View Full Version : Reaching Out (Maximas & Plo Koon)

Estelle Russard
Dec 3rd, 2002, 04:07:27 PM
Estelle watched as her two padawans were led - blindfolded and hands bound - into the training room. Two protocol droids, each with an arm linked through that of Maximas and Plo individulally ushered them throught the doorway and lead them to an excercise mat each, where they were instructed to sit.

Neither had been here before, and both had been told nothing of the training exercise to come.

Jedi Knight Russard sat on her own mat to complete a triangle of the three of them, and quietly waited for them to settle.

Plo Koon
Dec 4th, 2002, 09:21:16 AM
Plo sat down and felt the met beneath him. He could hear the noise the droids made, knowing that there were more then one. He slowly took off the blind fold and saw his master. He looked at his left and saw Maximus too. He sat quietly untill he was told what to do

Estelle Russard
Dec 7th, 2002, 09:35:13 PM
Estelle smiled in greeting to Plo, but spoke not a word.

The bindings about her padawans hands were in place to restrict movement, but they didn't hinder Plo at all in removing his blindfold.

"There is purpose for you not to have your natural sight in this excercise, if you dont object, I should like the blindfold put back on. Nod if you agree."

She spoke via the force, direct to Plo's mind and he could hear her clearly. She waited for his response before she would instruct the droids to return the blinder.

Plo Koon
Dec 9th, 2002, 08:13:50 AM
PLo noded his head. He was excited to finally get some more training. He woundered what his Master had in store for them. One of the droids came over again and put the blind fold back on his eyes. Beeing in complete darkness, he was still able to see his master infront of him. Useing the force to see what was happening

Estelle Russard
Dec 14th, 2002, 11:51:12 PM
ooc: not sure where Max is, but we can move forward with this until he arrives and have the excercise focused on Plo for now.


Estelle noted that Plo was growing in his ability with the force. He was very sensitive and could "see" quite well with his minds eye. It was this ability she wished to expand with this present training.

"I have placed three weapons within this room, Plo Koon. One is a long curved scimitar, the other is a lightsaber and the last is a small ornamental dirk. They are out in the open, and in the breif moment your blindfold was off, you may have seen them. In fact, I am certain you did - but your conscious mind may not tell you definitely so.

I wish you to extend your senses, locate these weapons, but do not take them to yourself, just yet."

Plo Koon
Dec 16th, 2002, 11:21:41 AM
Plo noded to himself and did as he was instructed. He focused hard, trying to pin point their positions. He saw the light sabar, behind Estelle

"The light sabar...is behind you"

Dec 16th, 2002, 04:07:35 PM
OOC: Apology time. Im really sorry I havent been around much guys. My life has been a complete nightmare over recent weeks and things are just starting to settle again now. Ive also had a bit of trouble with my internet access recently but thats sorted now. Im greatfull for your patience. Especially yours Estelle. I should have a lot more time to post now :)


Maximas sat there, still and quiet. He wasnt really sure what was going on and if the truth be told, he wasnt too happy about being blind folded either. He trusted Estelle fully though and so just went with it for now.

He sat and listend to Estelles instructions to her other Padawan and assumed that she wanted him to do the same. Sensing things around him was not a very strong skill of his. He had stumbled several times on his way into the training room and as he sat there he found it very difficult to sense anything. Especially since he felt quite nervous about being blind folded.

Estelle Russard
Dec 16th, 2002, 10:29:27 PM
ooc: Rock!

I mean, glad all is well and welcome back :)


"......Good.....What else Plo.....?"

Plo had located the saber easily, the energy cell perhaps helped him pinpoint it. The other weapons may prove more difficult. However, his eyes would have seen what his mind has not yet acknowledged. He needed to look into his own thoughts, senses, recall a few moments before when the blindfold was off and what things he had actaully glimpsed.

The vibes from Maximas did not take a force-wielder to detect. His sharp irritated intakes of breath spoke of his discomfort with his present state. A small grin played at Estelle's lips - this was so typical of Maximas. And something the headstong young man needed to conquer. He did not like to not be holding the reigns or in control of things. He would learn to see that even hindered and constrained...he still was the one in control..

"Maximas, do not search the room....but rather try to search the thoughts of your comrade. Use his knowledge, his advantage."

Inwardly, watching both Plo and Max, Estelle thought that this would prove quite interesting.

Dec 18th, 2002, 10:54:16 AM
His knowledge? His advantage?

Sounded more fun! It sounded like cheating in a way, but at the end of the day, you had to use your skills to the best of your ability. He still felt uncomfortable being tied up and blindfolded though and that made it difficult for him to concentrate. He felt irritable and anoyed. Fustraited. Claustraphobic in a way perhaps.

The more he wriggled to try and free himself, the more irritated he felt. He tried to focus on Plo's thoughts and feelings but he was being constantly disturbed by his own situation. To make matters worse, he felt an itch coming on.

Remembering back to a previous training experience with Estelle, he thought that perhaps she had something against him and was trying to punish him. Of course, it wasnt true but Maximas wasnt thinking rationally and not for the first time either.

Estelle Russard
Dec 18th, 2002, 10:08:28 PM
Estelle remained silent, watching.

Maximas was like reading a book, so plain and surface were his emotions.

She could tell him easily that reading thoughts and senses of another is not easily done...that sometimes one had to take the out-of-ordinary approach to get the job acomplished....but he would not learn simply by hearing these truths.

He must live them.

Estelle calmly spoke through the force to Plo Koon,

"Keep searching Plo, you are so close.."

Plo Koon
Dec 22nd, 2002, 06:59:22 PM
Plo continued to search. He saw the small ornamental dirk. It was on the little droid

"The small ornamental dirk is on the droid"

Dec 23rd, 2002, 10:00:33 AM
Maximas began wriggling about so much he ended up lying sideways on the floor. He let out a burst of energy with a sudden jolt with his body before finally laying still and sighing.

He now felt tired and a little embarased.

"This is ridiculous. I dont understand the point of this excresise. I cant do it anyway."

He was in a huff. He was like a king on his home world. Being tied up, blind folded and dropped off stone pillars in the middle of a blazing hot desert was not what he imagined he would be doing as a Jedi. Jedi are supposed to be brave, fearless warriors. He must have looked far from it now.

Looking at Maximas must have been a very funny sight. The more fustraited he got, the more comical he looked. It made it even worse with Plo being there and seemingly managing to do what had been requested.

Estelle Russard
Dec 23rd, 2002, 10:57:34 PM
Estelle looked on with sadness at Maximas. His unwillingness to put aside his arrogant nature and strive to do as instructed disappointed her. And angered her. Plo had no problem in putting forth his best effort in all she asked, Maximas on the other hand bucked and almost resented what she tried to teach. Perhaps she was not the one to teach him...

She rose from her seat and stepped towards her padawan as he lay on the floor. Touching Plo on the shoulder as she passed, she murmered "It is in the hand of the droid." Plo's concentration would have shifted somewhat, and she encouraged him to keep searching for the third and final weapon.

Moving on and crouching beside Maximas, she undid his hands that were bound, careful and without haste. Maximas pulled himself up irritably into a kneeling position, and Estelle pulled the blindfold up and off his head.

She looked at him, showing no real expression of any sort now.

"There, now you can find the weapons the easy way.....and learn nothing."

She got once more to her feet, not releasing Maximas from her gaze the whole while.

Dec 24th, 2002, 04:29:46 AM
Maximas, still on his knees had a face showing fustration and annoyance. Estelle gave him a blank looking expression that said it all. Her words of 'learn nothing' bounced around his head as he thought of how hed acted. He sighed and looked down towards the ground in saddness. He had let Estelle down.

He knew he was a cocky young man, and full of himself. He knew that he was arrogant at times and that it would serve no purpose among the Jedi. He just couldnt help it. Hed been held in such high esteme for so long by the people of his home world that that was all he knew. The only way he knew how to behave.

Although he would try to hide it, if there was one person at the order Maximas wanted to impress and work hard for, it was Estelle and here he was, disapointing her and letting people down. He sat silent for a few moments. Not wanting to look at Estelle for the moment.

"Estelle, I know your disapointed in me. Im sorry."

He stood up now and found the strength to look the woman in the eye.

"I have let you down. If you dont wish for me to be here, I would understand..."

His voice trailed off as he finished his sentence. It was clear that the wind had been taken out of his sails and was now feeling pretty low. He again looked down towards the ground, in fear that Estelle would indeed tell him to leave.

Plo Koon
Dec 26th, 2002, 09:33:14 PM
PLo continued to concentrate on finding the final weapon. He heard Estelle speak to him witch only made him feel more proude of what he was doing. He then heard what happened with Maximus. He thaught maybe he could encourage his fellow padawan into learning something new. Koon spoke softly

"Maximus...I know its hard for you to adjust to a new enviornment. I had to do the same thing. Ive heard of your home planet and seen some of your background. I know you have always been pampered as a young child and even up to now. Your parents must be proud of you in becoming a Jedi, just imagine how happy they will be when you will be knighted..."

Estelle Russard
Dec 26th, 2002, 10:42:13 PM
Estelle looked at Maximas, weighing her words before speaking. He had apologised to her and she could see the genuine contrition in his eyes. Why did he make it harder than it was?

Plo spoke up from where he was still sitting, and she smiled at his caring and encouragement to Maximas. Plo had such a sweet nature.

"Maximas, you let yourself down, much more than me or anyone else when you act this way."

She sighed audibly.

"Dont you see - Im only doing my best to teach you. I want you and Plo to be successful. Soon you will go through trials that these "foolish" lessons will have prepared you for."

Standing her ground, she put the ball back into Max's hands.
Looking at him in her direct and forthright way, she asked a simple question that pertained more than to just this one lesson alone. And Maximas knew what she meant. The look that passed between them said as much.

Estelle would not beat heads with Maximas endlessly. It would be too detrimental to his training. She would suggest he seek another to guide him if his answer to her question now was "no". And it would not be his failing as a padawan, but her failulre as a master if his answer was such.

"Shall we continue then?"

She held her breath as she waited for his decision.

Jan 8th, 2003, 05:05:09 AM
Maximas took a couple of seconds before nodding sheepishly. He was determined to succeed but had not expected things to be this difficult or expected these approaches to learning. Estelle was a wise and knowledgable mentor and of all the people he had come into contact with at the order he belived she was among the best. He thought she would probably wouldnt admit it or even let herslef admit it but others had said such things too. Estelle was going places and Maximas wanted no other teacher.

--Estelle. I would like to continue. I dont mean to cause you any difficulties. Perhaps you could meet me at the Bar and Grill after the training session. There are a few things I should discuss with you.--

His eyes now diverted to the floor before resuming their previous position back on his Master.

Estelle Russard
Jan 8th, 2003, 11:28:11 PM
She slowly exhaled while Maximas was speaking, relieved at the decision he had made. And glad.

"Alright then. We will continue, and you and I will talk more of what is bothering you later."

Estelle still felt unsettled by what had just happened, but tried to bring focus back to what she had brought Plo and Max here to learn.

And that was to excercise their force-sight. To sense through the living force, and so see, what the natural eye cant. And fight with that same force, when their natural defences were hindered.

She spoke again to Plo, "Have you found the last weapon, the curved sword?"

He nodded that he had and rightly said that it was on the floor against the far wall.

"Good. Now both of you must use these weapons to cut the bindings on your hands. You can work together or alone. It doesnt matter. Just get free."

Jan 9th, 2003, 09:22:50 AM
Maximas sat there for a moment looking at his blindfolded companion. He was pleased for him. Pleased that he had managed to succeed where Maximas had failed. So many things to learn, and not just by learning about the force. He had a lot of learning to do within himself.

After a short while, he decided to break the silence.

"Maybe we can work together?"

It was more of a question than a suggestion. He was keen to show Estelle that he could do things when asked and that he was not a complete failer.

Plo Koon
Jan 10th, 2003, 01:45:58 PM
Plo didnt speak though his mouth but through the Force

"I couldnt have said it better my self"

He focused on Max, focusing on the Force and tryed to combine their streingth

Estelle Russard
Jan 13th, 2003, 12:06:34 AM
Estelle stepped aside, watching them begin to work as a team.

The force was so much more than a weapon or a means to an end. One needed to feel its life, connect. To allow its flow through them, to be a conductor of its energy.

Both her padawans were understanding more with every effort they made.

Jan 13th, 2003, 08:00:27 AM
If there was one thing Maximas was good at, it was using the force to move objects. That was the skill that had made him aware that he was force sensitive. In fact, he was very good at it.

Estelle had placed the blind fold back on him to make it that little bit more difficult. Plo told Max where the Curved sword he found earlier was and from there Maximas used the force to carry it across the room and to land just behind him. After a little negotiation with the weapon Maximas managed to cut through the bindings to which he stood up, walked over to Plo and then helped him with his bindings. He was cool and calculated. He was obviously making an effort to impress after letting himself down earlier.

OOC: Estelle, I will create a thread in the B&G for our characters to have a little chat if you would be so kind to pay a visit. Thanks :)

Plo Koon
Jan 14th, 2003, 10:17:48 AM
After Plo was freed he stood up. He shook Max's hand and stood infront of Estelle. He awaited for her next instrutions

Estelle Russard
Jan 14th, 2003, 11:34:02 PM
ooc: please read this thread, and I will post instructions for you tomorrow.

Disappearance (

Plo Koon
Jan 16th, 2003, 09:24:51 PM
o.o.c: does this mean we go?

Estelle Russard
Jan 17th, 2003, 08:52:54 PM
ooc: It will, once a bit more detail is worked out.
You dont have to be in it, of course - only if you want :)
I just thought it was a good thread to be involved in.

Plo Koon
Jan 17th, 2003, 10:31:08 PM
o.o.c: I wanna be in it...Its good for experience :D

Jan 20th, 2003, 04:53:00 AM
ooc Just to let you know I am interested in doing this too. Just keeping my eye on this and the other thread for a yay or nay.

Estelle Russard
Jan 21st, 2003, 11:13:47 PM
ooc: ok, great you guys :)
When I know more of what Sniper is doing, I'll post IC.

Plo Koon
Jan 22nd, 2003, 08:47:04 PM
o.o.c: Ok :) Coolige :D

Estelle Russard
Jan 27th, 2003, 01:05:44 AM
ooc: ok, sorry for the delay on this.

Please look for SNIPER TONDRY'S post in <a href=""> "This "<a/> thread at SWFans.. Its your cue to join in.


She looked from Plo Koon to Maximas, and her face was somber.

"Team work is important. Trusting someone with your life is not an easy thing. But we all need each other, at one time or another."

She paused to lend weight to what she would say next.

"One of our Jedi Masters, Morgan Evanar, is missing. He vanished about a month ago without a trace.

A search is being organised by Sniper Tondry and his Tau Team. I am unable to go and assist in the search.

That is why Im sending you. I wish you to go with the team and lend them your assistance. Tondry is a Lieutenant in the NRI and you will report to him.

We fear for the well-being of Master Evanar. Be prepared for a difficult situation.

Do you have any questions?"

Plo Koon
Jan 27th, 2003, 07:55:26 PM
Koon stood straight, he knew that it was finally time to prove himself as a warrior. He looked at Estelle

"I am ready master...I will protect Max as I expect him to do the same for me. We will find Master Evanar, dont worry"

HIs aura of pride grew with every word he spoke. He was going to prove to the order that he was worthy of a position of Warrior

Estelle Russard
Jan 31st, 2003, 03:51:30 PM
"Good then."

She looked at both of them.

"I know you will do well."

She bowed and turned to leave.

Turning her head she added.

"Contact me upon your return."

And then closed the door after her.

ooc: the games a-foot lads. Peirce posted. :)

Feb 3rd, 2003, 08:51:28 AM
Maximas turned to his funny looking freind.

"Best get ready to go then!"

Plo Koon
Feb 3rd, 2003, 10:59:40 AM
Plo turned to Max and grinned under his mask

"COuldnt have said it better myself

He got up and bowed to his master. He grabed his cloak and started to walk out of the room

"We will be back Master Russard..."

He once again bowed as he left the room with max fallowing close behind him