View Full Version : IC Families

Ryla Relvinian
Dec 1st, 2002, 03:28:37 PM
Because the IC Relationships thread is such a great resource, how about starting a IC family thread... Please put your parents, siblings, children, or any other convoluted familial relations (on or outside of the boards) here.


Father - Dexarian Etanial
Half brother - Xanatos Etanial

(In case you are wondering, this is for a board-wide family tree project that I am working on. I hypothesize that over 80% of us are IC related in some way. Call it 6 degrees of swfans if you like...)

Xazor Elessar
Dec 1st, 2002, 03:44:50 PM
Father-Verse Dawnstrider (Jedi Master)
Mother-Zandaria Manaachia (Deceased)
Brother-Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider (Jedi Padawan/Ex-Sith Knight)
Blood Brother-Satine Capashen (Jedi Master)
Blood Brother-Sasha Kovalev (Sith Knight)
Blood Brother-Vanair Sharken (Jedi Padawan, MIA)
Blood Sister-Jina Jade-Q'Dunn (Adoptive Daughter of Helenias)
Uncle-Pivo Knightstalker (Sith Rogue)
Uncle-Xanatos Etanial (Sith ?)
Son By Adoption-Jedidiah Dawnstrider (Jedi Padawan, MIA)
Daughter By Adoption-Natia Dawnstrider (Dark Jedi Apprentice)
Daughter-Valanya Verse Belargic (Unborn)
Ex-Husband-Shade Magus (Jedi Knight, MIA)
Father Of Valanya-Dasquian Belargic (Jedi Knight)
Fiance-Terran Starek (Jedi Padawan)
Mother By Adoption-Helenias Q'Dunn (Jedi Knight, Warlordess)
Considered A Father By Xazor-Marcus Q'Dunn (Jedi Master, Warlord)

Related to Dae Jinn by marriage for she is Verse Dawnstrider's sister-in-law.

Soon to be the sister-in-law of Jeran the Hunter (aka: Jeran Konrad).

Somehow related to Ryla Relvinian by marriage as well.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 1st, 2002, 04:02:32 PM
Silus Xilarian: No living relatives known (though he may have a few illegitimate kids running around :rolleyes)

Sanis Prent
Dec 1st, 2002, 04:06:37 PM
Sanis Prent:
Father - Ledo Prent

Anbira Hicchoru:
Son - Jubei SaDherat Vader

Jubei SaDherat Vader:
Father - Anbira Hicchoru
Mother - Lady Vader

Diego Van Derveld:
Uncle - Baron Marco Van Derveld
Son - Vega Van Derveld
Son - Ket Van Derveld
Daughter - Elena Van Derveld
Daughter - Danya Argent
Grandson - Darius Van Derveld
(probably more, but I don't have the family tree on me)

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta:
Sister - Daanarri Raurrssatta
Mistress - Saarreeaa Meorrrei

Taataani Meorrrei:
Half sister - Sasseeri Reeouurra
Daughter - Saarrreeaa Meorrrei

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa:
Mistress - Rourrsseeri Feessarro (The Pride Mother)
Daughter (?) - Jajaannei Feessarro

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 1st, 2002, 04:16:38 PM
Ki Adi Kindo:

- Dreth Kindo; Adopted brother (Sith Apprentice)

Morrigan Van-Derveld
Dec 1st, 2002, 04:20:53 PM
:lol This is going to be entertaining..

Gitane Cherise Blesse - Van-Derveld (Wow, that's a long name)

Adoptive mother - Elena Van-Derveld
"Grandfather" - Deigo Van-Derveld
"Birth Mother" - Fauna Sang

Gitane is a clone of Fauna (The original Gitane), but a younger version of her. And if you're wondering about her wings, Fauna is NOT a full-blooded Falleen. Her mother was an "angel" like species that I haven't invented yet.

Morrigan Van-Derveld

This is going to get confusing...

Father - Vega Van-Derveld
Oldest Brother - Darius Van-Derveld
Older Brother - Thanatos Van-Derveld (deceased)
Older Sister - Galatea Van-Derveld (soon to be deceased)
Mother - Gitane Blesse/Fauna Sang/Kerri Maximalian
Step Mother (Soon to be, I believe) - Lady Daiquri
Half Sister - Katina Van-Derveld (Not yet born)

Now, once and for all, an explanation of Morri's existance. It requires some back ground info

Before Vega and Gitane were married, as well as before Thanatos was born, Gitane's body was switched with that of a human woman, Kerri Maximalian. You all remember the purple haired Gi, right?

So, Thanatos is technically the half brother of the twins Galatea and Darius.

Morrigan is a clone created from the DNA of both Galatea and Thanatos. She also has enough DNA in her to make her a full-blooded Lupine. Basically, Gitane created her from the two "failures" in the family. The softies, in otherwords.

Aside from Lucine Kasstra, who is currently not being played, all of my other characters are without families. Or at least, without families that are played by other SWFans members.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 1st, 2002, 04:30:23 PM
I'll bite -


- Father, Mother never mentioned
- Legal guardian of Jina Jade, daughter of the now deceased Lady Mara Jade, "possible" father Darth Turbogeek clone 1
- Xazor elessar, adopted
- and somewhere along the line, I picked up a load of relatives along with Xaz that I cant quite work out yet.

Darth Turbogeek Clone 1 (deceased)
- Father to Jina Jade (Never confirmed)

Darth Turbogeek Clone 2
- Would LIKE to get biological with Arya Ravenwing

No other characters have family of any sort.

Kelt Simoson
Dec 1st, 2002, 04:34:39 PM
Sieken Kasstra:

Brother: Deven Kasstra
Sister: Lucine Kasstra
Brother: Logun Kasstra

Sieken is also blood related to: Vega Van-Derveld through Lupine implants.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 1st, 2002, 05:08:47 PM
Daiquiri - half sister to Baron Fel (from my Talk City days)

Engaged to Vega VanDerveld

Mother to Katina VanDerveld (unborn)

Daughter-in-law to Diego VanDerveld

Sister-in-law to Elena VanDerveld

Wicked Stepmother to Morrigan VanDerveld (:mneh)

Wicked Stepmother to Darius VanDerveld (:mischief)

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 1st, 2002, 07:02:46 PM
Dalethria Mal Pannis

Sister to Marc Tarkin by birth (younger brother)

Blood Sister to Tirsa Krylana and Sorsha Kasajian

Granddaughter to Grand Moff Tarkin

Daughter to Lise and Andron Tarkin

Mother to Aliandra Mal Pannis

Wife to Ogre Mal Pannis

As for Navaria,

take out, Tirsa, Sorsha, Aliandra and Ogre :D

Dec 1st, 2002, 07:29:31 PM
Nupraptor (aka Jeren Rane)

- Mother: Ariel Rane
- Father: Lusiphur Rane (deceased)
- No known siblings.
- No known children... as of yet.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 1st, 2002, 08:20:01 PM
Lilaena De'Ville

Parents: deceased, and I don't recall their names
Siblings: none
Husband: Pierce Tondry
Son: Jax Ivanrue
Daughter: Msya - deceased

Arya Ravenwing

Parents: Lysa and Danner Ravenwing - deceased

James Prent

Adoptive Parents: Garrett and Fa'a Prent
Brother: Robbie Prent, 5 yrs old

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei:

Mother: Taataani Meorrrei
Aunt: Sasseeri Reeouurraa
Sister-in-law: Daanarri Raurrssaatta

Sasseeri Reeouurra:

Half sister: Taataani Meorrrei
Niece: Saarrreeaa Meorrrei

Dec 1st, 2002, 08:43:03 PM
Sorus Vis uth'Vaalor

Father: Avarion Illesire uth’Vaalor, deceased
Mother: Kisharra Shintre uth’Visandir, deceased

One older brother, while living, might as well be dead. As an illegitimate child, he is without House, and thus, without Rights.

Dae Jinn
Dec 1st, 2002, 08:57:43 PM
Lord Diablos Jinn (father, deceased)
Lady Anakizumu Mioko Jinn (mother, deceased)
Ja'Aku Dama Jinn (brother, Jedi Padawan of the GJO)
Kyoaku "Ky" Jinn (brother, where-abouts unknown)
Daejina Jinn (sister, deceased)
Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider (nephew, TSE member)
Lord Gue (Ex-Husband, Sith)
Jeran the Hunter (Lover, Member of Plague)

And, techincally, this character is Verses sister-in-law :lol So I'm related to Xazor by marriage. :)

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Dec 1st, 2002, 09:26:52 PM

Karreli and Karano (mother and father), Inu-Aku(husband), Kalia (daughter), Anu(son), twin son and daughter (unnamed at this point)


Raeerreei and Rokeerra(mother and father), Morrouw (son)

*pokes Sanis* Cirr has Morrouw as family too......

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 1st, 2002, 10:06:42 PM
Wei's family

Mother: Miss Te
Father: P'u
Cousin: Ansatsu
Wife: Angelica Shin

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 1st, 2002, 10:09:04 PM
Not related to any character on the boards...

The family history I'm trying to set more up of.. as in names and whatnot.

Sanis Prent
Dec 1st, 2002, 10:40:04 PM
That doesn't count. Cizerack males don't really assume any family responsibility :)

Dec 1st, 2002, 10:56:07 PM
Mother, Father not mentioned

Blood Sister- Xazor Leo Dawnstrider (Jedi Knight)

Not realted to that many...

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 1st, 2002, 11:02:59 PM


Father - Dharkharon s'Ilancy
Mother - Nekite s'Ilancy
Sister - Kyryanu Nerrot-s'Ilancy
Sister(doesn't know about her yet) - Fenra s'Ilancy

Future husband - Taylor Millard
Future son - Lawrence Millard
Future daughter - Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Future nephew-in-law - Sasha Kovalev
Future cousin-in-law(is that even a relation?) - Athena Lady Darkness

that's all I can think of right now

Telan Desaria
Dec 1st, 2002, 11:16:11 PM
Grand Admiral Baron Telan Desaria

Father: Grand Admiral Darian Desaria, 43rd Great Baron of Centaur

Mother: Lorien Desaria, Countess Regina

Brothers:::(10 brothers, 4 sisters, all Centaurian)

Adopted Son (God son): Torril Vaalt, son of Markarius Vaalt, killed in the first Yuuzahn Vong attack.

Any one who wants to be related,,,,let me know. As of now, no one...sorry.

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 1st, 2002, 11:20:39 PM
Jeseth Cloak

Half-brother: Warren Azalin. (They have the same mother, but different fathers. Normally in Ambrielian culture the male takes the female's last name, but Warren was an exception because he has a human father.)

Half-sister: Elhaym Cloak. (They share the same father, but because of Elhaym's mother having different cultural customs than her father, she kept the last name Cloak.)

Son/Clone: Slayn Cloak. (Slayn was created using the DNA of Jeseth and Fire Hazzard, and is essentially a clone.)

Jerred Rez

Family unknown.

Zorin Hexes

Genetically Engineered.

Dec 1st, 2002, 11:39:03 PM
Hera DrenKast:

Father - Tubrak DrenKast (Lineage to Jodo Kast yet to be established)
Brother - Turon Daan DrenKast
Mother - remains nameless as she took the mantle of the Jedi.
Cousin - Jade Zaria Tor (of the royal family Zaria Tor of Kwaylon)


Estelle Russard:

Father,mother two brothers - all details yet to be written in stone. From Tr' Nuva (a made up planet) :)

Dec 2nd, 2002, 03:13:56 AM

Father "Gardor Kaltharn: Died when Severen was very young
Mother "Queen Jesibell Marx of Tarr: Killed by Severen for bethrail
Brother "Daemon Kaltharn": Alive and well and took over the position as King of Tarr

Thats all im letting on at the moe:)

Helenias Evenstar
Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:09:31 AM
- Never even thought of parents. They are alive, but never named. I wold probably shamelessly rip Elrond and Celebran if I ever needed to mention them

- Daughters by adoption, Jina Jade and Xazor Leo Dawnstrider

Fairly boring really.

Zasz Grimm
Dec 2nd, 2002, 07:45:34 AM
Nivram Draklar aka, The original Zasz Grimm.

If you count the clones as family, then Zasz, Cyriam, and Kineas are all his brothers.

Same with the others.

Aejin Rahn:

Ran away from home, his mother and father, and sister still live.
Father: Nameless due to being a Jedi
Mother: Nameless due to being a Jedi
Sister: Nameless due to being a Jedi

Andraq Novkar: Parents and siblings deceased.

Taylor Millard
Dec 2nd, 2002, 08:43:26 AM

Father- Kieron Millard (dead)
Mother- Anne Millard (dead)
Brother- Trent Donovan (Millard) (dead)

Cousin- Athena Lady Darknss
Nephew- Sasha Kovalev

Future wife- Lok s'Ilancy
Future son- Lawrence Trent Millard
Future daughter- Vera Ravencourt-Millard

Future father-in-law- Dharkharon s'Ilancy
Future mother-in-law- Nekite s'Ilancy
Future sisters-in-law- Kyry and Fenra s'Ilancy

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Dec 2nd, 2002, 09:34:26 AM
Originally posted by Sanis Prent
That doesn't count. Cizerack males don't really assume any family responsibility :)

:P still is a blood relative.....regerdless of culture.....

imported_Blade Ice
Dec 2nd, 2002, 09:53:44 AM
Blade Ice

Has no know family since he has no past he can remember but he is secretivly a Van-derveld wannabe just don't tell vega.

Jackson mcgraves

Twin Brother- Jason Mcgraves (xsmokingmanx)

Jason Mcgraves (xsmokingmanx)

Twin Brother- Jackson Mcgraves

Gerbo Lang

(Has a few but he doesn't like mentioning them for they are Vampire scum.)

Dec 2nd, 2002, 10:08:15 AM
Family by way of adoption:
Jhony (Father)
May (Sister)

Biological family:
Moxi Saska
Johannes Saska

Inu: Wife- Sorreessa Tarrinneezi
Twins, daughter and son- Nefertati and Hiroaki

Lady Vader
Dec 2nd, 2002, 08:08:30 PM
Lady Vader (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=140) (Sel'arra Daijo (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=269))

Father: Torrek Smirns (human, deceased)
Mother: Aruarre (Trianii, deceased)
Aunt (on mother's side): Lorarri (Trianii, living)
Adoptive Mother: Gethwyn Tajki (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=1153) (Dathomir witch, living)
Son (fathered by Anbira Hicchoru (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=45)): Jubei SaDherat Vader (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=65) (living)
Husband: Darth Vader (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=909) (living)

AmazonBabe (Rie Mystt) (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=119)

Father: Jac Mystt (Zonama Sekotan, presumed deceased)
Mother: Ver Mystt (Zonama Sekotan, presumed deceased)
Adoptive Father: Sitar(Ithorian, living)
Husband: Morgan Evanar (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=21) (living0

Azure Regalia (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=155)

Creator: Dr. James Regalia (deceased, identity unknown to Azure)

And that's it for now. Haven't bothered to do my other characters family trees just yet.

Makoto Neo
Dec 2nd, 2002, 08:29:32 PM
Makoto Neo
-Mother - Ellis Neo(deceased)
-Father - Derric Neo (Deceased)
-Sister - "Kay" Neo (deceased)

Jared Mriad
-No known blood relations

Cherice St_Hilare
Dec 2nd, 2002, 08:45:33 PM
Cherice - No relations
Jibrielle - No relations
Salemn - A younger brother, whose nickname was "Keto" for chameleon (his ability to change his skin color to match the 'scenery')
Syren - No relations, unless you count Eve Siren. She's like the adoptive parent because Syren can't take care of herself, and they used to be/are best friends

Dec 3rd, 2002, 08:52:34 AM
Nemesis - no family (Plague members considered his family, but none by blood.)

The Preacha - might have some family out there, somewhere.:\

Angelica Shin
Dec 3rd, 2002, 02:19:36 PM
Angelica Shin's Famliy-

Joie Shin (Mother)
Kelevan Shin (father?, dead)
Soja Shin (Younger Twin sister)
Jeska Shin (Half-Middle Sister, 15)
Myo Shin (Half-Youngest Sister, 10)
Giran (Former Master/Real Father)
Wei Wu Wei (Husband)
Miss Te (Mother-in-law)
P'u (father-in-law)
Anatsu (dunno what to call him, Cousin?)
Kyasha "Ky" Shin Wei (future Daughter, not born yet)

Da-ku's Family-

Gemelo Sol Etanial (twins Sister, Killed her)
Mother*name forgotten* (killer her as well)
Ashley Selena (creator, killed her too)
Tsuin Sha Sole (shares blood, kill him too)
Xanatos Etanial (father)
Ryla ('Auntie')
Xandra*ithink* Etanial (Half-sister)

Urrraanni Frreeerrai Has a currently unnamed Mom, and two elder sister's.

Dae Jinn
Dec 3rd, 2002, 02:41:27 PM
Originally posted by Angelica Shin
Urrraanni Frreeerrai Has a currently unnamed Mom, and two elder sister's.

Just like RL, ne? :lol

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 3rd, 2002, 06:19:26 PM
Ange sure gots a big family. PEoples she don;t even know the names of...It's like a family reunion.

Family Reunions
They're all about the same.
Boy I sure do miss Aunt What-cha-callit
and Uncle What's-his-name.

imported_Taja Loraan
Dec 4th, 2002, 02:34:11 AM
- Taja Loraan (not related to anyone on the boards)

'Mother': regards Dalethria Mal Pannis as her mommy ^_^
Son: Setheus Shrowde

- Surpanakha (not related to anyone on the boards... yet)

Suri's body is host to the spirit of a long-dead sorcerer called Livyatan, and so her 'family' is, technically, his.
Wife: Apepi
Brother: Rahab

- Torriana Marx (not related to anyone on the boards)

Father: Karl Marx... or not. ^_^; He and his wife both died when their teenage pyromaniac of a daughter set the house on fire.

Jennifer Sunstriker
Dec 4th, 2002, 08:44:54 AM
Jennifer Sunstriker has no known family.


Lillian Snow
Dec 4th, 2002, 08:49:48 AM
Father: Cresin "Crash" Snow
Mother: Shina Snow
Guardian: Logic
Son: Titian Snow
Brother: Kidsett Snow

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 4th, 2002, 10:40:35 AM
Pierce Tondry's relations

Ivanrue Mikas Tondry: Grandfather (alive)
Alan Tondry: Father (deceased)
Alan's wife whose name I can't remember right now- Mother (deceased)
Lilaena De'Ville: estranged wife
Jax Ivanrue Tondry: Son

No siblings or extended familial relations.
Further Tondry data classified.


Evil Hobgoblin relations

Master Yoghurt: Goody two-shoes older brother!

Kidding! Hob doesn't have any currently living relatives.

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 4th, 2002, 10:49:31 AM
Parents- Deceased, names unknown (he was too young to remember)
Siblings/other- None as far as he knows.

Sl Enoth:
Parents- A massive biological breeding planet.
Siblings- Every other member of it's species.


Dec 5th, 2002, 10:33:17 AM

Lex Blaine - Brother


Destiny Stormrider - Sister
Lance Stormrider - Brother
Juclesia Stormrider - Mother
Straffe Stormrider - Cousin

Ryla Relvinian
Apr 2nd, 2003, 12:35:25 AM
Well, I'm still gathering information, so I'm going to bump this thread back up. Let me also add that you are free to include all possible sorts of relatives, including, but not limited to, master/padawan relationships, mentor/apprentice, children by adoption, "blood" brothers/sisters that are not blood relations, clones, and all blood relatives. Please do include Ciz males because they are technically related although they are not recognized by their culture. ALSO (I am a needy woman, I know!!) you can include any other relationships that are not implicitly defined by someone else' post, as well as which characters are living or deceased at the moment.

Thank you all for your contributions, I do hope to have something up when I can. :)

Apr 2nd, 2003, 01:48:37 AM

Count Fulkrehm Darkmere - father (alive)
Countess Danae Darkmere - mother (alive)
Elijah Darkmere - older brother (deceased)
Izabelle Darkmere - younger sister (alive)
Aeryn Malegant - cousin (alive)
Kariss Darkmere - Wife (alive)
Draven Darkmere - Son (alive)
Alexi Darkmere - Daughter (alive)

Quinlin Torr....

Darger Torr - father (deceased)
Sequoia Torr - mother (alive)
Asher Torr- Brother (alive)

Apr 2nd, 2003, 07:34:57 AM
Rather than go edit, I'll just post an update.

Father by adoption--Jhonathan Rasputin Peris (Jhony)
Sister by adoption--May Peris
Jedi Padawans--Lime, Janus Riddyl, Rognan Dar
Mentor--Maia Tharrinn

Wife-Soreessa Tarrineezi
Children(eldest to youngest)--Anuberis, Kalia, Nefertati, Hiroaki
Mother in Law--Karreli
Father in Law--Karano
Krath Apprentices--Sonzai Kurai, Neepik
Mentor--Salem Ave

Kwiet Ideya
One Big Happy...Family?(his current guardians)--The Lost Jedi

Yasashii Mikan
Brother--Oishii Sakana

Apr 2nd, 2003, 07:53:54 AM
Is Kwiet Ideya supposed to sound like Quiet Idea?

And as for me, none of my characters are related to any of the characters here.

Zela Anos
Apr 2nd, 2003, 10:40:24 AM
Zela may or may not be someone's bastard kid, I just need to inform them first.


Oh, and for Ange's family tree.

Soja Shin (younger Twin, deceased, killed by Ange)
Mikl Giranson Shin (Half-Brother, Living, Adopted into the Shin Clan)

Eve Siren
Apr 2nd, 2003, 10:52:46 AM
Evelyn/Sway/Lara May Lee - not related to anyone

Syren Lysander and Andrue Dimitri could count as being adopted by Eve Siren, but she's more of a guardian than a parent. Other than that, she's lonely too.

-- Sighs -- I am pathetic. -_-;

Nathanial K'cansce
Apr 2nd, 2003, 10:54:02 AM
Update, then:

'Father' = dead Sith Lord (at the moment, he has no name... he'll have a name shortly) - Not true father.

Father and Mother - Thought dead.

Known siblings - none.

unknown siblings - 1 (Ryla, PM me if you want to know who it is.)

Children: none.

Brother/Sister not really related: Darth Horus, Darth Malamar

Current Master: Ogre Mal Pannis

Past Masters: Princess Rebecca, Jedi Master Leia Solo, Jedi Rebel X

Current Apprentices (some haven't begun their training under Snack yet, and for that, I apologize): Jared Mriad, Sten the Chimp, Silex Invictus, Xenodoros Stormrider, Sierra Sha .... I think those are all the *active* ones.

Slave: Ilyarna

Most Trusted Friend: Use to be Horus *doesn't post* ; use to be Warren *Long past leading to betrayal of both against each other* ; DarthPoreon *quit RPing*

Past Lovers: Fire Hazzard

Mernt, that's all I can remember.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 2nd, 2003, 10:58:22 AM
Sorry Xazor, but I'm cheating a bit here.

Adopted Grandfather-Verse Dawnstrider (Jedi Master)
Adopted Grandmother-Zandaria Manaachia (Deceased)
Adopted Uncle-Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider (Jedi Padawan/Ex-Sith Knight)
Adopted Uncle-Satine Capashen (Jedi Master)
Adopted Uncle-Sasha Kovalev (Sith Knight)
Adopted Uncle-Vanair Sharken (Jedi Padawan, MIA)
Adopted Aunt-Jina Jade Elessar (Adoptive Daughter of Helenias)
Adopted Great Uncle-Pivo Knightstalker (Sith Rogue)
Adopted Great Uncle-Xanatos Etanial (Sith ?)
Adopted Brother-Jedidiah Dawnstrider (Jedi Padawan, MIA)
Sister-Valanya Verse Belargic
Ex-Father person who I never really liked (IC)-Shade Magus (Jedi Knight, MIA)
Father Of Valanya-Dasquian Belargic (Jedi Knight)
Adopted Grandmother By Adoption-Helenias Evenstar (Jedi Knight, Warlordess)
Adopted Grandfather By Natia Dawnstrider-Marcus Elessar(Jedi Master, Warlord)
Adopted Mother-Xazor Elessar(Jedi Knight)
Biological Sister-Bunny(Buneka) Rourke (Bounty Hunter/Gun for Hire)
Biological Sister- Faith Lerf (Jedi Padawan)
Biological Brother - Mordecai Loria (twin)
Biological Brother - Tharinye Lerf (twin to Faith)
Biological Father-Unknown name (Deceased)
Biological Mother-Unknown name (Deceased)
Numerous other biological siblings, names unknown as of yet.

Adopted Father - Falcon Gyndar (Jedi Knight)

Former Jedi Master's-Xazor, Sia-Lan Darkheart
Former Master - Taja Lorran
Current Master - Marcus Elessar

If I've missed anybody, talk to Xazor and myself.

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 2nd, 2003, 11:01:47 AM
Alright, here goes.

Vega Van-Derveld:
Diego Van-Derveld (father)
Lady Daiquiri (fiancé)
Darius Van-Derveld (son)
Morrigan Van-Derveld (daughter)
Katina Van-Derveld (daughter)
Elena Van-Derveld (sister)
Danya Van-Derveld (sister)
Ket Van-Derveld (brother)
Thanatos Van-Derveld (son [deceased])
Marco Van-Derveld (grandfather)
Galatea Van-Derveld (daughter [deceased])
Gitane Blesse Van-Derveld (ex-wife)

Dasquian Belargic:
Aaron Belargic (Twin brother)
Valanya Verse Belagic (Daughter)
Xazor Elessar (love?)
Shia Belargic (Mother [deceased])
Lero Belargic (Father [deceased])
Lanfear Belargic (Younger sister [deceased])
Vermillion Belargic (Great grandson)
Kitiana Belargic (Great granddaughter)
Kakita Yoshi (Grandson)
Eiphos Nikita-Belargic (ex-wife [deceased])
Sulli Nikita-Belargic (son [deceased])
Sophitia Nikita-Belargic (daughter [deceased])

Aevenon Cloak:
Jeseth Cloak (father)
Slayn Cloak (twin)

Salem Ave:
Razielle Shadanna (sire)
Jeseth Cloak (master)

Agden Ithrin:
Xazor Elessar (master)

Arriana Rezner:
Sorsha Kasajian (master)
Trace Sha (favourite pale guy :mischief)

Warlock / Captain Coruscant / other chars:

I think that’s it.

Apr 2nd, 2003, 11:02:50 AM

None known

Apr 2nd, 2003, 11:59:07 AM
Originally posted by Dru
Is Kwiet Ideya supposed to sound like Quiet Idea?

"Kweet Eedaya" was how I meant it to be, but so many people said it "Quiet Idea" I've come to accept that one as well. :) Just say it how you want.

Apr 2nd, 2003, 01:42:19 PM
Sasha Kovalev aka Alexander Millard (former Sith Knight, now Dark Jedi with the Black Hand)

Father – Trent Millard (deceased) aka Trent Donovan
Mother – Ophelia Donovan (deceased)

Uncle – Taylor Millard
Aunt – Lok s’Ilancy (by marriage to Taylor)

Fiancee – Feliciana Devano

Blood Sister – Xazor (whatever her last name is at the moment ;) )
Considers a sister – Gouyen Chee

Former Master: Lady Vader
Current Master: Wargrave

Maxim Vasilijev (Sith Apprentice with TSO)

Father – open
Mother – open
Brother – open (twin)

Current Master: Lady Vader

Kolarik (Vampire with the Shrine of the Damned)

Father – drunk who left a long time ago
Mother – in a mental institution

Master/Lover/One who turned him – Alana

Sebastian Kvasha (Dark Jedi with the Krath also moonlights with the Candy Store)

Father – open
Mother – open
Multiple siblings – he’s from a large family – open

Considers a sister of sorts – Sway
Will consider a sister (currently in progress) – Feliciana Devano

Former Master: Jeseth Cloak (briefly)
Current Master: Cold Blaine

Michael Klein (watcher of vampires)

Havent really thought about his family yet

I think that’s it…hope this helps your research. :)

imported_Blade Ice
Apr 2nd, 2003, 06:07:57 PM

Blade Ice

Gerbo Lang
Father - Derk Da Fang(deceased)
Mother - Kamaria Lang (deceased)
Half Brother - Tamer Da Fang (deceased)
Half Brother - Tear Da Fang (deceased)
Half Brother - Torm Da Fang (deceased)

Jackson Mcgraves
Father- James Mcgraves (deceased)
Mother- Nicole Gracy Mcgraves (deceased)
Twin Brother- Jason Mcgraves
Younger Brother- James Mcgraves (deceased)
Niece- Nicky Huu
Nephew- Jason Dreggs
Nephew- Alex mcgraves

Jason Mcgraves (xsmokingmanx)
Father- James Mcgraves (deceased)
Mother- Nicole Gracy Mcgraves (deceased)
Twin Brother- Jackson Mcgraves
Younger Brother- James Mcgraves (deceased)
Lucy Huu - ex-wife (deceased)
Kaylee Dreggs - ex-wife (deceased)
Daughter - Nicky Huu
Son - Jason Dreggs
Nephew- Alex mcgraves

OW Outcast
Father - OW Outcast Sr.
Mother - Jammy Uber Outcast
Younger brother- Bladous Outcast
Younger sister - Nel Outcast
Uncle - Sammy Uber
Uncle- Jekle Outcast
(and many more)

Malick Rain
Father - David rain
Mother - Shelly rain
Brother- Mike Rain
Brother- Mitch Rain
sister - Mary Rain

Apr 2nd, 2003, 06:27:48 PM

Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 2nd, 2003, 09:40:43 PM
Dyzm: Alone, but considers TSO his Family... Seeing himself as the Old Man, seeing how he is technically the last Remaining Male of the Sith Council who is active.

Father: Imperial Pilot (Dead)
Mother: (dead)
Extended Family (Unknown)

Lady Vader
Apr 2nd, 2003, 11:29:55 PM
Father - Jac Mystt Deceased)
Mother - Ver Mystt (Deceased)

Lady Vader (Sel'arra Daijo):
Father - Torrek Smirns (Deceased)
Mother - Aruarre (Deceased)
Aunt - Lorarri
Clan Mother (adoptive) - Gethwyn Tajki
Son (w/ Anbira Hicchoru) - Jubei SaDherat Vader
Husband - Darth Vader

Azure Regalia:
Creator/Father - Dr. Emitt Regalia

(I'll post more later. :))

Bunny Rourke
Apr 3rd, 2003, 08:52:30 AM
Well here goes.

Natia Dawnstrider-Sister
Tina Lerf-Mother (deceased)
Gordon Lerf-Father (deceased)

Other siblings yet to be named.
No known Aunts or Uncles.

Chaos Alexander
Apr 3rd, 2003, 02:20:47 PM
Verse Dawnstrider:

Pivo Nightstriker- Brother
Kindred Dawnstrider- Brother
Zandaria Manaachia- Ex-Wife
Daejina Jinn- Ex-Wife
Xazor- Daughter
Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider- Son

Chaos Alexander:

Pivo Nightstriker- Uncle
Kindred Dawnstrider- Uncle
Daejina Jinn- Mother
Xazor- Half-Sister
Verse Dawnstrider- Father

I know I missed alot, but if you read Xazor's.........you get the idea.

Lion El' Jonson
May 12th, 2003, 06:23:50 PM
Lion El' Jonson (20)

Sister: Naomi El' Jonson (18)
Sister: Kelly El' Jonson (14)
Sister: Chris El' Jonson (17)
Sister: Tona El' Jonson (7)
Brother: Pierce El' Jonson (9)
Brother: Omari El' Jonson (12)
Brother: Altair El' Jonson (17)
Father: Azrael El' Jonson (54)
Mother: Leena El' Jonson (39)
Grandmother: Merity El' Jonson (83)
Grandmother: Kyria El' Jonson (91)
Grandfather: (Deceased) Major Lehran El' Jonson (dead at 63)
Grandfather: Captain Hellard El' Jonson, Deathwing (86)

Uncle: Linkir El' Jonson (51)
Uncle: Seylen El' Jonson (49)
Aunt: Erin Heartilly El' Jonson (44)

Cousin: Kiyomi El' Jonson (12)
Cousin: Kazumi El' Jonson (12)
Cousin: Martin El' Jonson (9)

Arethusa: Semi-Sentient Powered Armor (281)


Laric Nworb
May 12th, 2003, 07:07:42 PM
Laric Nworb
Mother: Alexandria Ghin (maiden name) Nworb Alive, but her whereabouts are unknown.
Father: Jaric Nworb, deceased
Brother: Xau Ghin

Xau Ghin
Mother: Alexandria Ghin (maiden name) Nworb Alive, but her whereabouts are unknown.
Father: Jaric Nworb, deceased
Brother: Laric Nworb

Carrak Southstar
Mother: Deceased
Father: Deceased
Sister: Presumed dead, open

Falcon Gyndar
Jan 6th, 2004, 01:35:49 AM
Falcon Nytrau Remnikt Kall Gyndar , Jedi Knight.

Mother: Reina Gyndar(presumed dead, Jedi Master, daughter of nobility)
Father: Nytrau Gyndar(deceased, Jedi Master)
Brother: Lyan Gyndar(Jedi Knight, whereabouts unknown)
Sister: Shanyla Gyndar(Jedi Padawan, whereabouts unknown)
Adopted Daughter: Natia Elessar(Jedi Padawan)

Former Master(s): Prito, Warren Azalin

I think that's about as complicated as mine gets. lol.

Jan 6th, 2004, 11:19:37 AM
:lol what a good way to make someone think. Great idea, though!!!


Father: Count Vadim Salinsky (alive)
Mother: Countess Arianna Salinsky (deceased)
No blood siblings

Lifemate (husband): Icilian Imoralia (alive)
Father-In-Law: Dante Imoralia (alive)
Sister-In-Law: Epona Rhi-Imoralia (alive)

Ileya Simone
Jan 6th, 2004, 11:41:36 AM
Ileya (Rage) Simone

Father: Jared Simone
Mother: Myra Simone
Sister: Raevin Simone

Involved with: Alexei Nabakov

Best Friends/Works with Katya Sabutai & Taz Finch

Kwiet Ideya
Jan 6th, 2004, 09:39:27 PM
Kwiet, as an orphan, has no true family. However, he considers every adult who has ever taken care of him to be a parent. No adult has ever claimed him as an adopted child, but he doesn't care. He loves his million mommies and daddies. Past parents are:

Daddies: Abel Kannan, Ansatsu, Jeran Conrad
Smelly Grampa: Marcus Elessar
Mommies: Xazor Elessar

Currently, he has fixed the mommy/daddy labels on these two:

Daddy: Akrabbim
Mommy: Dae Jinn

All parents subject to change at the drop of hat.

Slayn Cloak
Jan 6th, 2004, 10:16:03 PM
Finally got around to this:
Slayn Cloak ( not your average test tube baby )

Slayn was genetically engineered by Jeseth, to be used as a sentinel. He was conceived conventionally with Fire Hazzards egg fertilized by Jeseths sperm. He was then coded through splicing and other DNA fun time activities. Jeseth removed most of the tell tale features of an Ambrelian, and made a more attractive human production model. Along with imprinting what Jeseth considered to be important Intel, his brain chemistry was modified to resist mental tampering. He was originally though to be a failure and was disbanded only to be reclaimed later from the falling Sith Empire. Over time he has begun to deteriorate as he has grown outside of parameters Jeseth had set for him. Slayn has no siblings, but one cousin named Sharia.

Jan 6th, 2004, 10:57:35 PM

Parents: Unknown..
Brother: Jamie Throwe (location unknown, last known location Cloud City Bespin)