View Full Version : Short Absence

Ceres Duvall
Nov 30th, 2002, 12:08:32 AM
For all of those that roleplay with me as Zatania, Riley, or Ceres, I'll be absent for a couple of days.

I caught something and I haven't been feeling well at all. To put it simply, my head feels like it's exploding and I feel all pukey and nauseous. I've been like this for about three days straight now and can't concentrate on anything. So until I feel somewhat human, I'm going to take a little break from RPing so that I don't embarrass myself by misreading something crucial.I'll be on msn every once in a while, just in case I can catch Julian on.. But I don't think I should RP until my head's a little more clear.

I have an ego when it comes to my posts. If they're not perfect, I go insane. So thats mainly why I'm taking the absence, so that my illness doesn't screw me up lol. Anyways, I'm off to bed in a few.. Haven't been able to find the advil so I'm walking things off.

Dae Jinn
Nov 30th, 2002, 12:29:35 AM
Get well soon! And come back when you're ready :) No worries.

Ceres Duvall
Nov 30th, 2002, 04:49:38 AM

Looks like I got my mom sick. *just woke up from only a short two or three hour nap, when it was supposed to be sleeping until morning* Migraine.. Ugh. Beware whatever this crap is. O_o I can't sleep straight through the night.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 7th, 2002, 07:21:35 PM
I'm feeling much better now! So I'm back to create havok and hell! >D:smokin

Andraq Novkar
Dec 7th, 2002, 08:26:36 PM
Glad you're feeling better.

Don't know you that well. But glad you're better!

Say, got a AIM SN? or MSN?


Ceres Duvall
Dec 7th, 2002, 08:49:17 PM
Yep. LordessHeaven is my AIM Heazure@hotmail.com is my msn

Emily Rochette
Dec 8th, 2002, 08:16:54 AM
X3 Philly's Avvie is PINK!

Anyway, welcome back! :wave