View Full Version : A Marriage for the Gods(Kaytor,Dios,Maia,Kindo)

Tomak Ohara
Dec 2nd, 2002, 01:01:52 AM
Tomak stood at an altar. He was wearing his best suit. It was a dark black leather with a nice broach holding his cape together. His cape was white and had red on the inside. He looked in his vest pocket. Inside was the ring he had given Kaytor. The beautiful crystal roses, the writing. He looked down the aisle. There was no one there yet. However, Maia and Dios were standing there. Kindo was waiting to conduct the sermon and the wedding. Tomak turned to Maia, "I am so nervous. I hope she likes it. What am I gonna do if she doesn't like it?" He started sweating and wiped his forehead. He was so nervous. But he had never been this happy before. He could not wait to see his beautiful wife. He stood still and looked back to Maia, "I am so nervous. I love her, but what if she doesn't love me? What if she runs away from the wedding?" He wiped his forehead again.