View Full Version : Bad luck today(open)

Marga Alton
Dec 3rd, 2002, 10:09:47 AM
Marga was sitting in her quarters late one night shortly after she had received a message from her home world. She rereads the message that she received.

To Marga Alton,

I am sorry to inform you of the death of your Mother. She took her life after your brother Jerimas passed from this existence into the next due to the injuries you put upon him the last time you were home.

It is also my sad duty to inform you that if you appear back here before ten years are up, you will not be welcome here. Ever. That is after you would be released from a lengthy prison term. You have been charged and found guilty of the murder of Jerimas Alton, heir to the Alton Lands. Your sentence is exile from your homelands for ten years. If you break your exile, you will be taken into custody and put in prison.

On the side though, I do not have to inform you of this, but I feel that you have the right to know, that you probably will never be excepted back here again, though after ten years you are welcome to come back. Please except my sympathy on the loss of your Mother and brother.

Sincerely, Regis Laranat

Marga looks up from the datapad that the message is on and looks at her bed, her anger rather quickly reaches a peak and she uses telekinesis to tear the pillow apart, feathers fly everywhere to settle after a couple of minutes. It was an accident. I didn’t mean to harm him, but I was angry. Now I am short two family members because of me. Jerimas meant everything to my Mother. And now look at them. They’Ve probably been buried at the ancient burial grounds for our family, a place where I probably won’t be able to be buried now. With a sigh, she gets up and goes to start to clean up the mess that she made, though her anger levels are still quite high.

Kyle Krogen
Dec 3rd, 2002, 11:05:14 PM
Kyle had been awake in his room doing some late studying when he thought he heard the sound of something ripping Kyle had better hearing then most people and could tell where the sound came from

Kyle left his room and went down the hall a few feet coming to a door that he was sure the sound had come from

He didnt want to intrude on anyone so instead of knocking he used the force to talk to anyone in the room "hello is anyone there?" Kyle said telepathicly.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 4th, 2002, 09:46:29 AM
Wei watched Kyle bolt past him in a hurry. "I wonder what is happening?" Wei followed at a calmer pace and arrived at the door that Kyle was at.

Wei looked at the door, then at Kyle, then knocked lightly. He could sense some anger on the other side.

"Is everything ok? What's wrong?" Sometimes when people were angry and upset, all it took was a listening ear to help them change their mood around.

Marga Alton
Dec 4th, 2002, 01:14:46 PM
Marga, turned suddenly when she heard Kyles telepathic voice. Instead of responding, she walks to the door. Right when she is about to open it to see who is standing there, she hears a knock on her door. Yanking the door open, she sees two ppl standing there. Since her form of communicating with ppl is through telepathy right now, surprise surprise, she uses her telepathy.

No everythings not ok. I just found out that my Mother killed herself after my brother died and I've been exiled from my homeworld for his murder.

There was clear evidence of anger being in her eyes as she tells this. She then takes a deep breath and continues speaking.

I'm being rude. I'm just dumping all my problems onto you without even asking for your names. My names Marga Alton, and please come in and excuse the mess.

Kyle Krogen
Dec 4th, 2002, 02:06:53 PM
Kyle had been shocked by Marga's words but quickly recovered "My name is Kyle Krogen its very nice to meet you Marga"

Kyle said with a warm smile.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 8th, 2002, 05:01:29 PM
Wei shrugged. "My name is Wei Wu Wei. And no need to worry about telling us your problems. Talking about our problems and how we feel about them is good for us."

Wei smiled and laughed. "Cause if you bottled it up inside, you might wake up one day and find yourself a minion of the darkside."

Wei noticed the shredded pillow and decided not to say anything. She would talk about what she would talk about.

Marga Alton
Dec 10th, 2002, 10:01:46 AM
You don't know how true that is, but unfortunately, ppl back home already believe I'm on the Darkside so what does it matter right now if I tip over there for a short while to let out some of my aggression.

Marga goes and picks up the remains of the shreded pillow, the covering at least, and plops into the garbage and then goes to answer her own question.

Quite simple, if I tip over to the Darkside for awhile, there could be no turning back and then my point in coming here would be useless since then I would not be able to learn to be a Jedi which I'm wanting to do.

Both my Mother and my oldest brother, who was heir to the Alton lands back home, are dead. My brother is dead by my hand though. He angered me when he knew I didn't have control over my powers and I retaliated at him for what he did. I didn't mean to. Now I'm not allowed back home for ten years, and even then, I probably won't be welcome. I'm not even allowed to go to the funeral for them.

I've always been told from birth that since I'm the seventh child of my Father, I have no need to learn to use my powers. That all I'll be used for is to secure better relations with one of my Father's allies and that would be done through marriage. Can you believe that? My Father would marry me off without even consulting me. But that is the way things are at home. Only power a girl can have is if she has the strength hold her own in a circle. That or become a Free Amazon which I'm not allowed to do.

Kyle Krogen
Dec 10th, 2002, 02:41:44 PM
Kyle didnt know what to say to Marga he just stood there doing nothing "i-i-im sorry for you Marga" is all Kyle could get out.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 10th, 2002, 11:54:30 PM
"I hope I do not offend you when I say this, but you're family has some petty values. If they see you as a way to make friends and allies, then that's just stupid. Everyone is worth something. And for you not to develop your gift of telekinesis would be a waste of good potential. I think it's a good thing your family banished you. At least this way you can make something worthwhile out of your life."

Wei extended his hand to her. "Good to meet you. I'm sure that you will be a better person by coming here than you would have become had you stayed with your family."

Marga Alton
Dec 11th, 2002, 10:05:12 AM
Marga nods her head in agreement about her family holding some petty values.

It is the way things are back home, and they have been that way for centuries. I am not offended by it at all. I left home after the incident where I injured my brother. When I left, he was still alive. Most females at least seem to be content with they way things are. But very few of them have ever been off planet.

When I was old enough to travel on my own, I left my homeworld to explore. I've actually been in this area before, but I did not have the courage to join to learn to use my powers so I just went back home.

Marga smiles for a moment.

If I had have stayed with my family, my Father would have married me off to the first person who asked for my hand, but no boy ever had yet because I've always been a willful child and in no way am I ever submissive the way that most boys back home believe that girls should be. I only would've ended up getting beaten black and blue everyday for my independence. I'm happy to be off that rock, but to be blamed for the death of both Jerimas and my Mother. That hurts. I didn't mean to hurt Jerimas and I didn't hurt my Mother, or even kill her.

She at this point throws the last pillow, assisted with the Force, across the room with such force that it explodes on impact sending feathers flying all over the room again.

Kyle Krogen
Dec 11th, 2002, 01:53:30 PM
Kyle watched as the pillow flew across the room and exploded on the wall a couple of feathers landed on his head and shoulders he quickly wiped them off

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 11th, 2002, 07:24:53 PM
Wei watched and made a low noise through his nose. "Well, beating up a pillow won't change the fact that you were falsely accused. Accidents happen, and sometimes the results are painful. Don;t suffer over it. I'm sure your mother and your brother know that it was not your fault. And if the people that accused you did not listen to what you had to say, then I think the proper attitude to take with them is one of pity. If a person is quick to judge, that person will miss out on alot of good opportunities."

Wei found a chair and helped Marga to it. "Marga, what would you do if you ever met one of those people that accused you?"

Marga Alton
Dec 12th, 2002, 10:05:09 AM
Marga sits down on another of the four chairs that are in her room, her anger temporarily spent.

I would probably just ignore them unless I saw them for business reasons. But what really gets to me is the fact that I wasn't even there to defend myself when I was accused of murdering my brother. It was a complete accident. Everybody knew at that time that if I got angry, I had no control over my powers so they were warned not to anger me.

She stands up and starts to pace around her room for a couple of minutes before sitting down again in a different chair.

What I want to do to those ppl is grab there scrawny little necks and squeeze every single little life bit out of them after beating them black and blue and using some torture techneques I picked up on my travels

Kyle Krogen
Dec 12th, 2002, 01:56:11 PM
Kyle shuddered at the thought of Marga doing theys things walking up and puting his hands and her shoulders

"marga litsen to me geting revenge on someone only leads to killing more people and then before you now it your just a girl that kills everyone she meets.......but if you instead of geting revenge you could do stuff to keep you mind off those people that exiled you from you home and then you can go on in life"

Kyle said with a warm smile and patted her on the shoulder.

Marga Alton
Dec 13th, 2002, 11:37:02 AM
Marga shakes her head silghtly before she continues to speak.

Yes, I will admit, I want to get big time revenge on the ppl who have exiled me from my home, but that won't do me any good. If I see them, I will just ignore them unless I absolutely have to deal with them. It's not my style to kill ppl, despite what happened with my brother. I just hope that somebody at home believes me when I say that I didn't do it on purpose, that it was a complete accident.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 13th, 2002, 03:17:36 PM
Wei sighed. Giving advice was hard. "Well, if no one believes you, then just leave them alone. I know that I would not go to a planet where everyone hated me. If they wanted to hate me, then that's their problem. Remember, there are always people in the universe that will love you and accept you for who you are, and will forgive you no matter what."

Kyle Krogen
Dec 13th, 2002, 06:02:08 PM
"I agree with you Wei" Kyle said moving from Marga to stand next to Wei.

Marga Alton
Dec 14th, 2002, 11:21:04 AM
If the planet is not your home, then yes, I could imagine staying away from it, but it's my home and I want to go home someday and not be hated. But that probably will never happen now. I'll just have to make the best of this new life I'm forging for myself.

There also will always be ppl who hate you no matter what.

Marga stands up and starts pacing again.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 15th, 2002, 10:22:42 AM
Wei shrugged. "My home is a small cart with two wheels. And my parents take that little cart, and our one draft animal and travel all over the planet. And now that I am grown and away from my parents, this is my home now. Home is not so much a place, as it is people. Make a home for yourself here, among friends."

Marga Alton
Dec 15th, 2002, 10:47:36 AM
I plan to make a home for myself here. Besides, why would my family want a murderer among them. But Cottman VI will always be at least partially home to me. There are so many wonderful things to see there.

Marga goes and sits back down in an empty chair that is in her room.