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Vishan Korogoth
Dec 4th, 2002, 12:07:21 PM
He took a place at an empty table and loosened his tie before sitting down. How he would kill for his leather then wearing this monkey suit but Vishan had to meet Eluna for another meeting today and it would take too long to change. There was enough time to visit the Jedi Bar and it was on the way to Eluna's apartment. Besides, he kinda missed the place. There were some interesting characters that resided here and the atmosphere was pleasant most of the time.

Kicking back in his chair, he rested his dress shoes (at least those were leather) on the nearby chair and sipped at his whiskey. Enjoying the quiet time that was offered after the noon rush.

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 18th, 2002, 12:13:12 AM
After slinging his tunic back onto his body, the Padawan headed back inside after a brief--but vigorous--afternoon of training. It had been a fairly hot day, and his running and strength training had brought out quite a thirst. There was always the water despenser in his room, but Master Yohgurt's Bar and Grill looked much more appealing in his tired state.

Jotting inside, he checked his saber at the door. He rarely left the room without it, and his still sore leg--from a recent encounter with Sasha Kovalev on Tattooine--ached as proof. Calling for a glass of water, he leaned against the bar, scanning the room. To his suprise and delight he noticed someone he hadn't seen for quite some time.

"Vishan?" He said, a hint of question in his voice as he strode over to the table where a lone, but recognizable, man sat. Sure enough, it was indeed Vishan, a traveler of sorts that he had met before in this very Bar and Grill.

"How are you, my friend?" Terran asked excitedly, as he hadn't seen his friend in some time. He laid a firm hand on Vishan's shoulder.

Eluna Thals
Dec 18th, 2002, 12:34:46 AM
He was a good hour ahead of schedule. Not bad. His rough around the edges demeanor was adjusting to the job description pretty well.

Of course, Eluna wasn't the trusting type, and so...she could make spying on her newest employee a hobby of hers. Fortunately, her talents made spying on Vishan incredibly easy. She could do it with impunity, in plain sight, and even interact with him...and he'd never know.

She was a brunette today, with ringets of dark hair spilling around her tanned shoulders. Her lips were full and tinted darker than usual, to complement the depthless siennas of her hair and eyes. When she ordered from the waiter, she spoke with a Naboo accent that danced around syllables, causing the young man to blush in the presence of her foreign elegance. Her shaded eyelashes lowered, and she smiled broadly.

"A namana julep, please."

Sending him on his way, Aalde' decided at last to approach Vishan's table, just as another visitor arrived.

Vishan Korogoth
Dec 18th, 2002, 07:54:48 PM
Terran startled Vishan as the hand came down on his shoulder but the look of confusion passed swiftly as he jumped to his feet. "Terran!" He gripped the Jedi's forearm tightly in greeting. "I had ah feelin' I'd meet someone today. I was right!"

He let go and pulled out a chair before taking a seat again. "Have ah seat and tell me what's been goin' on with ya." With his attention solely focused Terran, he noticed that his friend seemed parched by the look of perspiration that thinly covered his face. "An' by the looks of it, let me by you ah drink. Ya look like ya could use one."

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 19th, 2002, 04:23:00 PM
"Why, thank you sir," he spoke with a friendly smile. He took the seat and looked towards the woman that was approaching their table as well. He gave her a fleeting glance and smile, silently welcoming her presence.

"I would love a glass of sweetwater," he told the server droid that had managed its way over to the now populated table. Turning his attention back to Vishan, Terran wiped the sweat from his brow.

"Before I should babble your ear off, I have to wonder, what brings the rogue traveler like yourself back to Master Yoghurts?" He waited for the sweetwater, hoping the droid would remember his usual glass of ice accompanying it.

Vishan Korogoth
Dec 22nd, 2002, 04:50:58 PM
"Bah. No thanks needed for ah friend." Curiously, he watched Terran's eyes leave and turned around in his chair to get a look at what caught the Jedi's interest, but finishing what he had to say. "I actually got ah job! 'Ere on Coruscant! Don't ask what it is." He stopped to laugh.,"Hell, I'm not sure what my job is."

A woman had taken note of their table, it seemed. Vishan flashed a grin of his own, showing off his blue eyes. "And good afternoon to you Miss." He stood up politely and offered a chair. "I don't believe I've had the pleasure."

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 23rd, 2002, 11:30:41 PM
Terran followed suit, his smile as inviting as Vishan's words.

Eluna Thals
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:46:32 AM
She stirred her drink slowly, looking up at Vishan after a moment. With a nonplussed smirk, she returned to her drink.

"No, you haven't."

Her curt response and Naboo accent only served to heighten her mystique. Taking a drink, she brushed aside a thick brunette ringet of hair.

"I haven't heard that one in a while. You're either new at this, or have no shame."

Aalde' let him hang on her words for a moment.

"I sincerely hope its the latter, Mister?"

Vishan Korogoth
Mar 4th, 2003, 08:03:50 PM
She didn't take a seat but that didn't deter Vishan. He causally leaned on the table. "You got it. It would be the latter." He gave a wry smile, letting his eyes take in the little details that this woman was giving him. "Name's Vishan, Miss?"

imported_Terran Starek
Mar 6th, 2003, 03:03:42 PM
Again, Terran felt no need to interject. The other was definitely very interesting, and it would be amusing to see her response. She had Vishan--the old smoothie that he was--walking on glass at this point.

He'd let Vishan have another go and then see if he couldn't take his turn. He wasn't trying to pick up on the mysterious young woman, but he would definitely benefit from her company. That prospect alone drove him to wish for it.

Eluna Thals
Mar 12th, 2003, 11:38:40 AM
She stayed silent long enough for a tinge of discomfort to make its way to the table, before allowing a smirking smile.


With faux preoccupation, she idly stirred her drink, and her smile widened.

"Well, you and your nameless friend have my attention, Mr. Vishan. I can only imagine what you intend to do with it."

Vishan Korogoth
Mar 12th, 2003, 06:42:25 PM
Vishan had trouble figuring this woman out but he was starting to get this woman's drift. She seemed to enjoy keeping him on his toes, wondering what'll happen. And it worked. That stare never broke away from his eyes and she said nothing. Absolutely nothing; at least not until there was a small smile.

"Aalde'." He repeated slowly, making sure to not mispronounce her name and was still trying to place the accent. Vishan knew he heard it before but the planet's name was escaping his memory.

"My nameless friend here is Terran. Ah Jedi of these parts so I highly doubt he wants to do anythin' untold of......" He laughed and slapped the back of his friend's shoulder and threw him a wink. ".... except get ta know a new face. Right, Terran?"

imported_Terran Starek
Mar 13th, 2003, 12:40:09 AM
"I think you know me all too well, Vishan," Terran replied nervously. His face had turned a light shade of red as he was embarassed by Aalde's allusion to dirty thoughts in his head. He was a very clean minded person and was in Jedi training, therefore generaly exposed to rather conservative speech. Shaking the redness out of his head, he returned a sheepish smile to Vishan.

"You're accent is strange to this planet, but I can place it," he said, grinning. Some said he spent too much time in the archives--a knowldege freak of sorts. Maybe he was. All of his time paid off, however, when he could easily bring a simple detail like this to light. "If you don't mind my inquiry, I should like to learn a little bit about you and your home planet of Naboo."

He grinned again.