View Full Version : Return of the Hot Searing Blade

Selinica Miriya
Dec 5th, 2002, 12:13:54 AM
She felt drawn here. Before even the discovery of ones whom had known her, Corellia called her name. Beckoning her to make the journey. And so she did.

The person known a princess on her home world denied such a positiong from which the power had left. Left it, to come here. To seek out that which she knew best of all. The oily black that flows so well.

I am that person. Miriya D'aen Cailis. The middle name is of a personal nature. None that a parent gave me. "The Dark End" it says, in the ancient tongue of the lesser known peoples of my home world. So here I am.


A shadow among shadows. Blackest of the black. Come to me. Come here, my friend.

It calls to me. So I answer.


Well, looks like i've arrived. I feel a few familiar presences. Time will tell if they decide to present themselves. By the same token, I won't say anything. I'll just project myself in the force...make my presence known. There should be someone along soon enough...

Dec 10th, 2002, 08:22:20 PM
Sasha chuckled as he descended the stairs.

"Not very subtle..." He commented, referring to her projection of her signature within the force.

He was not mocking her, but rather, this was just his way of greeting her. He had a rather dry sense of humor at times, for those rare events when he chose to smile.

Though young, he had been knighted, and he took his duties to the order quite seriously.

"Is there something I can help you with?" He offered as he hit the base of the steps.

Selinica Miriya
Dec 11th, 2002, 04:37:33 PM
Miriya twirls her staff out of habit. It crackles with energy when she does.

"Ah. About time someone got here."

She chuckles quietly. A cold chuckle, that matches the freezing quality of her eyes..

"I did not mean to be subtle. When I want to make my presence known, subtlety is hardly required. As for what you can do for me...on that matter I'm not sure if there is all that much you can do for me....ah, but perhaps..."

Miriya touches the ring that hangs on a chain around her neck.

"I am a long time friend of the Lady Athena and Daiquiri, and have acquainted myself with the Lady Vader. I come here to join the order...Not asking so much what the order can do for me...but what I can do for the order."

Dec 11th, 2002, 09:02:19 PM
Sasha did not know Daiquiri, but he knew Athena, certainly, as she was a relative of his by way of Taylor Millard. And Lady Vader...well...he knew her well. She had been his master, and was now his mentor.

"Perhaps you wish to speak with one of them, then?" He suggested more than asked. He was more than capable of admitting members to the order, but he got the distinct feeling from this woman that she wanted to speak with Lady Athena or Lady Vader, rather than him.

Through the force, he searched his feelings on her. There was nothing immediately threatening, though, he did not doubt that there could be.

"If you would like to follow me, I can take you to the lounge where you might be more comfortable." He offered, reaching out through the force as his did to call first to his master, because she was easier for him to reach. He was familiar with her presence, and had spoken with her often enough that it was almost second nature.

Lady Athena would be perhaps a bit more difficult for him.

Lady Vader
Dec 11th, 2002, 09:48:13 PM
*It took LV all but a moment to put down the book she had been reading in the library and go to where Sasha had directed to her through the Force. Arriving at the lounge, she found Sasha with another woman, one she had not seen in some time.*

*First she looked to Sasha, nodding her head.*

Thank you for calling me, Sasha. You may stay if you wish.

*She then turned her attention to the other woman.*

Weclome to Corellia. What brings you here to our illustrious home?

Dec 12th, 2002, 08:49:08 AM
As always, when Lady Vader arrived, something about his normally serious features softened. He was always glad to see his master, even when he had done something rather...questionable. She had, to some degree filled the void his mother had left behind when she had passed on. Though it was different. He admired Lady Vader and sought to become the Sith that she believed him capable of being.

He stood out of respect for her and would have left them in privacy, only Lady Vader had granted him permission to stay, and this, to some degree, indicated that he might learn something by remaining. And so he did. He nodded respectfully to his mentor and then took a step back. After she had been seat, he fnially took a seat again and listened in respectful silence.

Nayala Palain
Dec 13th, 2002, 01:17:11 PM
Athena was in her quarters when she felt the long time presence of a dear friend. Someone who knew of herself and her sister Daiq.

Athena ran from her quarters to where the signature was. She could feel LV, Sasha and yes it was here. Miriya....

Athena stood back for a second a just looked at her... Her dear friend of the Darkside still alive after so long, she must have thought the same of Athena.

Sasha, when did Miriya arrive?

Judas Escariot
Dec 13th, 2002, 01:50:52 PM
As usual Judas was always found in the library reading different books and history, found Lady Vader reading a book. He saw her nod and drop the book onto the desk. She left the library in an alarmed state. He was a bit curious why she would leave like that.

When she exited he went towards the book she left on the desk.

"Interesting," he thought.

He lays the book back down and left the library. He felt his master close by...maybe in the lounge. He walked towards the direction of the lounge and discovered another woman.

"Hmm," he thought.

He heard of a woman around the order by the name of Athena...with her same features. He never met her in person, but he thought he would eventually meet her sometime.

He continued on towards the lounge and felt that Sasha wasn't alone...Lady Vader was there too, but who was the other presence there. He peered inside and saw Sasha, Lady Vader, and an unfamiliar very attractive woman. She was a striking sight.

Judas walked into the lounge to have a closer look of this beautiful woman.

He looked towards Lady Vader and Sasha. He bowed in respect.

"My heaviest apology Master Lady Vader and my brother Sasha if I disturbed your conversation, but I couldn't help to see who this newcomer was. With all do repects, if I remained here in your session with this new... beautiful presence," he said as he slowly glanced at this astonishing woman looking at him and waited to be granted to remain for a short while, while she was there.

Dec 13th, 2002, 04:16:35 PM
He felt the question from Athena.

Only about twenty minutes ago… He replied, answering her in the same manner. It was easier with her close by, and easier, much easier to return this after she had made the initial connection.

My apologies. I sent a droid… He added, wondering where in the hell the thing had gone. Later, it would be reduced to a bucket of bolts if he had anything to say about it.

As Judas entered the room, if looks could kill, Sasha’s likely would have. His apprentice wasn’t all that smart about knowing when to not interrupt. And his master would fill him in on it.

He stood from his seat and looked to his mentor and the Lady Athena.

“My apologies for the intrusion of my apprentice.” He stated.

Judas perhaps felt a bit of a tightening in his chest. Causing internal pain was something Sasha had been working on, and his skills were finally being put to good use.

“Should you prefer, we will remain in your presence. But with your approval, perhaps it would be wise if the two of us stepped outside and allowed you ladies to re-acquaint yourselves without our interruption….” He added, violet eyes looking in deference to each of them.

As he was in the presence of his mentor and the lady Athena, he bowed to their preferences and would do what they preferred for him to do, but it was his opinion that his apprentice needed another lesson, and now would perhaps be a good time to teach it.

Selinica Miriya
Dec 17th, 2002, 05:23:02 PM
Tossing a brief, icy glance at Judas, Miriya shifted her hard, freezing eyes to Sasha.

"Yes. Indeed. I would agree that it is needed."

She then turned to Athena and LV.

"I do find the idea of catching up...don't you, my friends?"

Judas Escariot
Dec 18th, 2002, 12:28:13 PM
Judas looked at the mystery woman expression, obviously he wasn't wanted there so he exited the premises.

"My greatest apologies,as you wish, now if you can excuse me, I'll be continuing my studies in the library," he said as hooded himself and closed the door behind him.

Nayala Palain
Dec 19th, 2002, 12:06:59 AM

Athena simply spoke within the Apprentice's Mind.

I care to get to know you better. Something strikes me about you. Maybe after I see Miriya is safe and within the Order. Maybe later this evening?

Selinica Miriya
Dec 19th, 2002, 09:19:50 PM

She paused.

"You know well enough the way I deal with a lack of proper conduct. It...is a difficult thing to subdue for me. Being born into a royal family, no matter that I rejected my title, I was raised to be ...proper."

With a sly grin..

" Where shall we start, my friends?"

Dec 20th, 2002, 08:23:25 AM
Sasha had followed Judas out into the hallway.

He could feel the confusion and perhaps a hint of humiliation coming from his apprentice. He understood these feelings, and decided against further punishment. Judas was punishing himself already.