View Full Version : Stringless Marrionette [complete]

Emily Rochette
Dec 3rd, 2002, 03:33:10 PM
Tsk... Bad girl, Emily...Bad, bad girl..

"Not bad.." Emily muttered outloud. Her wrist rubbed against her mouth, smearing a bit of blood across her cheek as her firey eyes watched the small, wet pile of bones, half expecting them to move. She never had figured out that the voice was in her mind, rather than simply disembodied.

Well of course you are. Just look at this mess. That's not your blood.

"Go away!" She yelled sharply, shoving the remains of the alien arm to the side. Her hands curled into tight fists at her temples, gripping her hair. The girl trembled and half hid behind her knees, her gaze darting wildly around the alley.

Now why should we do such a thing? What's wrong..? Are you afraid of what you are?

"I'm not anything.." Her voice grew quiet again, her tone certain, and full of self-disgust.

You're a monster, Emily. We only speak to monsters.

"I'm not!" Suddenly, she shoved herself to her feet, racing down the alley. Her boots, too big for her feet, slapped against the pavement, which was freshly wet from a recent storm. The voices followed her, taunting her. She let out a blood-curdling scream and fled toward the mouth of the little passageway. Her voice cut off short as she ran head on into a soft form, finding herself sprawled back against the cement. Keeping her head bowed, she glanced up at the figure.



Jeseth Cloak
Dec 3rd, 2002, 09:53:22 PM
The winged Sith looked down the alley where the girl had come from, making sure she was alone. Her lips were covered in blood, and her physical features (while beautiful) were very strange. "Think nothing of it... It was my fault entirely." He reached down, pale slender fingers wrapping around her small hand and pulling her to her feet.

His eyes met with hers as he tried to search her feelings through the Force. Something about her was very familiar... but what it was he couldn't quite figure out. "Where are you parents?"

Emily Rochette
Dec 4th, 2002, 08:22:36 AM
"Parents?" Her head cocked to the side as Emily studied the man's features. Her expression had calmed; The voices rarely spoke when she was near others. An almost timid smile crossed her lips as she shrugged. "Don't have any."

Dusting herself off, Emily bowed her head, the back of her hand wiping against her lips again. Satisfied with the way she looked, she let her gaze return to the stranger.


Jeseth Cloak
Dec 4th, 2002, 08:41:51 AM
He had only stopped on this planet to get something to eat and some rest. The girl, he thought, would make hardly a full meal. She didn't have any parents he could dine on, either. "If you have no parents, then how do survive here? This isn't a very hospitable world... and someone must have brought you here for a reason. How long have you lived here?"

He walked down the alley, letting her following him. When he reached the end he found a pile of half-eaten bones and muscle, flesh torn away and cartilage chewed. Someone had been eating here before him...

Emily Rochette
Dec 4th, 2002, 08:52:13 AM
"Long as I can remember." Years didn't really mean much to Emily. She never could keep track of what was day and what was night, let alone how many of each there were supposed to be. She glanced down at the remaints, cringing a bit, almost as if someone had hit her.


The word echoed through her mind, before she let her pace pick up, keeping her focus on the man and the narrow street in front of them.


Jeseth Cloak
Dec 4th, 2002, 09:09:12 AM
Jeseth picked up one of them limbs that seemed to be only partially eaten and took a bit out of it, his teeth cutting through the flesh like razors through butters. Blood flowed down from his pale lips and neck. He took a second bite, a loud crack ringing through the alley as he cut through bone. He often chose to conceal his eating habits from others, knowing from experience that their reactions would be less than civil.

"You shouldn't stay out here on your own." He wiped his mouth and neck on his black sleeve, the blood disappearing into the thick fabric. Much to his surprise, she hadn't run away. By the tiny bite marks that were scattered along the remains before him, he'd guess that this body was her doing to begin with.

Emily Rochette
Dec 4th, 2002, 09:14:37 AM
A childish giggle left her mouth as she tilt her head again, her arms folding behind her back. "That's silly.. It's my home out here."

Taking a few steps forward, she smiled up at the man. He reminded her of Salem. She missed the vampyre at times. Giggling again, she reached down to pick up one of the bones, toying with it a bit.


Jeseth Cloak
Dec 4th, 2002, 09:31:28 AM
"There are better places for little girls such as you to go..." Jeseth grinned. Her indifference to life... her young age. Everything about her qualified her to be a prodigy. His only worry was that it all seemed far too convenient. Her past was unknown, even to her. "Maybe I can help you find those places."

Emily Rochette
Dec 4th, 2002, 09:44:52 AM
Her eyes stared at the small, two-fingered hand she'd picked up. She let go of it, letting it float a few inches in front of the man. She had been taught simple tricks with the Force in her youth, though they seemed second nature to her nowadays. Her fingers twitched lightly, the skeletal hand moving up and down in a waving motion. Emily smiled lightly, her face almost dreamy. She was barely paying attention to the man.

A few of his words caught her attention, however, and the hand dropped to the ground, the bones scattering at his feet. She frowned, pouting a bit, and faced away from him.

"M'not little... Eighty...Six.." She mumbled the sudden recollection of her age, her arms folding across her chest.


Jeseth Cloak
Dec 4th, 2002, 10:07:47 AM
"You don't look eighty-six." Her display of control over the Force already confirmed his suspicions. There was more to her than met the eye. Most species didn't age quite as gracefully as she seemed to have done. He walked around her and let his eyes drift over her body. Her race didn't seem familiar to him at all... but she was physically quite beautiful, considering how young she appeared to be. One of Jeseth's few weaknesses was his love for beauty.

"Where did you learn to do that?"

Emily Rochette
Dec 4th, 2002, 10:13:33 AM
Giving a little shrug, she spun in a slow circle, following the motions of his eyes with hers. She chewed on her lip for a moment, her boots splashing a bit in a puddle. "Just know how to.."


Jeseth Cloak
Dec 5th, 2002, 09:34:56 AM
He took her hand and led her out onto the street. A layer of gloss had settled onto everything, water clinging desperately to buildings and vehicles. Come daybreak it would all vanish, evaporating into the atmosphere. "Let's go for a walk..." No one was outside for some reason. The town was all but dead at such a late hour, leaving both of them to do as they pleased.

Their footsteps echoed just slightly as they made their way towards the landing pad where Jeseth had left his ship. Emily watched as the winged man lowered the loading ramp on the vessel. "Go on inside," he said, following her in.

Emily Rochette
Dec 5th, 2002, 09:42:04 AM
Her eyes dart around the interior of the craft with a sense of awe. Emily smiled lightly, her pale fingers tracing over the cool metal of the walls. She'd been in ships before, but very rarely was she in any area other than the cargo; It was just as rare that she was supposed to be on the crafts.

"..Where are we going?" Her voice matched her expression; light, excited, and trusting. She had just met this person, she didn't even know his name, yet she was willing to go where ever he took her. It was all a grand game.


Jeseth Cloak
Dec 5th, 2002, 10:12:03 AM
"Ambriel II..." Jeseth had decided that he would make his first pilgrimage there. He had never come back to the ruins of his past - he wondered now what the world would look like. If the familiar structures would still tower over him... "It's my home world. I was born there." The loading ramp sealed slowly with a hiss, water vapor filling the air. Jeseth took a seat at the cockpit and beckoned for her to take a seat beside him.

"My name is Jeseth. Yours is..?"

Emily Rochette
Dec 5th, 2002, 10:54:00 AM
Still in a sort of wondering trance, she walked over to the seat offered to her. Her eyes gazed out the large window as the ground seemed to drift away from them.

After a minute or so, she seemed to remember his question. Turning to face him, she smiled lightly. Emily let her feet slip out of her heavy boots and curled her legs up in front of her.


Jeseth Cloak
Dec 6th, 2002, 12:59:57 PM
They continued to talk as the ship left the planet's atmosphere and calculated a course through hyperspace. Jeseth smiled at her slightly, but something about his smile was different than that of most people; it had a very sharp edge to it...

[Continued: http://swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=25622]