View Full Version : A Pleasant Wakening.

Cyriam Grimm
Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:03:44 PM
Cyriam turned over in the bed that was in quite a disarray. The covers were everywhere, and were barely covering him, much less the person next to him. Groggily he opened his eyes to look at Milivikal, letting his indigo pupils run over her stunning form.

Her legs were splayed about, tangled on his own. He looked around and then leaned back inwards towards the bed - the pillows were thrown off the bed earlier in the night. - and he let his eyes look at the ceiling, recalling the past night.

The night before had been rather...wild. She was so intense in what she did, that she had almost worn him out. But lets face it, being in a cryo-tube for a length of time. Well, he kept up with her the entire night until they both were worn out.

He just leaned back against the bed as he watched her. He watched as her chest moved against the bed, causing her back to rise. He saw her eyes flutter, and then she moved around as she was stirring to wake up.

Milivikal k'Vik
Dec 2nd, 2002, 06:39:42 PM
'Mmmmmmm..." Mili arched her back, and placed her right hand under her chin. Her left hand, however, traced half of the clone's jawline, down his chest, and back up. Grinning slightly now, she pointed Cyriam's face twoard hers, thier lips lightly, a tease more than a kiss.

The Siren sat up and untangled her lower limbs from his. With a surprisingly musical yawn, she stood and stretched her arms wide.

"I'd amost forgotten how much fun a man can be." Mili said over her shoulder with a hint of sarcasm and a grin. She turned back around, and strode into the bathroom. k'Vik's hips swayed in a hypnotic manner, and she could feel his indigo stare on her pale skin, and she shivered: not from his gaze, but from about half of her skin. Bast got cold a night, and the Siren felt her back turn to gooseflesh as she stepped into the shower.

Water ran pleasantly warm down her body, thanks to Imperial engineering tapping into Bast's vast geothermal energy.

That ryhmes... she thought absentmindedly, and began to soap herself up.

Cyriam Grimm
Dec 2nd, 2002, 08:07:30 PM
"Oh that's just wrong " He thought as he watched her walk away, admiring how she moved. He watched how the light hit her pale skin, and seemed to somewhat glow in it. He laid there on the bed as he watched her walk towards the shower. He arched his brow as he got an idea.

He was slow and somewhat sluggish as he moved his feet off the bed and let them move upon the cold metallic floor. He stood up and he himself padded off towards the shower. He tried to be silent enough as he entered behind her, and he again admired the view.

He let his hand come upon her shoulder which was already lathered in soap, so it was slightly slippery. He moved closer as he took the soap from her and began to lather up her back...

"There's always more fun to be had.."

He delighted in letting his hands touch the silky soft skin of her back as he continued. He looked to her as he awaited her reaction......

Milivikal k'Vik
Dec 3rd, 2002, 12:06:31 AM
"Later, Cyriam." She said, slightly frustrated. Her body yearned for more, but she needed his mind focused elsewhere.

Cyriam, to say the least, looked very dissapointed. Mili turned around, the film of soap washing off her back.
"I do mean later." she explained, taking the bar from his now unfocused grip, and lathered his chest and arms up.
"Turn around." he did, and she continued down his neck and back.

"There are things to discuss, regarding you and Kineas. You must earn your stay here. While you may have Zasz's memories, you are not him. But I will teach you, and for now, that will be enough." Mili grabbed the bottle of shampoo, squeezed a midly generous dollop for herself, and handed it Cyriam. She could pratically hear the his mind mull the whole situation over.

Cyriam Grimm
Dec 3rd, 2002, 06:02:32 PM
He stood there for a moment confused, but then caught himself. He held the bottle of shampoo for a second and then turned it over and poured a somewhat large amount. He began to run it through his hair, but spoke as he did so...

"You are going to train me...?"

He had intended to ask her later on. But she brought it up now, and so he would go through with it. He watched her as she finished up washing her hair, and he managed to move around her to let the water also fall upon him, and his body. The soap was washed downwards to the floor and into the drain...

"I had planned to ask you. When do we start...?"

Another thing was brought up. A discussion about Kineas and he. What would this entail?

Milivikal k'Vik
Dec 4th, 2002, 05:21:43 PM
Mili stepped out and began to towel herself dry. "After we break our fast." She reached back in the shower, patted Cyriam on the stomach and smiled.

Having exhausted one of two available towels, she hugged her arms close to the rest of her body, and got into her closet as quickly as she could. After dressing quickly, she decided to check on Cyriam, who was just stepping out of the shower.

"Cyriam, what do you want for breakfast?"

Cyriam Grimm
Dec 4th, 2002, 06:18:34 PM
He was stepping out of the shower as he heard Mili's question. He had been drying his body rather quickly, but then brought up the towel to his face to pat it down. He set it to the side as he walked outwards to where the bed was.

"Aside from the obvious?"

He made a wicked grin to her, and then looked began to walk out of the shower area. Though it was indeed quite cold, he was used to it, even in his rather naked state. He found some of the clothes that Zasz had given him extra and he chose a full black ensemble - that was all Zasz wore anyway - and of course, the boots and cloak.

He had put on the pants, and then pulled the shirt over his head, lightly tucking in the soft satin material under his pants. The large V of the shirt exposed some of his chest, but of course it had string laces and he egan to move them back and forth, to tighten it. It still showed some, but other than that he was fine.

He slowly put on the garments that covered his feet before his boots. He quickly finished with those as he stood up, as he looked to his cloak on the bed, he ran his hand backwards through his hair, and then back down his head, giving his dark blue hair that wild look. He let his indigo pupils fall upon her, admiring the view for a second, but then answered her.

...."Whatever your preference is, is absolutely fine with me."...

Milivikal k'Vik
Dec 5th, 2002, 12:19:21 AM
Bast had a surprisingly well equiped mess. Actually, it wasn't that surprising: when you make a Dark Lord of the Sith's personal retreat, you don't leave anything out--its a good way to get on the fasttrack to the afterlife. And, somehow, Hob had cleverly arranged that it was always well stocked.

Mili stared at the food synthesiser, trying to decided what she wanted to eat.

A scambled hawkbat egg, two biscuits and salsa on the side. Two extra eggs and three biscuits for Cyriam.

"Hawkbat eggs and biscuits fine?" The clone nodded, slightly differently than Zasz would. It was unnerving sometimes. She dropped the ingredients into the synthesiser, and, thirty seconds later, breakfast was served. In some ways, technology had come a long way.

"Aside from in bed, we need to figure out what you're good at." Mili explained with a smile as she set their meals down at a long, obsidian table.

Cyriam Grimm
Dec 5th, 2002, 12:41:46 PM
He followed her to the table as he sat down across from her, eyeing his food. He grinned as he heard what she had said. He had hoped he was quite pleasing to her. He let his fork fall to some of the eggs and brought it to his mouth. He began to chew unceremoniously and swallowed. He looked up to her to answer...

"I'm not Zasz, but I'm capable of the same things. Even more, possibly."

He let his hand fall to a biscuit, and then brought it up to his mouth, biting into it. Crumbs fell down to his plate and he grinned as he stopped chewing, swallowing once more..

"Do all Sirens cook this good?.."

He ignored the fact that she used the synthesizer, but grinned as he looked to her.

Milivikal k'Vik
Dec 11th, 2002, 04:15:29 PM
"Flattery will get you nowhere." she snapped, and the Siren's voice reverberated in Cyriam's bones. He blinked, taken aback. The clone's jaw opened, looking for words.

A dagger floated out of her boot, and Mili plunged it through Cyriam's plate, and into the table, the blade dismissing the fact that it was made of solid obsidian. A sister blade was now under his chin, its point making itself known.

Do you have any force of will, boy?

"The dagger 'neath your chin will not move. Answer me without speaking: do you want to live?"

Cyriam Grimm
Dec 16th, 2002, 05:24:36 PM
Along with surprise, anger flashed quickly in his indigo pupils. He looked up to Milivkal as he breathed calmly with a knife beneath his neck. He heard her question and he answered her through the darkside, telepathicaly, to her own mind so that she could hear him..

"Yes, I want to live."

Cyriam's eyes stayed locked with her own, awaiting her reaction and to see what was going to happen next. After all, things were happening rapidly.

Milivikal k'Vik
Dec 19th, 2002, 11:33:30 PM
"Excellent." The dagger stuck in the table pulled free, humming distinctly for a few seconds before it found a home in her empty belt sheath.

A grin came to her face as Milivikal licked the tip of her blade before pointing it at the Zasz clone. It hummed like the other. Grinning a bit wider, she thrust it at his neck. Cyriam rolled out of his chair, and put a few steps between himself and the table.

"hey pig
yeah you
hey pig piggy pig pig pig"

Mili swung herself onto the table, her boots clanked hard against the polished rock. She eyed him like a meal, an annoying insect.

A laugh, and the Siren kicked the plate at his face.

Cyriam Grimm
Dec 24th, 2002, 01:31:17 PM
As he was stepping backwards, anger clenched his body and his hand came up and slapped the plate down to the side, away from his face. He looked upt to Milivikal, regaining his composure to reply what he was being called. And how she was looking at him...

"I am not a pig, unlike other people you know."

He leaned back on his right heel, backing up his insult, if that's what it was in the first place. More like anger getting the better of him. He waited for what she would do, patiently none the less.

Milivikal k'Vik
Jan 3rd, 2003, 11:36:02 PM
She sat, legs crossed, and snorted.

"Oh... such as whom?" One of the dagger's twirled between the Siren's fingers, in a manner one might do with a pen. Impatience seemed to rain from her, as Mili stared hard into him.

Cyriam Grimm
Jan 18th, 2003, 04:38:32 PM
...."I...I was just saying it in anger and spite..."

He looked at her, his indigo pupils still holding their anger. He was trying to calm down. After all, one wrong move and he could be killed.

Milivikal k'Vik
Jan 19th, 2003, 09:19:05 PM
"Goooood." Not everything was lost on Cyriam, as in touch with his anger as he was. He was the master of the anger.

Mili knew she could teach him.

"You are now my apprentice, Cyriam. You are not a danger to yourself because of your anger. Furthermore, you can admit to yourself mistakes. This is just as important."

She grinned wicked as shark's teeth, and put her knives back into their boot-sheath homes.

"I can teach you Cyriam. I can teach you many things."

Cyriam Grimm
Jan 28th, 2003, 08:54:43 PM
Cyr calmed down some as he loosed up. He stood more relaxed now that a knife wasn't pointed at his throat. He looked to Mili and smiled. He was her apprentice. He would do all that she asked.

"I am eager to learn...Master..."

Looking to her, he awaited her next response, but eyed her intently. What was she doing?

Milivikal k'Vik
Feb 4th, 2003, 09:15:40 PM
Cont'd Here (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=27177)