View Full Version : The Way is in the Training(open spar)

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 3rd, 2002, 10:12:06 PM
Wei was practicing C-steps. One foot out in front, leg bent so his calf was perpendicular to the ground, his other foor somewhat straight out behind him, his feet sort of in a box shape with his toes pointing forward. The squares tiles on the floor helped him keep his feet in the "square" formation.

Wei slid his back foot in so it nearly touched his other foot, then brought it back out in front so he had switched sides. His shoulders did not move at all from where they were. Only his feet moved. Then he did it in reverse. The execution was a bit more difficult, but he managed the maneuver flawlessly none the less.

Wei looked at his feet. His right foor was in front and his left foot was in back. Wei's left arm was in a tight chamber by his ribs and the other arm was out in front, set to block an attack. But there was no attack to block. Wei laughed put his feet close together so he was in a more or less casual standing postion and mimed blocking a high punch. He grabbed the imaginary wrist, and stepped forward with his back leg and used his left arm to deal a series of elbow strikes to an imaginary face.

"Practice makes perfect. There's bound to be someon I can spar with."

Adisha Dije
Dec 4th, 2002, 11:09:49 PM
Adisha was walking through the hall when she heard,

"Practice makes perfect. There's bound to be someone I can spar with."

She walked into the room and said, " I"ll spar with you. I haven't had the chance to spar with anyone yet, so I am kind of new at it but I think I'm up for the challenge."

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 5th, 2002, 01:01:44 PM
Wei sensed Adisha as she walked in. "So, you want to practice? I'm glad. I need someone to spar with."

Wei turned to see what he thought was a Twi'lek. She had lekku, but she was pink. Twi'leks, he thought, were blue.

"Well, when you are ready, give the word. Being a gentleman, I'll let you throw the first punch. Ladies first, you know."

Adisha Dije
Dec 5th, 2002, 11:09:47 PM
Adisha quickly put her auburn braids up into a bun and tried to think of an attack.

"Alright, you asked for it," she teased.

She got in close and sent a hard punch straight for his gut, and as the blow approached so did a force powered blast.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 6th, 2002, 09:05:23 AM
Wei stopped the punch easily enough, but the Force blast knocked him on his back. Wei quickly rolled back-rolled to his feet, and using one of the illusion tricks he learned from Jedi Master Akrabbim, created a copy of himself that appeared to Adisha to be very close to her.

Wei was not quite skilled at illusions, but he hoped it would keep Adisha occupied long enough for him to get behind her.

Adisha Dije
Dec 7th, 2002, 06:49:13 PM
There was something odd in the man standing near her, but unaware of illusion techniques, she still attacked.

Adisha threw a punch that went unblocked, right through him. It surprised her, and she quickly reached out with her senses, trying to be ready for his next move.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 7th, 2002, 10:37:44 PM
Wei got around behind her and aimed a kick at her backside. Wei's style was unusual because his kicks were meant to push a person away, rather than attack.

Wei was at odds on what to do. He honestly had not one clue as to how to best attack Adisha. Wei would watch her some more.

Know the troops. This means to know your opponent as though he or she was your own troops. To master this means to be able to control your opponent.

Wei had read it in a book on swordfighting. But he knew nothing about Adisha, so he could not even begin to do what the book specified. Now was the time to learn.

Wei dug into a solid stance and channeled the Force into his legs, making his stance more solid. It was her turn.

Adisha Dije
Dec 9th, 2002, 10:44:31 AM
Adisha sent a few jabs a Wei's side, which were all blocked. She backed up and flipped over his head, using the force to keep her sensitive lekku from harm. As she descended she sent a kick to his upper back, and landed in a ready postion.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 9th, 2002, 11:08:03 AM
Wei felt her foot on his back and leaned forward, yielding to the kick and making it hurt less. Wei rolled his shoulders around. The girl could kick.

Wei could feel a happy laughter bubble up inside him. Wei reigned it in and kept his face emotionless. If he started to laugh it would all be over with. Wei would not have that. Neither one of the fighters had begun to sweat yet.

Wei shifted his stance so he could turn at his waist and throw a quick backfist to her jaw.

Adisha Dije
Dec 9th, 2002, 01:19:41 PM
Adisha felt his brief amusement and it took her offguard. Yet, she just barely dodged in time to get the brunt of his hit in the shoulder. She shook it off and still behind him, kicked out at his legs attempting to knock them out from under him.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 9th, 2002, 02:47:11 PM
Wei hopped over her kick and turned to face her. Wei opened right hand and boosted his strength and speed with the Force before reaching out with a ridgehand attack directed at her neck.

An exposed neck is more vulnerable than most people think. A good blow to the neck can paralyze. But Wei's attack would not paralyze. Wei knew better than to use a lethal attack during a spar.

Adisha Dije
Dec 9th, 2002, 06:56:16 PM
Adisha saw it coming and it was too late to duck away. But as Wei hit she attacked even more. She backed off and quickly called on the force to help stay focused.

Putting her mind back to the fight she faced Wei and sent five strong jabs to his stomach, then kicked at the same target.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 9th, 2002, 11:20:25 PM
Wei managed to knock the first two punches of their courses, but the last 3 hit true. Wei was bent double as he gasped for breath. Wei shook his head to rid himself of the pain and grabbed her kick as it came close. Wei grasped her leg and shoved it aside. While he was still bent down Wei stuck out his left shoulder, turned his face to the side, and charged at her before she could bring her leg around into a stance.

Adisha Dije
Dec 12th, 2002, 05:05:51 PM
Adisha knew dodging Wei wouldn't work, so instead as he ran into her she fell with the impact into a roll. As she rolled she grabbed him and used their momentum to flip him off of her, then quickly returned to a standing, ready position.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 13th, 2002, 09:32:17 AM
Wei flew through the air and hit the ground, skidding a few feet before he rolled back up into a stance.

"I hate friction burns," Wei mumbled to himself.

Wei set his jaw and brushed some hair out of his eyes before re-adjusting his glasses on his face. Wei took a running start and slid at Adisha feet first, like a baseball player sliding into home.

Adisha Dije
Dec 17th, 2002, 12:17:09 AM
Adisha jumped up, out of the way of Wei's feet. Unable to help herself, she landed on one knee next to him swinging her arms. "SAFE!" she cried.

"Oh..Sorry about that, I couldn't resist. Where were we? .....Oh right." As Wei got back to his feet Adisha leapt forward and sent a punch striaght for his forehead.

She knew these training sessions were to be taken seriously, but it was hard when she was so new to the whole sparring thing.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 2nd, 2003, 10:53:15 AM
Wei got up, but hit the floor again when Adisha yelled, "SAFE!"
Wei fell on his back and curled up with laughter, and accidentally avoiding his opponent's punch in the process. Wei got up quickly, wiped a tear from his eye and took up a wide stance. He still wanted to laugh, but he had to hold it in. If he couldn't keep himself in control, he was going to lose.

Wei got the ball rolling again with a simple uppercut.

Adisha Dije
Jan 2nd, 2003, 11:20:14 PM
Pulling herself back together to a little more energy then it should have and Wei's hit came in unnoticed. She stepped back, shaken back into seriousness by his blow, and as he approached her Adisha made her move.

Using her lekku to trip him up, and a force blast to add to the effect, he was once again lying on the ground.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 3rd, 2003, 07:53:04 PM
Wei's feet got tangled in the lekku, and took a blast in his chest.

"Those lekku...I hear others call them 'brain tails.' Is that a fitting name?"

Wei was always curious about other races and cultures. He somersaulted forward and kicked as hard as he could. Then he wondered if Adisha was close enough to get hit by his kick. It was a high-risk maneuver to be sure. People could get into a lot of trouble using foolish techniques, no matter how powerful they were.

Adisha Dije
Jan 4th, 2003, 01:14:46 AM
"Actually," she replied stepping back out of his range, "that is correct. They are just sacs of nerves really." As she spoke she winced, a little. The use of her headtails was a good move, but a painful one.

"They are very sensitive, that's why some like to tattoo them to show their courage." Throwing out that tidbit of info Adisha hoped to distract Wei while she tried once again to knock his feet out from under him, using her legs this time.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 5th, 2003, 11:05:54 AM
Wei jumped over her sweep and smiled.

"A show of courage? I don't think subjecting yourself to severe amounts of pain is very courageous to be quite honest."

Wei aimed a palm strike at Adisha's forehead and followed up with a ridgehand. Wei liked fighting with his palms open better than he liked using fists.

Adisha Dije
Jan 6th, 2003, 05:19:07 PM
Adisha dodged his first strike and blocked the second with her forearm while aiming for his stomach with her free arm.

"Well when most of your race is either enslaved or power-hungry, anything to keep yourself from looking inferior can be tempting."

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 6th, 2003, 08:51:22 PM
"Enslaved? Well that's not right," Wei said catching Adisha's arm and pushing her away.

Wei aimed two quick palm heel strikes at Adisha's nose and another at her groin area, using both hands to attack simultaneously.

Adisha Dije
Jan 9th, 2003, 08:46:50 PM
"Well, slavery is actually one of their biggest trades. The clans even sell their own women as slave dancers."

She moved her arms to block both attacks and was just a little slow on the nose one. The impact stunned her and Adisha backed away to recompose herself before stepping back up to Wei.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 10th, 2003, 09:18:26 AM
"Selling women as dancers. Their own people no less. For shame."

Wei decided to press his attack and performed an inside to outside crescent kick with his back leg, and let his kicking foot fall infront of him so his front leg was now his back leg and vice versa, before performing the same inside to outside crescent kick with his other leg and returning his stance to the way it was originally.

Adisha Dije
Jan 12th, 2003, 10:18:44 PM
Adisha dashed to the side, away from his kicks and spun around fast kicking at the middle of his back.

Then she backed off and replied, "Yeah I don't agree with it and neither did my father, but unfortunately his clan did, so it was a good thing I was never on Ryloth or else I would've been sold as well."

As her words ended she advanced and attacked first with a roundhouse kick, then a jab to the mouth.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 13th, 2003, 09:35:34 AM
Wei dodged the roundhouse kick, but the jab found his jaw. Good thing his mouth was closed, else he might have lost some teeth. Wei yielded with the punch, lessening the damage, but it would feel like he had a toothache for a while. Wei found that the little longlasting pains were the worst, just because they were annoying. But like Grandpa would say, "It is better to be annoyed and be intact than not to be annoyed and be dead."

Once Adisha's fist had slid off of Wei's face, Wei threw a quick chop to his opponent's knee.

Adisha Dije
Feb 6th, 2003, 09:59:44 PM
OOC: sorry this took so long forgot it was my turn to respond

IC: She was moving too slowly to block his blow and was hit by it, full force. She fell, covered in sweat, to the ground and tried to catch her breath. In an attempt to calm and re-energize herself, she called to the force and felt it fill her. Then she slowly rose, back to her feet.

Standing before him trying to maintain a defensive stance she asked, "Is that it?"

But before he could respond, she fell to the floor exhausted.

Wei Wu Wei
Feb 21st, 2003, 01:24:07 PM
OOC: My goodness. Forgot about this thing too.

IC: Wei walked over to where Adisha was on the floor.

"You really put up a fight."

Wei picked the tired woman into his arms and began to walk towatd the Living Quarters. He'd find her room in the directory kept in the lobby and get her to her room for rest. She deserved a long nap.