View Full Version : I wish to commune with the Dark Side

Aeron Shadower
Dec 4th, 2002, 08:49:34 PM
Aeron stood in the induction room,seeming to stare at nothing. He wore a tight worksuit, complete with blaster and vibroblade. He knew, of course, that they would be of no use here. The Sith Lords could kill with a thought. That was one trait he admired in them. Aeron was no stranger to killing. The Anzati were perfectly capable of drawing the grey matter out from their victims heads.
Yet Aeron wanted to learn the ways of the Dark Force. It would gain him great honour among his people. For this he was willing to quell his Anzati hunger.

Dec 10th, 2002, 08:18:56 PM
Sasha stepped forward from the shadows. He wore the typical black cloak, though his hood was pulled back to reveal a boy just past nineteen years of age. His youthful looks were decieving, for behind them was a young man capable of ruthlessness if provoked, or the mood suit him.

He spoke calmly, an airof confidence about him.

"You've come to learn the ways of the Sith." He stated, echoing Aeron's desires out loud.

He canted his head slightly.

"Why?" He asked.

Aeron Shadower
Dec 10th, 2002, 11:49:31 PM
A sith Lord appeared out of the shadows. He wore the typical black robes. Aeron caught a flash of a youthful face.
" You have come to join the Sith Order.Why?" he asked.
Aeron's smile was as languid as he could manage.
"For the usual reason," Aeron was unused to lying,"To kill. Oh, and not to mention prestige and power."
Aeron looked at the Sith Lord full in his face. He wondered what would happen next....

Eyes of The Dark

Dec 11th, 2002, 09:14:14 AM
For the usual reason. To kill. Oh, and not to mention prestige and power.

Sasha was silent for a moment. It was not intended to create unease, though it might have, for he turned away for a moment, and his hand came to rest, out of habit on the hilt of his saber.

And then he looked back to the newcomer.

"There is no usual reason for those who come here. We are all individuals here united by a common goal; the destruction of the light.”

He gave his comment a moment to sink in before continued.

“Surely you’re capable of killing without becoming a Sith…” Sasha stated, his voice neither cold nor inviting. It hung somewhere in between, perhaps a well practiced response.

He reached out through the force to draw upon Aeron’s thoughts. It was not something he did all the time, but rather when the situation suited him. Aeron likely felt this as a sort of tingling sensation in his head.

“In fact, Aeron, if one were to describe you, they would likely say that you are no stranger to killing…”

A mild expression of amusement played on the knights features.

“Be precise with your words.” This was not a command, necessarily, but rather, a warning.

“Prestige is what you make of it. The order is respected and its members do benefit from this. But power….”

At the mere mention of it he could feel the dark side begin to flow. Though the sith sought power and dominion over others, they would always be slaves themselves to the dark side.

“If it is power you seek, then you have, perhaps, come to the right place. Though be warned that power does not come easily.”

He gestured towards a set of stairs that led to the castle doors.

“Come, I’ll show you the grounds as we talk.” As they climbed the stairs, Sasha turned to Aeron.

“What do you know of the order?” He asked.

Aeron Shadower
Dec 11th, 2002, 08:00:02 PM
Aeron stifled his nervousness. The Sith Lord's hand came to rest at his lightsaber.
"Surely you can kill without a lightsaber?"
Aeeron's thoughts were open to him, but not completely. In order to escape detection by the Jedi, the Anzati had developed a certain mind-shielding method.
'You have no idea' Aeron thought.

The Sith climbed a flight of stairs and Aeron obediently followed.
"What do you know about the Order?"
" Nothing much," Aeron replied "I know that you have power. That is enough for me." Aeron's voice silvered down into what could have been the crooning, Anzati death call, had it been louder. " I also know that you oppose the Jedi. That is more than enough for me. They killed my parents." Aeron had not intended to tell him that last fact, but he couldn't have hidden it anyway. His emotions were roiling. He scolded himself, ' The Anzati are supposed to be cold killers, not soft milksops!'

Dec 11th, 2002, 08:54:07 PM
The door to the castle opened before them, seemingly at the bidding of the knight who belonged there.

They passed through, entering the domain of the Sith. The place where Sith magic could be felt seeping out of the walls around them.

Sasha nodded slowly at the fact that Aeron had revealed about his parents.

"Cold killers are capable of caring." He commented, for while Aeron's scolding had been silent, it had spoken as loudly in the space between them as words could have.

"As Sith we feed upon our emotions to call upon the dark side. We can be, and often are, cold hearted killers, yet we are capable of caring. If you didnt care, you wouldnt feel anger, and anger is the key to unlocking the power of the dark side."

He looked to Aeron, his expression warming slightly.

"What training do you have in the ways of the force?" He asked. It was not a prerequisite to joining, though he did not offer this information.