View Full Version : One arm, one goal.

Liu Fong
Dec 4th, 2002, 09:50:43 AM
Liu Fong opens the doors to the Recruitment Center, one of the few things that he can do with ease, and walks in from the cold Coruscant morning. He wears his hair in a long, unkempt ponytail, and his face is covered with scruff. He hasn't shaved in weeks. He wears long clothing as well, with the left sleeve tied off below the point where his left arm was cut off.


Navaria Tarkin
Dec 4th, 2002, 04:20:52 PM
A figure broke off from a small group not too terribly far away and greeted Liu.

"Good day to you."

She pulled back her hood revealing brown hair that spilled around her shoulders.

"I am Navaria Tarkin, a member of the Order and Jedi Knight. Can I assist you?"

First impressions was that this being had traveled long and far to reach here.

Liu Fong
Dec 4th, 2002, 09:26:21 PM
Liu starts to scratch his head with his left hand, but realizes belatedly that he has no left hand. He rubs his right hand across the back of his head instead.

"Heh. I guess so. My name's Liu Fong. I'd like to learn to be a Jedi."

Naturally. Why else did people come here?

"I live on ground level, in the slums near the Senate building. I used to protect the people there...but, well..."

He casts a glance at the stump of his left arm.

"I'm somewhat...inconvenienced...I need to learn to use the Force to continue to help them."

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 6th, 2002, 10:52:39 AM
"I understand. Coruscant had been my home in the time it was called Imperial Center."

She solemnly looked at his severed limb that was hidden underneath the cloth.

"Somethings do not change unfortunately."

Then Navaria looked directly into Liu's eyes. her brows furrowing.

"Need to learn the Force? Only for protection of others. The dedication to the Jedi and the Force is more then just that my friend. If that is your only reason in learning the ways of what it means to be a Jedi, I cannot allow you to be taught."

Liu Fong
Dec 6th, 2002, 11:33:06 AM
"More than being the champion of the underdog, huh?"

His tone indicates that he had a feeling there was more to it, but wasn't sure what it was. He paced as he thought on it.

"More than helping others..." Finally, at a loss, he looks to Navaria with a sheepish grin. "Well...what else then?"

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 7th, 2002, 04:45:47 PM
She watched Liu walk back and forth until he gave up on an answer.

"Being a Jedi is a way of life. Helping others is a part of that life. It is to learn of our connection to the Force. What are place is in it and to serve its goals to the best of our abilities. One does not learn of the Jedi ways half-heartedly. It takes a deep commitment to your self and others that are taking their time with you.

We train, we fight, we debate, we console ... We are an Order set forth to preserve the Force against its struggle with the Dark.

It is alot to ask to be trained as you have. If it is, I am sure that someone could always teach you hand to hand martial arts to better protect yourself and your people. I could also ask the Council if we could start a few patrols in that area and also inform the local authority."

Most here knew Navaria was a member of the Council but with titles come certain preconceptions. She rather leave those behind and actually talk about the serious issues brought before her by new applicants then be bogged down with formalities.

Liu Fong
Dec 7th, 2002, 05:39:21 PM
"We've had patrols...my house is made entirely of the scraps of Coruscant Watch cars. I have done a sufficient job of protecting my section, but I would like to help the others that are less fortunate. Their patrols have little success in repelling the gangsters that plague us because...quite simply they don't care. That's why ground level is such a dangerous place."

He pauses, somewhat hesitant, now that he has full understanding of what he's about to try and get himself into.

"Jedi are true protectors, they don't discriminate between the upper level fat cats and the little guys on ground level. I feel that at least one on ground level would make a difference. I would like to be that one, ma'am. I'm willing to accept the burdens of Jedi training."

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 16th, 2002, 06:11:03 PM
"Are you sure?"

Her eyes softened.

"Your duties will not always be stationed on Coruscant. The Force guides a Jedi to wherever their talents are needed. Granted, the Council could hear you out about the troubles on the ground level and let you patrol their sometimes but ... it may not always be that way."

She tilted her head to the side to gauge Liu's response better.

OOC~ sorry, between finals and sever bleh, I haven't been on

Liu Fong
Dec 16th, 2002, 06:21:32 PM
"There's ground level type people no matter where ya go. I'll help them too! I won't discriminate between planets!"

OOC: No problem, I've had those myself.

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 17th, 2002, 06:10:55 PM
The sincerity Navaria felt from Liu was passionate and true. This young man had the drive to become a Jedi. To better himself and those around him. It would not be fair to turn him away without giving Liu the chance to prove himself.

"Well then, as a member of the Jedi Council, I welcome you to the Order Liu Fong. Please ... make yourself at home in the living quarters. There are plenty of rooms to choose from. I would also suggest that you meet your fellow Jedi at the Bar and Grill while a Master is chosen for you.

Unless ... you have some idea of who it it you wish to train you."

Liu Fong
Dec 21st, 2002, 05:31:35 AM
"Anyone'll do the trick ma'am, like I said, I don't discriminate."

Liu Fong bows to her and begins to make his way out the door. The next step occurs in the Academy, where he will learn to defend.