View Full Version : Criticism and God-Moding

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 4th, 2002, 10:03:23 AM

I am getting really sick of Ansatsu and generally the "You don't like what I'm doing? I don't care! I shall take offense" attitude. And it isn't just him.

granted... I will say it does suck royally to have your character and ways under the microscope but mistakes will be made and need to be made awares to the player, usually done in the OOC forum for all to see no matter what. Heck, even I did it with those twin brothers that had those gauntlets that could duplicate powers. That actually went well.

I think part of the problem is the labeling of 'god-moder' NOt a pretty title and if a player is just confused by what they did wrong, slamming god-moding down their throats won't help and offense will be taken quite easily.

My observations with people, like Dios, is they don't read the FAQ about rping here. That would solve a hell of a lot of problems. That and perhaps someway about telling a player that what they are doing isn't within the rules?

Just a nasty trend is happening here. I don't want to coddle the new players, just want a better way of handling potential godmoding situations.

Taylor Millard
Dec 4th, 2002, 12:00:59 PM
I think one way is how the god moding issue is presented in OOC forum.

Granted people will take offense at anything (look at Sieken and treehuggers) but there's gotta be a better way to say, "That's godmoding you can't do that!" than saying, "That's god moding you can't do that!"

Heck even Gue and I solved a god moding instance (and then it blew up in everyone's faces :lol).

It's gotta be in the presentation.

But that being said...Tomak/Antawhatnot needs to chill out majorly.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 4th, 2002, 11:19:47 PM
I think Mark needs to be told not to poke his everloving nose into other poster's business. Let Xazor handle her own stuff. For crying in the night she's a grown up, or at least she's supposed to be.

When people stick themselves in other people's business like that and then stir up the entire board (knowingly or unknowingly) against a single poster I am not surprised when said poster or poster's friends take offense. I agree with Taylor.

The OOC forum should not be for the "airing of grievances." This isn't Festivus, people! Moderators should be contacted through PM or AIM. We should make this a rule IMO.

Dec 4th, 2002, 11:36:33 PM
Mark knows he frelled up. We talked about it in IM.

As for making rules, I'm not to keen on having lots of rules, just the common sense thing is broad enough to creep many things in under.

Dec 5th, 2002, 12:55:30 AM
Sometimes, things need to be brought up in public. A) It may need to be discussed and B) so people who may not know better understand that this is unacceptable behaviour. You yourself made a topic of that nature not that long ago, LD.

Taylor Millard
Dec 5th, 2002, 02:53:41 PM
I agree. But isn't it better form if a person participating in the thread takes care of saying if it's god-moding or not.

It just seems easier to solve if an RPer in the thread takes care of it, than someone whose just reading it.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 6th, 2002, 02:27:23 AM
Oy you caught me. But I had to address more than one person, and also, it was ME who was doing the addressing. Not someone else on my behalf.

Yes I know I know. Just vented a bit in my previous post, sorry. :(