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View Full Version : Searching for the Ladies... Nervously

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 2nd, 2002, 06:12:27 PM
It was a chilly evening out, and Yog's Bar & Grill was filled with it's usual customers. Kindo casually strolled into crowded restaurant and over to a vacant booth with room enough for two. It seemed like any other night, but it wasn't.

For the first time, Ki was going into the Bar for one thing... women. His friends had pressured him time and time again to go and find a nice girl, but he was usually either too busy or just not interested then, but at last, Zeke had compelled him to go get the hook up, and he couldn't refuse.

Though he had never had a problem getting a date or anything, it wasn't because he was good at flirting. In fact, when first meeting a woman he was attracted to he got nervous. Only when he sat back and relaxed did the woman begin to like him. Has long has he was himself, things would go alright, but even then he was still a tad shaky about what he came to do.

Nevertheless, he would stay there and see if he could spot a kind and attractive woman to talk with.

" Well, here goes nothing. "

Taataani Meorrrei
Dec 2nd, 2002, 09:46:43 PM

Boistrous laughter filled the B&G, until muffled with an Ithorian tree salamander. Taa made a face, digging her sharp teeth into the squirming creature, and pulling away with a big mouthful. Gulping it down, she wiped her face with the back of her hand, leaning over the table.

And then, the Twji'lek sssajid, "That'sss not mjy lekku!"

An Ishi-Tib male, and a swarthy-skinned Cizerack female chortled along to Taataani's punchline, as she stuffed the rest of the twitching salamander in her mouth. The other Cizerack woman followed suit, snapping up a fleeing sajoi from a bowl, as the Ishi-Tib shied away from the danger zone. Swallowing the last bit of tail, Taa sighed, and burped...licking her lips as she petitely adjusted her glasses.

Well, jit'sss cerrrtajinljy good to have jyou two come and vjisssjit me herrre. Pleassse, enjojy jyourrr ssstajy on Corrrussscant, and let me know jif jyou need anjythjing at all. Rrrememberrr, therrre jisss anotherrr meetjing jin the morrrnjing, ssso be rrreadjy forrr brrreakfassst!

She gave a wink to the Ishi-Tib, and noted a tinge of discomfort, before distracting herself with spare ribs. She pulled them apart, gnawing away strips of drippy meat in quick bites, before noticing something pleasant out of the corner of her eye. She paused from her dinner, pink tongue slurping away residual barbecue sauce from her lips before sucking away at her red-stained fingertips. Oh, but he was cute!

Taa stared across at Kindo, and smiled, her upper canines protruding slightly through her supple lips.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 10th, 2002, 09:29:09 PM
Kindo happened to be glancing here and there when all of a sudden, he strangely felt the eyes of someone resting upon him. Turning to see who it was, his glare met that of a Cizeracks, a group of creatures he failed to get along with.

Resting his forehead in his palm, he tried to avoid an encounter with his ill-mannered admirer.

" She won't come over here, she won't come over here, she won't come over here... "

He kept repeating those words to himself in a anxious whisper, trying to convince himself that she would forget he was there. Unfortunately, he understood how mischievous the Cizerack females could be. Her staring at him wasn't good, it wasn't good at all.

Taataani Meorrrei
Dec 10th, 2002, 09:54:34 PM

Taa bounced into the seat opposite of Kindo, her ears fluttering as she did.

Well hello therrre, ssstrrrangerrr.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 11th, 2002, 09:25:47 PM
Here she was; sitting directly ahead of him, mere feet away. There was no turning away now, he was too kind to ignore any stranger, especially if they had done nothing to bother him.

Hesitant at first, he gradually mumbled a short greeting.

" Hello? "

Taataani Meorrrei
Dec 11th, 2002, 11:48:09 PM

Taa beamed, leaning over the table to pry Kindo's shy hand away from his face. She smiled toothily, and her glasses slid down a bit on her nose.

Mjy, arrren't jyou ssshjy? jI'm Taataanji, who arrre jyou?