the demon. I collapsed to a knee and held my hand underneath my other arm. The finger tips were missing... The entire tip from the last knuckle was gone... but the pain had traveled across my entire body at such proximity. The ball slowly trveled on, leaving a path behind it as it headed back to its maker. I couldn't even give the demon a proper farewell... thoughts of movingfor few moments were beyond my state of pain...::

Dec 13th, 2002, 10:14:32 PM
Malice watched as the vampyre tied to stop the deadly mass. is fac barely able to showthe pleasure of seeing him struggle. The pain the vampyre felt and was releasing could be felt by the demon, maniacal look spread across his face.

But that look quickly wore off as the ball suddenly changed course. From almost engulfing the vampyre, to making a now direct path towards himself. The look of fear was now present, as he had no power left to even change the balls course. Destruction was what it caused, laying waste to anything with it's path. Chairs instantly burnt to a crisp from this uncontrolled energy. Trying to sit up, Malice had to think fast...less he be destroyed by his own attack.

Frantically, he lashed out with his big claws, dragging himself to the side out of the balls way. His wings flapping as hard as they could to help push his big bulk faster. The ball wasn't moving very fast, but it didn't need to. With the power that was put into it, it could destroy nearly anything, including himself. Slowly but surely his body was getting clea of danger as the bal came gliding by. He was not al too safe however, as his tail had been caught up within the ball of dark energy. He could sudenly feel himself being dragged slowly backwards, into the ball. Screams of pain could be heard as his tail was being ravage by the massive energy. One solution to escape this quick death came into play.

Concntrating as much as he could,his body began to ship form. His tail had been broken off, torn by the energy of the elemental ball. His body began to shrink, lossing it's demonic features, taking on those of his human formonce again. His ploy had worked. Being back in his human state, he was out of the balls way. The ball of destruction still hadent stopped however, itcontinued on it's way, blowing up the entrance to the building, desroying the door, wall, even part of the roof. It wet so far as to explode, destroying the building across the street.

Malice lay on the ground of the building, the inside of it comletely destroyed from the fight. Malice's naked human body lay unconsious, barely clinging to life. Never before had he gone all out to such a degree. His emotions had felt there was no other way. With him unconsious, and the vampyre severly injured but healing, it was pretty hard to say who won. Malice's body too had begun to heal. trying desperatly to draw back in the dark energy that had been lost, giving his body the strength to awaken and return to his home, where he could get better treatment.

Some would say it was a draw, other's would say the vampyre had gotten the victory, being the only one still standing, figurativly speaking of course. But to Malice it did not matter, he had no regrets of the battle. This was a battle to test his limits, and test them he did, surpassing any level of power he had ever reached before. A level reached that almost cost him his life.