View Full Version : Bruised and Broken(Xazor)

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 30th, 2002, 03:14:52 PM
Making his way--ever so slowly--down the hall of the Living Quarters, Terran Starek pulled a limp leg somewhat noisily. He had, thus far, avoided any major attention. Those that had saw him knew exactly where he was going and gave him a sympathetic smile and a nod or wave of concern. Not many people were awake at this ungodly hour--it was well past the middle of the night and approaching dawn. He had a destination, and he was making his way there. Even with his body failing and mind numbing, he would make it there.

His knee cried out in pain with each step. It had been severly injured, and even dragging it was hard work for the Padawan. His wrist was almost broken--if not entirely so. The black and blue outline of it on his skin told that the internal bleeding and bruised flesh was not in good shape. His face, dirty and cut, also showed signs of physical abuse. His clothes, unkempt, dingy, and torn, were almost in tatters.

It had been a rough battle (Dark Nights of Coruscant (Terran v. Silus) (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24229) ) and the hurt Jedi had barely made it back here, to the GJO. HIs first destination, as they dock droid had suggested, should have been the med bay. He would be easily patched up there, with little problem getting back on his feet. However, he had only on destination on his mind.


He needed her, wanted to see her. He had stared down death tonight, with her on his mind, and now it was only necessity that he see her. His head dizzy and eyes heavy as he made his way down the hall to her door, he opened it. It had been unlocked...as if she knew someone was coming. Perhaps she just left it unlocked in case of an emergency, as he knew she commonly thought of others. Making his way inside, to her bedroom, he limped even more. Then, in her doorway, he stopped, his last bit of strength waining.

"Xazor..." he spoke, in a whisper, but loud enough for her to hear. It was all he could muster as his body let go. Falling, with a loud thud, he hit the ground, losing consciousness...

Xazor Elessar
Dec 1st, 2002, 01:04:24 AM
Suddenly the Knight Xazor bolted straight up in bed. Her heart was racing as her ultra-sensitive ears filtered out and figured out who it was that spoke her name. It was none other than Terran and her eyes began refocusing for nightvision as she searched for him. Just as he came into her view, he hit the floor with a loud thud. Flinging the white sheets of her bed off of her, the woman swung her legs over the edge of the bed and ran toward her lover. Falling to her knees at his side, she lifted his head into her hands and brought her face close to his to check for breathing. Indeed, he was still breathing and with her hand she could sense a pulse in his neck.

"Terran? TERRAN?! Come on, you gotta hang in there!"

With a flick of her wrist, the lights came on and she winced for having neglected to re-adjust her eyes. With the Force she lifted him into the air and floated him over to her bed where she laid him down upon the soft down sheets. With the Force she called from the kitchen a pack of ice. It flew through the large rooms until it reached her hand, then she put it upon his head. Her instincts to heal kicked in right away and she left the pack upon his head as both of her hands began removing his tattered and ripped shirt. Once he was bare-chested, she placed both hands upon his skin and closed her eyes, then focused deeply upon the Force and called out her natural healing abilties. A surge of painful energy ran down her arms, into her hands and then into his chest. It began healing him from the inside out. The process was extremely slow, but with aid from the Force, the time was cut in half and he would be healed enough to wake from his deep coma. Unfortunatly, when she was down like this...her healing abilties took even longer. Sighing inwardly, the Knight gained a connection with his sub-conscious mind.

Terran...please hang in there for me....

She whispered in his mind as droplets of sweat began forming upon her forehead. A terrible migrane was coming on as her body began to weaken for she was giving him part of her very life force.

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 1st, 2002, 06:15:18 PM
He regained consciousness as he felt her hands on his chest. His own healing abilities were being used, but they paled in comparison to Xazor's. He could feel the pain of reality surrounding him--the weight of gravity settled in again. It pulled on his muscles, as the soreness of the battle before him set in. It hurt, that was for sure, but it was not the pain of increase. Now was the pain of healing.

Slowly, his eyes opened, one at a time. The first strained to adjust to the amount of light in the room. Then, after gaguing it, it gave his other eye the go ahead to open. They came to focus on a beautiful sight: Xazor. Her face angelic, lit by the lights above. He smiled, weakly, but it was evident that he was at peace in her presence. Her face was soft...but sweat was forming on her brow. She was healing him, using much of her energy to bring him to a steady level of life. He was there he could feel it, but perhaps she wasn't sure.

"Xazor...stop...please, you are strain--" he was cutt of, as his voice was weak and his breathing weaker. He needed to concentrate on breating. He didn't want her to hurt anymore, as it hurt him to feel pain from her aura. She sensed his feelings, and lifted her hands from his chest. He closed his eyes again letting out a deep groan and a sigh of pain.

"Thank.......you......." He squeezed the words out, his exhausted voice a whisper. She could tell that he was going to be ok--he was fine. Of course, he would be sore, and a trip to the med bay would definitely be a good thing. For now, his eyes weighed heavily with the sand and intention...of.......sleep......