View Full Version : A Lonely Shepherd

Hadrian Invicta
Dec 1st, 2002, 01:54:01 AM
The evening air was brisk as the sun started to set over the landscape of the Jedi campus, a tall youth walked slowly up the steps towards the doors of the recruitment hall. He wore a simple shepherd's cloak and carried a tending rod in his right hand.

His black hair blew gently in the breeze, it was disheveled and shaggy, yet clean and not too terribly long. His skin was dark, tanned from the days spent in the pastures tending to his father's flock. He had a strong jaw, with a nearly square chin, his eyes were calm; grey around the edges, phazing to hazel as they approached the pupil. He was clean shaven, but there was dirt under his finger nails that betrayed his laborous past. His visage had a homesick look to it, yet there was a glimmer of hope in the faint smile he kept.

As he reached the mighty portal that led to the interior of the building, he outstretched his long, muscular arms, his broad shoulders flexed as he pushed against it. His body was muscular, but not in the trained sense, it was more of the body of a farmer, somone who worked the ground for a living. And that's what this young man had been; A shepherd, tending his father's flocks on the planes of Alvorine. He had a new calling now though, his natural gifts had caught up with him. He'd displayed talents that were dangerous on planets that were not in the sphere of influence of the New Republic and the Greater Jedi Order. Talents that would serve him well in the future and could be used for the greater good of the galaxy.

Finally he reached his destination. Gently he lay down his staff in front of him and knelt on his left knee.

"Honored members of the Jedi Council, respected Knights of the Order. I am Hadrian Invicta, a simple shepherd, I've come to offer myself for instruction in the service of the Jedi Order..."

His voice rang out loud and powerfully, it was almost harmonious with the natural sounds of his surroundings. His voice betrayed a hint of confidence, yet still conveyed the humility he had in the prescence of such greatness. He stayed knelt with his head down awaiting the response of someone... anyone....

Sene Unty
Dec 4th, 2002, 01:04:44 PM
Jedi Knight Unty was preparing to go for his afternoon walk when he spotted a man just entering the Recruitment Center. He was obviously young , but not as young as 15 years old (which Sene was). Smiling he prepared to make his way over to the man when he saw him kneel on the ground.

Sene chuckled under his breath.

"There is no need to kneel here...Hadrian was it? Well nevermind that, please stand."

Hadrian Invicta
Dec 4th, 2002, 02:38:58 PM
"Yes, it's Hadrian and thank you." The young man replied, he was not as young as the one that stood before him, but he was still barely a man in terms of his years.

Slowly he rose to his full height, he was not a towering man but he was tall, six feet three inches, he was also built powerfully weighing in at around 225 lbs. As he stood he squared his shoulders and took a suprisingly proper posture, unlike most who slouched, Hadrian kept his shoulder back, his chin up and his eyes straight ahead, he looked more like a soldier than a shepherd when he stood.

Noticing he'd left his staff on the ground he bent over and reached for it with his left hand. A scar that took up most of the area from his wrist to his knuckles was shown as he gripped the retractable shepherds rod and compressed it to travelling size.

"If I may ask sir, who might you be?"

Sene Unty
Dec 5th, 2002, 10:53:48 AM
Sene offered the man his hand.

"My name is Sene Unty. I am a Jedi Knight here at the Jedi Order. So you are interested in becoming a Knight are you?"

Sene smiled.

"Well that shouldn't be a problem. Let me just get a hold of my former master and she should be able to help you."

As the words passed his lips Sene closed his eyes and reached out to Xazor through the force.

Master. I have a potential padawan here at the recruitment center....

Hadrian Invicta
Dec 5th, 2002, 11:41:01 AM
Hadrian's large calloused right hand reached out and gripped the knight's hand firmly. He nodded his head as a greeting and then spoke:

"My rank in this world matters not sir Knight, but yes I wish to join the Jedi order and serve as my talents allow me." Hadrian uttered the words quietly and with humility.

"Thank you Sir Unty."

Xazor Elessar
Dec 5th, 2002, 03:21:40 PM
"Oh you do, my dear friend? I see..."

A voice came from the shadows as a figure cloaked in white stepped out and allowed the light to bathe her slender figure. Aye, though she was pregnant, the Garou woman was not too far along and was not showing greatly. She walked forward several paces and the silver coins woven into her Garou Warrior Braids that cascaded down her back to touch her waist, clanged together softly until she came to a stop. Smiling and exposing her elongated canines, her cyan eyes came to rest upon Sene and she bowed her head.

"Knight Sene, I see that you have greeted a newcomer...what do you need me for then? I was merely observing and thought you to be doing a fine job."

She smiled and turned to face the stranger, then she bowed gracefully to him and rose to her full height of 5'6". The Garou seemed to glow with an inner light that radiated from her aura. She was completely at peace and from her, serenity enveloped the entire area.

"Greetings, I am Warrior Jedi Knight Xazor Dawnstrider. I have heard what you told my former student and I seek to know more of you. Why do you wish to join the Greater Jedi Order? Why would you choose this place when there are many other organizations that would teach you to use the Force. Perhaps, did you feel something in you leading you here? Or...was there something else?"

As she introduced herself, Xazor outstretched her hand to the man and shook his warmly before withdrawing her arms to rest across her chest. She looked him over as she spoke and smiled in satisfaction. There was something different about this man, and she had a feeling that he would prove to be a great asset to the Order.

Hadrian Invicta
Dec 5th, 2002, 04:18:20 PM
Canines.... Hadrian gripped his shepherd's rod tightly, he'd seen those before on the beast that tried to prey on his herds, he'd fought against them, sometimes he saved his wards sometimes the wolves made off with one. He tensed slightly, but suddenly he felt as if he could trust the woman, his ability to detect a creatures intentions showed that this woman meant him nor his herd no harm. He gripped her hand warmly and smiled.

"M'lady, I've been a shepherd my whole life. Tending to flocks of helpless creatures, keeping the wolves and bandits away. My whole life has been dedicated to watching over those who can not look after themselves. When my talents began showing themself, I knew that I had to move on to a more vulnerable flock and do my best to make sure no evil could harm them. That is why I chose not to be trained in the ways of the force by others, I seek to be a Jedi, a defender of the galaxy, shepherd of the flocks of all species. "

Hadrian paused for a moment while he gathered his thoughts. His eyes glistened as he thought of his flocks so far away, but there was hope in that he sacraficed those responsibilities and the pleasures of home, for a greater good.

"I came seeking the Greater Jedi Order Knight Dawnstrider because they could train me to be a shepherd of men and women, not just sheep. They could teach me to be a Jedi and help bring order and peace to our embattled galaxy.

Xazor Elessar
Dec 5th, 2002, 04:27:42 PM
Xazor noted the shepherd tense a bit upon his staff when she smiled. But soon he explained himself and she understood why. Being a werewolf as she was did not help the matter much, but soon her grew comfortable in her presence. She couldn't help but smile at his words. He spoke honestly and his heart's desire was true.

"Will you finish what you begin though? The life of a Jedi is very difficult. You will be hated and hunted by many, yet needed and sought after by all. From this you get no reward...no payment. Is this what you want? A life of hardship?"

Her words were not spoken to scare him away but to be informative. She shifted her weight for a moment and thought of another important aspect.

"The Jedi Oath is not something to be made and broken. You must have a most serious mind."

Hadrian Invicta
Dec 5th, 2002, 04:53:51 PM
He smiled solemnly at her words and nodded his head, he looked down into her radiant eyes and spoke with a hint of sadness;

"M'lady has obviously never been a shepherd." That was his only answer, a simple phrase that coveyed more meaning than anything else he could have possibly said. It meant simply that this was something he'd done his whole life and was prepared to continue given the chance.

Xazor Elessar
Dec 5th, 2002, 05:41:51 PM
Xazor smiled with deep understand and bowed her head.

"I welcome you then to the Greater Jedi Order. You may find a place for yourself to stay in the Living Quarters if you desire. There is good food and company found at Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. And if you care to, you may also watch others train in the Academy. A Master shall be chosen to train you....unless Sene has room to. I would love to but as it is, I have eight Padawans and I don't want you to be slighted any training time whatsoever on my part. I do hope you understand. As for the rest of things...if you ever need anything I'm always around, just call out my name and I shall find you. You can come to me with everything...I'm not only a Knight and a teacher here, I'm also a friend and someone who deeply cares about the members of this Order. Welcome again....today is a joyous day. The sun smiles down upon you good Shepherd."

Hadrian Invicta
Dec 5th, 2002, 06:25:43 PM
The young man bowed his head to both Knights and then moved his hands back pulling his hood over his head once again. Slowly he spoke: "The same holds true m'lady, call for me and your shepherd will not be far behind."

Pressing a button on his shepherd's rod it extended once again to full length and he used it as a walking stick, though he had no need for it.

"Would either of you care to meet me for a bit of dinner? It has been a long journey and I've not had much to eat. Plus some familiar faces in these new surroundings would do my weary soul some good."

He stopped and looked over his right shoulder seeing if any would come with him. Otherwise he'd continue on his own.

OOC* Could someone please explain in a PM, how the masters are chose for a padawan. It is not that I have any one in particular in mind, it's just that I want to make sure I know what's up when I have a master assigned to me, thank you.

Sene Unty
Dec 5th, 2002, 10:22:24 PM
Sene shouted towards the departing shepard:

"One second Hadrian. I will join you but I must ask Master Xazor one question."

Sene looked toward his former master and smiled.

"Xazor I would like to take this man as my first padawan learner, if I may."

Hadrian Invicta
Dec 6th, 2002, 12:26:08 AM
Hadrian stopped in his tracks at the words; 'Xazor I would like to take this man as my frist padawan learner.'

He bowed his head solemly and swallowed, slowly he turned before the man and knelt.

"I stand ready to learn from you Master." His hands trembled at the news that he would be taken as a padawan so quickly.

Xazor Elessar
Dec 6th, 2002, 04:59:08 PM
Xazor's eyes shifted to Sene as he requested to train a Padawan. She looked thoughtfully upon her former student. He had grown so much in his time here under her guidance...and as a Knight now, she saw he was maturing quicker and growing wise in his days.

"....Yes my dear friend Sene, you may. You both have my blessing. May the Force be with both of you on that long and worthy journey."

She smiled and touched Sene's shoulder before looking to Hadrian.

"Rise dear Brother....we are all equal here and yes...I'd love to join you both for dinner."

Sene Unty
Dec 6th, 2002, 06:58:15 PM
Sene nodded at Xazor's response quickly hiding his excitement. Hadrian would be his first padawan and this made Sene very excited.

"Thank you master."

Now he turned back toward Hadrian:

"Well my padawan I know a good place here that we can go to. In fact it was the same place that Xazor had taken me to when I became her padawan....Yoghurts bar and grill."

"Let's go!"

Hadrian Invicta
Dec 6th, 2002, 09:50:22 PM
"Yes, m'lady," He said softly and rose to his feet again. Keeping his head low he stepped behind his master: "Please sir, lead the way."

Xazor Elessar
Dec 6th, 2002, 10:15:15 PM
Xazor smiled gently and bowed again to both men. Slowly she followed them out of the Recruitment Center and down the winding path that lead toward Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill.

"You'll really like this place, Hadrian.....it has great food especially if you haven't had much to eat lately."

She recalled how she had gone there the day she was accepted to the Order. It was also by invitation of her Master. The memories crept into her mind and she smiled to herself. Hadrian was a fourth generation of Verse's teachings now....Boricua taught Verse, Verse taught Xazor, Xazor taught Sene, and now Sene would teach Hadrian. A never ending cycle it was....nor would it ever be. She smiled to herself and continued following until they reached the establishment.

ooc: Shall we begin a new thread in Yog's? :)

Hadrian Invicta
Dec 6th, 2002, 10:41:16 PM
"I am sure it is." Hadrian replied. And followed them out of the hall.

*ooc* Yes that would be great, I wouldn't have even posted IC but i hate just adding a post count for ooc stuff. lol