View Full Version : The Last of Her Clan

Nomi Kun
Nov 30th, 2002, 10:47:40 PM
A woman entered the chambers fo the reqruitment center and walked into the mddle. There were many jedi seated around chamber and they all were in the shadows. Nomi could only make out the silouette of there bodies in there chairs.

In a voice almost as if it was a wisper, yet it was very loud for some reason,

:: Greetings (bows), My name is Nomi Kun and i am the last fo my clan on Onderon. People claing to be Sith came through an wipped most of our cities and villages out. I have come here to train and become a Jedi. And hopefully go back after being trained a while to help protect my family. Do you Jedi, have any spots open for new padawans?::

Xazor Elessar
Dec 1st, 2002, 12:54:50 AM
A woman clad in white robes stepped from behind a pillar in the large RC of the Greater Jedi Order. Her cyan eyes flashed up from the floor to come to rest upon a woman who spoke of a planet she was pretty familiar with: Onderon. One of her Padawans who had seemed to disapper from the Order was from there...as was his Brother, the emperor on that planet. Xazor sighed out of memory of the lost Padawan and then smiled up at the woman.

"Greetings, I am Warrior Jedi Knight Xazor Dawnstrider. You seek to join the Jedi this day? For what reason do you come, woman of Onderon?"

Her voice was soft and gentle as she spoke, yet the Garou Knight held a sense of power and dignity in her presence that was unmistakable.

Nomi Kun
Dec 1st, 2002, 11:52:17 PM
In a cheerful voice Nomi responded,

:: I have come to train to be a Jedi, Mam. If there is any spots open that is.::

She waited for a responce while looking over the woman standing in front of her.