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Tempist the Uncaring
Dec 1st, 2002, 09:56:11 AM
In the black of night, he stood alone, against a cold breeze from the north. The street was paved in cobblestone, stained red from bloodshed over the last hundred years. His voice was constant, a low murmer that could be heard clearly through the wind, with a steady flow of cryptic and enigmatic rymes.

"Someone old for something new... someone blackened to be bruised...
Another shriek of pure dread... another lie that has been said..."

The stark black cloak seemed to shine slightly, as the first few flakes of snow fell, and melted onto his form. He had no true reason to be here, or to be like he was, something had compelled him to come here, to stand in this spot. Ancient memories perhaps, maybe a curse older than most people would ever live to see had finally kicked in. Or perhaps, it was his redemption, his final act of confusion, one last trial of his integrity. No matter what it was, Tempist Opps stood, and would stay untill he knew.

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 1st, 2002, 01:21:23 PM
... You speak interesting words, Tempist..

*As Tempist stood in the middle of the street, watching for the source of the voice, the snow picked up.. From those first few flakes, the air quickly filled with specks of white, falling as if life from the dying clouds.. Out of the grey a form began to appear.. No force presence was emanating from the figure, but it seemed somewhat familiar.. And the voice.. One he had not heard in some time*

... So what do they mean to you..?

*With that, the face of the being came into the light, half of it showing out of the darkness, but enough for the Shapeshifter to recognize it..*

... Well, my apprentice?

Tempist the Uncaring
Dec 1st, 2002, 07:48:43 PM
There was an old friend nearby, someone Tempist valued like his own brother... but he couldn't aknowlage him for some reason. He seemed to be trapped in his own mind, like his body wasn't his own. He couldn't control what was happening, he was looking through someone else's eyes. He tried not to, yet he continued speaking.

"...when the soul is washed away, the body begins to decay...
..lines of filth under the flames... faceless people without names..."

What the hell am I talking about? Tempist managed to think to himself. He wanted to talk to Miryan, he wanted to catch up on the times. He needed his body again. Another voice entered his head, a voice he had never heard, but knew well what it was.

You do not exist. Join with me, and learn what it is to be real... become one with the darkness again.


You are nothing without me. Give in. Come to me again.

I will not. You are what I was, when I was unhappiness. I do not need you anymore.

The voice stoped flowing through his brain, and the words stoped pouring from his mouth. He colapsed to the ruby colored ground, barely breathing. He slowly rose again, his body growing stronger as he stood. The darkness in him had gone, the last reminants of the evil he was... everything he'd come to embrace... was dead. He still felt the force running through his veins, but it seemed different, it didn't seem like only evil. There seemed to be only energy, no color to it at all. It wasn't light, dark, or even grey... it all seemed clear as a crystal to him now. He slowly turned, and looked at MnT, with different eyes.

"Hello Miryan."

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:27:25 AM
*As MnT watched on, the aura of his friend and apprentice changed.. The dark greys and reds that normally flowed through and around Tempist lost all hue... He would definately need to be cautious, for if someone's aura changed, it meant thay had changed, and for him to lose the crimson that indicated a strong dark side...*

... Greetings.., can I still call you Tempist? Or will your title be different now as well as the rest of you?

*Shifting his weight so that Damnation's Touch across his back, and the sword that Tempist had crafted for him so long ago by his side, would be just slightly easier to access, MnT began carefully watching and studying his apprentice through all the means at his disposal..*

Tempist the Uncaring
Dec 2nd, 2002, 03:01:56 PM
The knight laughed slightly, and shook his head.

"No master, I'm still me. Perhaps not as dark as I was, but I am still that apprentice you took on so long ago."

He still felt the energy of life, he felt stronger with it than he'd ever before. He couldn't lie to himself, he had no idea how or why he had this new found strength. He sensed his master's muscles growing tense, expecting to be attacked. Tempist'd learned long ago that it was a huge disadvantage to attack first, unless you had enough fury where your attack could not miss or backfire. He had no fury left in him.

"How have things been with you?"

He didn't espically want to fight his master right now, he knew he'd probably lose, severely.

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 2nd, 2002, 03:13:39 PM
.. That's good to hear.. It's nice to see that you're still inside, I've seen people change so dramatically, and lose even a shadow of their former self..

*Relaxing once more, MnT was pleased that it would not come to combat.. He had no doubts that he could have defeated his apprentice, but Tempist was different, and he had no idea what to expect..*

... Things have been.. Interesting for me. I was pulled back into that damned realm for a few months, returned with no memories of the journey, and have since discovered that TSE is no more.. You're actually the first person from the Empire that I've seen since returning, and obviously something big's happened- Just happened to you as well...

*Tilting his head slightly to the side, and smiling, MnT continued..*

... Mind filling me in on what's happening?

Tempist the Uncaring
Dec 2nd, 2002, 09:30:33 PM

Tempist closed his eyes for a moment, and dwelt on all of his prior knowlage of the force, and all of his experiances with it. This time it felt different, it wasn't all anger. Now it just... was. He decided to try an old favorite of an ability to adapt to this new sensation.

After the disapearence of TSE, everything went to hell. All of the former membrers that were still around scattered, with few exceptions. Many took on lives as bounty hunters, while others joined TSO. I wouldn't doubt it if some of us have even gone to the light now, but I don't know if that's happened.

Myself, I had some erends left to finish, and some people to get revenge on. At one point, I was so consumed by my rage that I destoried an entire town of completely innocent people, folks that had nothing to do with me, TSE, or anything in my life at all. That was the begining of my change, that one last act of pure evil. I nearly killed the few people that tried to stop me, and left one of them gasping for life, and incompacitated. Since then, I've been viewing life through a new set of eyes.

I turned down fights with the jedi, on numerous occasions. I didn't even want to fight Satine. I was just sick of it all. I had even gone out, and found a way to bring Syren and Eve back to life. Unfortunatley, they are also different now. Syren has been set back greatly, without emotion or a soul, or feeling at all. Eve has lost her bitterness, because she now knows what hell is, and that she didn't espically enjoy it there. We formed a small group, just the outcasts and oddballs who didn't belong in any other group.

He was amazed. Tempist'd never said anythign so lenghty through the force before, and was rather suprized by his own task.

"Master, the universe is not the same place you left anymore."

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 3rd, 2002, 01:15:20 AM
... Apparantly not....

*Syren and Eve had died? Great... As if he had not been a terrible enough master as it was, one of his apprentices went and Died on him, and MnT'd known nothing of it, let alone with one of his Friends.. Now they were different, the Empire was gone, most of those he'd known as allies were gone, with those who remained having turned to the Jedi, TSO, or other assorted groups.. Was there a place for him anymore?*

.. Well, it's good to see that you've learned to overcome, or simply ignore? the rage that the darkside gives to most.. Might I assume then, that you feel stronger now?

*Perhaps Tempist hadn't become quite as different as MnT had imagined.. True he may have lost the obsessive anger that so many of Sith seemed to harbor, but look at himself.. He hardly Ever got angry, let alone to the point of rage, he'd never succumbed to it and fought mindlessly, that was for sure, yet he had managed to rise to the rank of Lord within the Sith, and had never been defeated by anyone who wasn't a much higher rank than himself.. There was a differance between using the darkside of the force, and living for it..*

... If so, then I welcome you, Tempist, to where the true power of the force lies..

*Though his words were on the subject of Tempist's new strength, his thoughts continued to linger on the topic before it.. What Was he going to do? It was not as if he were old, and too set in his ways to change, but everything he had known, had been with the Empire.. He couldn't just forget about it.. That would be dishonoring his past, and all those that went with it.. But also he couldn't just pine away, wishing what had happened had Not.. That would get him nowhere.. The confusion as to where his decision should lie was not apparant in MnT's face, as he continued to converse with Tempist, but it shone brightly in his aura for those who would see beyond the physical..*

Tempist the Uncaring
Dec 4th, 2002, 02:45:11 PM
The shapeshifter sensed his master's woe and confusion, it was the logical reaction. Tempist had felt it too, and it had twisted who he was into a contorted image of himself.

"I know how you feel Miryan, I've been there too. Just remember that you still have friends in the universe, and that we are still here for you. Sure, many of us have seperated and branched into our own lives, but the common thread amongst all of us is still there."

There was a short pause, as he pondered what to say next.

"If you need somewhere to stay for a while, The Broken Circle's doors are always open."

Eve would probably be happy to see MnT again, and Syren would at least be curious. It was hard to be happy without emotions.

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 5th, 2002, 01:40:27 AM
... I Thank you greatly Tempist, though I am not without home enough to suit my needs. I may well drop by for a bit however, my friend, as it would be rude to completely refuse so gracious an offer.. Besides, it would be good to see who all is still around..

*With a smile, and an inquisitive look in his eyes, MnT continued..*

... But as for now.. A question. Out of curiosity.. Do you still consider yourself to be a Sith?

Tempist the Uncaring
Dec 5th, 2002, 07:33:51 PM
"No, I do not. "

There was no hesitation or even a pause before he said this, he was firm in his beliefs. He no longer was what a Sith was. He no longer felt the same as he did all those months ago, his mind was different now. He'd found peace, but he still lived in the shadows. He was somthing... unique.

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 8th, 2002, 11:14:48 AM
... Well then good luck, Tempist, with your new path..

*As glad as MnT was that Tempist had discovered something that worked even better for him than anything in his past had, he still felt dissapointment.. For one, the Dark side grew significantly weaker with the loss of his apprentice from it, but also because he had been searching for the shapechanger to give him the test that would decide whether or not he promoted him to Sith Lord that day..*

... I hope it serves you well.

Tempist the Uncaring
Dec 8th, 2002, 06:19:12 PM
"Thank you Master, and you with your old one."

Miryan seemed disapointed. Although he didn't really show the feeling, Tempist knew that it was there. He had figgured it was over his turning from the darkness, but he had also learned not to assume anything anymore.

"Master, is everything alright?"

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 10th, 2002, 03:13:19 PM
... Everything will be, Tempist, and what is not, I'm sure you're fully aware of..

*He smiled at the man who had been his apprentice, for what use he could be as a Master now that Tempist had a different path, escaped him.. Knowing full well that he was speaking no surprises, MnT continued..*

... The darkside has lost a very powerful warrior, and thus has grown weaker everywhere.. Also, I have lost my best apprentice, if not Only now.. Not that I was much of a master Anyways.. If you must know my friend, I had come in search of you in the hopes of testing you.. If you had succeeded, I would have made you a Sith Lord this very evening. Perhaps I was simply too late..

Tempist the Uncaring
Dec 10th, 2002, 08:50:48 PM
"Don't say that Miryan, you were a good master. You really did try, but it's hard to live up to the responsibility entirely when you are randomly getting sucked into a different universe. If you'd like, you can still test me. Although it won't be the same, I would appreciate your judgment of my abilities, if you'd still give it."

Inwardly, the shapeshifter smiled at his master's kind words of his abilities. He didn't show the feeling though, simply out of habbit. He'd gotten used to not showing his feelings, there was no need to change what already worked.

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 11th, 2002, 12:21:35 PM
... I thank you then Tempist, for your patience and understanding.. Of them you possess a quantity far beyond that of most people. But would testing you now be a fair assessment Of your skills? If I'm not mistaken, this change you've just undergone has left you somewhat disoriented into just what you can do now..

*Looking through Tempist's aura both as the change occured, and afterwards, MnT had seen Tempist surprising himself with new strength and the like.. However, without the presence of nearly as much dark energy at his disposal, he would likely find that some of the skills he had developed may be heavily weakened, if they would even work at All..*

Tempist the Uncaring
Dec 13th, 2002, 10:23:24 PM
Tempist smiled.

"Just another obsticle for me to overcome. Besides, I'd rather learn what I can't do in an actual battle. That way I will remember not to try it the next time."

The Crystaline Knight knew already of several tactics he wouldn't be able to use now, and his specalty feild of ice was now completely eliminated from his repetwa (sp?) of abilities. It seemed that swordsmanship would have to serve him more now than ever before.

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 16th, 2002, 12:55:53 PM
ooc: repetoire =) It's a french word meaning some frenchy thing. I don't know french.

ic: Well if that's the case, Tempist..

*A sudden wind picked up, as the energy of the planet itself seemed to flow around and into MnT... He wasn't going to hold back here, as it would be completely pointless to do so, for how could Tempist truly be tested, if he were fighting an opponent who Was?*

*The Sith Lord almost seemed to glow against the darkness of the night, there was a power radiating from within him that caused Tempist's hair to actually stand on edge.. He had never seen his Master at full strength before, and in honesty, neither had MnT.. It had been a long time since last he let go.. This would indeed be interesting..*

... Then so be it.. Have at me, and do not hold back, for I certainly will not be..

*He drew into a defensive position, and stood awaiting how Tempist would react.. Would he want to start in hand to hand? Sword fighting? With force attacks? MnT was prepared to instantly switch "modes" into whatever was neccesary.. Hopefully they'd Both learn something from this*

Tempist the Uncaring
Dec 17th, 2002, 03:13:13 PM
Tempist smiled, and bowed, in respect. With in five seconds of his bow, the shapeshifter's custom longsaber, Infinity, burst to life. Ebon energy spewed out from the hilt, and a snap-hiss was heard. Tempist assmumed a classical fencing position, holding his saber in one hand, with the other in the other above his head for ballance.

Tempist took too quick steps forward, indicating that he would give a full frontal physical assault... but that quickly changed. Tempist's right hand (the one in the air) fell down in an arcing motion, as he focused his energies on a loose cobblestone, beneath Miryan. It was mildly harder to move objects now, espically when they were still partly rooted to the ground. He could no longer destory as efficently through the force, and the bonds were a small challenge. It rose, but not with the acceleration Tempist had wanted. It would be easily avoided or deflected.

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 18th, 2002, 10:45:54 AM
*With near-reflexive speed, MnT pivoted back slightly on his left foot, before reversing the momentum with a powerful force-aided side kick that connected with the rock, launching it with blurred speed right towards the head of his apprentice.. Immediately following the rock, however, was MnT, dashing towards Tempist's left as he unsheathed Damnation's Touch.. The problem with a side-specific stance, particularly a fencing one, was that the side which you carried your sword was left at a defensive disadvantage. It was much harder to pull back to block an incoming slash from that side, than were it from the other side.. Tempist quickly learned this as he was forced to both deal with the rock nearing his face almost faster than he could react, and his Master's sword nearing his backside at an equally incredible rate...*

Tempist the Uncaring
Dec 30th, 2002, 08:35:10 AM
Making good use of what little time has been given in this counter, Tempist ducked low, extended his left leg, and spun on his right one, sending a circular kick twards the legs of his master. Infinity was held out to his right, so if the kick should connect, then Miryan would find a bright black chaser going through him. The rock would pass harmlesley overhead from a gratley lowered altitude.

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 30th, 2002, 10:24:40 AM
*And indeed the rock did sail harmlessly overhead, passing right over a quickly lost battle. MnT had dodged aside of the trip-kick, but not far enough that the blade he had been attacking with could not find it's mark. The two simply stood there, Damnation's touch but a hair away from Tempist's back, Infininty wavering just off of it.. Beyond, the rock connected with the side of a building with a small crack, and fell off, bouncing along the cobblestone street for a moment before coming to a stop.*

... Has your newfound path taught you to ignore incoming attacks, my apprentice? If so, then I truly hope that you are planning on fighting no longer in this lifetime, for I highly doubt that Any other would have stopped their blade from cleaving your spine in half...

Tempist the Uncaring
Dec 30th, 2002, 07:27:11 PM
Realizing his master had stopped his blade, Tempist rolled to the side, and rose to his feet again.

"No, it's not that. Often times, from what I've seen atleast, opponents are quicker to avoid getting dammage themselves, and stopping the attack in it's tracks. It's been a long time since we have fought, I decided it was worth the chance to take out my opponent's legs, should they try that approach."

Despite the fact that he knew it wasn't a worthy trade off, one's back for another's legs, it was the fastest option that he had at the time. Tempist changed his stand a bit, now flipping the saber backwards in his hand, like a dagger. His other hand seemed to hover over his belt, but the reason why was not yet ready to be unveiled.