View Full Version : Revenge...on the one who denied me(Anbira)

Dec 1st, 2002, 09:37:13 PM
I stood in a colesium and waited for him. The one who denied my class. He would die, I hated him so much. Now that I had all this power I was sure to get my revenge. Fiend was right, the order had to die. I smiled and laughed. I would make him suffer. I would make him watch as his own body burned from the inside with my poison. I was the shadows, and I would kill him. My shiruken sat by my side. I smiled and looked over at a stone wall. It was at least five or six feet thick. I activated my shiruken and hacked away at the wall. It fell easily, and I laughed insanely. I looked to the horizon waiting for the evil to come. My cloak flew in the wind and I spoke, "It is time to die Anbira. How dare you deny my request. I should have killed you when I had the chance. Now I will make sure you die. You are worthless to this world, and it will be better without you." I laughed again. It was time for revenge.

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 1st, 2002, 10:34:06 PM
And who are you, to think you can challenge the likes of me?

:: Anbira approached, walking lightly through the causeway created by the wall's destruction, stepping over debris in his path. He looked to the fallen Padawan quizically. ::

Who are you, Ansatsu, but a failure. You do not have the dedication or patience to be a padawan, so you quit at the first sign of difficulty. And you expect to stand a chance against me?

:: The corners of his mouth turned upward, slightly ::

My boy, I am no sparring dummy, and you can pocket your overgrown ego now. You have absolutely no chance against the power I wield. Stand down, young whelp...else you will only wish for my harsh words to be your reprisals today.

Dec 1st, 2002, 10:47:17 PM
Ansatsu was tired of being underestimated it was time the Anibira learned I to was a man to be respected. He smeared my honor and my integrity before the council and for that he would pay. "I expect everyone is a whelp to a dried out prune like yourself Anibira. I think you hesitate your own words used to bolster your courage, are you feeble old man? Are your bones tired and aching?"

"I will be the darkness that haunts your dreams. I am the nightmare that keeps you looking over your shoulder and you will respect me." Leaping forward Ansatsu unleashed his shuriken, and like a viper it struck Anibira's arm only to fly with a hiss back to it's master. The vibrating hum was the only warning the Jedi had before being struck painfully. "Pitiful Jedi, you no longer even know who your dealing with!"

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:15:04 AM
:: Raising his arm, Anbira patted it. Neither the cloth enshrouding it, nor the flesh beneath were torn. The shuriken struck a barrier, noncorporeal and absolute, conceived of the power of the Force. ::

Prick me, yet I do not bleed. Challenge me, yet I do not heed. The bitter truth is your worst enemy, Ansatsu...and you fear that you are precisely as powerless as I have forseen.

:: Anbira reached out, and Ansatsu's body was his no longer. Using his full faculties of physical manipulation, Anbira seized the body of the errant Padawan, gently raising his form off his feet ::

Young one, I sense the corruption of the Dark Side within you. You are a puppet to a greater evil, and in so, the weakness lies in the strings that bind.

:: With a subtle movement of the hand, Anbira commanded...and Ansatsu's arms and legs spread wide apart, muscles and joints straining at their limit of mobility, as he was held fast. ::

Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:27:39 AM
My legs and arms were in a great amount of pain, but that did not stob me from talking. "You do not know what you are dealing with, do you?" Thousands of darts and stars flew from my bionic arms and their little compartments, "Either drop me and fight, or get stabbed to death with little darts and stars?" I smiled still feeling the pain circulate through my body.

"Prick you, and you do not bleed, well then you are not human. Challenge you, and you do not heed, then you are a coward." I smiled still waiting for the darts to strike him, or for him to drop me and make my move. I had no pain in my arms, seeing as how they were bionic.

The darts continued to fly at him with lightining fast speed, "Well make up your mind Anbira."

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:36:39 AM
:: Suddenly Ansatsu could move again, as Anbira released his hold upon the fallen padawan. An instant later, the air around the Jedi Master shimmered, the genesis of a shockwave, throwing the mass of projectiles back, like a rain of schrapnel, back into Ansatsu's face. Spraying outward errantly, most embedded into the duracrete roadway, or the masonry of the buildings behind, but a significant portion found their owner, and in less health than when they were loosed. Scores of his bladed implements pierced him, or sank into the alloy skin of his bionic arms. The shockwave continued, and blasted Ansatsu off his feet, sending him skidding across the ground . Anbira intertwined the fingers of his hands together, in a look of composed disposition. ::

Sound and fury, Ansatsu. Your words are but noise, bereft of the wisdom you do not have.

Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:45:54 AM
I felt the pain all over me. I quickly stood up and began removing my darts. After they had been removed I thought to try an old trick. I activated my shiruken and jumped out at him. Spinning the four blades furiously. One blade struck his arm, another his leg, and the other two his body. I then got behind him quickly using force speed, and kicked him in the back sending him forward.

"I have more knowledge than you think. That is if you ever do think. You see I am intelligent, and my body is a deadly weapon."

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:56:36 AM
:: The air around Anbira shimmered again, as he crafted his barrier once more. The shuriken and Ansatsu all ricocheted off the field, and as the barrier dissipated, Anbira seized the errant throwing stars, hovering them in the air. ::

Toys do not impress me, and they are a poor substitute for true ability.

:: In unison, the shuriken sped towards each other, and in their spinning frenzy, contacted and annihilated in a spectacular shower of sparks. Anbira turned to face Ansatsu, his jawline tightening. ::

You are wasting my time, Ansatsu. You would be best content to use your paltry skills against farm animals, and lord over them in your impotent fury. Whoever has seduced your heart has not given you the means to quench your jealous rage. You are a shadow of your cousin's potential, and no match for the likes of me.

Dec 2nd, 2002, 12:01:56 PM
I snarled to hear Wei's name, "Do not compare me to that failure! He is nothing, and I am everything. That is why Fiend chose me! You and the Order are nothing more than a waste of this universes energy. I tell you now that Fiend and his army will be the pivot of this world. Everything here will die in his path. You are all worthless. If you would no longer be a coward and not hide behind your pathetic little sheild then maybe you could fight like a real man. But your too scared. Afraid that a padawan might beat you. So you hide. I have no time for you coward. May you live to die another day." I smiled and clipped my shiruken on my belt. I jumped away into the night, and was gone. He would die later, as of right now I had a baby and a mother to kill.

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 2nd, 2002, 12:10:41 PM
:: Anbira watched the ninja leave, and sighed...leaving the young fool to his ill-fated delusions of grandeur. ::