View Full Version : Wtf?

Sanis Prent
Dec 1st, 2002, 10:14:23 PM

Answers, and now please.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 1st, 2002, 10:43:48 PM

Ummm okay, that;'s just slightly against the rules.

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 1st, 2002, 11:09:02 PM
Fiend is Dios Kane, right? Ask 'im. Fiend might be lying, after all. :)

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 2nd, 2002, 12:19:34 AM
I am truly sorry to interrupt, but I must ask:

What the hell is Fiend's deal?

I mean, my other character, Jeran, is in a thread with him, and Fiend is totally belittling him and pissing me off greatly. He is acting pretty high and mighty. I don't get it.

Tomak Ohara
Dec 2nd, 2002, 01:11:34 AM
Okay I am here to defend him. Fiend is total darkside. He is very self absorbed. The real dude is nothin like that. Fiend likes to torture people. He also likes to seem very powerful which he is. Well I don' know what else to say.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 2nd, 2002, 02:08:42 AM
All I have to ask is, "Did he earn his power?"

I find it hard to believe that within 198 posts he could have gone form a blank slate as we all are supposed to be when we start a new character, to a being capable of posessing full control over the Dark Side.

It is not that I am put off by that, as much as I don't particualrily find that type of uber-character interesting at all. There is no challenge, no point. It's like god-moding a video game. Sure, you might beat it, but no one thinks better of you for it.

My rant might not be what this was started about, but I believe that skill and power should be worked for. Though I might not have been privy to his training or past use before the board switch, in which case I would retract my statement if he had had proper training and development.

And how would you hide a battlestation, exactly? It's not exactly a small thing... That, and there are not nearly as many imperial forces to guard it. Get enough civilizations pissed off at it, and we could organize the fleets of many planets, which would be more than enough to take that thing out. Great power is one thing, the ability to protect and deploy that great power without once letting your guard down is quite another. Just me being nitpicky again. I'll stop now.

Gurney Devries
Dec 2nd, 2002, 02:31:33 AM
In the books, Grand Admiral Thrawn always thought poorly of Palpatine for using Superweapons; He thought they were useless trinkets that did nothing more than boast about the Empire's wealth. After all, what good did the Death Stars do? In total, they destroyed one peaceful planet and a handful of ships, and they drove the Empire nearly broke in the process.

There's just no point into dumping that kind of resources into a single battlestation, because it all goes down the drain if you lose it. Which will happen eventually.

Ok, fine: I have no personal problems with a character having a huge battlestation. It'll just get blown up. But there are rules against such things, I believe. Besides which: Do you have any idea how many people it would take to operate a battlestation on par with a Death Star?

Granted, he's just talking smack right now: He's presented no proof IC that he actually has this station. I say ignore it, for now. If he tries to attack somebody with this battlestation of his, then we can look into it.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 2nd, 2002, 02:38:17 AM
About 1 million to man it.... work on AT LEAST 10 times that to support.

And frell knows the supply lines needed. Feeding a million odd troops - You need to be a major government to even think about having one - no one in the galaxy right now has the resources for anything biggger than a MC-150 and that's pushing shit uphill for the Republic. Hell, an ISD is hard enough to run.

Thrawn proved the mind was weapon enough anyway. Look at what he could do with a rigged shuttle.

If he's bluffing, yep, fine, no problem.

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 2nd, 2002, 09:17:55 AM
I would totally agree with Sejah in this matter. That is what really bugs me. He's powerful in the Dark Side. Since when? 189 posts ago? No way.

Terran has been training for 500 and he can barely heal a papercut!!! Ok, so he's not that defenseless, but dang. I just have no patience for an ego like that. It ruins the whole meaning of my rping here--to have characters who struggle, who become stronger, who fail at times, succeed in others. Start out as a grunt and rely on the vets to lead you to success.

Ok, yeah, enough from me. :)

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 2nd, 2002, 09:26:03 AM
Fiend is the Darkside incarnate, but to use his full power would be to destry the body he created. So therefore he can;t use all that immense power or else he would literally burn himself alive.

Sanis Prent
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:05:32 AM
Fiend is the Darkside incarnate,

No, No, No, No, No, No, No, NO!

Did I mention no?

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:21:56 AM
Oh well. That's what he told me. Fiend loves carnage. He loves to see people suffer, screams are literaly music to his ears. But the best thing to do is go talk to Fiend himself if you have any problems with what he's doing.

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:37:33 AM
I was going along the lines of him talking smack too :lol I was waiting to see IC proof before making it an issue.

I like to give benefit of doubt a little before breaking heads about battlestations and what not.

And no .. you cannot be the incarnation of the dark side. A wee bit of godmoding there -_-

Sanis Prent
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:40:08 AM
<a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=25123>No, No, No, No, NO!</a>

Well he's not talking smack, and actually thinks he can do this. |I

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:40:49 AM
o_O I didn't read his reply yet or did you talk to him over PM or AIM over this

Sanis Prent
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:58:46 AM
Click that link I just posted...see for yourself.

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 2nd, 2002, 12:15:08 PM
I meant did he post something after I did ....

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 2nd, 2002, 12:16:06 PM
and now that I am thinking about it. Why keep talking about this.. how about one of us PMing him and asking him where he got it, how he is paying for it and etc and so forth?

Save headaches yes?

Morgan Evanar
Dec 2nd, 2002, 02:05:04 PM
Thats the biggest peice of godmoding crap ever.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 2nd, 2002, 02:53:22 PM
For this, the Common Sense Nunchakau will not be weapon enough.

I summon the Logic Beam Cannon!

Blam blam blam! Blamlamlamlamlam! BLAM! *whoot*

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 2nd, 2002, 03:05:33 PM
He's got it all planned out down to the wire, I know that much. FIend gets little time online, so don;t expect a quick answer. I think the battlestation is going to be his base of operations. A fortress of sorts. A headquarters.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 2nd, 2002, 03:07:33 PM
Yeah, and he just willed it into existance. You can't really do that. It doesn't matter how well planned anything is if its godmode.

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 2nd, 2002, 03:09:38 PM
Agreed. Having something of that magnitude with so little resources to support it is a blatant godmode.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 2nd, 2002, 03:11:31 PM
Even I don;t know how long he is going to take before he decides he is ready for war. He might explain more of it later. Let's all just stay calm and see what else he does before we go screaming God moding. Not everything can be explained all at once.

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 2nd, 2002, 03:21:20 PM
There's really no way to explain having a planet-sized battlestation, when you're all of one person, and your entire fleet experience can be summed into one post.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 2nd, 2002, 03:24:05 PM
Well, I guess we wait on him to explain.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 2nd, 2002, 04:11:33 PM
You do NOT go bringing entire fleets and massive battlestations into existance in one post, you are NOT the doyen of the Darkside in minimal time, and I do not give a shit if there is planning, this is NOT done here at any time by anyone.

Frankly this is going way too far and not cool in the slightest.

Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:00:02 PM
I have an idea. I'm dead serious on this, though I know it will sound like a joke. I'd like to sneak up behind him and stab him through a lung. And, yes, I can pull this off. I can mask my signature from the Force, and have had that skill since I got here, so it's not something new I'm making up... I've been working on it for two years now. Second, that's what my character would do. It's a debilitating but not quite deadly blow that would take him out clean. Then, we throw him into a bacta tank near a ysalimir to make sure he doesn't try to get away. And we hold him hostage until he either admits the station is a bluff, or we blow it away.

And I believe I could pull off this move in one post. All it would be is me going undetectable, walking over, and stabbing him. I've got enough illusion ability to pull that off. Somebody on the council gimme the go ahead, and I'll smite him. We can end this real nice and quick.

Pierce Tondry
Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:07:21 PM
If I might make a suggestion to the general public?

Let one of the RPing mods take action on this. It spans more boards than GJO and has "screamer" written on it. You might also consider trying to work the plotline out, even while nixing the idea of Dark Side incarnations and an immediate walloping attack by the battlestation. He might be more agreeable to work with public opinion that way.

Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:21:50 PM
So I'm not misunderstanding: The thread Sanis linked to verifies that Fiend, IC, has this battlestation? I'm sorry, but my eyes will not read a block of text that large without paragraph breaks.

If so, I'm inclined to believe it's godmoding and take appropriate action.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:23:36 PM
Or the person who plays Fiend, who has access here, could hurry up and explain themselves.

Pierce Tondry
Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:24:07 PM
Shawn: Yep, you've got it right. I read the whole thing through. It's basically self-congratulation on how Fiend has assumed control of all the Emperor's personal effects, including the battlestation in question and some Sith trinkets as well.

It'll raise your eyebrows too, if you read it.

Pierce Tondry
Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:25:55 PM
Morgan: It pains me to say that I think the explanation's in the ink.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:29:17 PM
I'm attempting to be nice and give him a little benefit that we're wrong.

I really dobut that we are wrong, but mreh whatever.

Pierce Tondry
Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:36:00 PM
Heh. Nah, we all agree on this one. Player Characters can't be an incarnation of the Dark Side, and they can't find long-lost ultra-battlecruisers at the drop of a hat. Just need to be flexible on where things go from here. He's put at least a minimal amount of work into things, and allowing him to keep what he's earned out of that (which isn't much IMO) might help steer him in the right direction.

Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:54:20 PM
So like I said... lemme stab him. We can take him in that way. Comments, anyone?

Morgan Evanar
Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:58:58 PM
How about we BOTH stab him. I like tha better. But that validates his post way too much for my taste. Maybe we set him up?

Gurney Devries
Dec 2nd, 2002, 06:09:34 PM
Hmm... if he just magically made this battlestation up, can I just as magically say that I had came across it a few years ago and boobytrapped it to self-detonate the first time he tries to use it? :)

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 2nd, 2002, 06:13:02 PM
One correction - it is not really a battlestation the size of a planet, it's a battlestation / production facility the size of a planet. Which might be a workable idea if it wasnt God Moded into existance.

He's put at least a minimal amount of work into things, and allowing him to keep what he's earned out of that (which isn't much IMO) might help steer him in the right direction.

True, some work. But I believe that keeping whats earned sends the wrong message. This is an extrodinary Gue or Itala like God mode and it needs actioning. We have rules with fleeting broken badly, this is totally outside of the spirit of roleplay we have here.... Then again your probably right as stigma of God Moder in this place is not a good thing to accquire and he's just done that. He has a lot of image and respectibility to repair.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 2nd, 2002, 06:20:13 PM
How about we BOTH stab him. I like tha better. But that validates his post way too much for my taste. Maybe we set him up?


Well, there isnt any real need to wreck him or his station - he's done that aready. Havign the stamp of God Moder on your forehead is a kiss of death in this place, is it not? Who in the Jedi ever even go near a known God Moder?

Up to him to repair the damage. We're called it, now up to him to respond and either withdraw or compromise acceptibly. And Morgan is right, responding now validates. He's been called for God Moding, now it's up to him to respond, not us.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 2nd, 2002, 06:21:23 PM
I dunno, I could understand coming across a small number of ships, or maybe a lost shipyard. But I'd make a really long thread for that. This is just godmoding. Apparently, he forgot that most of the Empire's resources went to either Deathstar.

I also think that it can't be anything but an immobile battlestation. The deathstar was the size of a small moon. Moons can be pretty small. Hyperdrives have to comphensate for gravity, and there is just way too much of it for something the size of a planet.

What a maroon.

Pierce Tondry
Dec 2nd, 2002, 06:23:56 PM
Yeah, see, that's what I'm saying. If you shove "God Moder" titles down someone's throat, it's not going to go over well. They'll complain, certainly. That's almost to be expected. But to give them a chance to make things right from where they are now is better than saying "No, you can't do this, start from scratch or else." It's frustrating when you think everything's going along great and then suddenly an entire community jumps on your back about something you'd thought wasn't an issue.

If it were me, I'd blow the battlestation with a self-destruct mechanism, let him keep one ship that he escapes in, maybe a frigate or something run by droids, and have his uber-Dark Side powers suddenly diminish as he is forced to fully develop his body form. The Dark Side shouldn't be creating anything, really. The essence of the Dark Side is destruction, not creation. If anything, he should be continually putting effort into keeping a stolen body from degrading, rather than producing a body out of thin air.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 2nd, 2002, 06:47:54 PM
No, he put a post into it. Unless said post prints out to be something like ten pages, it doesn't consitute "work" or "effort". The rules on this sort of thing are pretty clear--its not our fault he didn't bother to read them.

We can't validate this sort of thing. This needs a very firm OOC No.

Pierce Tondry
Dec 2nd, 2002, 07:26:07 PM
He put a post into the battlestation, yes. His character, on the other hand...

Well, let's just say you'll have a harder time combating the idea of Fiend than you will his toys.

Anyways... my Devil's Advocate duties are done here.

Kelt Simoson
Dec 2nd, 2002, 07:47:22 PM
I think before he makes threads such as these he needs to consult a mod or a long standing member...how longs Dios been here?..6 months at the most?.....godmode without question i feel.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 2nd, 2002, 08:04:28 PM
I have a few things to say in regard of this whole situation. Why, because I know Dios RL and speak with him most days. I know most everything he has planned, and I also plan on helping him myself. Seemed like something fun, so what the hey?

I think this could have gone about in a much more poilte manner, instead of everyone shouting things here and there about what Fiend/ Dios has planned. Speaking with him shoudl have been the first road to travel, and that alone would have avoided this whole hoop-la.

If he has created proper threads and posts for establishing an army and fleet, why bother to stand against it? To me it sounded fun, and isn't that what we are here for?

I know Dios real well, and I know he would do two things; he would be upset the way most people have sat here and insulted him, tagging a nice and large GODMODER pin to his chest. Whatever it take to make this whole thing proper, I trust him enough to know he will do whatever it takes to make it correct.

If you have any questions concerning this whole thing, ask me. Since Dios isn't here to well, defend himself it seems, myself and Tomak Ohara know has much has Fiend does. If you can be kind and respectful about this, I'd be happy to answer any of your concerns without an argument.

Levi Argon
Dec 2nd, 2002, 08:15:29 PM
All I want to say about this is that we have a nice big FAQ Forum that clearly explains the rules and code of conduct. In said thread Fiend has gone against those rules.

No-one is insulting anyone else and this is a discussion, Kindo. Frankly I am tired of people whining "Stop picking on my friend!" everytime a member of staff objects to what they are doing. If it weren't for the staff here at SWFans then you wouldn't be enjoying this roleplaying community right now.

"Kind and respectful" should not and will not equate to walking on eggshells when someone seems to have ignored or disregarded the clearly-stated rules. The staff here at SWFans have a job to do, one they have had years experience with. So please no more of this: "Stop being such bullies!" nonsense.

Dec 2nd, 2002, 08:18:14 PM
I know Dios real well, and I know he would do two things; he would be upset the way most people have sat here and insulted him, tagging a nice and large GODMODER pin to his chest.I'm sorry, but when you circumvent the rules in such a manner, you're pinning it on your own chest. The matter, however, is still being discussed. We're looking into what changes can possibly be made to allow him to continue doing something similar that would abide by the rules.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 2nd, 2002, 08:38:17 PM
How about we BOTH stab him. I like tha better.

That isn't insulting!!!? Excuse me, but it seems the "whining" in this thread has been made up of a ton of people who ARE NOT moderaters yelling a bunch of crap about how they don't like the idea. Sounds to me like that's whining.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 2nd, 2002, 08:47:52 PM
However Kindo, this is is a thread of highly concerned Roleplayers who are seeing a direct and blatant Godmode, expressly forbiddien in the actual rules and spirit of SW-Fans.

THIS IS NOT CRAP Kindo. This is a very serious breach of the rule and the trust that exists at Sw-Fans, something I have as a past Admin and Moderator of the main borard, helped set up and define. Fiend has broken the rules. That is a fact. We are now offering the possibility of a solution, or others are. We are calling it for what it is, as defined in the FAQ. God-Moding. It directly affects us as a roleplaying body as a whole.

I may not be a SW-Fans moderator, but this is my Internet home and has been for a long time and I will NOT have it's trusts and standards so blatantly run over. The ball is now in Fiend's court, not yours. I now request that the next person to reply be Fiend and no one else.

ARE NOT moderaters
Sanis, Tondry are. Shawn is the co-owner and admin of the board. Morgan, myself and Yoghurt, as well as a some others have paid hosting costs for SW-Fans and GJO.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 2nd, 2002, 09:48:55 PM
OK, let's all simmer down, please. Those opposed to Fiend and call him on godmoding all have very valid points. To be quite honest, I would like Fiend to put more time and threads into his preparation for war also. I'm on both sides of the war, and I would love to do a thread in which we take over a shipyard, or go across the universe tracking down the elusive tomb of the legendary Darth Sidious.

Now, for those of us that say that Fiend has done nothing wrong are more than likely incorrect. For anyone to say that I support Godmoding would be to lie about me and my moral character. People asked questions about the war and Fiend's background and I explained as best I could. Now, let's all do as Marcus suggested and wait for Dios to reply and explain.

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 2nd, 2002, 09:53:36 PM
Alright and noted. Lets let Fiend/Dios be the next person to reply here. His input is needed :)

Dios Kane
Dec 3rd, 2002, 03:41:17 PM
:: Walks with his hands in the air and some unknown person holding a gun to his back.::

Hey guys... whats up? Oh... Lemme explain, and I'm glad that this was shown to me when it first began and that I was contacted right away. I don't know how many people I've shared this idea with and no one has told me anything bad about it until now. Unfortuanately I'm not one to really dive on into OOC forums and anytime I do its usually if someone tells me about some spam or something I should read. So sorry for the very very late idea.

I thank my friends who stuck up for me whilst my absence but like someone has said, I guess I should be the one here sticking up for myself. Its my fault I didn't check these cuz it was open to me for quite some time. And I do have to say, I laughed really hard when I read the whole stabbing thing, I gotta meet these guys in person some time. And the rest of all the slightly, yet not, considered insulting, remarks were pretty passionate nonetheless. :D
But I do have a favor to ask before I begin the whole deal of explanations. The things you guys want me to explain are jumbled throughout the entire thread here. If someone might be able to compile everything to what needs to be explained and what is wrong, I'd be sure to try to explain to the best of my ability and defense and then when found out right wrong, fix something. I had my own plans and I was really trying for something unplanned here on the part of the defense so if this does somehow pull through, I'd like if this entirely stayed as an ooc thing. From what I've already picked up I'll make a few statements.

The battlestation, is not manned, is not operational without people in it, I never said anything was in it but three big ships ready to go, yet still unmanned, how do we know that Palpatine put everything into the two deathstars? Didn't he have his own facilities else where, not to mention the Eye of Palpatine also? Its not even a batlestation really, Like Wei said before, its my headquarters for later, its completely defenseless, I figured somone to go looking for it after I got done talking with the Council, well, to Navaria that is. I figured, with my luck and a jedis at that, that they'd find it and blow it up before I could get everything started. It doesn't move, I'd have to use an enormous amount of grav wells and tractor beams to move it, I don't have that.
As for Fiend... I wonder if anyone's read anything about him except for my friends? He comes from Dios. Dios was torn between the entire concept of vengeance a while ago and it led to the development in the darkside. But his love for Maia Tharrin kept him with a clear conscious. Until the Darkside in him infected him enough that it took his mind and sorta gave itself a piece, if any of this makes sense to you guys. Its a little hard to explain that part, but I've seen it done in a few other characters, or something like that, So Fiend came into existence. He tormented Dios and read his mind, learning everything Dios did. So by your posting claims, Fiend is technically as experienced as Dios and even more so. Because Dios cares and Fiend doesn't.
But you have to think also about Fiend's concet of the force. Yoda explained to Luke that his mind kept him bounded to his imaginary limits. Thats why he couldn't lift the x-wing, Fiend is completely the opposite. Made as he was, while inside Dios' body, all he could do was imagine things until he grew strong enough to take him over. He was later freed by friends and given a more capable body. It was like taking an entire being of the darkside and pushing it into an empty manakin.
When he got out, his anger fueled his mind and those two things together made perfect sense to me why he could use so much power. He has an insane focus on using it and his mind doesn't know any bounds, so when he begins to use more and more, it literally burns him until he could almost die. Hence why I state he usually where gloves and long coats, he covers his weakness that he burns himself to goo.

I think I'm missing a lot of things but like I said if you wouldn't mind making a list of things for me to say, that would help.

And to Terran Starrek, :D I have no clue what you started talking about at the beginning, well I do, but you're not making any sense. Fiend is a bad guy, if you can't take his arrogant, insane, and quite rude manner, then I really don't know what you're expecting from me, and handshake and some decent human manners? I mean really, no offense, but this is an ic bad guy, not me. I really wouldn't mind talking to you guys sometime in rl and all, but I think most can agree, some characters can be bastards.

And could someone please support me with a link to the FAQ someone else reffered to?

Pierce Tondry
Dec 3rd, 2002, 04:15:04 PM
Here is a link to the Roleplaying FAQ, found on the Communications section of the board:


The section that needs applying is the following one:

a) 'God Moding' - this involves doing something in character which is impossible, or that gives you an unfair advantage. For instance throwing a mountain at someone, destroying their Imperial Star Destroyer in one post, or wiping out a planet by clicking some fingers. These sorts of things are not appreciated.

It can be argued that your "finding" of the battlestation fits this description, as it provides you with a fairly hefty advantage, but is not roleplayed out in a significant fashion- this I think is the basic premise behind most of the arguments against you, is that for work that isn't very drawn out or significantly treated, you have nonetheless a particularly powerful array of skills and items.

Since I'm no longer a moderator of the RolePlaying forum and just a group moderator, I don't think I'm currently in a position to respond to these points. Ergo, I won't. :) But I do think there's a bit of faulty reasoning in that explanation.

Now, to quote Anbira: "Talk amongst yourselves! Discuss!"

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 3rd, 2002, 04:22:35 PM
My apologies go to you Dios, as I took the comments made by your character personal towards Jeran. I thought it was the person behind the character insulting Jeran's skill, not just the character.

I was wrong, having no idea it was you untill I read this thread, and I apologize for taking offense to what was simply an in character roleplay by an in character a-hole.

My fault for the confusion. :)

Dios Kane
Dec 3rd, 2002, 04:25:06 PM
Alroight, so all I think you're saying is to tune it down and put more threads into it? I mean, at a larger magnitude though? This war would not kick of for like three months, if anyone wanted to kow that, I had planned on building the whole thing for three months. This was just Fiend's flaunting stage of the game.

Dios Kane
Dec 3rd, 2002, 04:27:08 PM
no prob Terran, no prob, I have fun making statements ic I would never ever say ooc cuz thats what a bad guy can be about sometimes, throwing words around that have no real purpose other than to make him look more like an arrogant a hole, :D

Pierce Tondry
Dec 3rd, 2002, 04:37:33 PM
Dios: Again, I'm not an RPing Mod, so my say isn't law. But if you look over the thread where Fiend finds the battlestation, you'll notice that:

a.) it's only one post, if a fairly long one
b.) the description of what Fiend gains is a fairly large part of it
c.) the only background information given on the weapon is that it was Palpatine's
d.) there were no defenses or booby traps that weren't overcome fairly quickly
e.) how Fiend found it is brushed over, when it would have made for the subject of an RP in and of itself.

This is what we are reading, and even if it is from Fiend's point of view, it is still a fairly large list of objectionable points that doesn't paint you in a very good light. I'm not certain if you contacted any of the Mods about this (the RPing mods would have been the best to contact), but as it is the plans you've mentioned seem to be unsanctioned by the community elders.

Thus no one really knew what you had in mind when the issue came to light, and so things developed as they did.

I'm really going to turn this over to someone else now. I just happened to be around, trying to avoid working on a project due tonight when you posted.

Dec 3rd, 2002, 04:49:56 PM
You cannot just "find" a battlestation. If that were the case, what would be stopping everyone else from doing the same thing? Maybe the Balmorran Empire can find a suncrusher. Or maybe the GJO decided they needed a couple of extra Dreadnaughts, so they happen to stumble across a few. It sets a precedent - one that goes against the established rules here.

Furthermore, you do need a certain number of people to keep the station operational. Little things like life support and propulsion come into play. I'd say you'd need a barebone staff of at least a few thousand to keep it operational.

Also, you described it as having its own shipyards. I'm not 100% on the current fleet rules, but I do know there's a "common sense" clause, and a single person being able to produce a fleet and contest with entire groups seems to go against that, to me.

Superweapons were outlawed quite a while back. While this doesn't sound quite like a superweapon, it dangles dangerously close.

In the end, it all boils down to my original point, however: It sets a precedent, and I don't wish to do that. While the matter is still open to the interpretation of other staff members, I am ruling against it.

Dec 3rd, 2002, 05:20:05 PM
Fiend is the Darkside incarnateThis is practically the definition of god mode. You have made your character Darkside incarnate in the span of no more that a couple months? I have a Darkside character that has been around these forums for nearly three years and I have never done any such thing with him, nor have I ever been accused of god moding. The reason being is Force skills must be earned not explained with back history.
When he got out, his anger fueled his mind and those two things together made perfect sense to me why he could use so much power. If such was the case almost everyone on these forums would be walking gods and no one (that wasn't a walking god) would be able to stand up to them. It isn't acceptable to set a player character up like that without putting in years and years of RP work which would compromise thousands of developmental posts and intricate storylines that involved conflict, not just a quick back story covered in a few paragraphs.

As for this: <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=25123>An Emperor and his Throne (closed)</a>

There is nothing wrong with writing such works of fiction in the Storytelling forum.....but, such things as this cannot be applied to the entire role-playing community, because of points I mentioned previously.

Something so massive and complex needs to be accomplished through hard work in which there are trials and tribulations. There has to be opportunity for something to come along and foil the plan or at least make it difficult. It has to be spanned over a real life time of at the very least several weeks and at least 25 to 30 posts in an open thread where others can participate and cause conflicts which may change the outcome. Being able to dream up something of that magnitude which is intended to affect RP groups has to be done in a way that gives others a chance to influence the outcome.

All in all as it stands at the moment, I concur with Shawn and many others in this thread, as both staff at GJO and staff at SWFans.Net as a whole; This has been god-moded into existence and does not have to be recognized by those who do not wish to recognize it as a reality in our RP universe. You are free to continue the storyline in a closed fashion with those who are willing to play a part but you cannot affect those groups or individuals who don't want to participate.

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 3rd, 2002, 05:21:45 PM
I can recall on several occasions expressing my reservations about your Fiend character. I didn't think the whole "manifestation of the Darkside" thing could fly, and I maintain that view.

As for the battlestation, in order to have that kind of hardware, you would have to 1) Have a group of at least 5 unique characters to form a group 2) Have a fairly sizeable roleplay spanning a lot of threads/posts, and taking months. Even then, a planet-sized battlestation is VERY iffy. The closest thing I can think to draw parallel is the Titan Star Destroyer that TSO has, and I'm not even sure if they still use it, after the fleet overhaul. You've got to rationalize what you can have/support. To even operate the battlestation (assuming it can even exist) is going to require the manpower of millions, and enough resources to span several sectors. That means, you'd have to control a LOT of planets to milk the resources just to keep the thing running. The logistics don't add up, and that's why such a thing isn't feasable. If you were able to meet 1 and 2, then MAYBE, and thats iffy, you'd be able to do this....but those are longshot odds.

Oh, and...

I laughed really hard when I read the whole stabbing thing, I gotta meet these guys in person some time.

I'd advise against that. He RP's a ninja here, but he IS a ninja IRL. He doesn't look intimidating, but he could tear me apart, and I'm a pretty big guy, and know a few things myself.

The RP Mod has spoken. Carry on :)

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 3rd, 2002, 05:28:20 PM
I know you all don't want me posting again... but I feel I need to.

I must apologize for a few things... and not because I want to suck up to anyone or make me feel better, but because what I did I know I shoulden't have done.

I apologize for my angry attitude, there's always a part of me that sparks when I think my friends are being pounced on. I don't support Godmoding in any way, and though others may disagree, I am just has much of a part of GJO has anyone else. I don't meant that in a saracstic tone or to spark another argument, just know I too take great concern when stuff goes on around here too.

I should have not got has mad has I did, which led me later on that night to battle back and forth with Morgan on IM. Morgan, sorry for raging out against you and everything, and though you may not return the apology, it doesn't matter... I just jope we can put that behind us.

I also apologize to others I raged out against, I was just venting and that's not always expressing my true feelings ya know. I enjoy roleplaying with you guys so much, and the LAST THING I'd ever want is to be in some super-grudge with any moderator, administrator, or any other regular poster like myself. I just want to forget all this and put it behind me, and hope others this concerns will do the same. Peace, Ki.

Dec 3rd, 2002, 05:29:57 PM
No grudges here (from me), just explaining my reasoning which goes along with our FAQ and established methodology for doing things. Thanks for the apology Kindo.

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 3rd, 2002, 05:42:59 PM
(presses red button, ejecting Kindo from his seat, into hidden pool filled with sharks with lasers on their heads)

Apology Accepted >D

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 3rd, 2002, 05:52:34 PM
Now that was mean. Now, about that battle station...let me see...there is Fiend, Garmollo, Wraith Frostmourne, Malice Draclau(I think) and a Lord Tyrannus. That's a group of 5. that's one requirement down.

Loki Ahmrah
Dec 3rd, 2002, 05:53:47 PM
The closest thing I can think to draw parallel is the Titan Star Destroyer that TSO has, and I'm not even sure if they still use it, after the fleet overhaul.

Might as well comment on this here. The TSD has never even been used for I fear that roleplaying something of that magnitude is almost too difficult to do correctly. Although I haven't ruled out the possibility of it's use, such an occurance would only take place to serve as a plot device.

In my experience, superweapons are overrated anyway and quite frankly considering the rules we do have for fleet roleplaying, I don't think Fiend would be allowed to do much damage unless those affected by it agreed to such an arangement. That is not to say I agree with what has happened though.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 3rd, 2002, 05:54:53 PM
Just state what you need to say. Please, don't waste my time. However, appology accepted.

Furthermore, please read more carefully. The "stabbing" has obviously been misconstrued into OOC. It was quite clearly meant IC, and I don't understand how that could have been misinterpreted.

Dec 3rd, 2002, 05:58:12 PM
Now, about that battle station...let me see...there is Fiend, Garmollo, Wraith Frostmourne, Malice Draclau(I think) and a Lord Tyrannus. That's a group of 5. that's one requirement down.That's the minimum prerequisite to have an officially recognized group, if you wish to do so. However, the three of us (SWFans.net, Anbira and myself) have agreed that this will not officially affect anyone else, unless they wish it to. So there is no point in trying to meet any requirements.

No grudges on my part, Kindo. I'm just trying to keep peace and order. Or something.

Dec 3rd, 2002, 05:58:42 PM
Originally posted by Wei Wu Wei
Now that was mean.One word for you there. JOKE

Taking everything to heart and literal round these parts is hazardous to your health.

Xazor Elessar
Dec 3rd, 2002, 05:59:54 PM
He was joking Wei....that's how Anbira is. I've learned first hand. ;)

Anyway....about this whole situation, I think it's turned into a big mess. I agree with Shawn and the other admin/mods on this. Indeed, it is god-moding for one person in one post to acquire something so large and of great value (not monetary wise, but for RPing in general.) I also agree that the whole 'incarnate of the Darkside' is ridiculous (and I'm not mocking your ideas, just stating my own opinion). There's a thread about the whole Light/Dark side issue and I must agree with Shawn on that as well, even though IC I tend to say things that distinguish a person by how they use the Force by calling them Darksiders/Lightsiders etc. I think that's quite common. Anyway, I think that is also god-moding and that will make people not wish to RP with you Dios if you act all high and mighty with not many posts.

I think you should take a step back and see the experience of other people that RP on these boards. I understand that you're not the same guy who Fiend is, etc. I know you're a pretty cool person OOC and I respect that and the fact that you've come here openly to explain without shoving it back in our faces.

I do think though, what makes a great RPer is someone who can give and take. One who cannot just dish the blows, but take them equally as well. Someone who doesn't clame full power but also has flaws and other issues.

These are simply my opinions and no one has to listen to me. I'm not really taking sides or anything....but I'm tired of the constant arguing. Having been involved in several of these types of arguments made me see how pointless and head-ache causing they were. I think that if we all just let one another breath and try to understand eachothers view points, we'll be much MUCH happier! :)

Again, just my two-cents.....you can spend it if ya want! ;)

Dec 3rd, 2002, 06:05:47 PM
Just so you know, the stabbing thing was meant IC, and is actually what my character would do. He's rather mercenary with percieved threats, and would have no problem doing so. Just so you know. :)

Dec 3rd, 2002, 06:07:01 PM

Posting sigs in OOC threads is pointless and distracting.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 3rd, 2002, 06:07:19 PM
I know he was joking. I say that kind of stuff all the time to mess around with people. It's all cool.

I also realize that the war is not officially recognized, but I figured it might be good to try to meet all the requirements anyway for good practice Me or any of my other friends decide to try to make a nother big RP. I hope Fiend agrees with my idea! (crosses fingers)

Xazor Elessar
Dec 3rd, 2002, 06:11:18 PM
Sorry Mr. Net.....I just do it now, and forget about where I am when posting my siggy. I'll pay more attention. :)

Dios Kane
Dec 3rd, 2002, 09:57:54 PM
uhhhh... so I guess we've come down to what? The thing is off, I know that much, there's no point if I can't interact with other groups on the matter, so its withdrawn, however you guys go about doing that. I don't know how this is gonna do, but I guess I'll withdraw it a lot for that matter.
:D I knew the stuph about stabbing was an ic joke, thats why I said I wanted to meet you guys ooc sometime. But I do seriously need to say, that first, I'm sorry for all the trouble this has caused, I'll get around to making this a VERY long term project later on and blah blah blah, and second, that I have to say, if something like this happens, I wouldn't mind a pm or email about it sometime so I don't get bashed in the face too hard in public. I took my public blows in the TSE with Dios when I started out and I think they didn't comunicate with me, a noob at the time, very well at all, so if this does happen again, please notify me before drawing it out to some big shmeal where someone sticks up for me and then gets kicked out on his own accord but for good intentions on my part nonetheless.
As for Fiend, I'll state here for all to see

He is not Darkside incarnate

Thats done and done, and overwith, :D we'll just leave him as a thing for now until I can think of something else (ideas anyone?) And I'll change some things and how I go about them also. But I will continue with this shpeal as Fiend saves up for the countdown. I've still got a few things to do that are already set in motion that wouldn't be considered god moding, at least I don't think they would, or a super weapon. A little clone saga thats already been agreed with the individuals involved so I wouldn't think it that bad. But that'll happen sooner or later.
I'll modify an empire and his throne, the whole thing, down to the entire mass and all. I really don't feel like changing whats already gone on so far except for whats been talked about here, so its done, so if someone wouldn't mind deleting the council post in the bar. But what I've seen here so far, the only problem you guys have made so far with him is:

a. battlestation, claim to that has been withdrawn
b. Darkside incarnate, he isn't, and just my personal views, I agree with Shawn and don't at the same time about the Force, light and dark
c. too powerful for the experience he's had so far, I'll fix that too
d. and that I needed more threads to support the things I do from now on
e. was that all?

and I'd like it if because of this, my characters don't become shunned or anything cuz I notice that to happen to people after this kinda thing and I still wanna be able to rp with everyone

Dec 3rd, 2002, 11:26:58 PM
Like I said, it was no joke. I honestly wanted Akrabbim to stab you and take you to a holding cell. Heck, it's the kind of thing he does. :)

Morgan Evanar
Dec 3rd, 2002, 11:45:04 PM
kekekeke, Ak and I ar in yur base, killin yur d00ds.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 4th, 2002, 12:45:02 PM
All your base are belong to us.

You cannot survive. Make your time.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 4th, 2002, 01:42:23 PM
No man, "I'm in yur base" is the next "all your base".

Sene Unty
Dec 4th, 2002, 01:44:18 PM
Man I am laughing way to hard at that! :lol

James Prent
Dec 5th, 2002, 12:02:20 AM


And Gav, lets RP with the Titan. LD still remembers it and she's about to have a bad girl makeover. If not WITH it, then about it.

Dios Kane
Dec 5th, 2002, 04:20:01 PM
so I guess its a done deal huh? I mean, the matter of Fiend and all right?