View Full Version : Equilibrium!

Dec 2nd, 2002, 08:41:03 AM
This movie looks simply awesome. I think it has the potential to be one of the year's 5 best movies, and that's saying a lot because my top 3 are occupied by films I gave either 99 or 100 out of 100 (AOTC, Monte Cristo, Simone).

I'm glad Christian Bale is finally getting the chance at some other great roles. This movie sounds stunning from what I have read and seen.

Dec 2nd, 2002, 06:51:24 PM
Come on people, you have to see this trailer and this movie, it's going to rock.

We need some support for great movies like this that come out amidst the heaps of average films.

I mean, I like most of the movies out now, but they certainly are not thought-provoking sci-fi films like this! I cannot wait. I really hope that audiences prove me wrong, but I think this is going to be a small box office film much like Below, which was good except that it had no marketing and it was just too intelligent seemingly to get a wide release. I don't get that at all.

Films like Frida and Far From Heaven (I saw both, liked the latter film, but it wasn't great, Friday was above average, wasn't great) get all of this critical attention and they stay in art house theaters forever, but then films like Below and Equilibrium don't receive as much attention apparently simply because they are sci-fi. That is extremely perplexing because there is nothing subjective about it: sci-fi films have greater potential for intellectually stimulating plots than do most dramas, especially ones of a biographical nature. Granted, a drama like Changing Lanes is exactly the type of movie I love (the moral issue drama), or like Waking Life (animated), or Insomnia, even to a lesser extent One Hour Photo, but these types of movies are not getting nominated so my point stands. Far From Heaven is not a thought-provoking film, it is just a well done drama. It may make you think about racism and how absurd and horrible it is, but heck I've already thought about that a lot and it's not a new issue (it's hundreds of years old...actually). Movies like Equilibrium bring up real issues that have been brought up in other great sci-fi films (Fahrenheit 451, The Matrix, Gattaca), but it brings them up all at the same time and in a new way and makes you think, "What if YOU were given emotions for the first time?" That is an interesting question, and deserves a lot more theaters and a lot more writing than ALL of this year's possible Oscar contenders put together.

I'm so tired of Oscar-nominated films being mostly thoughtless dramas that are either lousy or well done, but either way bring little of interest to the table. God forbid a film like TPM or The Matrix or Gattaca or Dark City or Minority Report or A.I. receive an Academy Award nomination for best picture or ANYTHING besides a technical award. I mean, god forbid anyone have to USE THE BRAIN THEY HAVE in their head. You know, it would just be horrible to have to think about issues like, "What is humanity's moral responsibility to artificial intelligence?" "What is the reality we live in and is it 'real'?" "What will gene mapping do to the future and is it moral or just to clone more perfect humans, creating valids and invalids, a new form of descrimination?" Yet these types of films, movies that ask the most important questions any film could ask, are given much less acclaim than films that show some Schitzo guy who thinks he works for the defense department (A Beautiful Mind) or a movie about a bunch of British people, uh, talking and doing nothing of importance in the snooze-fest Gosford Park.

I am sorry but I really don't get it. Not to be elitist, but perhaps it is fair to say there are the few percent of us who like to think at movies, and then there are the rest of people who would rather watch another gross-out comedy or watch a lot of stuff blow up in some mindless action film. Of course, I enjoy both types of movies, I gave four stars to American Pie, American Pie 2, Road Trip, and action films like Blade 2 and xXx, but at least I know what is truly great film and what is just fun film. I make room for both and appreciate both, and for some reason many people, including supposedly intelligent critics, are not enjoying the more intellectual movies that -- god forbid -- force them to think about issues that go beyond the film industry and into the question of life itself, society, philosophy, and religion.

*sigh* there is no hope for humanity. Lol, j/k. I am stepping off my soap box now. I am sure I said something that someone could take issue with, so if so, I am sorry if I put something in a poor way or if I offended anyone unintentionally, and you guys are not who I mean when I talk about intelligent moviegoers vs. ordinary ones. Anyone I know here, who takes the time to post on a movie forum, is a smart moviegoer and you guys appreciate good film. I just wonder about our general audiences sometimes, the types of people who apparently make a lot of these movies so popular.

Dec 4th, 2002, 10:07:54 AM
It's only playing in top 20 markets like Seattle.

Well if it comes down to it, I'll drive to Seattle during winter break to see it twice, because I will be seeing this movie before the year is over and that's just that. Damnit. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 4th, 2002, 11:00:37 PM
Ok I read the review.

I'm entrigued. I love Christian Bale (in more ways than one!) so that right there gets my attention. He is a great actor and has always been a great actor.

The story does sound good. Its no where in Portland though?? :cry Maybe ...maybe... I dunno where I'm going with that maybe. Oh! Maybe it'll start playing in more theatres. That doesn't make sense that its not here too. :verymad

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 4th, 2002, 11:07:54 PM
Ok, I really shouldn't do this, but I will. >D

Dec 4th, 2002, 11:17:01 PM

God... Well I say, "I love Christian Bale," but what I mean is I love him as an actor, I think he is great. One of the best actors in modern Hollywood and I feel still somewhat of an undiscovered talent. Just thinking about it makes me want to watch American Psycho again. I love that movie. What a classic.

Yeah no Equilibrium here... doh.

Yeah, you are right, let's hope it gets more theaters here in the next few weeks.

I'm not a math major, but 300 theaters / 50 states = 6 theaters per state, so... uhh, how come we get 0?

Anyway, 280 million people / 300 theaters = 1 theater per 1 million something, and we have like 3 million people in Oregon, so shouldn't we get a few theaters any way you figure?! :)

Life isn't fair. People are starving in China, people are dying in Israel from terrorist bombs, and I'm not going to get to see Equilibrium for at least a few weeks. Shiite.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 4th, 2002, 11:25:00 PM
Darn California stealing all of Oregon's 6 theatres. :cry

And I said I love him in more ways than one!! He's a great actor. Empire of the Sun clinched that for me. :D

Dec 5th, 2002, 04:52:30 AM
Stop reminding me I haven't seen that ;)

Dec 5th, 2002, 07:01:46 AM
<img src=http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/p-equil.jpg width=300 align=left><img src=http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/32/013_st2604.jpg width=300 align=right>

No comment


Dec 5th, 2002, 08:15:37 AM
The marketing departmant was taking notes, huh?

They are really trying to sell it as a great action film with a sci-fi plot, and I hope this works...

In truth, it's a great sci-fi plot that HAS action, much like The Matrix, Star Wars, and a lot of other great sci-fi films. Nonetheless, they figure you get butts in seats by emphasizing the "cool" factor. Sadly, I think they are right -- it's not good enough anymore to show how intelligent a movie's plot is or how great the concept for it is. You have to show audiences what is "cool" about it.

I'm not saying that is true of all moviegoers, but I think that's the general idea. :\

Dec 5th, 2002, 09:35:52 AM
Ok, I read it. I'm interested. But I was interested in Minority Report too, and still haven't seen that. :\

Sene Unty
Dec 5th, 2002, 10:33:06 AM
I really want to see this movie. The review sounded awesome!!!! I wonder if its playing in Miami?!?!?!? :D

Dec 5th, 2002, 12:47:12 PM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
The marketing departmant was taking notes, huh?

They are really trying to sell it as a great action film with a sci-fi plot, and I hope this works...

In truth, it's a great sci-fi plot that HAS action, much like The Matrix, Star Wars, and a lot of other great sci-fi films. Nonetheless, they figure you get butts in seats by emphasizing the "cool" factor. Sadly, I think they are right -- it's not good enough anymore to show how intelligent a movie's plot is or how great the concept for it is. You have to show audiences what is "cool" about it.

I'm not saying that is true of all moviegoers, but I think that's the general idea. :\

Ever read Farenheit 451? The plot sounds at least slightly remincent. As far as the marketign goes (what little of it there is) the studio seems to be making the usual Hollywood mistake of trying to sell a science fiction drama as a sci-fi adventure flick.

The studios underatand that "sci-fi-fantasy" adventures can make tons of money, but they mostly havent' figured out how to make financially successful science fiction dramas.

Dec 5th, 2002, 07:00:15 PM
I love Fahrenheit 451, the movie. At least, I found the concept and the execution quite good. I'm not sure what critics generally feel about the movie, but I thought it was great.

I've said that Equilibrium is Fahrenheit 451 meets The Matrix meets Gattaca.

I'm not claiming it is totally original -- it isn't. I'm not so sure any sci-fi is ever totally original. I don't believe in total originality with anything whatsoever. I believe that "original" means a new way of looking at old things, like Star Wars was very original, yet how is that possible when Star Wars was a combination of Westerns, Akira Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress, David and Goliath, Biblical stories, Eastern mythology, etc. etc.? Well, it isn't borrowing too heavily from any one source and the way in which those old, classic stories were retold was original, not the basic underlying themes, which are never all original.

Equilibrium sounds a lot like movies I've already seen, but I've never seen any film that brought up the idea of a character having emotions for the first time and being a super powerful government enforcer, then deciding to strike against his government and join the resistence, meanwhile in a society that discourages art and with this exact martial arts style, Gun-Kata, and with an actor of Bale's excellent caliber. So the point is, I see it as original because there is no way a film quite like it has ever been done, but certain elements are entirely borrowing from past films I've already seen and even a few works I am less familiar with (I have never read George Orwell's 1984, which is a shame and I must get to that, but I'm familiar with its plot and this movie is also inspired somewhat by his idea of a dystopian society).

Anyway, I am sure it is playing in Miami, that's a huge, important city. Portland is, well, Portland. It's a big city, but not a major city. There's a difference clearly since we don't get the movie and you do :)

For the most part I'd say Portland is as big of a city as I'd ever really need to live in, but then again, I am not staying in rainy Oregon, it's depressing, I'm going to Hollywood. :) I've already been to L.A., I liked it, unlike a lot of people, and when people say that all of L.A. is smog covered and full of traffic, they have no idea what they are talking about. They city is too diverse to generalize. I lived in the Santa Monica area and there was no smog at all up on the bluff, we were totally clear. Looked like Portland, but sunny most of the time and clear skies. It was beautiful. Plus, there wasn't that much traffic in the area, that's more towards the main parts of the city. There are good areas and bad areas.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 6th, 2002, 01:08:12 AM
I wanna seeeee it! :(

Dec 6th, 2002, 05:19:04 AM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
I mean, god forbid anyone have to USE THE BRAIN THEY HAVE in their head.

"What if YOU were given emotions for the first time?"

What if anyone had to use their EMOTIONS for a movie?

These so called thoughtless dramas aren't thoughtless, they simply don't affect you on an emotional level, apparently.

I gave four stars to American Pie, American Pie 2, Road Trip, and action films like Blade 2 and xXx, but at least I know what is truly great film and what is just fun film. I make room for both and appreciate both

So you're saying there are only TWO types of movies? A movie is on whatever emotional level it effects you.

Oh, and what is the definition of a truly great film in your opinion?

Dec 6th, 2002, 07:32:38 PM

YOU HAVE to see the trailer, if you haven't yet.

It's like the Matrix's long lost cousin.

:p :p :p


Diego Van Derveld
Dec 7th, 2002, 03:08:14 AM

I'd rather not have the Attack of the Matrix Clones, thanks. I'm having a hard enough time contemplating how in the name of all things good that a Matrix sequel is possible. And, to top it off...


This is so retarded, it must be Japanese in origin. Look, its a gun, its really not supposed to be all that complicated. This is the point and click generation, you think that we dullards could understand THAT. The only time you'd need this craptastic fighting style is if you're either out of ammo, or too stupid to figure out how to load the thing to begin with. I've not seen anything this idiotic outside of an anime or an Ed Wood movie.

Well, then again...there was Matrix Jedi. Maybe Equilibrium is the golden child of the matrix clones then.

At any rate, I'll go see this one about the same time I see Harry Potter 2...when somebody else compensates me for time served, and I don't have to pay for it.

Arya Ravenwing
Dec 7th, 2002, 03:11:51 AM
nay sayer. I don't even know what name I'm signed in as......:p

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 7th, 2002, 03:22:50 AM
NAY! Nay, I say!

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 7th, 2002, 03:45:31 AM

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 8th, 2002, 09:07:54 PM
I dont care if it's a 1984 / F451 / Matrix clone. That looks so cool. Readign RT.com, the major critical point is unoriginality. Big deal. Looks like a blaze load of fun with some type of a plot.

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 8th, 2002, 09:39:35 PM
I won't trade a plot for common sense.

No...you do not judo chop with this gun. You shoot people with it. The only thing that seems practical with gun-kata is dying, and having your last thought being the illusion of self-coolness.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 8th, 2002, 09:55:23 PM
.... okay, so you have clearly seen what this Gun-Kata is supposed to do in this movie?


I'll pass judgement when I have seen it. There is, I may add katas for bow and arrows, knives, bo stick, throwing stars.... I could well imagine a kata specifically designed for a gun, to train you to put the gun in the best position possible againstt targets, plus respond to possible counter moves, to flow and move properly.

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 8th, 2002, 10:01:28 PM
all of those are practical for melee martial arts, but if you are in a GUNFIGHT, doing this is about the same as busting into the room wearing leather pants and a black shirt that says "shoot me". You may look cool, but you're now ground beef.

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 8th, 2002, 10:09:21 PM
<img src=http://sw-fans.net/forum/attachment.php?s=&attachmentid=812>
<font size=10>"I know Kung Fu!"</font>

The only attacks that are more gay in cinema are maybe the Care Bears Care beam, or whatever the hell that was.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 8th, 2002, 10:14:20 PM
to train you to put the gun in the best position possible againstt targets, plus respond to possible counter moves, to flow and move properly

Sounds exactly like what would be needed in a gunfight to me. Your not using the frikking guns as knives or soemthign liek that - your using them as GUNS. A akta teaches you to use the weapon you have, use it;s strengths and weaknesses and multiply the effect using your own body. So what if your weapon is a gun? As long as the kata is explicitly designed for control, use and movement of a gun, then it could work

So, how about seeing what it is before saying anything?

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 8th, 2002, 10:18:34 PM
All the same to you, I think I'll be pointing my weapons at my enemies, instead of doing the crane.

And you are negating the point of a trailer, which is to entice interest. Putting that kind of hilarity in, no matter how misconstrued, causes that to fail. My money is finite, and I'm not going to see every movie, to give it a chance when I've got a gut feeling its lame.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 8th, 2002, 10:22:41 PM
So, how about seeing what it is before saying anything?

I will still see what it is and then nuke it, instead of an uninformed cirtique. Equilibrium still looks cool and it still looks like a worth while waste of 2 hours.

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 8th, 2002, 10:33:41 PM
My critique of the kata is pretty well informed, when I have a trailer of it. The movie...who knows. Aside from another Planet Gap action movie, it could be good, could not be. My issue is Gun-Fu.

Dec 9th, 2002, 09:56:46 PM
Originally posted by Diego Van Derveld
<img src=http://sw-fans.net/forum/attachment.php?s=&attachmentid=812>
<font size=10>"I know Kung Fu!"</font>

The only attacks that are more gay in cinema are maybe the Care Bears Care beam, or whatever the hell that was.

That's "I know GUN-fu".


Dec 9th, 2002, 09:57:28 PM
Damn, I didnt' see your last post.


Sanis Prent
Dec 9th, 2002, 10:09:55 PM
In it's defense...Gun-Fu is not nearly as lame as the Gun-blade from Final Fantasy something-or-other

Dec 10th, 2002, 04:57:48 PM
Talk about someone who has no idea what he's talking about, my god.

That's like saying, "You cannot have a martial art designed around KNIVES, you just STAB people with knives! Duh. God how lame."

You must have ZERO understanding of the action genre obviously. Ever seen a John Woo Hong Kong film? Apparently not. There is a certain balletic feel to his gun fights that is not seen in most American movies and that is a true art form. Some people are better at using guns than others. Ever seen a Western? Yeah, the quicker you are, the more likely you are to be alive at the end of the fight, and there is definetely a style to using a weapon like a gun. Maybe not a bazooka, because it's so huge and cumbersome, but a gun? Of course.

"Oh, and what is the definition of a truly great film in your opinion?"

Dutchy, a truly great movie is whatever I say it is. lol. There cannot be a definition put on opinions, really. But suffice to say that a great movie should have high production values, good acting overall, a strong premise that is executed well, and hopefully a truly great movie makes you think about some issues and isn't just "cool." Like The Matrix, it is cool and has a lot of profound ideas expressed, a great film, a great sci-fi movie.

My friend Sean has seen Equilibrium and says it is awesome. I've read the reviews, obviously a lot of critics who have no idea what they are talking about, my god. They really didn't get anything from last weekend. Couldn't appreciate Empire, didn't like Analyze That even though it was funnier, in many ways, than the original (my dad even loved it and he is a tough critic to please, wow). Then they rag on the one truly intelligent film to open in the last few months, Equilibrium. That just makes me so mad. I'm going to drive up to Seattle to see it during break here soon. I'm trying to get a friend to go with me.

If you've seen the trailer and are not impressed, you must be a fool. There is no way you could not love that trailer, plain and simple. The movie looks awesome. Now if you question the plot from the trailer, that's understandable, which is why you have to read more about the film and you realize the plot is actually really good.

Not to say it's totally original, because it borrows elements from past great sci-fi works/films, but who cares? Star Wars wasn't "original" in that sense either, nor was The Matrix, or any other movie ever made!

Dec 10th, 2002, 05:42:04 PM
Taye Diggs? Sean Bean? Bill Fichtner? HURRY UP AND GET RELEASED OVER HERE!!!!!!

Dec 10th, 2002, 06:00:12 PM
What follows is a request from England.

Do NOT go to see this film.

See, we havent got a release date yet, which could mean anything. Most likely, we'll get it in about March, EARLIEST. So, dont see it, watch it when the DVD is released, and I can order it too :)

Leeloo Mina
Dec 10th, 2002, 06:02:34 PM
As soon as I saw the poster, I thought The Matrix.

It looks decent.. it's obviously not playing in a small town like Springfield, but I've got promises from one of the FL guys that he'll take me to see it this weekend.. Sooo.. untill then, I'll whine because there's nothing good at the movies.

Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
Ok, I really shouldn't do this, but I will. >D

*insert :yum smile* :mischief

Dec 10th, 2002, 06:14:37 PM
Having seen the trailer, I see a mix between Minority Report and John Woo/El Mariachi movies.

And so far, I've liked all the Taye Diggs films I've seen :)

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 10th, 2002, 06:19:27 PM
You must have ZERO understanding of the action genre obviously.

If you've seen the trailer and are not impressed, you must be a fool.

Jon, you are such a tool. Really.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 10th, 2002, 06:21:41 PM
Yeah, I'm thinking this thing is definantly worth a watch. People that have seen it on AICN and RT.com forums all loved it. And the real critisism i see with critics is it's unoriginal.

Dec 19th, 2002, 08:11:15 PM
Diego, Look Who's Talking -- it's not just an '80s movie! :)

I saw Equilibrium on Wednesday. It was incredible! I really enjoyed it. It wasn't at the top of my 2002 list, but honestly I'm going to rank it 5th so far among the films I saw this year, behind AOTC, TTT, The Count of Monte Cristo, and Simone (another non-acclaimed film with critics).

It was indeed very thought provoking and the symbolism and irony that exist I hadn't even anticipated. The irony was there from the beginning, I mean, I expected that, but not to such an extreme degree. Here is a government that has eliminated murder with a drug, then kills people, violently, if they don't take the drug! lol.

The symbolism is interesting, too. Everything from a flag symbol that looks much like the Nazi Swastica to burning in furnaces, like the gas chambers, and then also all of the government soldiers wear these black costumes, black helmets, and you can't see any of their faces. Appropriate, because without their emotions, they lack humanity, they are "faceless" villains. I thought that was really well done too.

Not to mention the action sequences are better than The Matrix in many cases. I love the lobby scene in the Matrix, but it's really not quite as good as the lobby scene in Equilibrium I don't think. I'd have to watch them each a few more times, hehe. Plus The Matrix only has a few action sequences I really like, while Equilibrium has about 5. Nonetheless, I'm not saying it is better than The Matrix; it isn't. But I was incredibly impressed. It was everything I expected and a bit more because I was worried that it might not be as good as I originally thought, thanks to those negative reviews.

I loved it...

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 19th, 2002, 08:16:22 PM
Appropriate, because without their emotions, they lack humanity, they are "faceless" villains. I thought that was really well done too.

Just like Stormtroopers, Darth Vader, and countless other movie henchmen. :)

I wanna seeeeeee iiiiiiiiiiiiiit!

Dec 20th, 2002, 02:45:37 AM
You are absolutely right, there is that Star Wars connection too.

I finished my 5.5 page review of Equilibrium today. I had a lot to say! hehe.

Despite the critical reaction, you guys might be glad to hear or should take notice that sci-fi fans and genre buffs are really enjoying the film. Well, pretty much everyone who has seen it likes it, that is.

It has an 8.5/10 on IMDb.com, equal to The Matrix, and a 4.6/5 on Amazon.com. Both exceptional ratings. I was really surprised, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoyed it.

It seems that most people at sci-fi and movie forums in general have expressed good will towards the film, but unfortunately with such poor marketing, it stood little chance at the box office.

Guess we will all have to wait for DVD now, because it won't be opening in wider release I don't think. I can't wait for the DVD.