View Full Version : I will be blunt and brief.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 2nd, 2002, 10:50:44 PM
I am sick and tired of coming in here and seeing another argument and flame fest. Thence, this is the final warnign for anyone stepping out of line.

If you step out of line, you will lose access in here without further warning. Someone has already lost their access for posting in the WTF thread, not only after I stated for no one else to do so - and not only that, pure flame bait.

This situation will stop and if I have to dismiss more from here, then I will do it. No further discussion will be entertained and no feed back will be accepted. It is a Do or Do not situation. You either behave in a manner I have come to expect from Jedi, or you will be dismissed from in here. This forum is a privledge, not a right. You abuse the privedge, you will be out as fast as I can work the admin controls.