View Full Version : Making a Lasting Impression (Open Battle Melee)

Zakatiel Rhinehart
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:05:50 PM
With a dull thud, the security doors of the abandoned base hit the floor. The Hinges neatly sliced through with a lightsaber. The said lightsaber was humming softly as the owner walked over the doors. He had found the old military base in the deep jungles of a unknown planetoid. In fact, the planet's system itself wasn't even in the charts. It was far outter rim so he was not suprised. Judging by the look of the crumbling control panel outside, Zakatiel predicted it to be from the glory days of the Old Republic. Walking around the corner, his foot met a little resistance as it crunched down on something. Bending to one knee, keeping his lightsaber lit to cast light, Zakatiel could make out the mummified remains of the upper body of a human. A rusted ancient blaster was in his hands. Looking further down the dark corridor, he could barely make out what looked like the lower half of the dead soilder. Slowly, Zakatiel stands and heads further into the ancient base, interested at what he might find in the depths.

Cmdr. Castles
Dec 25th, 2002, 10:44:08 PM
He woke. He had heard feet walking in his hideout. This would not be tollerated. Although he longed for force energy, he liked to kill by himself. He reachd out. His force energy acted like a sonar. It bounced off the walls until it found something. A human Jedi. How fun. He had not had a Human meal for sometime.

He slowly shifted as his children awoke. Thousands of them. Everything from Vampires to Animated corpses. He may be an Ertairei but the force that he had used to create these beings would shatter worlds. The Ertairei were a race of "force drinkers" they survived by drinking the force of others.

The little Jedi had chose the wrong day to wake him up. As he got angry many of his children fell dead. Only one other remained. A Vampire. Perfect.

[OOC:- For future posts I'll write in black for the Vampire okay?]