View Full Version : The Introduction: The Turning

Dec 2nd, 2002, 02:37:48 AM
"It was a long time ago, a very long time ago. What i knew of my mother, the trust and love for her quickly vanished when that...than man was allowed to stay with us. He was not for her and she ignored my fore telling. I could feel it...i could feel his evil ways when i was small...and i was right...he did want her to himself, at any cost."

It was early spring and the morning sun was warm in the sky. Christopher must have been at the very least only 12 years of age, he was no were near the age when children knew there actions or role in the galaxy, and this little boy was not out of the ordinary other than he was a Prince of course. Christopher Kaltarn a greasy black haired boy, with pale white eyes and a very pale complexion sat on one of the many Baloneys within the Palace. He spent most of his days like this playing with his little toys and playing with the staffs children, all in all he was a very good boy, perfect in fact, until one day he changed, i don't know why, i dont think any of us did, it was ever since that man joined the family...his Mothers lover...Lennin i think his name was,why he revolted against this man is anyones guess because his mother was the Queen of Ka'tarn and she saw suitors very often being a young lady.

No,no this man was different and the child Christopher that is knew something about him, something we did not. Forgive me ladies, it was many years ago since i was tending to the Palaces gardens, i cant remember all of the tale but let be begin from my point of view. Like i said it was a warm spring day, the sun was high in the air i remeber because i was drinking quite alot of water i was a fit man back then you know, i saw christopher sitting on one of the varanders and i often talked to the Prince to say hello...like i did this day...

"Hello Chrisopher, having fun playing with your toys over there?" I asked but he seemed not to smile this time...i dont know why , i mean he always did, him and i used to get on just fine. I found that oddly strange and i was frankly hurt, but being me i did not let it get me down but then that night something really strange happen and this is how i remeber it....

Decon Wallace
Dec 2nd, 2002, 10:17:36 PM
Footsteps sounded in echoing clicks down one of the many, long, ornate corridors within the palace chambers. A figure, clad in the most expensive of garments, with elaborately decorated robes indicating a surely high ranking authority, possibly even royalty. Albeit, with the fancy wardrobe and pretentious jewelry, the man had a menacing claim to him. He stood at a little over six feet in height, with silverish gray hair playing against his darkened skin, and a cold scar running alongside his left cheekbone.

"Tell me, Sultarn, have the original plans been set?" the man questioned his lagging companion who seemed to have his hands full with a barrage of notebooks and data.

"Y-yes, somewhat, m'Lord," the Advisor answered a bit nervously, almost expecting some type of backlash from his 'Lord'. Of course, there was.

"Somewhat, Sultarn?" the man halted in his tracks, as did the Advisor who was trailing him like a lost puppy. Just as a response was about to be given, he was cut off, "Save the excuses, Sultarn, we will discuss it in the morning. I have other matters to attend to, you see -- so dismiss yourself."

With a gesture of the hand, the Advisor, Sultarn, scampered off towards his own chambers, as Lennin turned back towards his original destination; that of the queen's room. A slender, impish smile played against the man's lips, as if he were the Devil himself. He had plans, very big plans, and they were to hit with an unexpectedness that no one could prevent from occuring.

Coming to the end of the long stretch of hallway, Lennin passed by a few stationed guards before stopping himself before a large set of double-doors, heavily brandished with fine detail and a blatant mark of royalty. With a quick motion, his slender fingers tapped against the door, as a faint voice called for his entry.

"My dear, Jesibell, you look exquisite -- as a Queen should, as you always do," he played her like a violin, surely the wordplay of a deceptive serpent as himself. Of course, the Queen fell into his hands like puddy, her face blushing a rosy pink. His lips met her hand, moving slowly up her arm with a gentle caress. "How I missed the scent of my Queen."

"But we have only been apart for a mere hour or so, love," she giggled as he continued to present himself up her arm, "Surely you were not that lost without me."

"You know I cannot bear a passing second without you," he grinned, moving in for the kill, his lips pasting against hers, before she pulled away in the most respectful manner she could. "My dear?"

"Maybe you should to seek Christopher, love," she sighed, retrieving her hand from his grasp. "He's been missing for a greater part of the day, I don't believe he is on good terms with you. Could you talk to him?"

"Of course, I will find him at once," he replied with a forced smile, but deep inside he swallowed a growl. But, he had little choice, playing the role of a 'fatherly figure' was all part of the scam; even though he and the child shared a mutual despise for one another. "I will return, love."

With a departing kiss he was off, in search of the boy, Christopher; cursing under his breath the whole time. Moving to the next corridor, he passed by a small door which appeared to be cracked open. Upon closer inspection it was found to be the entry to the cellar, below, surely the boy had not ventured there. Yet, he had to find the bastard, in order to please the Queen.

So he descended into the basement, torch in hand, what he would find only the darkness could provide an answer.

Dec 2nd, 2002, 10:45:03 PM
It was dark down there, peaceful and quiet, surely Lennin the beast would not even dream to venture down into the confines of the cellar to search for a boy he despised. Christopher had to be safe down here, because he was not safe anywhere else, even his chamber had to be abandoned for the best part of the evening because Lennin would venture into his bedroom and beat him, and curse at him. Of course his mother ignored and waved away the very idea that her lover could do this to her only child, she was more interested her him.

The darkness was his only escape, his only solitude from that man, that beast. Every evening Christopher would seemingly vanish from sight and sometimes would not bee seen for days creeping up during the middle of the night and take food from the pantry and escape back down to the cellar a single candle lighting his way. It was a life the boy had got used to, it was like clockwork and he did everything in his power to be free of the grasp of Lennin even if it meant living in the grotty cellar where few but kitchen staff ventured to.

Christopher would sit there on his dirty,sot covered sheet and play with his toys,talk to himself or even sing. Of course he was lonely,hated by lennin and his cronies but at the age of 12 what was a boy to do hit back?...run away?...run where? there was nowhere to run even if he wanted to. he would be found and Lennin would beat him harder... no there was no escape from this man..only time would open the trapped boy and the darkness secluded the invisible cell..he just hoped the darkness would shadow him away.

Decon Wallace
Dec 5th, 2002, 03:56:56 PM
"Boy," he shouted into the pit of darkness as he descended the steps, waving his torch around to find his way. "If you're hiding down here you'd best reveal yourself now!"

There was a hint of anger in his voice, but then again, there always seemed to be a hint of anger in his voice when addressing the child, Christopher. As he continued to climb down the steps, suddenly a large rat scurried out in his path, causing Lennin to recoil back and lose his balance.

With a sounding thud, Lennin tumbled down the steps and crashed into the floor below. He was cursing furiously under his breath as he started to climb to his feet -- still oblivious that the boy was lurking in the shadows.

Dec 12th, 2002, 12:40:33 PM
The boy laughed through the darkness of the cellar, his giggles could be hurned down the other end quite easily. ' I see your still the same..father, clumsey as ever and twise as stupid! The boy laughed again before vanishing into the darkess away from the single candel in hope Lennin would ot catch him.

Decon Wallace
Dec 26th, 2002, 03:25:28 PM
On top of the anger from his fall, Lennin's temper was only fueled by the boy's mocking laughter. He rose to his feet, his vision a bit hazy from the blow sustained from his tumble.

"Boy!" He shouted, spinning in all directions, unsure of Christopher's exact location. "You know not of what you're getting yourself into!"

His fingers were now balled into fist, his knuckles flushing white as he tightened his grip. His torch was now lost, and on top of his impaired vision it was total darkness. Instead of going back upstairs his anger got the better of him, he felt his way towards the other end of the cellar, thinking on the punishment he would inflict upon the boy when he found him.