View Full Version : Two In One: A Lover and A Hater [Open Challenge]

Teresa Guevera
Nov 30th, 2002, 12:00:15 PM
In the undying labyrinth of my mind and imagination, she haunts a midnight pearl blue hallway of an ivory tower. Every night, she puts her porcelain-colored hand up to her lips, softly kisses her fingertips and opens her palm, blowing dreams to everyone in the galaxy. She brings joy and love to those who deserves it. Her sister is the Goddess of nightmares. She is more often seen, but too dark and sinister to picture.

Leaning on the cement balcony of the 66th floor, Teresa let a sigh escape her glossy lips. She opened her orange eyes, looking down at the city lights of the crowded city, then hung her head to the side gently, letting the wind breeze through her elegant white hair. She ran her pale hand through it softly, the bright lights below flashing slightly in her eyes. She frowned, it was getting boring all of a sudden. She stepped out of the balcony, back into her hotel room and stretched her arms upwards, letting herself yawn slightly. She then grabbed a red leather jacket, putting it on as she marched towards the door, zipping it up over her white attire.

And when it is time for the sun to shine, she will walk back to the end of her magnificent hall, and meet up with her sister. She will encounter another challenge, one that always leaves one half-dead, the other one half-alive. One that will determine if tomorrow night, dreams will live on ... Or be crushed by nightmares. I know because I see them argue, fight and kill each others every day, ever since I came into this world.

Teresa leaned against the metal wall of the elevator, after pressing on the button of the exit/entrance. The lift was empty, that felt odd. She looked to her right and saw a darkened reflection of herself. But instead of having orange eyes, white hair and a frown, the reflection showed the image of a green-eyed girl, with pitch black hair and a grin. It wasn't something new, but it always gave Teresa bad chills down her spine. She looked away as the doors opened, a little ring sound along with it.

Cherice St_Hilare
Nov 30th, 2002, 04:32:28 PM
As Teresa looked away, the doors opened to reveal a lavender skinned woman, with dark silver hair. She was wearing a white blouse with the strings loosely tied, along with brown pants. Obviously, the girl was wrong when she thought that the elevator was empty.

Stepping out, Cherice stared at the young woman for seconds, eyeing her with interest before speaking.

"You can hear it, can't you ? The beating of hearts, the grinding of teeth, the wails of infants. The laughter, the tears ... Life and Death."

The young woman was beautiful with her pale skin and strikingly bright orange eyes, along with the silver hair that draped along her shoulders. She seemed so sad like she hid a dark secret as it tore a hole in her soul. The thought of wanting her crossed the Succubus' mind, to make her scream in pain and pleasure.

"My, my, my," she whispered to herself. "I wonder how long it will take to break you."

Teresa Guevera
Dec 1st, 2002, 06:00:05 PM
"You can hear it, can't you ? The beating of hearts, the grinding of teeth, the wails of infants. The laughter, the tears ... Life and Death."

Teresa arched an eyebrow as the woman spoke to her out of nowhere. She studied the woman's features silently, then turned her head away, trying to pretend she didn't hear anything. No, she couldn't hear Life and Death ... She could hear herself and that other person sharing her heart, soul and body. The elevator started again, and Teresa got nervous. She didn't like being nervous around people ... Especially strangers.


Cherice St_Hilare
Dec 1st, 2002, 08:35:37 PM
".. Well, at least that's what schizophrenia's say," she said, noticing the woman's silence. A playful smirk grew on her lips as she noticed that the woman didn't move. The vibes that were coming off of her had changed from boredom to nervous - slight fear, even ?

"What's the matter ? Cat got your tongue ?"

Cherice took a step closer to the woman, her blue eyes glittering.

Teresa Guevera
Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:23:41 PM
As the woman took a step towards her, the door opened again and a few people walked in. Teresa stepped back in the corner of the elevator. Her orange eyes immediately searched for an exit. Luckily, the floor she wanted to get off on was the next one. She plunged into the swarm of people, excusing herself while the elevator went to the lower level and opened its doors again. She stepped out, running her hand through her hair and down the back of her neck to calm herself down. Still in silence.


Cherice St_Hilare
Dec 2nd, 2002, 08:00:25 PM
She watched as the woman nearly flung herself into the elevator before the doors closed, pursing her lips together poutfully. So, the woman wanted to play ? Well, this would be one game never to forget. Figuring that she could go to each floor and check where the elevator stopped, Cherice walked over to a door and pushed it open, revealing a spiraling staircase. The paint on the hand rail was peel, but she paid no heed.

"Here, kitty, kitty," she sang quietly to herself, hosting herself up on the railing and then jumped off, using the Force to make her landing soft. Pushing the door open, she arrived just in time to see the elevator doors open and the silver haired woman exit.

"Boo," said a voice in Teresa's head.

Cherice let the door shut silently behind her and clasped her hands behind her back.

"Nervous ? You shouldn't be. I am, after all, what you make of me."

Teresa Guevera
Dec 3rd, 2002, 10:50:13 AM
Teresa's eyes widened as she saw that stranger again. Feeling someone wanting to bring her down inside of her, she stepped back and finally spoke, her voice soft, full of innocence. She clenched her fist over her chest, as if to bring that person down.

"I suggest you get away from me, before ... Before she comes and you regre it."

Hadrian Invicta
Dec 3rd, 2002, 09:36:17 PM
Hadrian never liked the city, too much hustle and bustle, too much noise, too much conflict.

Conflict... It was that very thing that had caused him to abandon his simple life, with his simple responsibilities and simple problems. Simplicity, what he wouldn't do to have it back. To be able to go out on the range again, tending to his flocks, watch them grow, play, defend them from the elements and predators, it was something he could never do again, not after he'd stood up for something, shown his strength, shown that he was a threat to the simpleness of home.

So he walked alone in this strange city, on this strange planet that was not home, he needed a place to stay the night. Normally he simply camped in the alley ways, his thick shepherd's cloak keeping him warm and his large extendable herding rod keeping him safe. But it seemed like he was beginning to attract more and more trouble these days and a simple wooden and his force enhanced reflexes weren't going to be enough anymore. So it was time to find a hotel.

::Mistake Number 1::

Hadrian looked down the street, he didn't like the look of these durracrete buildings, of course he didn't like durracrete either. It wasn't that he was scared of technology or had never seen it, he just preferred the simpler things of life. But he was going to have to stay in one of these buildings, so he picked the one that he felt called to him, he didn't know why, it just did.

Walking down the street he opened the doors to the hotel and stepped into the lobby, there were people all around. He walked up to the Reservation Desk.

"Excuse me?" He spoke in a quiet, reserved voice. "Do you have any vacancies?"

The droid nodded and took Hadrian's id and cred card.

"Room 101, 65th floor. Take the turbo-lift next to the stairs and enjoy your stay Mr. Invicta." The proper voice of a protocol droid responded.

"Thank you." Hadrian turned .

Hadrian stepped on the turbo-lift and was transported to the 65th floor.

So far, so good.... He thought as the doors opened and suddenly his defenses were immediately back up.

Two women, one definately malicious (another talent he'd noticed, he could begin to feel someone's auras.), the other one cloudy and they were seemingly arguing.

Don't get involved... He thought to himself as he rubbed a scar on his left hand, a reminder of the last time he got involved with an argument with people that registered on his new sense.

:Mistake Number 2:

"Excuse me ladies." He said as he stepped directly between them, it was too late he had decided against his better judgement. He caused a slight separation between the two parties and looked directly into the white haired girls eyes, something flashed in them that gave him a chill, but he'd decided who he was going to help already and she was the one.

"Is everything alright?" He asked calmly, his hand inside his cloak gripping the extendable shepherd's rod that he always carried.

Cherice St_Hilare
Dec 12th, 2002, 08:53:42 PM
"Who ? Your mother ?"

Cherice scoffed at the girl's words before breaking out into another grin. Crossing her arms over her chest, she canted her head to the side as her blue eyes studied Teresa.

"Excuse me, ladies," said a voice, breaking the silence. She let out an aggravated sigh as a man stepped inbetween them, shoving Cherice back a little.

"I believe everything is," she replied, answering his question.

Her voice was laced with such sweetness as she stared wide-eyed at him, slowly tricking him with her appearance that she was, indeed, quite innocent. At the same time, she suddenly hid her Force signature knowing that he could pick up on it and ruin her fun.

"Now can you mind your own business ?"

Hadrian Invicta
Dec 15th, 2002, 02:10:48 PM
Hadrian glanced at the oddly colored woman before he began to step away. She was pure evil, he could taste the hate she held for all, oozing off of her. This was not going to end pretty, she would more than likely not let Hadrian just go on his merry way after she was done with the pale-skinned girl.

"I'm sorry, my mistake." he said sheepishly, his thumb teasing the activation switch on his extendable shephered rod.

"Miss." he nodded to the dark-sider.

Then turning towards the other female, he saw a look of concern on her face, he didn't understand why, but it seemed she was upset.

"Is everything ok," He asked the other.