View Full Version : An old face meets a new person.....(Wei)

Dec 1st, 2002, 07:40:21 PM
I stood atop a cliff waiting for my cousin. I had sent him a force message saying I was hurt. I knew the fool would come rushing to my aid. I smiled and looked at the saber on my belt. Four blades, Wei was as good as dead. I smiled and looked to the horizon. My red cloak flew from my neck. I smiled watching it wave in the wind. Wei was always late, ever since we were kids. He just to always beat me when we sparred too. Well, this time it would be different. I smiled, well Wei it was time for you to lose, and to your own younger cousin. I waited for him to arrive. I saw a village below the cliff and decided to go have fun. I jumped down and landed in the center of the village. I drew my saber and smiled. I began running through the village. I started to cut down buildings left and right. There was a small woman holding something in her arms. I kicked her to the side and saw a child lying on the ground. Killing children wasn't my thing, not enough blood. I stepped up to the woman, my saber drawn, and an evil look on my face. I was going to stab her, and then I heard something behind me. Wei, he was so loud. I turned and kicked the woman in the face. "Wei, where are you?" I smiled and deactivated the saber. Waiting for him to strike.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 1st, 2002, 07:55:24 PM
Wei had been enjoying a snack at the village cafe when when a woman was heard screaming and a voice called Wei's name.

Wei got up and walked outside. Satsa had kicked a woman to the ground. A baby lay a few feet away from her, crying in pain. Wei picked up the baby and cuddled it.

"Hush young one, all is well."

Wei carried the young one to the woman. Wei helped her to her feet and handed her the baby.

"Are you ok, ma'am? I think you should go find someplace safe."

Wei got between Satsa and the retreating woman. He pushed up his glasses, recognizing his cousin.

"I'm disappointed in you, cousin. I thought you were better than that."

Wei assumed the fighting stance his grandpa had taught him. His twin lightsabers hung from his belt, and his fan was in his sleeve. Wei was not going to let Ansatsu disgrace the family's good name.

"Grandpa would be dissappointed in you, too," he said firmly.

Wei had closed with Ansatsu with two long strides. Wei took Satsa's arm and bent it around behind his back. Wei took his other arm and put his cousin into a headlock.

"What do you think you are doing, attacking a village like that? It sure is not very Jedi-like."

Dec 1st, 2002, 08:05:03 PM
I smiled, "You are so very pathetic." I lifted my other elbow into his side. I wuickly activated my cloaking device and got behind him. I spun my leg across his head. He flew over to the side and I pulled out my shuriken saber. I activated it and the four red blades hissed to life. I smiled and stepped closer, "That is because I am no longer a Jedi cousin. My new leader has opened my eyes to the world. You see only those that follow Fiend will triumph." I lifted my foot into his face, "You pathetic weakling. It is time you die here, and join grandfather at the grave!" I jumped back and watched as my red cloak hovered in the air. I held the shiruken in a fighting stance. I smiled, "Well then, get up. I may have a new leader, but I still have honor." I saw the woman running and launched a dart at her. It stuck in her spine, and I watched as the poison took affect and she fell. I deactivated my cloaking device and waited.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 1st, 2002, 08:15:09 PM
Wei got up from the ground in time to see the woman fall. "I can;t believe you."

Wei got up again and drew one of his sabers. Wei narrowed his eyes slightly, and flared his nostrils a little so he could breathe better. Wei's face was a stone. If Wei was upset or angry at his cousin, no one knew. Not even Satsa. Wei was without emotion.

"There is only peace."

Wei darted forward and stabbed at his cousin's face.

Dec 1st, 2002, 08:19:23 PM
I threw up one of the blades and then cut Wei with the other. I spun it around a moment and then kicked Wei in the stomach. I looked at him and smiled, "Ready to die, cousin?" I laughed and then jumped toward him spinning my shiruken.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 1st, 2002, 08:23:04 PM
Wei felt the cut and the wind rushed out of his lungs. Wei would not be so easliy defeated. The Force came to him quickly after daily training and Wei was soon gaining strength and speed through the Force. Force boosting was what he did better than anything else.

"I won't be defeated so easily, cousin."

Wei closed with Ansatsu faster with his Force boosted speed and cut at Satsa's weapon. Wei put his shoulders and his waist into the cut, adding more power to the attack. Wei had read about the attack in a book. The attack could knock a weapon out of someone's hand. Wei hoped it worked.

Dec 1st, 2002, 08:45:23 PM
My shiruken flew out of my hand and I scowled at Wei. I looked at him and threw my fist into his face. "No matter you fool." I tensed up my arms, and my sabers came out of my wrists. I smiled and came flying towards Wei. I threw my two sabers at him using my arms, and hit Wei in the arm distracting him and jumping back, "Wow cousin, you really have gotten weak. You really are not worth the effort." I smiled again, "How does it feel to finally get beaten by your little cousin? Grandfather should have taught you better. Oh well, that beligerant old fool was worthless anyway." I laughed insanely and looked at Wei again. I walked over and picked up my shiruken. I latched it onto my belts and turnd to him again, "Fiend has made me stronger than you coul ever imagine. You are totally worthless. You should die here, but luckily for you, you are not ready to die. I want you to die slow, and at your very best. Come find me when your stronger you fool." I smiled and turned my back. I jumped back up to the trees and then to the cliff. My red cloak dangling in the night. "Oh and Wei one more thing. You have about one minute to get out of there. I set a bomb in the village. Find it or leave and let all those innocents die." I knew the choice he would make. He was so vigilant. Always being the hero. Oh well, he would just be another thorn out of my side. He would never find the bomb, not where I hid it.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 1st, 2002, 08:59:36 PM
Wei watched Satsa run away.

"Fiend has not made you stronger. He has made you foolhardy and inconsiderate. He has made you mean."

Wei put his cousin out of his mind and instead focused on finding the bomb. If Satsa was still around, Wei would have tried to enter his mind and find the location of the bomb. But since he could not do that, he had to find the threat the old-fashioned way: look everywhere to find out where Ansatsu hid it.

"If I were Satsa, where would I put it?"

Dec 1st, 2002, 09:03:48 PM
I smiled and thought to myself, "Thirty seconds. You better hury Wei." He would never find the bomb. Planted on the dart in that dead womans body. Poor, poor boy.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 1st, 2002, 09:18:10 PM
Wei sighed and walked over to where the woman lay face down on the ground.

"Poor woman. She had so much to look forward to with her baby."

Wei took the dart out of her back and looked it over. "I don;t get you Satsa. Why did you waste this dart on an innocent lady when its poison would be better off bringing an end to the Darkside?"

Wei took the lady to the outskirts of town where the cemetary was and set her down.

"I'll see that you get a proper burial."

Wei had carried the dart with him and when he realized he still had it, he threw it as far away as he could. Then he turned back to the town. Wei walked down the street, looking under people's porches, and inside of crates and barrels.

"Where did you put that bomb, Satsa?"

Dec 1st, 2002, 09:23:15 PM
I scowled, "You little jerk. I can't beleive you found it." I watched as the cemetary exploded and caught fire. All those dead people. The thought was great. I smiled and continued to walk, "Darkside, there was no such thing. If there is one then it was Fiend. He is nothing but it." I smiled and continued to walk away from the mountain.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 1st, 2002, 09:31:31 PM
Wei jerked his head up when he heard an explosion and hit his head on the porch he was looking under.


Wei rubbed his head, got out from under the porch and ran out to the cemetarty.

"He put the bomb in the cemetary? That doesn;t make sense."

The people came out to the cemetary and saw it burning. Some of the women wept. Other men just looked on in silence.

"Well, at least no one living was hurt. But I know how it feels to have all those graves disturbed. I'd hate for Grandpa's grave to be ruined. I'm sorry you guys."

The village elder walked up and placed a hand on Wei's shoulder.

"It'll be ok, Master Jedi. You protected the living, just like you have sworn to do. It is not your duty to protect the dead. That would be a useless endeavor. We will make a new cemetary. Just wait and see."

Wei turned to the old man and nodded. "Good luck, sir. If you will excuse me, I have to go find that man who attacked this place. He's family." Wei admitted the last part with a bit of reluctance. The old man nodded his head and let Wei go.

The Jedi Padawan sprinted through the town in the direction Satsa had escapred.

"Satsa, we have to talk!" Wei shouted.

Dec 1st, 2002, 09:44:22 PM
I turned and looked at him, "There is nothing to talk of you bleeding carcass. Unless you are joining us or bowing at my feet I suggest you go before I kill you." I smiled and stood with my cloak flowing. I waited for him to say something, "Well speak you fool, before I kill you."

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 1st, 2002, 09:58:02 PM
"I won;t do any bowing down. I won;t join you either."

Wei stood up straight and stretched his neck and waist and legs, making him appear to be taller and more intimidating.

"I don;t get it Satsa. So I managed to win when we would spar as kids. Who cares? You never complained about it before. By bringing it up now you are just justifying a bunch of senseless violence."

Wei assumed a defensive stance and activated both his lightsabers. No doubt Satsa would try to kill him now. Wei's face became expressionless once again. It was time to see how Satsa was going to start out.

Dec 1st, 2002, 10:23:15 PM
I activated my shiruken, "You really do want to die don't you?" I laughed, "Time to take you back to the old days. Let's start out with an old trick all kids did." I activated my cloaking device and ran up to him. I lifted my knee into his crotch, and laughed. "Wow, I have not done that in a very long time." I kicked him in the face and jumped back. "Well, it appears as though you will lose again." I smiled and laughed.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 1st, 2002, 10:35:46 PM
Wei put the pain out of his mind. He got to his feet. "Hiding behind cheap tricks. Do you teach people how to kick other people in the groin as a part of your Fuma style? Some ninja technique."

Wei could not see Ansatsu but he had an idea about where he was based on his voice. Wei pulled an illusion out of the small bag of tricks he had been taught from Jedi Master Akrabbim. Wei projected into Ansatsu's mind the image of a large razor disk coming at his head.

Dec 1st, 2002, 10:46:26 PM
I saw this large disk coming at me. I slashed at it with my saber and nothing happened. I got scared and yelled for a moment. Then I realized something. I put out my hand. I was not cut. "Wei, you really should get new tricks." I came out of my cloaking and gathered energy in my body. "Here is the Fuma style you have heard me talk about." A small circle gathered beneath my body, and my spirit leaped out. I smiled and my spirit sat beside me. "Can you deal with two of us?" I laughed and my spirit jumped at him. It slashed at his body and then jumped back. "Well?"

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 1st, 2002, 10:54:26 PM
Wei moved out of the way of Satsa's spirit and blocked the saber attack with his own saber, and kept his saber touching his cousin's It would be difficult for Ansatsu to separate his blade from Wei's.

"I'll manage." Wei carefully kept his attention divided between Ansatsu and his spirit. Wei did not know if he could hurt Satsa's spirit. He'd be careful around it.

Wei feinted a cut at the spirit, intent on getting the spirit to give away its intentions.

Dec 1st, 2002, 11:03:45 PM
My spirit got cut and jumped back. A small cut appeared on my stomach, "You bastard!" I jumped at him along with my spirit and we both began to cut at him. I hit him in the arm. My spirit hit him in the leg. Then we both jumped back. My spirit was running out of energy, and I was running out of time. My breathing was heavy. I was starting to fail. My heartbeat was slowing down. My spirit rejoined my body, and I raised my arm and shot a dart at Wei. "I am sorry I have to leave you. However, my ebergy is depleting and I have no chocie. Be glad your family or you would be dead now." I lept and walked slowly away from him.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 1st, 2002, 11:12:37 PM
Wei felt the cuts on his arm and leg, and letting the Force guide him, managed to retrieve his fan and flick it open in time to stop the dart from hitting him.

"So, doing that spirit move drains much energy from him. If I go after him, I might be able to get him back to the GJO. Maybe get him to turn back to the light."

Wei put the pain out of his mind and effortlessly increased his speed. Wei could outrun some animals, and once managed to outrun a hoverboard, but he still had a way to go before he could reach his maximum speed.

"Here I come, Satsa! Ready or not!"

Dec 1st, 2002, 11:15:36 PM
I was walking and could feel myself slipping. I was so close too. I felt my energy leaving me, and I fell to the ground. I looked up at the sun in the sky. It burned my eyes, and I passed out after that. I only saw what I had become, darkness.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 2nd, 2002, 08:38:18 AM
Wei found his cousin lying on the ground. "Fuma is a dangerous art it seems."

Wei picked up Satsa's unconcious body and managed a fireman's carry. "Let's get you to a medic," he said, walking toward the direction of the nearest city.