View Full Version : Fight of the Swordmasters(Kindo,Figrin,Sejah)

Dec 3rd, 2002, 08:02:32 PM
I smiled sitting at the base of the order. I waited for two friends of mine to emerge. They would get the suprise of their lives. Swordmasters, ha. I was only worried about one. I looked down and saw no one. I had my cloaking device on. I reached down and pulled my shiruken from my side. This would be my first match against more than one person.

I tapped the button and it activated with a slight hum. The four blood blades emerged and I smiled. Time for my new weapon. I laid the shiruken down and tensed up my wrists. The two handles of lightsabers shot forth. I activated them and spun them for a moment. I connected them together at their ends creating a lightsaber bow. I placed it in one hand and picked up my shiruken. I saw someone emerge and jumped down. My cloaking device was still active and I was hidden behind two trees. I jumpoed out and struck the person not knowing who it was. I deactivated my cloaking device and my body appeared.

My cloak emerged like blood flowing from my neck. It was beautifiul. I held my weapons in my hands and smiled turning to the person, "So you are a swordmaster they say." I lifted my bow, "I have come to challenge your skills. Do you accept?" I laughed knowing they would.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 3rd, 2002, 08:33:47 PM
Sejah, who had been on his way out to find a public park in which to practice held his sheathed tulwar in his paw. His lightsaber and kris were inserted through his belt, but he stopped dead still at the sight of Ansatsu.

The ninja had always unnerved him, but this was too much. Shaking his head, Sejah looked disapprovingly at the man and spat, "No, you're not worht my time. Get out of here before I call for security."

Even Ansatsu couldn't deal with a full NRSF security force. Nobody could.

Dec 3rd, 2002, 08:51:01 PM
I smiled, "Security? Too afraid to fight your own battles?" I smiled and showed him my two weapons. "Readu for me?"

Sejah Haversh
Dec 3rd, 2002, 08:56:50 PM
Sejah could only laugh. "Put your toys away. If you have to go around challenging people out of the blue, what kind of fighter are you?"

Waving him off with a paw, Sejah continued down the steps on his way out for the day. Ansastu had broken away, and the Nehantite wanted nothign to do with him. "And I'm not afraid, just busy. Go get a job or something."

Figrin D'an
Dec 3rd, 2002, 10:43:50 PM
Figrin emerged from the grand hall of the Temple, looking about the thoroughfare with his keen sight. It was not often that the Jedi Master received anonymous messages... much less ones directly challenging him. His mind was skeptical, but his intuition told him otherwise.

His eyes caught a glance of Sejah Haversh, walking downt he steps, away from another figure, one clad as a warrior. He recognized the man as Ansatsu, a former Jedi Padawan. Figrin had heard about the confrontation with Anbira... whatever his motivations, Ansatsu was certainly bold with his challenges. Figrin wasn't looking for a fight... he wouldn't endanger innocent bystanders needlessly... but he feared there may be no other option.

The Jedi stopped, and chose for a moment to observe if Ansatsu would go after Sejah...

Dec 4th, 2002, 06:50:13 AM
I smriked and fired a dart right beside his head. "You will go nowhere. And if you will not face me like a man then I will kill you like a coward." I jumped and lunged forward with my bow in one hand and my four bladed saber in the other.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 4th, 2002, 01:04:23 PM
The ninja had picked the wrong fellow to mess with that morning, especially in so miserable a manner.

As Ansatsu charged, Sejah pulled his Colt .45 semi automatic pistol form the back of his belt and fired off a round into Ansatsu's thigh. The only shells he could find form the old weapon anymore were spent uranium; amor piercing. Even if Ansatsu were wearing Durasteel armor, it wouldn't be thick enough to stop a bullet of that caliber from so short a range. Sejah could even hear it bite into the pavement as it had blasted straight through his leg. Though it probably hand't hit a bone or major artery, the large bullet would have at least ripped through muscle and caused incredible pain.

In the moment that bought him, the mongoose tossed his tulwar aside onto a patch of grass and whipped out his lightsaber. His pistol transferred into his left paw, and the blue blade of his lightsaber flashed to life in his right. He was more than ready to take Ansatsu on, but hoped Figrin would lend a hand. Sejah wanted to more than just beat him, he wanted to arrest the dull-witted ninja.

Figrin D'an
Dec 4th, 2002, 02:01:59 PM
The moment Ansatsu leapt toward Sejah, Figrin's lightsabre was called to his hand. The Jedi Master summoned the Force to his aid, enhancing his jump from the steps of the Temple down towards the aggressor and his fellow Jedi. The dark blue blade snapped to life as Figrin was in mid-air.

At that moment, Sejah had drawn his pistol and fired a single round at the ninja. Thrown off his balance by the impact of the bullet, Ansatsu twisted slightly, giving Figrin a clear shot to disarm the dark warrior. The Jedi arced his sabre back behind his head, and with unrelenting power, swung the blade forward and down, striking at the bow held by the ninja. The strength of Figrin's hit knocked the bow clean from the man's grip. It fell to the ground, skittering across the pavement several meters from the combatants.

Figrin's momentum carried him to the ground below. Using the Force, he managed to slow his decent just enough give him time to tuck his body and roll. In a single flowing move, he exited the roll and was back on his feet. He turned back towards Ansatsu, now recovering from the two-pronged attack. The Jedi Master held his lightsabre above his head with a one hand grip, blade pointed forward in an high en-guarde position. Sejah stood at the ready beside him, as they both tried to anticipate the next move.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 4th, 2002, 02:41:06 PM
Kindo, whose hand was brushing lightly against the silver hilt hanging from his belt, made his way out of the Temple and stopped. He had gotten a message challenging him to a duel, however the author of this message remained unknown. He wasn't looking for some meaningless melee of sorts, but wanted to get to the bottom of why this man so desired to fight. Perhaps if he discovered his challenger's identity he could prevent him from triggering anymore of these pointless confrontations.

It was then when the attentive Knight spotted two familiar faces, Jedi Master Figrin Dan and his good friend Sejah Haversh, both engaged in combat with some ninja, a rather familiar ninja. It was then when two things suddenly came to mind; the mongoose's attacker was one Ansatsu, and that this Padawan turned darksider was more than likely his nameless challenger.

He wasted no time in heading over towards the Jedi pair, at last stepping up at Figrin's side. His right hand immediately unhooked the dormant hilt and elevated it out before him.

" I too, got the message. I suppose this is it's author? "

The saffron beam shot outwards, adding to the collection of humming made up of all the ignited lightsabers. His azure eyes were squinted, and a look of complete concentration flashed across his face.

Dec 4th, 2002, 05:09:47 PM
I stood up using all of my force to stand. The shot had taken out my nerve. I focused all the force into it. It would last long enough for me to deal with these fights. I smiled still dealing with the pain. I held up my quadra-saber, and smiled. "You damn rat! You just cost me a leg! As for you two I want to take you all on. Let's do this." I smiled again.

My red cloak flowed and I threw myself forward at Kindo, "Time to die." My saber came down onto his arm with amazing force. It barely scratched him. I was still too weak. I needed to fight more, and gain more strength. I turned after getting to Kindo and jumped back again. I smiled and breathed heavy. I would never call for help though. I had been defended for since I was a child. It was my turn to prove myself. I tried to stand best I could, "Well then, show me what you've got!" I prepared myself for an attack.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 4th, 2002, 05:58:18 PM
The Jedi rubbed the crimson streak across his arm. Ansatsu's strike had seared though the layers of fabric and left a slightly painful slash against his skin. Kindo wasn't here to fight; his only intention throughout the entire confrontation was to prevent the ninja from continuing his useless scuffles.

With the extention of his hand, he Force threw Ansatsu clear off his feet. With the blaster shot he had already received and a trio of lightsaber wielding Jedi standing before him, there was little more he would be able to do. Perhaps then they would have the oppurtunity to put an end to the fallen Padawan's rage.

Dec 4th, 2002, 08:35:34 PM
I felt an enormous amount of pain as I hit the ground. I tried my best to stand, but to no avail. I stuck my quadra-saber into the ground, and spun it like a wheel. The force essentially raised me to my feet slowly. I stood and felt tpain course through my body. I lifted my arms and fired several darts and stars at each of them. They flew quickly. "Dodge that!" I said as I lept into the air.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 5th, 2002, 02:16:23 AM
Sejah was getting sick of it already. The shrapnel Ansatsu had thrown was light and simple, and the mongoose focused on teh carbin element in each of them, stopping them in mid-air, then throwing all into the trunk of a tree. He had never before so used the Force in a battle, but there was a first time for everything.

"You are a disgrace, Ansatsu!" He called out, "You blind yourself so easily with self pity. This is doign nothign but proving yourself an imbicile, and one who is going to be ain a great deal of pain soon enough. You earn no respect here, and none will cokme from whatever peers you have when they learn how you were defeated for a foolhardy assault."

As he spoke, Sejah advanced on Ansatsu and swung out low with his saber, driving the injured ninja backward. In the paw that gripped his pistol, he snagged a length of the flowing sash that Ansatsu bore, then yanked back on it hard, pulling Satsu by the neck painully. The mongoose's eyes were a deep red; a far cry from their usual pink, and his tone was more than menacing. "Admit defeat and we will go easy on you, boy."

Dec 5th, 2002, 07:48:05 PM
I laughed in the pain, "Never!" I spat in his face. The mopre the destroyed me the stronger I got. "You fools! As you destroy me I get stronger! It is the will of the fighters spirit!" I stuck my hand into the rats chest and fired two darts and a star into his stomach. "Won't be long now and the sleeping potion will take effect soon. You better fight me while you can." I swung my saber to get him off of me and tried my best to stand. I stood finally and looked back at Figrin, "I want to fight you now! I have heard great things about you." I lifted my quadra-saber and smiled, "Have at you!" I jumped and came forward toward him.

Figrin D'an
Dec 5th, 2002, 11:19:05 PM
Figrin slid to his left as Ansatsu dove forward, pulling his sabre down to block the blow of the ninja's odd weapon. Ansatsu wildly swung the multi-bladed device at the Jedi. Figrin, his stolid expression unchanged, spun and arced his blue-bladed lightsabre with unmatched precision, turning the ninja's zealous attacks into glancing hits that seemed to bounce and slide off of the Jedi's weapon.

The ninja swung right, across the Jedi's stomach. Figrin, with a simple shift block, locked his sabre against Ansatsu's. Using the Force, the Jedi Master enhanced his strength, and pushed downward and left, forcing the crackling blades in the same direction. Ansatsu torqued his body to maintain the grip on his own weapon. Figrin, with this free right hand, landed a fierce backhand fist across the ninja's face, snapping his head back.

As his opponent fell backward, stunned from the hit, Figrin reset his feet and reestablished his guard.

Dec 6th, 2002, 11:27:14 AM
I got myself back up using the same trick. I smiled and turned to the knight, "It is your turn!" Then I turned to Figrin, "And yours as well. Take me on the both of you." I summoned back my bow using what little force I had. I held both weapons in defense and smiled at the two. "Let's end this." I smiled and shot a dart at Kindo while jumping toward Figrin.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 7th, 2002, 11:57:13 PM
Applying Force enhanced speed, which he had been waiting for opportunity to test, he swung his saber in a rapid uppercut as the poisonous dart drew near. The remnants of the projectile fell to the ground, the venom within began leaking out onto the grass.

Dec 9th, 2002, 11:51:39 AM
Hearing my dart hear the ground split and fall to the ground I threw my bow toward him. I waited for his reaction as I continued toward Figrin.

Figrin D'an
Dec 9th, 2002, 09:58:07 PM
Figrin focused himself within the Force. The external world seemed to slow down for him as he blocked the initial lunge attack made by the ninja. He spun his sabre to block low and high... high and low, every movement smooth and deliberate, yet fast and forceful.

Ansatsu continued to push the offensive, using both of his weapons and multiple techniques to attempt to break the Jedi Master's blocking scheme. Figrin slowly stepped backwards as he continued to block and counterstrike, allowing his opponent to push the tempo of the battle, waiting to exploit a mistake.

The moment came when Ansatsu tried to cross his weapons in a simultaneous high-low strike. Figrin blocked low to his right, while ducking under the high swing of his opponent. Taking advantage of the ninja's compromised position, the Jedi brought his sabre back to his left, and in a half swinging stab, dealt a quick slice into the man's right leg. Pulling away from the strike, Figrin spun 360 degrees to his left, recentering himself square to the stunned ninja. Exiting the spin, Figrin threw out his right hand, and with Force enhanced strength, landed an open-palm hit to his opponents sternum.

Ansatsu was thrown backwards, landing hard on the permacrete surface. Figrin brought his sabre to bear, now in more aggressive guard. He would not allow this to carry on much further.

"You cannot win, misguided young one. Against three Jedi, you will only met your end if you persist. End this now."

Dec 10th, 2002, 09:46:38 PM
I stood as fast as possible and pulled a smoke bomb from my pocket. I threw it down and it made a hiss. I jumped away and was gone in a flash. I left one message behind however, "I shall live to kill you all another day." I never saw those three together again.

Figrin D'an
Dec 11th, 2002, 01:33:39 AM
Figrin waited until the smoke cleared. Satisfied that the ninja has fled, he deactivated his sabre. Sejah and Ki Adi did likewise as they both walked toward the Jedi Master.

"It would appear he chose to heed the warning," said Figrin calmly. "I doubt this will be the last time he challenges a Jedi, however. We should make sure the rest of the Order is aware his actions here today."

(OOC: I assume this is now concluded.)

Dec 11th, 2002, 06:53:12 AM
I smiled looking from the trees. It was not over by a long shot. The jedi had denied me a class. It seemed as though every one was against me that day. No matter, they would all pay in their blood. They would all die and suffer at my hands. Now as for my leg, I had a good doctor to go see.