View Full Version : Photoshop Opinion

Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 1st, 2002, 03:10:31 AM
This is for my final final (I know I should make it better, but eh, I a slacker)

What do you think about it? Anything I can do to improve? Be Harsh!

Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 1st, 2002, 03:29:03 AM
I was thinking about having something like this in it... but I think it got to jumbled

Edit: Also, it wouldn't look cool enough, seeing how Bill Gates has a big fat head, like Dib

Destiny Stormrider
Dec 1st, 2002, 01:54:42 PM
Great job :) The first one is just great! and the Bill Gates one is WI-CKED!

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 1st, 2002, 04:47:33 PM
Both are good but I really liked the first one! :)

Zakatiel Rhinehart
Dec 2nd, 2002, 10:41:34 PM
Hmmm, got alot of people responding to this... Last time I ask you people here for help

Sanis Prent
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:04:58 PM
Maybe others said what they thought when you posted it at Meras...ever think of that?

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:12:55 PM
I like the first one. The second one of Bill Gates is a little off to me.

Zakatiel Rhinehart
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:36:20 PM
Yes I know, but there is a bigger population here then at meras, so I expect a bit larger response here then meras

Ishan Shade
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:59:57 PM
I like them both.

Dec 3rd, 2002, 12:08:02 AM
Are there specific types of filters you're supposed to use? Number of layers? Complexity? If the goal was just to make a parody advertisement, I would have gone for something simple:


Zakatiel Rhinehart
Dec 3rd, 2002, 12:26:35 AM
That is funny shiza.
I have to use multiple layers, vector tools, etc. etc. I just can't take a image and place some words on it. I have to show what I have learned over the entire course.

Dec 3rd, 2002, 12:32:43 AM
I guess I can understand that, since it's a class. But personally, I think the best Photoshopping is done when you can't tell that a picture has been altered.

Dec 3rd, 2002, 12:43:35 AM

Dec 3rd, 2002, 12:44:30 AM
Question: Can you have an animated advertisment (gif, Flash, etc)?

Zakatiel Rhinehart
Dec 3rd, 2002, 01:00:22 AM
Nope, thats not until later.

Right now, I would love just to take a Image and doctor it. Mondays are Photoshop
Tuesdays are Storyboard and Design
Wensdays Lab Work
Thursdays are studio photography
Fridays is... something

It would be real easy to take a shot, and then change it around with the classes I have. To bad I can't.