View Full Version : I have come to see why every one fears VAMPIRES

Ken Finley
Dec 3rd, 2002, 07:04:11 PM
Ken was big even for a togorion standing at 10 foot 5 inch tall he found not one person to be afraid of, and stupidly he search!

Dec 3rd, 2002, 07:11:35 PM
He felt a small tug on his shirt.
"Excuse me?"

He looked down to see a small girl, dressed in dark blue, with long dark hair. She smiled up at him, completely unafraid. "Hi mister."

Ken Finley
Dec 3rd, 2002, 07:13:09 PM
Ken looks down inquizitivly his feline face showing puzzlement

"Hi..... I'm Ken and you are?"

Dec 3rd, 2002, 07:21:02 PM
"I'm Samantha."

She smiled proudly, walking into the pub. She climb up on a stool at the bar and ordered a glass of milk. The tender knew she was under the watchful eye of Dalamar, so he quickly got her order. He smiled at her and ruffled her hair. She turned around to face the strange cat like man. "Are you a big kitty?"

Ken Finley
Dec 3rd, 2002, 07:24:58 PM
Ken is just awed by this little kid but feels something strange.

"Well in a way i am jsut a big "KITTY"(makes finger moutions) But i am much smarter than most cats and i think i better leave before i get jumped"

Ken looks around nervousely

Pandora Damaris
Dec 4th, 2002, 12:32:31 AM
The Ancient walked up silently from behind as the strange creature and the little girl spoke amongst them self's. Her main concern and focus was for that of the small child. Pandora took Samantha by the small of her waist and turned her wee little body, sitting her on the bar counter so that she was now facing the Handmaid to the Queen of the Damned herself. A pleasant smile etched it's way across Pandora's porcelain like face as she looked into the little girl's innocent eye's.

"Well, hi Samantha, How are we doing today love?" The Ancient Vampyre's voice seemed to carry a sweet melody to it as she tucked a locket of hair behind the tiny girl's ear.

Slowly, Pandora let her gaze fall on the new comer that towered over them both. A look of steel flashed in the Vampyre's emerald eye's, cutting to the very soul of the creature that looked down upon her.

"My dear Samantha, is this outlander bothering you?" Pandora's tone changed dramatically as she questioned the small child, her lethal stare never wavered as she continued to eye the beast.

Ken Finley
Dec 4th, 2002, 06:22:56 AM
Ken now thinking about how nice it would be to be a jedi knight right now decides to weather out the storm about to come and looks right back at the vampier.

"My, My, My you look like you are important?"

Ken is now in his hunter mode so fear is gone and logical thinking takes its place.

Lord Soth
Dec 4th, 2002, 11:05:23 AM
The outlander had not even uttered the last of his boastful word's when the tip's of two Sith blade's exited out the front side of his body. And within millisecond's, the lethal blade's returned back upon this course, slipping from the creature's body. Blood spilled effortlessly from the two horrific wound's at "Ken's" side's. No sooner had the double blade's exited the being, they fell on the back side of the outlander's knee's, the slightly curved blades faintly whistling as they struck their intended mark.

With a resounding thud, the feline beast dropped helplessly to it's knee, now only standing a head taller then the attacker from behind. Agony registered in the mind of the new comer as did so the sudden thrust of an iron soled boot to the back of his spine; hurling him head long into the mahogany counter only feet away. The impact was sever enough to open a horrendous wound across the beast's brow, dazing him briefly as his blood oozed, then trailing into the eye's obscuring his vision momentarily.

"It is unwise to assume safety on ground's that are unfamiliar..." Came a hollow voice from behind the beast that now lay on the floor in a heap. A bone chilling coldness fell over the tavern as the Death Knight spoke his word's of warning.

Dec 4th, 2002, 06:41:40 PM
She smiled at the woman and shook her head. The big kitty wasn't bothering her...

She covered her eyes as Soth hit the kitty, and made a whimpering sound. She wasn't used to violence, not understanding it.

Ken Finley
Dec 4th, 2002, 09:02:43 PM
OOC: first you have to give me time to do something i am a jedi. second you dont know much about togorions do you?

IC: the pain was great but not to great for Ken to let lose some flash globes and draw his swords. The suprise was the only reason ken fell now the hunter took over standing to full hight ken shoves the blades in a sisor motion aroung sloths head but dose not harm him for there is a little one there.

"Ouch that hurt lol but i will not seek vengence becouse i know i am out numbered." Looks around at the vampiers that just joined. "And why such butalility in frount of a child i was just talking to her" The wounds had stoped bleeding and we sealing quickly. "But i ask do you like( brings his blades closer to sloths neck) SILVER?"

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Dec 5th, 2002, 10:36:37 PM
As Ambrose walked through the doors of the place he had often come to, to get away or just to have fun, he could feel that something was not wright. He could feel the presence of his master. This was an odd thing, Soth Nuevole did not usualy come to the establishment just for a drink so he thought that there must be a good reason for his presence here. As the Vampire apprentice looked around the establishment, and noticed that an enemy was lurking about in the Inn. As he spotted his master, the young vampire also could see that a very tall and large tugorian was rising from the ground, apparently from a very heavy blow to some part of his body.

As he made his way to the group, he noticed some more familiar faces. There was the ancient vampire known as Pandora that he had only the pleasure of meeting once. And then there was Samantha. Dalamar's "child" so to speak. Ambrose looked up into the eyes of the large being and saw fear in his eyes. With a tone of voice that sounded protective, The Sith Warrior unsheathed the hilt of his saber and held it towards the newcomer.

Would you be so kind as to lower your weapons and cause no more trouble here than you already have. Thank you.

Ambrose waited to see what the strange being was going to do.

Ken Finley
Dec 6th, 2002, 10:07:06 AM
Ken looks at the newcomer definetly out numbered. Ken lowers the blades just a bit.

"If talking to a child is a crime then you vampiers need to calm down. And you should learn a nice rule of talk first kill later. I mean have you no honor i had no wepons out to fight with."

Ken was really not that violent but he knew his life lie in the balence.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Dec 6th, 2002, 03:33:05 PM
As the Vampire Warrior sheathed the blade of his lightsaber, he put the hilt back in the place he had gottne it. He looked at the man furiously and wondered what the man-beast was thinking. Was he expecting to come into a place that is filled with vampires, the one being that were born from the Darkside, and expect to tramp all over the place. Ambrose looked at him with glaring eyes.

It is not that we are over acting. We are just defending our property. You "Jedi" think that you can come in here, do whatever you want and get away with it. I dont think so.

Ken Finley
Dec 9th, 2002, 06:18:34 AM
Ken looks at the vampier

"Thats just it i quit the jedi and now I am trying to become a sith.(Recent developement) So i came here to see some real sith's in action."

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Dec 9th, 2002, 10:58:01 AM
Ambrose was not suprised. A lot of people, mainly humans wanted to become sith. Many did it because of the power that they would take. Others were just evil. But this tugorian did it because of some other reason.

Well, it is not the first time a "jedi" has come and asked to be a sith. How strange that a tugorian become a sith. I have always thought that tugorians were the type to go for the easy money.

Ken Finley
Dec 12th, 2002, 09:12:23 PM
OOC:First i am a togorion a cat like creature standing at 10,5 and i could pull the arms of a wookie

IC: "I am leaving the JEDI becouse one killed a freind of mine."

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Dec 13th, 2002, 03:45:50 PM
Ambrose looked at the large cat-like being that was standing in front of him. He had always thought that the Jedi were protectors of the peace. Not murderers. But the jedi that had commited the crime probably commited it with good reason. Like most of the jedi, there is always a reason to take a life. Wether it be out of self defens or because the other person started something that he/she could not finish. The Sith Warrior crossed his arms across his chest and stared hard at the tall being.

Well, I am sorry to hear that but I am still waiting for a good answer.

Valirion Thorn
Dec 15th, 2002, 09:35:24 AM
:: I walked in casually, wearing my blood red silk garments and my hair back in the traditional pony tail of my planet's nobles. I stopped as I viewed several of my fellow shrine members. I smiled to them all and bowed sarcastically before entering. My pale white hand ran through the hair of the child as I walked by and I smiled to Ambrose as he awaited the feline's answer. I winked to Ambrose as I put my arm around the Feline's shoulder. The cat was huge, about two feet taller than I, but not that big, I mean, my armor was laughing inside my mind, wondering about the size of the furballs of this thing. I wanted to laugh too but I think this cat derserved a few unattainable rights. I smiled as I faced the cat and my fangs protruded slowly, biting into my lip.::

Sooooo... What exactly is it that you want with the Shrine again? The walls whisper and most of you've said has carried across them as I approached, but the meaning seems to fail me. You... want to become sith... because a jedi killed your friend... so you come to the Shrine? And you came to see a Sith in action. You've seen that now haven't you, what with Soth just standing there, Ambrose's wisdom and common sense to ask such questions that deserve merit in judgement. And the ever cute Samantha, stuck innocent forever, how ironic. I mean, what else could you ask for? A god maybe? Well, I stand before you do I not?

:: I laughed outloud, my rich voice echoing down the halls. A glass chair slid forward and I sat down and several other chairs came forward.::

Why doesn't everyone have a seat. I tire of looking down on some and up to others.

:: I laughed again as I had a servant hand me a chalice filled to the brim with blood. I swallowed it all in one take and then looked over to Pandora.::

Ah... Pandora isn't it? I'm sorry but I have missed the oppurtunity of meeting you in a more informal area such as this. I am sure you have heard the walls whisper my name before, I am Valirion Thorn. Drink?

Lord Soth
Dec 15th, 2002, 03:13:56 PM
The Death Knight could only smile as he fully sensed the displaced fear in the outlander's mind. Soth relinquished and ceased his word's of power he chanted from under his breath. After an awkward moment of silence, the Death Knight let his firm gaze fall on the ageless beauty of Pandora...He knew she was more then capable of dispatching any threat or fool that entered the inner sanctum of the Shrine.

"M'lady...I will let you take it from here. If you will excuse me...I have matter's to attend too that require my presence at once." Soth bowed respectfully to the Ancient then returned his gaze back to the feline creature...

"You would be wise to mind your manner's when in the presence of those who could take your pathetic life at any given moment." Soth replied in lethal tone's as his ebony Sith blade's found their scabbard's. The oozing wound's at Ken's side's would not heal any time soon as he would have hoped for. The powerful toxin's that now coursed through his lage frame would eventually have to be addressed. If they were not, he would surly lap's into a coma and finally succumb to death.

Soth ran the back of his pale hand lovely over the small child's cheek. A subtle smile crept across his marble like face as he looked into Samantha's innocent eye's.

"Be mindful of the one's you make friend's with little one...There are those who appear to be something that they are not." The Death Knight then turned to leave, nodding to Valirion as he exited the lavish tavern.

Pandora Damaris
Dec 15th, 2002, 04:26:32 PM
At this point, Pandora seemed to pay little heed to the heated confrontation as the Death Knight addressed her. With a casual glance, Pandora turned her head slightly to Soth, her emerald eye's carried a seductive smile of their own as she looked the Dark Knight up and down. It was the way in which Soth had handled the situation that Pandora found attractive and interesting. Nevertheless, the Ancient Vampyre always found that folly in the young fledgling's to be amusing and entertaining.

"Yes, Death Knight, that will be all for now." Pandora then returned her attention back to Samantha who was now sitting on the counter in front of her.

"Here Samantha, I want you to have this. It is very old and rare." Pandora opened the palm of her delicate hand, reviling a beautiful necklace with a talisman attached to it. A central amethyst Roonstone jewel glistened in the lite of the room, it's facet's seemingly capturing all the light that fell upon it. Coil's of thin precious platinum wove it's way around the fabulous stone. Imbued with extortionary power's, the finely tooled amulet was capable of warring Samantha of any impending danger's that might befall her in the future. Full healing power's were also granted to the wearer twice a day if called upon in the time of need. But most important, it was also a direct link to the Ancient Vampyre Pandora herself.

"Use it wisely my sweet. If you ever need me, or if you ever find yourself in any trouble...Concentrate on it when you hold it, and I will be there. Remember this too Samantha,...If there is ever a time when you are hurt or injured, this special necklace is capable of healing you. But that can only be done twice a day my dear. " Pandora's eye's looked lovenly into the little child's as her soft word's fell upon Samantha's open mind.

Pandora was fully aware of Valirion's gracious invitation, however she only shot him a deceptive smile, but the word's that fell on the fledgling's mind were far from pleasant.

"Valirion, rid us of this nuisance once and for all. I do not want to smell his stinking hide for a moment longer!" Pandora snapped as her sharp cutting word's echoed in Valirion's head.

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 18th, 2002, 01:11:42 PM
Ket chuckled lightly as he emerged from the darkness, his black robes covering his visage and forms. He had to say, quite a nice place indeed. Very dark, depressing of the mind. But then again, everything could depress someone, just matters on who someone is.

"My my, I have not seen such rapport for swift dealings since the days of The Empire..."

Ket touched his left arm and a swift serious of wizzing noises could be heard eminating from under his hood.

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 18th, 2002, 01:58:20 PM
Alana had sat silently in the background. Her shoulders shaking with silent laughter. There had been so many mortals that had come, and gone from the Shrine. Those who approached foolishly, and those what had approached with disdain. They had left with scared souls to prove just how fearsome the vampires truly were. She herself would not cross paths with Lady Pandora, vampyre Ancient, and second only to Queen Ashiva.

Her ever changing eyes glinted with mirth at the words of her friend Ket. "Indeed Ket, a foolish entrance here can mean your death, and a slow one at that." Alana whispered to his mind. She settled back into the dark corner, surrounded by the shadow walkers. There fingers pulling at the hem of her dress like errant children.

"You have come to see why everyone fears the vampires, fallen Jedi? It is because there are none such as us." She whispered in low tones....

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 18th, 2002, 02:08:41 PM
Ket chuckled lightly, and spoke to Alana through the force. He knew she would hear him, as she was once a force user like himself....

Indeed, but death does not scare me, dear Alana. Fo I have managed to escape it many a time...but this place....i rather like it...

Valirion Thorn
Dec 18th, 2002, 04:27:07 PM
:: I smiled as the voices within my head were pushed away by a strong snap and a rush of words that made me smile as Pandora left the room. I sat up and smiled, rolling my head back and forth. I would do as she ordered of course, but I think this cat just went about his entrance the wrong way. He just sorta walked in and said hi. You don't do that in the Shrine, he had learned a lesson. But I woul deal with it nonetheless. I stood up and walked over to Ken Finely. I ushered him to a seat and gave him a mile, a cold one but a smile nontheless.::

If you wouldn't mind staying here for a moment.

:: I got up and laughed as I heard the newcomer speak. My violet eyes shimmered for a moment as the man spoke his words and then finished, my Mistress revealing herself from the shadows. I sighed, her blood was so sweet... I ignored the memoies of the taste and turned to the one she had called Ket. His force pronounced words heard like water in my ear. My armor took the liberty toreact and speak back, using the same force method. The armor's voice was like a sinister shadow, spiting venom from the back of my mind.::

You know nothing of death mortal... You have not escaped it, merely been spared untl you decided to come here. I hate you! Your shadowing presence does not belong and if I was not ound to my master you would be dead now. So know that you are spared by death once more...

:: I laughed softly underneath my breath before speaking out loud to the man.::

Excuse it. It tends to be very fond of Mistress Alana and your invisble tongue struck a sore spot.

:: I put my marble white hand before him, my blood red garments movig back as I waited to shake the man's hand, smiling with a bit of a fang protruding under my lip.::

Val Thorn, how do you do Mr. Ket?

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 18th, 2002, 06:12:49 PM
Ket grinned wide to the undead before him.

Hate me all you want. It does not matter to me. I have escaped death. Through means of technology and Sith sorcery. And come to think of it, who are YOU to tell me I do not belong here? Your mistress herself INVITED me. Not to mention I know of one other old friend who resides here. Saurron. He and I fought battles side my side in the old days of the Empire, and I do not think that either he nor Alana would take very kindly to your harming of me. But I respect the fact that you said what you said. Admire, even...to a point.

Ket then extended a hand and shook the mighty undead's hand.

"Ket Van Derveld. A pleasure, I'm sure."

Valirion Thorn
Dec 18th, 2002, 06:34:52 PM
:: I nodded but the armor underneath my sikn made itself apparentby stretching itself across the marble white flesh, its demonic visage outlining underneath my skin. The armor really did hate this man, it really did, but at this moment I could care less of its passions.
This man struck my interest, old days of the empire? That had been quite some time ago. And his pure attitude of informing my armor of its place, quite bold.::

I am Valirion Thorn, Immortal Blood Knight of the council. My armor hates mmany and death are the cards it deals. Its not used to one so... elusive.

:: I nodded to Alana and smiled before looking back to Ket.::

So what brings you to our dark planet of shadows? Just an invitation or something else?

:: I pulled my chair to me and had another brought forward.::

Take a seat, standing around is such a bore. Do you not agree mistress?

:: I sent an image to Alana of past nights of hunting. Woman sighing as they were slowly drained of blood, men yelping like dogs as they were sliced inhalf. I sighed as I took another drink.::

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Dec 18th, 2002, 09:29:20 PM
Ambrose Braeden had only met the ancient vampire, known as Pandora, about two times. But he had only seen her through motal eyes. Never has he seen her through his vampiric eyes. Though, when he looked upon her as a human, many years ago, he had to admit that she was exceptionally beautiful. But now, It seemed to the Vampire warrior that she was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. Ambrose figured that he was just getting used to being a Vampire. Although he has been a being born from darkness, he was still trying to controll his emotions. He would soon learn how. The Lordess Alana Stormcloud also seemed to the young vampire as another one of the most beautiful creatures of darkness that he had ever laid his eyes upon. Ambrose bowed to the ancient vampire.

Mi'lady Pandora, it is a pleasure to be in the presence of such a beautiful creature of the night such as yourself. I do not know if you recognize me. You have only seen me one other time. I am Ambrose Braeden. Vampire and Sith Warrior.

Raising back to his full height, he smiled. But he did not make eye contact with the female vampire. The Sith Warrior found it to be disrespectful. Looking at the new comer, obviously a Sith, he stretched out with the force and found that the man was a licenthrope. A wolfe being. Ambrose had seen them before, but not up close. He was a magnificent being. The young vampire wondered how he had made his way to the Shrine of the Damned. It is a very hard task that only a select few get to know. But he paid no mind to that. He kept his consentration on the present.

Hellow. It is a real pleasure to meet you."

Shaking Ket's hand, he felt a sence of impatience. And it was comming from the cat like creature. Paying no attention to the ripple in the force, he watched as his master, Lord Soth, walked away. He did not bother himself wondering what things his master had to do...

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 19th, 2002, 12:10:21 AM
Ket smiled and nodded to Valirion. Indeed, Ket would speak to anyone like that. Nothing frightened him anymore. Nothing scared him. For he had seen how far the depths of true depravity go.

"Indeed, a fine Idea, Valirion. Come, Alana, please sit with us."

Ket smiled to Alana. He once had quite romantic feelings for her, but decided it was best not to try and explore them now. She was a Vampyre, and doubtfully knew of the mortal love. And he would repect that.

Ket then looked over to Ambrose. Ket himself was aware that he HAD the blood of the Lupine, but never learned to harness it. From what he knew, he was only half Lupine. the other half, he did not know. He never really knew his parents, under the impression they are still both very much dead and cold. But he perhaps would ask his brother Vega to teach him how to shift forms one day.

"A pleasure, Ambrose. A Sith I see? and from what I gather fromt he force, you have all the skills of a Warrior. Keep up your study and you shall be a Master yet."

Ket chuckled lightly,not to make fun of, but rather, remembering when he was at that stage, as he sat with Valirion and Alana.

Ken Finley
Dec 19th, 2002, 06:18:58 AM
Ken looked around

"Will i alowed to leave anytime soon? i have a scedual to keep."

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Dec 20th, 2002, 11:38:57 PM
Ambrose looked at him with an angry glare. He could sence that the being was wanting to leave. He decided to get rid of him as soon as possible.

Mi'lady Pandora and Alana. I will be leaving with this Ken Finely. I will escort him out. It has been a pleasure meeting you again Mi'lady Pandora. I hope that we can meet again soon.

He turned and looked at the cat like being and motioned for him to follow him.

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 21st, 2002, 12:53:08 AM
Alana sat down with Ket and Thorn. She nodded her head to Ambrose and gave him a sultry smile. His thoughts very clear in her mind since they had shared blood. They were like no other, there thoughts and actions alien to a lot of people. But just as any dark creature they commanded respect and expected it on there own grounds. They were as all knew purely evil but not without proper manners.

Alana leaned over to Ket her fingers trailing across his hand, the metal there cold to her touch. She ignored the one who had come in to her home and foolishly defiled it with talk of Jedi. Her eyes locked onto Ket's and she decided she needed a little distraction. "So what brings you here this night Ket? The atmosphere, a need to be among friends? Me?? " Her ever changing eyes shifted color as she laughed softly. His personality had enchanted her vampyre heart long ago. It seemed he still had a knack for it...

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 21st, 2002, 01:19:30 AM
Ket smiled lightly. Perhaps she did still know something of the mortal love. Ket leaned in, and brought a hand to her face. He brushed her cheek lightly, cold, metal against cold flesh. My, what a union this would make...just think of it...a Lupine and a Vampyre mating...by the will of the Force, it would be madness indeed. But Ket enjoyed the taboo...he thrived upon it. Alana...a creature of uncomparable beauty and grace. My, he still had a deep love of her, but he kept it locked from other's well. Even her. For he did not want disaster to strike. and rejection was something he did not take well. Ket smiled to Alana, that wicked grin creeping upon his face.

"Oh, dear Alana, I would say a little of all brought me here. The fact that I even have friend here would cause bewilderment. After all, I am a Lupine..."

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 22nd, 2002, 10:15:57 AM
Alana's cool eyes, warmed slightly at Ket's touch. She remembered the attraction she had felt when first turned. It was apparent to her that they still felt the same now as they had then. She was different now, as was he. Her humanity had fallen to the wayside, just as her Uncle Mockadane had said it would. Her smile became a little more brittle at the thoughts of Mockadane, his betrayal pushed her to become whatever he said she could not be.

"Mortal love is fleeting, but the love of a Vampyre is for all eternity. Or until it became redundant." Alana thought to herself. She was truly a vampyre at heart. Subject to the need to acquire the beautiful, and the enticing. Her thoughts did not turn to the one who had loved her as a Mortal, nor the one's who loved her as a vampyre. They knew Alana's heart, her vampyre heart, was a fickle one. Loving many, and all differently. It would take a very different kind of man to hold her heart fully. To capture what was as wild as a caged animal.

Alana's dress rustled softly as she leaned forward, Her long hair trailing softly over her shoulders. Her eyes indecisive as always on what color to settle on. She turned her soft, cold cheek into his hand, a small wicked smile was given back to him. Reflecting his thoughts. "What a pair we would make indeed."