View Full Version : We can share, can't we??

Venessy Stromfeather
Dec 1st, 2002, 01:27:00 PM
Venessy slid the screen door asside and peered into the assigned quaters they were to share; over his shoulder peeked Aello. By any standards they were comfortable; the main room lead of to a kitchen and from there, two seperate rooms and a bathroom.
Picking up his small case of belongings, he strode in and collapsed into a padded sofa letting out a soft sigh of contentment.

"Pretty sweet huh?"

Aello Stromfeather
Dec 1st, 2002, 01:38:20 PM
Aello strolled in, wandered over to the sofa and ditched the large and obviously heavy bag onto it.

after dropping it, she stood upright and stretched out, cracking her shoulders with a lazy grin.

"Yuh-uh" she affirmed. "Nice room,"

she moved into the kitchen, and switched on one of the taps, cupping her hands under the water and drinking from them. This done, she returned to the living room, and said:

"So, any idea who trains us here? I mean, do we find them, or do they come and see us?"

Venessy Stromfeather
Dec 1st, 2002, 01:56:03 PM
"Well, I dunno, but i guess that Miss Dawnstrider will be our tutor; I dont suppose she will be popping round on a social visit though."

Covering his eyes with his arms he was tempted just to sleep but he knew he would get no rest;

"I just suppose we go along to the academy at five like we were told to, we cant really do more than that."

Aello Stromfeather
Dec 1st, 2002, 01:59:00 PM
Aello nodded, and dropped down onto the floor, leaning back and closing her eyes. Tired as she was, she wanted to do something.

she rolled to standing, and opened the bag she had been carrying.

"Can I....." she began.

Venessy Stromfeather
Dec 1st, 2002, 02:02:51 PM
Eyes flashing toward his irrepressable sibling, Venessy sat up and nodded.

"Sure, why not; toss my package over will ya, assuming that you found room for it in your oh so selective travel bag."

Aello Stromfeather
Dec 1st, 2002, 02:06:20 PM
Aello flashed a grin back, and drew out two bundles, a few feet long, and wrapped in thick layers of cloth and paper.

she skidded one across the floor to Venessy, and started to unwrap her own. Carefully drawing out the contents of the roll, she laid the pieces out on the floor, before beginning to assemble them.

Venessy Stromfeather
Dec 1st, 2002, 02:21:37 PM
Sighing softly he pealed back the wrapping and drew out the contents.

The shining white limbs and the glistening green-black riser snapped togeter just as they were designed to do; the lovingly hand crafted sections seamlessly fitted and became one constant re-curve. Taking a traditional hemp bow-string from his dwindling supply he bent the bow over one knee and slid the loops over both knocks.

The light alloy arrow shafts shone in their packaging and with practised ease Venessy he plucked one up and put it to his bow.

"Well, I can still do it."

Chuckling he looked over to Aello.

Aello Stromfeather
Dec 1st, 2002, 02:28:24 PM
Aello grinned down at him, she had braced the lower limb of the bow onto the sole of her boot, and strung it with only the slightest effort. she lifted it in one hand, and assembled the point sights and button, fastening them onto the riser, which had long ago been spraypainted fluorescent pink.

the bow assebled to her satisfaction, she lifted it level and sighted along it, half-drawing it, before smiling slightly and lowering it to her side.

"Wonder if there's a range round here?"

Venessy Stromfeather
Dec 1st, 2002, 02:34:04 PM
Grinning wickedly, he put down the bow, belted on his quiver and started sliding shafts into it.

"Well, we could always go to the academy and snoop around for a bit; you never know, we could find a range and possibly master Dawnstrider."

Aello Stromfeather
Dec 1st, 2002, 03:03:31 PM
"good plan."

Aello picked up her own cumbersome quiver and looped it onto her belt, eight slim, dark-fletched arrows protruding from the top.

she counted them with the tips of the fingers of her right hand, buckled a leather armguard to her left forearm, and checked that the tab was still pushed into her pocket.

"Ready?" she asked, opening the door and stepping out into the corridor.

Venessy Stromfeather
Dec 1st, 2002, 03:18:27 PM
Slinging the bow over one shoulder, he followed her out, sliding the door closed behind him.