View Full Version : The Sith Who Cried Wolf (Open)

Gav Mortis
Dec 4th, 2002, 05:28:45 PM
Jedi Knights, the well-trained gaurd dogs of the New Republic hardly did the unbelieveable when the Empire was finally booted off the galaxy's capital. Follow. Heel. Fetch. Gav smirked as he arrived outside a familiar-looking establishment.

"For a moment, I thought I was back on Arcan IV--" He laughed, stopping for the gaurd to go through the old routine. The Sith held up his hands wearing an increadulous look. "I'm clean. Here."

He removed his short jacket made of synth-leather to be checked. Another soldier waved a magic wand over him for safety and returned the nod from the first gaurd. They allowed him to pass and Gav stepped inside.

"Wow, Special Forces for doormen. Think mumsy's proud?" He scoffed slipping his arms back inside the jacket sleeves.

Dec 4th, 2002, 07:51:31 PM
Depends on who mumsy is.

:: AB walked up behind the Sith, having come through the door just as he'd walked into the B&G. She hadn't forgotten that one time both had fought side by side to be rid of those blasted Dark Jedi clones or whatever they were. It had been a once in a life time expereince, and she doubted she'd ever fight beside him on the same side again. ::

:: But she had remembered he could be quite polite when he wanted to be, and had no fear in speaking with him... though she was always warry around any Sith. ::

:: She half smiled, raising an eyebrow. ::

Here to mock as usual, or are ya in for a drink?

Gav Mortis
Dec 5th, 2002, 05:05:56 PM
"As usual?" He repeated with a smile. He then turned to face the one who had addressed him.

"That's a little unfair wouldn't you say, my dear." Then he tilted his head, he stared a moment, his eyes starting at her feet then working his way up with eyelids relaxing into a sarcastic and arrogant look. "Then again, it looks like I don't have to do much to make a mockery of your kind."

He turned away and walked over to the bar with a confident strut of a man who was at the top of his game and no-one could bring him down. "You guys do my job for me and quite naturally." He turned back, leaning with an elbow against the bartop and gave a slight gesture of the head. "Drink?"

Dec 5th, 2002, 08:04:04 PM
:: AB rolled her eyes, a corner of her lip twisting upwards in a lopsided grin. ::

Sure. I think you just have a healthy imagination.

:: She never the less accepted the offer for a drink, and walked over to where he was, even flashing him a smile. ::

Why not? I'm sure all our goings back and forth will make my throat dry.

Gav Mortis
Dec 5th, 2002, 08:08:21 PM
"What's the matter?" He asked with a smile, noting the rolling of her eyes. "Am I coming across a little cliché?"

He laughed and turned to the bartender. "A Corellian Ruge and whatever my lovely ladyfriend here is having."

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 7th, 2002, 02:59:20 PM
"Waitress, this glass is dirty. I'd like another, please."

Diego sent the woman on her way for the third time, and he could tell that she was a bit bewildered by his obsessive compulsive nature. In the meantime, Diego sat alone, watching across the way as a Mr. Gav Mortis spent time with a red-headed Jedi in his company. Curiosity allowed his eyes to remain fixed, before wandering off to the other inhabitants of the bar. It had been a while since his last visit, and he was uneasy, to a degree.

Xazor Elessar
Dec 8th, 2002, 05:54:25 PM
"Wow, it's been quite some time since I've seen you...."

A soft voice sounded beside Gav as Jedi Knight Xazor Dawnstrider sat down upon the barstool. She recalled her first meeting with Sasha Kovalev, her blood brother now, and member of The Sith Order. Gav Mortis, a Sith himself, had been there that night as well and spoke of many things. For a Darksider, Xazor didn't consider him half-bad, though she had a large group of Darkside friends ranging from Dark Jedi all the way to the wandering Rogue Sith. Her eyes went to the barkeep and she quietly ordered a Spiced Garou Ale, which was promptly brought to her. Suddenly her sensitive ears perked up as she recognized a familiar voice belonging to none other than Diego Van Derveld. He was complaining about his glass being dirty and when Xazor's glass was returned to her, she couldn't help but look either. Not noticing anything in particular save for a small black speck toward the bottom of the outside of the glass, she took a sip and set it back upon the bartop before looking over at Gav and then noticing Amazon Babe.

"Master AB.....I have not seen you in some time either. My heart smiles to do so now."

She said warmly, bowing her head in respect to the Jedi Master. Her thoughts got to her though....and she wondered what the Sith was doing in the Bar and Grill now. Before his intentions seemed innocent enough, but something felt wrong about it this time. Brushing the thoughts aside, she returned to taking a sip from her drink in the company of the others.

Dec 9th, 2002, 06:42:11 PM
Hello, Xazor. It's good to see you again as well.

:: AB had ordered an Ithorian Ale and took a long, cool drink. The day had been somewhat warm, and the drink did her throat some good. ::

Gav Mortis
Dec 10th, 2002, 07:57:12 AM
Now he had two lovely ladies in his company. One a master, the other a knight. Across the room sat Diego, ordering a cleaner glass. There wont be much left of the tumbler if that waitress cleans it any more.

"Ithorian Ale, eh?" He asked, glancing at AmazonBabe's beverage. "Never had the pleasure. Although I did see a program on HoloNet once, it was called--"

"--Xazor Dawnstrider! What a pleasant suprise." He said wearing a ingenuine smile. "Sit. Please."

"'Married with Ithorians', that's what it was called!" He chirped merrily. He clapped his hands. "Ha! What a good show! Do you people get to watch much HoloNet or are you forever buried in your books and fighting the good fight?" When he said this, he clenched his fist and brought it across his chest on his heart and looked skyward in a melodramatic performance.

AmazoneBabe, with whom he had fought side by side before would probably see through this performance, she was an observer and an intelligent one at that. Xazor on the other hand might be taken in by what he says, he hoped she would. It didn't matter either way, as long as he had their attention. He smirked to himself and took a sip of his drink.

Rognan Dar
Dec 10th, 2002, 03:21:48 PM
Rognan had been sitting across from Diego when he said that his glass was dirty, he to could see that his cup wasn't the cleanest it could be, but he still drank the water that was in it. He looked over to see that Diego was moving to a diffrent seat. Rognan thought he would met this person with the fine eyes.

Rognan walked over to Diego and stood there studing his before saying anything.

"Hello, I see that you are very observant. Mind if I join you?"

Sejah Haversh
Dec 10th, 2002, 06:42:15 PM
"Oh, trust me, we watch the holonet too," a voice sounded from behind him. Sejah stepped around the corner with a bottle of grape Nehi in his paw and nodded hello to Xazor. "Funny show, too. I especially love the episode when Drethor can't decide which girl to take to a dance, so he takes both."

The table seemed to be open to any, and Sejah didn't know who Gav was, but he presumed since two Jedi of good standing were sitting with him, he had to be a decent fellow.

"Would you mind if I joined you? A little conversation is better than an empty table by me." he asked, though still staying far enough back so that he didn't seem pushy, just curious.

Dec 10th, 2002, 07:06:47 PM
:: AB let a smile creep over her face at Gav's play-acting, hiding most of it with her mug as she drank the ale. Before she could comment, Sejah came up to their table and asked to join them. ::

Not at all, Sejah. Please, sit.

:: AB offered Sejah the seat on the other side of her, as Gav occupied the one to her right. nce Sejah was seated, she glanced back at Gav, who was looking at Xazor, obviously waiting to see if he'd get any reaction from her. She shook her head minutely at his attempts to get a rise out of the Jedi. ::

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 10th, 2002, 07:10:59 PM
Diego arched a thick eyebrow at Rognan.

"Must be very observant yourself."

He extended a hand across the table.


Rognan Dar
Dec 10th, 2002, 11:24:53 PM
Rognan sat and took a sip of water.

"Well, being Lorrdian helps in that manner. Ever heard of the Lorrdians?" Rognan said studing Diego's bogy language.

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 11th, 2002, 01:31:32 AM

Diego's eyes returned Rognan's own gaze, but in a cold reflection.

Gav Mortis
Dec 11th, 2002, 08:45:59 AM
"Ah yes, do sit. A friend of the Jedi is a friend of mine." He declared, drinking from his glass of Ruge. What a pitiful sight, like a moth to the flame, the Jedi flock right into danger. The somewhat boisterous Sith, acting out of character naturally, had forgotten how easy it was.

"Now." He added, pointed to AmazonBabe, then at Xazor. "I know who you are and I know who you are. But you?"

He looked to Sejah, a peculiar looking creature that resembled some sort of overgrown house pet, Gav kept his thoughts to himself, but smiled grimly. "Who, and if you don't mind me asking, what are you?"

Sejah Haversh
Dec 11th, 2002, 01:47:36 PM
The question used to bother Sejah, but he had grown so used to it that it hardly phased him any more. Pulling out a seat, he took it and set his bottle of Nehi on the table before looking to Gav and answering his questions.

"My name is Sejah, and I am a Nehantite. Might I ask your name as well?"

Gav Mortis
Dec 11th, 2002, 04:06:25 PM
"A Nehantite?" Gav repeated, "I'll have to remember that one."

He took another drink. His eyes glanced over the trio of Jedi. A master, a knight and a padawan. He smiled wondering how long it would take him to work his way under their skin and wedge himself in there, like a splinter that just wont come out. They wont forget today.

"Gav Mortis. A pleasure to meet you." Although with actions contradicting his words, the Sith failed to shake hands or make eye contact with a friendly face. His new acquaintance was just another face in the crowd like the rest of the Jedi. For a moment, he looked over to the table where Diego was now keeping a young man company. The first catch of the day. He smiled inwardly.

Xazor Elessar
Dec 11th, 2002, 10:24:48 PM
Xazor was lost in the man's words. For some reason, he confused her. He was supposed to be Sith, right? Or so she had heard. Her eyes tried to unmask the fallacy in his speech, yet, she could not find any. Nodding, she smiled to herself.

"Though we're busy as you've stated, we do get to relax now and again. Do you, Gav?"

She questioned with a slight laugh and then smiled as Sejah approached the table. With a bow of her head, she looked up to him and continued smiling.

"Greetings Master Sejah, do you fare well this eve?"

Her voice carried a gentle tone as her eyes passed over to AB who was giving her an eye at the moment. There had been a slipped comment in Gav's words that would have made her go off on him, but for some reason, she did not feel the need. It was as if a trance was placed upon her and she was being blinded to the truth. Or, perhaps it was because she was naive. Either way it mattered now for she was bound and determined to keep her cool and enjoy her evening.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 12th, 2002, 12:55:17 PM
Taking a drink form his Nehi, Sejah nodded hello to her and replied, "Oh, not bad. Hope I'm not interrrupting anything here."

Rognan Dar
Dec 12th, 2002, 07:36:49 PM
"Not many do." Rognan said to Diego returning his cold gaze with his kind and loving stare. Rognan could not understand this man, why was he glaring at him, he did nothing to him but try to make conversation.

"If you dont mind me asking, where do you come from?"

Dec 12th, 2002, 07:38:38 PM
:: AB took a few gulps of her drink, looking from Gav to Sejah as they spoke briefly, before Xazor chimed in. As she set her glass down, she picked up a menu and looked through it. ::

I think I'm in the mood for some root stew.

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 15th, 2002, 11:36:46 PM
"I mind you asking."

Gav Mortis
Dec 16th, 2002, 06:10:49 PM
"Yes, I relax. When I am not working of course. I like nature and things of great natural beauty." He glanced to AmazonBabe and caught her eye for a moment, his arm reached out and struck like a python wrapping his fingers around her hand he pulled her closer so that she released her hold on the menu. Gav smiled, he hadn't been violent but rather graceful with speed and subtle strength. " Just like yourself, my dear. By the by, it is ill mannered to divert your attention, especially when in the company of a perfect stranger and more importantly one such as I."

Softly, the Sith's grasp on the Jedi diminished and he released her before the interaction would become a little too fierce. He winked at the Jedi Master then lookedback to Sejah, just like the others, a regular cub scout but not that Gav blamed him. Sejah, like most of the Jedi youth were unaware of the history of their own people. To steal a Taro Idol original: "History will repeat itself."

"My patience is growing thin and I am tired of entertaining you people. Do you wish to know why I have come here today or not?" He asked with a voice so slippery and demanding, he relished these moments so dearly.

Rognan Dar
Dec 19th, 2002, 01:19:00 PM
"Ok, if you want to keep it to yourself thats fine with me." Rognan said taking his attention to the onther side of the Bar, looking at the gathering of Jedi, not that it was a strange site but there was someone else there that Rognan didn't reconise.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 29th, 2002, 10:23:13 PM
"Well, if you want to be so blunt with it, do enlighten us, Mr. Mortis," Sejah replied, though his tone slightly annoyed at Gav's change in disposition. Taking a sip from his bottle of Nehi, the mongoose leaned back in his chair, though not so far back as would be disrespectful.

Xazor Elessar
Dec 29th, 2002, 10:26:11 PM
Xazor bared her elongated canines and growled at Gav's quick words. She narrowed her eyes and looked at him fiercly.

"Indeed, speak....now."

Gav Mortis
Jan 6th, 2003, 06:33:16 PM
"Don't presume you have the right to give me orders, Miss Dawnstrider." Gav retorted, his gaze meeting hers as he moved in close, then whispered into her ear. "Lest I presume I have the right to remove your limbs."

He sat back into his stool, he rested an elbow on the bar next to him and leaned his head casually on his balled fist. Now knowing he had their attention, now knowing that he had been identified as a possible trouble-causer he would say his piece.

"My Jedi friends, I am here to warn you of a great evil so consider me your messenger." He opened, with an over-confident, lazy grin. There was arrogance in his voice and he had the look of a child who triumphantly chirps: "I know something you don't know!"

"The wheels are turning now and the coming of your doom has rightly been put in motion. It has been for quite some time now but then again, it wont be the first time this has happened will it?" He asked the rhetorical question with a look of mock sympathy now thoroughly enjoying himself. "Oh no! The Jedi were all-powerful and all-seeing, or at least they thought so, even as a certain man by the name of Palpatine slipped right under your noses."

As he said this, he leaned across to Sejah and with the index and middle fingers on his right hand, made a walking motion just beneath his muzzle. He laughed briefly, clearly amusing himself. Now sat upright he smiled again and said: "So why am I telling you this you ask? Because I don't want you people to make the same mistake twice and have something bad happen right under your noses. After all that would be a crying shame!"

Xazor Elessar
Jan 6th, 2003, 06:36:31 PM
Xazor growled deeply and thrust her hand at Gav's throat, holding him firmly in her deadly grasp.

"What would be a crying shame is if you found yourself dead in a moment! I suggest you leave and stop spreading your deceitful words!"

The Knight shoved him back in his chair and proceeded to glare through the man. He disgusted her, really...and his presumptuous words were not winning any respect in her book.

Sejah Haversh
Jan 6th, 2003, 06:53:37 PM
The Mortis fellow bothered him, bt Xazor's temper galled Sejah worse. As she gripped the man's throat, Sejah reached over and pulled an ice cube from a nearby glass and flicked it none too lightly at her, bouncing it off her ear.

"Lady Xazor, calm yourself. Let the man have a bit more time, 'm sure he'll tell us what he's really talking about. I get the feeling he doesn't like keepng surprises from people. Let him go, and let him finish." He said, though not really showing sympathy for Gav.

Diego Van Derveld
Jan 8th, 2003, 01:19:37 AM
Diego's attention diverted to the ruckus at the adjacent table. Lines of irritation etched into his face.

"All this noise is breaking my train of thought. And I haven't even caught your name."

He suddenly rose from his seat, and walked nonchalantly to the front door.

"Lets talk outside. Maybe without such disturbances."

Rognan Dar
Jan 8th, 2003, 03:24:02 PM
Rognan was surprised at the cumotion across the room but even more surprised at the change of attatude from the man next to him. It was odd that he was being somewhat cruel to him, to wanting to talk, and not that it was not what the Lorrdian wanted to do...but the sudden change was desturbing. But his eagerness to know what he wanted to talk about made him follow him outside, but he kept a eye on him trying to read his body language to find something out about him but could not. Takeing a last look at the small Jedi group he stepped out side.

"Ok...My name is Rognan." He didn't want to tell the man everything about him untill he too knew something about him.

"What about you, do you have a name?"

Gav Mortis
Jan 8th, 2003, 03:57:26 PM
When Xazor lashed out and wrapped her fingers around Gav's neck, he simply laughed, it hurt but the fact that he was getting to her like this was worth it. Once released from her grip, the Sith wore the same amused look and chuckled when the mongoose padawan hurled an ice-cube at her ear. Not exactly what he had expected.

"Shall I continue?" He asked, giving Xazor a wink but before she responded, he began speaking. "So what I am here to tell you of is the fact that there are people in high-places who have you and your kind in the sights, ready to fire. Each one with their own selfish or self-righteous goals. But--" He suddenly snapped bringing his index finger up to accentuate the point. "--what they fail to realise is that they are working together for a common purpose."

He took another swig of ale, breaking up his dramatic, little speech but out of the corner of his eye he saw Diego and his Jedi company leave the establishment. He smirked then suddenly slammed his glass down on the bar causing ale to jump out all over it. The thud got most people's attention and he promptly stood up. He extended his arms like he were giving a presentation wearing his ever-smug grin.

"So what does this mean for the Jedi?" He questioned, only Sejah and Xazor would understand what he was talking about but his main aim now was to cause a ruckus. "Well, think back to the old glory days; Vader hunting down the last of the Jedi. Extermination! The Jedi will be hunted and annihilated by forces which are moving from strength to strength even as we speak. But it wont stop there; force-users and even force-sensitives will be hunted down and tested then either eliminated or purged of the plague which haunts our daily lives. The plague of Jedi inflicting their will upon those of lesser minds. Corruption follows your order and it wont be long until one by one, you will fall."

Sejah Haversh
Jan 9th, 2003, 09:43:57 AM
<font size=1>Clap. Clap. Clap.<font size=2>

Sejah leaned back in his chair and performed a clow, hollow, mocking clap after Gav's speech, a smirk on his own muzzle. "Oh, good show, very dramatic," he quipped, reaching forward and picking up his Nehi bottle and taking a sip from it before continuing.

"It seems to me that corruption follows the Sit order, not that of the Jedi. Certainly we all know that there are Jedi who lose their sight and fall to the Sith, but, that does not condemn the rest of us, sir. Now, sit down, the other patrons have stopped looking at you."

Diego Van Derveld
Jan 9th, 2003, 11:57:29 PM

He extended a hand to Rognan.

"So, you are a Jedi?"

It wasn't a question that needed answering. Diego could sense the uncomfortable buzzing of force sensitivity in the man's direction. But for conversation's sake, he would ask.

Rognan Dar
Jan 10th, 2003, 02:46:15 PM
Rognan extended his hand to met Diego's.

"Pleaser to met you, I'm sure." He said taking his hand back and leaned aginst the wall, near the door of the B&G, folding his arms over his chest, leaving some space between him and Diego.

"Yes...I am a Jedi." He said bluntly. HE could tell that his answer mattered not, but keeped his eyes on him, still trying to figure out his motive, but not showing it.

"Why do you ask?"

Xazor Elessar
Jan 10th, 2003, 05:08:11 PM
Xazor smiled over at Sejah and bowed her head his way.

"Indeed, I must concur with my fellow Jedi on that one! And indeed, sit down...you've made enough show of yourself and clearly no one is impressed."

The Knight made a mocking glare at the Sith and she shook her head, wondering why he would imply that she and Sejah were bringing corruption to the Jedi. Again the young woman laughed and eyed Gav.

"Honestly, you do put on a good show! It is quite interesting of you to come in here...to a Jedi establishment....and mock us! That's not a good way to win friends and influence enemies."

Gav Mortis
Jan 12th, 2003, 07:49:14 PM
"Ah but I have no love for friends or enemies, my dear." Gav answered, taking his seat once again. He was pleased that Diego and his prey had left the building unnoticed and soon he too would take his leave for he could only maintain this charade for so long.

"And you, good sir." Gav now adressed Sejah. Somewhat more politely they had done so recently. "You mention the Sith Order. What is it exactly that makes you bring that up here? You think I am one of them?"

It was an odd question to ask. Gav had once been a member of the Sith Order but he certainly wasn't one of them. As he saw it, he was much more, as was indicated by the markings of red paint on his face and now he spoke of them.

"You see this on my face?" His finger traced lightly over the paint, above his left eyebrow to his temple and under his right eye, down his cheek to his chin. "These are the markings of my tribe. In the future you will see a great many more such markings, for they will be worn by the bringers of your doom and they will be many."

"So--" He paused to finish his drink, then looked to his Jedi company and asked. "--Are you afraid yet?"

Tevit Ramastan
Jan 13th, 2003, 01:47:03 PM
-edit- Wrong login...

Sejah Haversh
Jan 13th, 2003, 01:48:53 PM
"Yes, I am afraid," Sejah replied, fingering the neck of his Nehi bottle. "Afriad that I've just wasted a few minutes of my afternoon."

Sitting up straight, he shook his head and looked at Gav with a plain expression. "Mr. Mortis, I brought up the Sith order because I was making a point that they are the ones who seem corrupt to me, not the Jedi. I will give that there have been Jedi who have fallen to corruption, but, a majority of them have remained strong. And they will remain so if this tribe of yours comes for us, as you think it will. You remind me of the Sherouve, sir. Great in words and boasts, and possibly dangerous in small groups, but you are too selfish to work fully against someone. And, if I may have your leave, I would like to go find another table."

Jan 15th, 2003, 05:44:22 PM
:: Gav's response to her picking up the menu and then his sudden change of demeanor bothered her, setting her senses on alert. It wasn't so much that she was afraid, but that when in the company of ith, any type of Sith, she had learned to expect the unexpected. ::

:: She had indeed forgotten about the menu, and had looked between Gav and Sejah as they exchanged words. She didn't have much to say at the time, but listening to these two battle it out with calm and collected phrases was intriguing. ::

:: And yet, that sense of "expect the unexpected" lingered. ::

Xazor Elessar
Feb 5th, 2003, 07:48:08 PM
Xazor rolled her eyes and took a long Garou Warrior Braid in her hand, fingering the silver coin woven into it.

"This is also a mark of the most skilled Warriors in my clan -- many wear these now. My clan is coming to get yours -- afraid yet?"

The words were said in jest and Xazor herself laughed before taking a sip of her drink and setting a stern gaze upon Gav's face.

"For having not much to say -- you sure do talk a lot! Why are you wasting our time with stories of lore and fancy when you could be out accomplishing what you wish say -- streetcorner domination, for instance. It's very profitable I heard from another of your so called 'tribe'."

Xazor laughed and turned to look out at the crowd once again, finding Mr. Mortis to be quite uninteresting.

Diego Van Derveld
Feb 6th, 2003, 01:41:38 AM
"Just idle curiosity"

Diego half shrugged, walking along with Rognan outside the B&G.

"I've met enough to know, I suppose."

After they were several dozen meters from the B&G, Diego stopped, and turned to face him.

"Your reputation preceeds you. Warrior priests, and somesuch. Capable of the most clever insight, and the most impressive feats of body all at once. So tell me...are you as talented as I presume?"

Rognan Dar
Feb 6th, 2003, 10:25:18 PM
"That mostly depends on what talent you are expecting. Sure, I know a few things, and there is my species. But besides for that, I dont think that I have alot of talent." Rognan said bluntly, still not know where the conversation as going.

Gav Mortis
Feb 20th, 2003, 08:29:05 AM
Inside it angered Gav to get such a response. Of course he expected it and indeed provoked it and needless to say was deserving of it for the tripe he was spewing forth in great volumes but still just being in the presence of these Jedi was enough to stir his ire. He was pleased nevertheless, they were completely unaware of Rognan's dissapearance and Gav wondered how far into the task Diego had reached.

"By all means, do leave, Mister Haversh. Your absence wont be noticed, I assure you." Gav answered with the utmost politeness and sincerity in his voice. He smiled at the mongoose then turned away to face Xazor. She would be the second to go, he had decided and it would be today.

His hand brushed hers gently, just enough to attract her attention. His words had no doubt hit a nerve with her and left a lasting impression but hopefully they hadn't had too great an impact. He remained silent and inside grew a feeling of great regret. Gav started to feel sad inside and couldn't brinhg himself to say another foul word soi instead he spoke to her mind.

"Lady Dawnstrider, please forgive me. I need your help."

Xazor Elessar
Feb 20th, 2003, 09:09:50 AM
Xazor turned suddenly as Gav touched her hand. The man's appearance and even his aura seemed to change. 'He's messing with your mind, don't listen!' her danger sense sung the words but quickly she pushed them away as the lessons she taught her Padawans on forgiveness entered her mind. 'He's a Darksider, so what? You have Darkside friends!' she reasoned with herself as his words softly slipped into her mind.

"I -- I forgive you. I am a Jedi, that is what we do. Now, you say you need my help? With what?"

She was quite hesitant still as her eyes met his once again. He indeed seemed as though he was sad and she felt badly for his poor soul.

"Whatever it is -- I'll help you."

Gav Mortis
Feb 20th, 2003, 09:50:45 AM
Gav was staring at a framed picture on the wall and took a sip of ruge, finally finishing the contents of the glass. He didn't want anyone to realise that he and Xazor were communicating telepathically; the tell-tale signs are so obvious, eye contant, awkward silences and out-of-place facial expressions.

"You know this isn't the real me; what I have said here today. It's all an act and I can't live like this anymore. I wont lie to you, I'm not a good person but I try to be--"

He sighed and stood. He pushed his stool back and looked to AmazonBabe. He smiled, his demeanour changed from what it had been previously.

"My appologies for the alarm I might've caused here today, my dear, but I must depart. Until our next meeting." He gave Rie a nod of farewell then headed out.

"--would you join me for a walk?"

Diego Van Derveld
Feb 20th, 2003, 10:00:23 AM
"Oh, you know....like running faster, jumping higher than most atheletes, that kind of thing."

Diego paused, and shrugged.

"I mean, you're obviously in good shape. You must work out, but there's probably something else under the hood, huh? Y'see, I'm a bit competitive at heart. Can't resist at least asking the question."

Xazor Elessar
Feb 20th, 2003, 10:36:49 AM
Xazor's eyes flickered down to her glass as Gav spoke in her mind. She sighed inwardly and nodded as he left.

"I know it's not you -- I have a feeling. You're different than the rest. Yes -- I'll join you for a walk."

With that, she looked up to Master AB and smiled, nodding slightly.

"I must be going as well. Good day to you."

She said softly and then made her way quickly and quietly out the door right behind Gav. The pair reached outside and the Knight continued walking until she caught up to him. Turning her head to look back at the bar, she noted that no one was following them and so she turned her attention back to him.

"Sorry for my comments back there -- I get defensive easily."

Gav Mortis
Feb 20th, 2003, 03:23:15 PM
"You have nothing to appologise for, Xazor. The way I acted was appauling. I just get so angry sometimes--" They continued walking, the streets were busy, then again when in Coruscant were they otherwise. But one can allow the chaos all around to become a comforting blanket of security. There were so many people who could hear you but that didn't matter, none were interested.

"--You have to understand, malady, I am a Dark-Sider but why is that all I have to be? I don't go out looking to hurt innocent people or to cause trouble, I believe in justice and peace. When I was younger things were very different."

He stopped in his tracks, and turned against a wall and leaned against it with a frustrated sigh. His mind wandered back to his late youth, when his thoughts and words were tainted by those of his superiors in the Sith Council. How he feared them, how he revered them. How foolish he had been.

"I have killed innocents and I was most definately another brain-washed, ruthless killer not worthy of being called a Sith. Now, Xazor, I am a man with the ability to make a difference and I have the gifts at my disposal which can bring about that change. The way I see things is this--"

With quick, nimble fingers he siezed a loose piece of the Jedi's robing and pulled it aside to reveal her weapon, she looked down then across to see that with his other hand he had revealed his own, hanging by his side.

"--we are armed with weapons and powers but more importantly we are split!" He released the material on both garments, hiding their weapons once more. "The galaxy would be a much safer place if we weren't bound into conflict with each other. Innocent men, women and children would be safer if the likes of you and I didn't even exist. Don't you think?"

Rognan Dar
Feb 20th, 2003, 04:31:00 PM
"Well...I have been a fast learner from birth. I was a few grades higher then all the kids, and I believe it was the force that gave me a active mind." He eyed Diego, trying to figure out what he meant by 'under the hood,' but didn't think it a matter to be worried about.

"I'm sorry to disapoint you, but I dont work out. I walk around alot but not much else besides for that. I would rather spend my time learning, per say, a diffrent language."

Gav Mortis
Mar 14th, 2003, 05:56:06 PM
OOC: Please lets not forget this thread. I would like to finish it.