View Full Version : First day on the job.(open)

Flet Shoudler
Dec 4th, 2002, 09:06:31 PM
Flet boarded the High Roller and looked at the datapad in his hand. It was the results of an application. A Dark Lord Dyzm had thought well enough of Flet's skills to hire him as a bouncer/bodyguard of sorts on the infamous cruise ship, the Saiatah High Roller.

The place was lively. Flet liked it. "Now to report to my supervisor so I can get started."

Decon Fyrost
Dec 6th, 2002, 08:50:49 PM
"Now to report to my supervisor so I can get started." Decon overheard from behind over the hustle and talks which crowded the interior of the Saiatah. Personally, the loudness disturbed his tought process somewhat, but he usually adapted quite quickly.

Turning slightly to exit onto much less crowded corridor, he glanced down at the recorded application. Report to the Command Deck, part of it read blankly.

"A'right.. Here the hell is the command deck in this place?"

Javus Parr
Dec 6th, 2002, 09:16:11 PM
(And then another man's voice spoke up behind the second man.)

Just take the command lift to the command deck.

(Upon seeing Javus, it wasn't hard for them to discern he was the commander of the vessel.)

(Javus extended a hand to shake the other man's hand.)

I assume you're my new recruits from Lord Dyzm?

Flet Shoudler
Dec 7th, 2002, 11:00:28 PM
Flet gave a sharp salute to the commander, then gave the officer a firm handshake.

"That we are. You are our surpervisor, I gather. It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Flet Shoudler. I am known as the Magistrate in certain places for what has been labeled as a 'Vigilante justice.' My style of dress also helped with the nickname."

Flet shrugged. He loved conflict. To see two sides striving against each other was amazing to him. He would fight anyone, argue in favor of, or against any idea. He knew somethings about various judicial systems, and some ground rules for formal debates. And then there was his fighting skill. He offered his service to anyone, and most of the time he billed his customers based on how much he enjoyed the conflict.

"When Dyzm outlined the job description, and offered to pay me an amount I could not refuse. I am very excited about working on the High Roller."

Decon Fyrost
Dec 9th, 2002, 04:01:36 PM
Fyrost follow suit, offering a quick and firm handshake followed by a salute. "I'm Decon Fyrost, post-driver."

Javus Parr
Dec 9th, 2002, 08:44:57 PM
Well, then...

(Javus finished shaking both of their hands and started leading them towards one of the several command lifts in the ship.)

...welcome aboard. I'm more than confident you'll do well at your posts. The Saiatah is anything but boring and she's got this way of keeping you on your toes.

(They eneterd the lift and it zoomed upwards, spilling them onto the command deck, where Javus made a right turn after exiting towards the briefing room. Upon entering, he took a seat and offered the other two men seats.)

Now to outline what you'll be doing here on the Saiatah.

But first, I want to know a bit about you gentlemen. I make it a point to know my staff and those people I command.

Flet Shoudler
Dec 10th, 2002, 12:29:18 PM
Flet shrugged. "I come from a semi-aristocratic family. My family and some other families had feuds of sorts, so my parents hired a person to teach me boxing. For when I would get into a fight. I also learned how the Judicial sytems of various governments so I could defend myself in the lawsuit that came after I knocked out one of the rival families' sons."

Flet grinned. "My family brought me up teaching me to love confrontation. They did not teach me to pick fights, only to appreciate someone picking a fight with me."

Javus Parr
Dec 10th, 2002, 06:57:22 PM
(Javus nodded as Flet finished.)

Mmm... yes. The same can be said about me: I never start a fight... but I always finish it.

(He smiled.)

You'll do well here, Mr. Shoudler.

(He then turned to Decon.)

And what about you, Mr. Fyrost? What tid bit can you tell me about yourself?

Decon Fyrost
Dec 10th, 2002, 09:18:28 PM
Decon slid his corrective lenses up slightly, "I'm your normal joe, grew up on Coruscant and move to Naboo at seven years of age. Took a few martial arts classes, completed schooling, applied for a concealed weapons permit-" here he slid half of his overshirt to show a hilt of a black slug-thrower, "- an' I use it alot. Don't plan to put a hole in this hull though, decompression could be a pain.."

Letting a small grin tug at the corner of his lip, Decon continued. "I guess all three of us think alike when it comes down to the fight, I don't plan to start if I cant finish."

Flet Shoudler
Dec 11th, 2002, 10:39:34 AM
Flet smiled. "I think we are all going to get along just fine."

Flet turned to Decon. "It'd be a shame for two co-workers not to formally introduce each other. I'm Flet. It's good to work with you."

Javus Parr
Dec 11th, 2002, 08:11:49 PM
(Javus leaned back in his chair, nodding in Decon's direction.)

Very good, Mr. Fyrost. Just no denting the hull, alright?

(he gave him a comradly wink before standing and addressing the two men seated across from him.)

I have no doubt, gentlemen, that we will get along just fine. If you have nothing further to discuss with me, I think it best for you to be shown to your crew quarters.

Today you may relax the remainder of the day, cause tomorrow you start bright and early at the butt-crack of dawn for a full days shift.

(He straightened his uniform.)

Any more questions, gentlemen?

Decon Fyrost
Dec 13th, 2002, 09:08:18 AM
Decon slighly turned his head torwards Flet, "Name's Decon, and it is a pleasure to work with you too."

Grinning as he shifted his focus back at the Commander, "I have no further questions. What about you, Flet?"

Flet Shoudler
Dec 13th, 2002, 08:42:52 PM
"None at all, except where to find the crew's quarters and a map of the High Roller. Have to know the territory, after all."

Flet rolled his neck and stretched and yawned. "I think I'd like to try out my bed."