View Full Version : A Favor Returned (COUNCIL)

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 5th, 2002, 04:48:26 PM
Terran Starek, Jedi Padawan to Verse Dawnstrider, silently entered the Council Hall, his traditional Jedi attire on neatly as his appearance was clean cut and well groomed. It was obvious he had prepared himself to be presentable to the Council, as he usually was fairly slack in his general dress.

"Honorable Jedi Council, I come before you today with a request." He kneeled before the collection of great Jedi Masters that sat on the Council. They did, indeed, look somewhat imposing. However, he felt at ease in their presence.

"I have just recently returned from Tattooine. The trip was very eventful. Allow me to explain." He told the Council of all that had happened between he and the Sith. How they had been captured and, working together, survived. He told them of the troubles they faced in their journey. But, most important, he told them about his final happenings on Tatooine. The Promise ( (the last three posts of the thread are all that's really important here)

"I have made a promise to Rannu, the one that brought me food and refuge when I had none. My only wish now, my Masters, is to fullfill this promise.

I wish to return to the planet of Tattooine to rescue Rannu's son, Riru. I wish to put an end to the terrible ring of slave-trading that this...man, if he should be called that is terrorizing that small community with." He paused for a moment, letting his emotion leave him. A strong Jedi Knight did not let emotion control him, and so he resumed, calm.

"I am prepared to lead a small team of padawans into Iterro's camps to rescue the imprisonned there. We will then put an end to this ring of terror. Their camp is unorganized and poorly trained. It should be a task fitting for padawans of this skill.

The padawans I speak of have willingly joined me in this quest. They are Sejah Haversh and Sarr Koon. Both men are very capable, as you well know, of defending themselves in this task." He took another second to catch his breath, hoping the Council would understand his plea.

"I come before you for official approval of this mission, as well as transport, for I have none of my own. Also, if it could be arranged, perhaps a few NRSF soldiers could be sent to guard the ship while we are gone.

I thank you for your time, dear Council, and for you consideration of this matter. I will accept whatever decision is given, and in your wisdom I trust." He bowed again, another sweeping boy, in respect and honor of the great men and women before him.

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 6th, 2002, 10:42:35 AM
"This is a despicable tale that you have brought before us Terran. My sympathies are with the family and the boy that was kidnapped and it does the Jedi, and yourself, a great honor in helping those that cannot.

But, you also bring forth a situation that is rather complicated. While I do not condone the act of slavery in the least, nor the stealing of children ... The fact is, slavery is legal on Tatooine. If the Council agrees to this, you would be setting a precedent for the Jedi. We do not make the laws of this galaxy. By going in and not only rescuing the child, you also want to dismantle the camp. What you want to do is going against the right that those slave traders have been given by that planet.

We are not in the habit of going against the law, not matter how much it goes against our own sense of what is right and wrong."

Navaria finally stopped speaking for a moment to gauge Terran's reaction before ending her response.

"Yet, I do however understand that your promise is to save the boy. A Jedi must keep his word. Therefore, I would approve of you saving the child. Not destroying the encampment."

It was not an easy decision for Navaria. It was actually one of the most difficult situations that had been brought before her. She did not like the choice she had given Terran but soemtimes the right choice weren't the ones you liked...

Ryla Relvinian
Dec 6th, 2002, 11:38:25 AM
"Navaria is right, you have a promise to uphold, and I also approve of this mission. The padawans that are going with you are fine and worthy of this journey. But remember, you must proceed with the utmost caution and prudence... You are there for the boy, not every slave."

And although I personally would have liked to go and give a few people on Tattooine a piece my mind, I felt that the Jedi did not need one more problem in the galaxy. I hoped that this would all go smoothly.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 6th, 2002, 11:48:33 AM
-Morgan is currently IC incapacitated, another matter the council will have to tend to.-

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 6th, 2002, 12:42:23 PM
Honor the word you have given, Terran...but remember that we are adherent to the laws of the galaxy, and our power and responsibility is not to govern over them, but to uphold them. The reservations you feel against this practice are felt here as well, but it is not our place to intercede in such matters, nor has it ever been.

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 6th, 2002, 01:37:57 PM
"Yes, my Masters. I understand." He acknowledged the comments made by the three that had spoken. He had figured that this would be the case--he knew that the Council would most likely sympathize with his position but not condone a course of action against the actual organization. He had anticipated this, and now his thoughts were confirmed.

It was no matter, though. He would obey the Council's wishes--no matter what he wanted to do in his heart. He felt honored and privelaged to even have this oppurtunity and the blessings of the Council in doing so, and for that he was thankful.

He stood before them, respectfully, allowing the rest of the Masters to voice any and all of the opinions they had and waiting until he was dismissed.

Liam Jinn
Dec 6th, 2002, 03:12:10 PM
He studied Terran's reaction, proud to see that this Jedi kept his emotions in control very well. After letting the other Council Members finish, he scratched his chin, thinking over the best choice of action.

"I approve of you upholding your word, though do not forget that while there, you represent the rest of GJO. I would hope that diplomacy would be your first choice, though if it fails, keep in mind your training and above all else, do not endanger the lives of those around you."

He paused for a moment, letting his hand fall back to the arm of the chair. A small smile formed on his lips as he bowed his head.

"I believe that you and your team shall not disappoint us. May the force be with you."

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 6th, 2002, 03:34:38 PM
"Yes, Master Jinn." Terran bowed his head with understanding when the Jedi Master was done speaking to him. He was pleased that Master Jinn had expressed such faith in his team. He, too, believed he had chosen two excellent companions and knew that as a team, they would honor the Greater Jedi Order.

"Thank you for you blessing." Terran bowed in return to the Jedi Master.

Dec 9th, 2002, 05:55:54 PM
:: AB had listened to what Terran had had to say, and she also listened to what her fellow Council members had to say in reply. Finally, after some consideration of her own, she spoke. ::

A Jedi always keeps his or her word, as you must, Terran.

But I do heed you to follow the words of the others spoken here not to become the law, but to uphold it.