View Full Version : Here to offer my services

Ulic Dennatta
Nov 30th, 2002, 11:57:48 PM
Ulic piloted his Onderonian subspace freighter to the Home One which was the location of the Alliance.

:: This is Ulic Dennatta, freighter #19860-44A. I request clearnce to land at Home One. I need to speak with one of your officials. ::

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 1st, 2002, 08:43:37 AM
(ooc: Usually, Ackbar lets people into the NR, but he's really busy right now. General Tohmahawk is our other big member, so he might take over...anyways, welcome...)


Captain Lion El' Jonson walked over to the comms station onboard the Home One. He was on the bridge, admiring the stars through the massive glass dome that made up the cruiser's command center.

"Lieutenant Riemann, what is that freighter doing?" he asked, pointing at the ship waiting just outside the cruiser's deflector shields.

The comm officer tapped on a keyboard and quickly pulled up the name of the vessel.

"An Onderonian class freighter, name #19860-44A, commander. Piloted by a Ulic Dennatta. He's requested clearance to land, sir. He wants to talk to one of our representatives." Lieutenant Riemann replied.

Lion looked at the ship. The man had undoubtably come a long way. Carbon scoring streaked the hull.

"Give me a line to that ship, Lieutenant." Lion said.

He picked up a comm set and placed it on his head, then swiveled the microphone closer to his mouth. Lieutenant Riemann punched a series of buttons on his computer system and a green light appeared on the screen. Lion pressed a button on the headset and began transmitting:

"Attention, freighter #19860-44A. This is Captain Lion El' Jonson, aboard the cruiser Home One. We regret that Admiral Ackbar is occupied at the moment. We are currently trying to rouse our other senior officers, but it may take a while. In the meantime, please land in docking bay #4A57. Follow the path that we are providing. We are lowering our shields to allow you to land. Any deviation in your provided course will be construed as a hostile action by the New Republic Constitution, article 11.7.82B. I will meet you in that hangar. And...welcome aboard."

Satisfied, Lion ended the transmission and listened for the freighter captain's reply.

Ulic Dennatta
Dec 1st, 2002, 11:48:20 PM
Ulic responeded immediatley thanking him for the clearance....

" This is freighter #19860-44A, thank you and see you in a minute."

Ulic pushed a few buttons here and there and the freighter started to move forward. He followed the path that the officer hadgiven him, making shure not to stray. He landed the freighter in one of there cocking bays and turned off the ship. It took him a few minutes as there was much to turn off. His ship had a little too many buttons for his likeing but he could live with it.

After finishing with the " turn off " stage of things he threw on his red mandalorian armour with helmet in hand and stepped out into the docking bay. He was met by a couple guards and the commander whpo had talked to him over the comm.....

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 2nd, 2002, 04:52:22 AM
Lion descended in a turbolift and arrived at the hangar bay. The two guards stationed near the turbolift saluted him, and he returned the salute.

"You two. Would you mind coming with me?" Lion asked. The guards slung their blaster rifles over their shoulders and stepped alongside Lion.

"Not at all, sir. Lead the way." the 1st guard said, and they followed Lion.

Without any further ado, Lion walked down the narrow hallway and into one of the Hangar bays.

There were 5 or so A-wings being serviced, as well as a Large B-wing. Droids were rolling around and the smell of fuel filled the air. It was't very hard to pick out the frieghter in the midst of the fighters. The man that descended from the ship walked up to them. He was dressed in the red armor of the Mandalorians. Lion wondered where he had gotten such rare armor. It was interesting, to say the least.

"Welcome aboard the Home One. My name is Captain Lion El' Jonson. May I enquire to the purpose of your visit, Mr..." he ended, trying to remember the man's name."

Ulic Dennatta
Dec 3rd, 2002, 08:51:25 PM
:: My name is Ulic Dennatta. I am the Emperor of Onderon and am here to see if my planet cant join in the New Republic. We have been Nuetral a long time and i think it is time we finnally join. ::

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 4th, 2002, 02:22:18 AM
Lion considered the man. He certainly looked like an Emperor. The planet Onderon was known most famously for an incident that caused the destruction of a jedi ship.

"Emperor Dennatta...." Lion began, with respect. "You, yourself, are welcome to join the New Republic. As for your planet, that is up to your people."

Lion didn't know what else to say. An entire new planet would be a great asset for the New Republic, but he didn't know if it would be okay. The Senate would want a word. Just to pass the time, while they waited for General Tohmahawk or Admiral Ackbar, Lion said:

"Emperor Dennatta. How did you gain your rule over the planet?"

Ulic Dennatta
Dec 4th, 2002, 08:15:12 PM
:: Many years ago there was an "Incident" invloving our past Emperor and the darkside. Our planet has had many a trouble with the darkside and he was just another poor soul. Him and his only eire had been sudduced and no matter how hard me and my other royal guards tried they would stop using there powers. Since they were untrained they were easily defeated by me and my men. And the citizens voted me as the new Emperor. I was almost sudduced my self but my brother Clay guided me out of that. ::

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 5th, 2002, 04:36:27 AM
"Very interesting, Emperor Dennatta. I see a great deal of intelligence in you."

Lion reached out through the force. He sensed a great deal of cunning and ambition among the man.

"I'm very sorry to keep you waiting, Emperor Dennatta. The only people able to authorize the transfer of an entire planet are our senior staff, and I don't know when they'll arrive."

(ooc: Just to let you know, I don't think we can accept a planet. We usually gain the planets through war or diplomacy by the council Unfortunately, the council is sort of dead, so I don't think there's really a way to legally take Onderon. You're welcome to join, though.)

Ulic Dennatta
Dec 7th, 2002, 12:12:38 AM
:: I have all the time in the universe, so dont worry about it. I can wait till they get here. ::

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 13th, 2002, 06:34:13 AM
Lion's comlink beeped twice, and Lion slid it off of his cloak in one smooth movement.

"''El Jonson here. Yes...yes sir!"

Lion clicked the comlink off, then straightened up and stood at attention.

"Emperor Dennatta. On behalf of the New Republic Senate, and the New Republic High Command, I welcome Onderon into the New Republic...and yourself."

Lion stopped for a second, wondering what to say next. Oh well, might as well skip straight to it.

"What do you specialize in, Emperor Dennatta?"

(ooc: Tohmahawk cleared it, so everything's good. Welcome to the NR!)

Ulic Dennatta
Dec 13th, 2002, 07:30:53 PM
:: I specialize in our form of combat called Leng Tao and many other various martial arts. Like me, most of our people are very atuned to the force. I was once a Sith but am no more. ::

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 14th, 2002, 04:05:37 AM
"A groundpounder, eh? Well...I think you'll get along just fine with the New Republic Army. Are you skilled in strategy, Emperor Dennatta?"

Lion cocked an eyebrow...this was turning out to be very interesting indeed...

Ulic Dennatta
Dec 14th, 2002, 02:43:06 PM
:: Yes i am, I have many Generals from the Beast Rider clan on Onderon that also help me. They are very skilled and they almost defeated our city before my time as Emperor. ::

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 15th, 2002, 06:38:25 AM
"Really...well, then. I accept you into the New Republic Army. As for your rank, I'll need to consult one of the generals. Please wait for a moment."

Lion walked off into a corner, holding up a comlink and speaking softly into it. He smiled and then returned.

"Welcome, Lieutenant Dennatta, to the New Republic. I'm currently getting an updated database of Republic Ground forces."

Dec 15th, 2002, 03:08:46 PM
:: Thank you, i know i will do great things for the New Republic. ::

((EDIT: Sorry i forgot to log out and back into Ulic Dennatta, my bad.))

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 16th, 2002, 02:36:12 PM
(ooc: No problem...I've done it a few times...:D)


"So do I, Lieutenant. So! As your first act in the New Republic's army, I am recommending that you open recruitment centers on Onderon. Your population seems ripe for recruitment. No forced conscription, though. As for command, I think I'll run you through the strategic command simulators, Lieutenant."

Lion thought for a second.

"For now, we'll need to get you acquianted in the New Republic. There is a room on the lvl. 3 concourse that has been opened for you. We'll need to run some medical tests. Also, report to the strategic simulators tomorrow at 2100 hours."

Lion snapped to attention.


He had a good feeling about this. The man seemed to have confidence in his own actions.

Dec 19th, 2002, 09:43:22 PM
A heavily modified TIE Interceptor dropped out into the region containing the Mon Cal cruiser Home One. Outside the viewport the pilot saw 2 New Republic A-Wings approaching him rapidly.

: : Unidentified starfighter please identify yourself. Failure to comply will result in your ship being shot down. Please acknowledge.
: :

: : This is Independent Sienar Fleet Systems Tie Interceptor #5830456. I am requesting docking clearance on board the cruiser Home One. I also wish to speak with Captain Lion El' Johnson.
: :

The pilot sat back and waited to the reply that would soon come

(wrong thread sorry dont mean to offencd anyone my mistake

Ulic Dennatta
Dec 20th, 2002, 10:33:54 PM
Ulic snapped to attention quickly, bowed and left the room. It took quite some time but he found his room. It wasnt what he was accustommed too back on Onderon but o well. It would have ta do till he got one of his asisstants to redecorate a little.

((OOC: Where do i post things like if im in my quarters? In the Operations Forum?))

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 21st, 2002, 02:00:36 AM
(ooc: Not sure. We haven't really did anything like this for a while. I'll make a training thread for you, though, in one of the training threads.)